Henderson refused interview

| 26/09/2008

(CNS): Although the Senior Officer leading the Special Investigation, Martin Bridger (left), has said that Judge Alex Henderson was arrested on Wednesday in connection with his enquiries regarding offences relating to misconduct in a public office, CNS has learned that the arrest could have been based on the judge’s simple refusal to be interviewed voluntarily in connection with the investigation.

Sources have revealed that, as a result of Henderson’s role as a Grand Court judge and the fact that in future he may be asked to preside over cases related to the investigation’s outcome, he had refused requests for a formal interview that may be based on accusations made by one of the investigation’s witnesses.

Sources within the legal community, who spoke on condition of anonymity, have indicated that Henderson’s strong commitment to his judicial role, his outspoken approach, his independence and his refusal to be railroaded are the reasons why he has found himself on the wrong side of Bridger’s investigation, and that the judge’s integrity should not be in question.

Members of the Canadian judiciary have already expressed their disbelief that Henderson’s integrity has been questioned and that he has been arrested. Yesterday, members of the local legal community also began to express their shock over the arrest. One legal expert told CNS that the judge’s arrest had everything to do with Henderson’s outspoken independence. One also noted that the investigation was being poorly handled and the intense secrecy was exceptionally harmful to the jurisdiction as a whole and was leading to ridiculous speculation.

With two of Cayman’s Grand Court judges now "suspended" from judicial duties, concern is mounting that the local legal system is in serious jeopardy for all the wrong reasons. One lawyer also suggested that the complaints against Justice Priya Levers are absolutely unfounded and are related to disgruntled victims of her rulings, and the justice is being persecuted for doing her job properly.

It is, however, clear that the case surrounding Justice Levers is entirely unrelated to the special independent investigation and that the interest in Henderson and his arrest relate directly to accusations made against him that he may have been seeking inside information from Cayman Net News on matters relating to criticisms of the local judiciary.

CNS was still unable to confirm whether the justice had retained legal counsel or was dealing with the matter himself. And with facts still impossible to establish, CNS submitted further questions to Bridger enquiring if other members of the judiciary are likely to be questioned, but he refused to comment.

After refusing to give details of where he derives his authority to engage in electronic and other surveillance when questioned at Wednesday’s press briefing, Bridger refused again to comment on any of his investigation techniques when asked more questions by CNS yesterday.

Bridger did, however, confirm that John Evans remained a witness for the case but ignored questions relating to Henderson’s connection to the former Cayman Net News staff writer.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    It is so sad that we have to read a Canadian Newspaper to find out what is going on with an investigation in the Cayman Islands!!! An investigation that we are paying for!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      I  recall that both the elected government as well as the opposition declared publicly that they supported the Governor when he put the three top cops on required leave and that they supported the independent investigation.   Are they now saying they no longer support the Governor and the indpendent investigation? Are they now saying that the Governor should get thier input prior to proceeding with the Investigation? Are they saying that they should be made privy to the details of the investigation while it is ongoing? How can they be made aware of the details – they themselves might be under suspicion of interference or something else?  This is why it is independent and this is why politians are briefed rather than consulted.

      Are the elected government saying that they disagree with the actions taken? If so on what basis? This second guessing of the indpendent investigation by the elected government  (which they originally supported)  does not help with public confidence.  It seems that this whole thing is becoming politicized to try and rush constitutional advancement for the wrong reasons.

      I however agree with some of the proposals for an indpendent judiciary committee and an oversight body to advise the Governor as proposed by the government under the new constitution.  Not all of us are irrational and we can take a balanced reasoned view of things.



  2. Anonymous says:

    The corruption amongst local politicians is far spread, Cayman’s foreign reputation and ability to compete with the financial centers of the world rests on its ability to attract reputable service providers from overseas who have received a good quality education and raise the bar to international standards…Judge Henderson was once such individual, he has dedicated countless hours to bring justice to this country and what he gets for it is a sloppy arrest from bitter locals. If McKeeva Bush lives to preach another day what standards is the country setting….this arrest is unfounded and ridiculous and has made a real mockery out of the country’s legal system.  In the aftermath of all this I would like to see how the country attracts reputable barristers and judges as this news has gotten around the legal communties of the world…the country cannot go on like this if it wants to progress like the rest of the world

    • Anonymous says:

      What does the Leader of the Oppostion have to do with the topic at hand? He’s not in charge of the Judiciary.

    • Anonymous says:

      The arrest of Justice Henderson has nothing whatever to do with "bitter locals". If the arrest is unfounded, and it may be, then it has everything to do with Mr. Bridger, the Acting Commissioner and the Governor none of whom are "locals", bitter or otherwise. Just another anti-Caymanian ramble.

      May be someone can answer why Mr. John Evans who it appears is alleged to have committed a crime similar to that alleged to have been committed by Mr. Lyndon Martin has not been arrested and charged? What is the difference? His nationality?


  3. Anonymous says:

    Speak for yourself.  This Caymanian would trust an alligator before trusting of GOVERNOR or QUEEN.  Do you notice everyone under investigation is in their position by the QUEEN’S appointment? 

  4. Anonymous says:

    Check out – http://www.canada.com/vancouversun/story.html?id=8b6fe7d5-a44f-4b13-a0a7-8f7317d618a3

    Incidentally, I spoke to John Evans last night. After this arrest I would say they have no chance of getting him back to testify – he was really pissed off!

  5. Anonymous says:

    What are they nervous about? The poor people of this country are sick and tired of being railroaded and disenfranchise by a certain crowd of untouchables in this country. Nervous that must be their conscience bothering them.Some folks come here and believe they can do as they feel like and get away with things they could not get away with in their own respective countries other here have been doing things so long they have come to believe and think it is completely legal and believe they should answer to no one,the law does not apply to them. Well it seems mother does not agree with them.,and mother knows best. Whip them in to shape old boy We caymanians back this Governor and Mr Bridger in their noble endeavour to clean up this mess. I suggest to those who do not like it go out and buy a Merle Haggard album and listen to song called, You love leave it.