Shop robbed at gun point

| 19/06/2009

(CNS): Police said this morning that detectives in West Bay have begun an investigation into an armed robbery which occurred at G and L Minimart on Watercourse Road, West Bay, last night (Thursday 18 June.) A customer and staff member were forced into a back room by a man they thought was armed with a gun and who’s face was covered with a UDP t-shirt. The robber then made off with the store’s cash register. The offender was described as 5ft 6ins with slim build and a brown complexion.


Police said that the 911 Emergency Communications Centre received a call from a member of staff at the store at around 8.20pm reporting that she had just been robbed by a man carrying what appeared to be a handgun. Police responded to the scene and found that shortly before the 911 call was made a man entered the store and directed the one staff member and one customer which were present to the back of the room.

He then reportedly asked for the cash register to be opened but before it was he removed it from the counter and left the building with it. Neither victim was injured during the incident. An area search was carried out but the suspect was not located.

The offender is described as 5ft 6ins tall, slim built with a brown complexion. His face was covered with a green UDP T-shirt and he was wearing a black long sleeved shirt, blue ¾ length jeans pants and black ‘crock’ shoes.

Police said they would like to hear from anyone who was in the Watercourse Road area at the time who may have seen the offender prior to or after the robbery or anyone who recognizes the description of the offender.

Anyone who can help should contact West Bay CID on 949-3999 or Crime Stoppers on 800-8477 (TIPS). All persons calling Crime Stoppers remain anonymous, and are eligible for a reward of up to $1000, should their information lead to an arrest or recovery of property/drugs.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    It is interesting to read the headline states "Robbed at Gunpoint" but the text says "what appeared to be a handgun".  At the very least a question mark should have been placed after to the headline.

    As for the humourous postings, I see no harm in it as long as it is not distasteful.  A sense of humour allows us to cope with many things.

    What is a joke is the RCIPS I think and I always smile whenthey ask for ‘assistance’ since what they are really saying is they have no clue and want someone to solve it for them.   When I see a patrol car with the passenger police officer (in uniform) reclined and sleeping, it clearly demonstrates poor discipline in the RCIPS.

  2. Anonymous says:

    CNS you are doing an excellent job, however i think you should monitor some of these postings just a bit more carefully.  Yes we have freedom of speech, but some of the ignorant posts serve no purpose to the healthy debate the comments section facilitates.  They do nothing but harbor the ill feelings of PPM vs UDP, at a time when we should be moving away from that nonsense.

  3. anonymous says:

    Wonder when Mac and UDP going clean up West Bay crime!! Oh, I forgot, the crime in Cayman is the PPM’s problem……yeah right…

  4. Richard Head says:

    Black Crocs??!!

    Maybe it was this guy….

  5. Anonymous says:

    I agree with Shanna-Lea Scotta, get a life people and stop posting your stupid comments.

  6. Clearviewer says:

    I want to think that some of these postings   are  just to get a laugh,  BUT hear this,   this isnt  a  laugning matter and all of you should be out there trying to aid and assist the police in getting this animal of the streets,  you have no idea what this criminal is doing to our reputation across the globe, these postings are seen by millions of people and what do we want people to think of us,  stop the political blarney and get involved.

  7. Anonymous says:

    What! I thought UDP was gonna solve all the Crime that they were blaming on PPM?  HA HA A UDP Shirt breaking into that store……  What a MESS!!!!

    • Twyla M Vargas says:


      What does UDP or PPM have to do with this crime which was committed, and most of all the stupid  Gibberish of HA HA HA  UDP T. Shirt.  

      I am surprised that someone has,nt said it was the Leader;  because if a Cow had kittens some people would say they belong to UDP.   So For Pete,s sake please get on.  The election is over and half of PPM  and Independ is now joining UDP.  You did,nt know about that?

      No  one know who committed this crime, or why it took place.  It may be reasons of surprise or may not, however I would say let the police do their job of investigating, leave the Politicis out of it.  Stop  being a Sore Looser.  Not all of PPM feel this way, and you would be surprised to know how many has now joined up with UDP.  When it is all said and done, it comes down to us Caymanians who have to live here, so instead of making it more difficult,  and ask how you can help (the bread is buttered on there side whether you like it or not.)  try to assist in making Cayman a better place for all of us to live.   Walk Good.

      • Caymaniam says:

        Twyla, You are so amused by comments about Chukie digging holes, but you seem to think you are the humour police when it comes to the inevitable jokes regarding a gunman wearing a party t-shirt to cover his face? I found both threads amusing, while agreeing that the crime  involved in the latter is no laughing matter, maybe you need to get over the election yourself? Just a thought. 

        • Twyla M Vargas says:

          ARE,NT YOU HAPPY

          At least you have a Caymanian woman name Twyla who has the guts to sign her name, not hiding under frock tail.  A woman with a voice who can step up, take the mike in her hand and say HELO CAYMAN.  This is what I stand  up for.

           Not getting over the election would be still hiding, have,nt you ever given that some thought.  How can you have the adaucity to sign your name Caymanian.  Caymanian are bold people with a vision not whimps picking on people under assumed names.  However this is nothing about UDP PPM or INDEPENDENT. Correct?

          • Caymaniam says:

            Good Evening Twyla,

            No offence was intended. My post was just a friendly banter based on you chastising others for making political jokes, while enjoying those that matched you political position. I saw this as a somewhat partisan sense of humour.  I reponded using your name because that it how you chose topost. I would have done the same for an "Anonymous" or pseudonym post. I don’t think that is picking on you. I try to debate the points, not the people. 

            As for posting as "Caymanian", I think you have misread my screen name; it is CaymanIam, just a play on words, meant to suggest where my heart lies. Many, if not most posters on this site remain anonymous (as do almost all callers on the talk shows, most of whom sound like they are Caymanian). I do not think that makes them all "Whimps".

            I am not sure if I understand you closing question. If you are asking if my post had a political agenda then no, you are absolutely correct, it did not. 

            You Walk Good and Good Night!



  8. Shanna-Lea Scotta says:

    Why are there such ignorant comments (i.e. labba labba)?

    Why do people have to turn such a serious issue into a joke or political matter? This has nothing to do with UDP or PPM,this the perfect example of lazy people who refuse to make an honest living, so they steal from honest, hard working people.

    People who leave such ignorant and stupid comments don’t realize they are just as bad as the idiots who wore the UDP shirts over their faces to rob that store.

    Shame on ALL of you who are making this issue into a joke. One robbery taking light hearted will turn into many, I’m sure it wouldn’t be a joke or political matter if it was you who was robbed.

  9. Anonymous says:

    What….Gillard got robbed by his own party ?? Surprise surprise…..the country is next !!!!!!!!!!

  10. Anonymous says:

    This is the negative of giving PPM supporters UDP shirts.

    They come up with the strangest ideas to get back for losing the elections.

  11. labba labba says:

    Clearly not the first or the last time that the UDP has robbed somebody blind!