Judge Arrested

| 24/09/2008

(CNS): Justice Alex Henderson has been arrested in connection with the independent investigation, the Governor Stuart Jack announced this morning, saying he was saddened by the event. Martin Bridger, Senior Investigating Officer, said the arrest was directly connected to the original investigation surrounding accusations made against Anthony Ennis.

“I want to make it clear that this is part of the original investigation which commenced with allegations made against Deputy Commissioner Anthony Ennis and Cayman Net News Editor-in-Chief Desmond Seales,” Bridger said. Offering scant details surrounding the arrest, Bridger said Henderson had been arrested for offences relating to misconduct in a public office and that it was not directly related to the circumstances surrounding the unlawful entry into the Net News offices.

Speaking to the media at the Government Information Service (GIS) offices, the Governor said that the arrest had no bearing on any of the judgements made by Henderson, and the process of justice would not be interfered with. He said the Chief Justice, Anthony Smellie, was currently assessing the implications concerning Henderson’s pay and status while the justice remained in police custody.

Bridger said that while he was aware of the impact of the arrest, the decision was taken after careful consideration of the evidence available and with the benefit of independent legal advice. “I have said previously I will go wherever the information or evidence takes me,” he said, adding that he was now nearing the time when he would be interviewing Commissioner Stuart Kernohan and Chief Superintendent John Jones.

“I acknowledge that these are difficult times and the latest development will generate much public debate. That said, I ask the community and the media in particular not to prejudge the guilt or innocence of any individual involved in this investigation,” Bridger said. “I am aware that there is increasing desire from the community to bring these matters to conclusion. I understand that, but at the same time I want people to know that with investigations of this nature there are many strands and processes that one has to go through.”

The Governor acknowledged that there were concerns over the cost of the year-long investigation and he did not deny recent reports that so far in excess of $1.67 million has been spent.

“It is important to know that investigations of this nature inevitably take time and money. I do believe it is of national importance to pursue this specific investigation to its full conclusion, and I again ask for your support,” the Governor said.  “I know there is speculation about the cost of this investigation; however, the price of doing nothing is far greater in regards to the long term credibility and reputation of the Cayman Islands as a safe and economically viable jurisdiction.”

The Governor also said that the decisions he was making surrounding this investigation were very difficult and causing him many sleepless nights.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    This is very frightening to me as it is becoming increasing clear that we are under attack.

    The timing of these "investigations" and arrests are very suspect and after Euro-Bank, conspiracy theories – such as the UK representatives are MI-6 operative "plants" with a clear agenda to undermine investor confidence in Cayman – will gain momentum.

    Investorswill not remember the outcome, only the scandal – that Cayman’s police force, the judiciary, cabinet, politicians, the press, university and MLAs are all "corrupt".

    Public arrests and scandals with no formal charges, while the parties concerned recieve full salary for an indefinitie period – all paid for by the Cayman people, who are also footing the bill for the Governor’s private UK police team, as well as for the substantial legal fees for each commission of inquiry.

    Reputation is a fluid, delicate thing. It takes a very long time to recover from a serious assault, whether it is borne out in facts or is simply left to public perception.

    Cayman is entirely a service-based economy (we have no natural resources and produce nothing): without our reputation, we will be lost.

    Wake up, people!





    • Anonymous says:

      To the poster who said "we will see who is laughing in the end"  – let us forever pray and hope that you and those like you do not ever become the majority (or should I say politically represent the majority) in these beautiful islands.   No one should be laughing now or later regardless of the outcome.

  2. Anonymous says:

    We the people of the Cayman Islands deserve the best.  We hire these people to help protect our Islamd, but in return they are the ones who is destroying it.  They make alot of MONEY each month and still can’t get enough.

     A BIG thank you to the Governor and Mr. Bridger on such a GOOD job.    Keep up the good job and we the people of the Cayman Islands will continue to work with you all.  Lets clean up this Island and take back to where we was 30 years ago.  Save our Islands from these Money Hogs.  God Bless the two of you.  It hurt us so to know that we are taken advantage by so many in the last few months.  These people that are doing this is taken the people of the Cayman Islands for FOOLS! 

    Lets prove to them that we are able to take back Cayman and make it a safe place with them stealing from us. 

    A true Caymanian and a proud  Bayer

  3. Anonymous says:

    There is a lot of jubilation about this sad situation.  I think we would do well to wait before rushing to judgement..

    Could it be that we may end up with a mockery of justice rather than the "salvation" that the public is heralding with such jubilation?

    Let us beware — appearances and reality are more often than not entirely at odds with each other.

    We shall see who is laughing in the end.

  4. Anonymous says:

    When this investigaton came to light we were told that the Police Force would be cleaned up, What Happened? Surely Mr Bridger doesn’t think its now clean! Then Legal Dept should be investigated at the same time that’s the ‘Head of the Snake’. Then Immigration needs a clean sweep. Spend whatever it costs the Caymanians would rather be broke but comforted that they might eventually be treated fairly and justice served.

  5. Anonymous says:

    thank the lord its in the hands of the governor and not the politicians. they would cover up for there friends and supporters. next step the governor should take is to investigate all politically apointed boards big time coruption would be discovered.

    • Anonymous says:

      yes i agree the politicians are the worst  – they cover for their own their friends and whatever their business interests are

  6. Anonymous says:

    Yes! God bless our Governor and give him the strength and fortitude to continue to do what is right and rid these departments of all its corruption!!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Thank God for the The Governor or shall we call him the "Terminator"!

    God bless the Queen & the Cayman Islands as we go forward.

    A true Caymanian!



  8. Anonymous says:


  9. Who will it be next? says:

    Who will it be next? Whom can we trust? Something really has to be done about all the corruption in these little islands.

    It seems that the Police Force and the Judicial Departments really need to have a "complete clean up" from the top to the bottom!!

    Very irrate and concerned Caymanian 


    • Anonymous says:

      WOW! Whats next? This is what happens when a Judical Department and a Police Department are allowed to do whatever they want for so very long, this is the first time that these dept. have ever been scrutinized. SCARY!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      The people of these islands need to pray for the His Excellency the Governor during these difficult times.  He has previously shown the intestinal fortitude to stand up and do what is and he is apparently not shirking in his responsibilites now either.  Please remember than even during these difficult times, that the Governor also has the added weight of little or no support from the elected government who are playing politics with our childrens future.