South Sound project back

| 10/01/2010

(CNS): The developers of Emerald Sound, a proposed residential canal development in South Sound which had met with considerable objection from the local community, are re-submitting a new application to planning. The Burns Conolly group, the consultant engaged to make the planning submissions, has issued information to land owners in the area detailing the revised proposal on the 91-acre site adjacent to Bel Air drive. The original objections had included several issues from drainage problems to the environment. However, Burns Conolly stated in the notice of application, on behalf of RC Estates, that the detailed information on the new plans was intended to dispel misunderstandings concerning the project.

He wrote: “Years of detailed consideration and thousands of hours of professional consulting have resulted in a very carefully thought-out development that will only enhance the area and increase property values for all. Additional studies have now been and those studies have informed the changes to the layout.”

The movement of the road as well as the construction of a bridge, the blocking of coastal views and the removal of mangroves were among the main issues which had caused controversy. Connolly states in the notice that there is no need to have a bypass but the NRA has requested a by pass road be reserved for the future. However, he said the new road would be elevated offering more protection from flooding.  He also said that the bridge would introduce new views of South Sound and with no existing coastal development in the area no property owners’ view are being blocked.

According to the notice, the drainage issue will be addressed by the use of swales and all water runoff will remain on the Emerald Sound property, which will be completely encircled by a drainage landscape feature.

Conolly states that none of the mangroves in South Sound are protected by law and some 120 feet of mangrove and Casuarinas will be removed at the entrance to the canal on the seaside. But he said that the developers had already planted over 200 mangroves in the area and that they intend to replenish those lost during construction. He also stated that a public park would be developed to the West of the breakwater entrance.

He said, however, that the mangroves only provide limited protection during flooding and hurricanes and cannot protect against the flooding which occurred during the sea surge associated with Hurricane Ivan. The notice said that Emerald Sound would not increase the likelihood of surge since, except for the canal entrance, mangroves are not being removed and the beach ridge elevation is not being reduced. “Emerald Sound will likely improve the sea surge resistance of the area not reduce it,” Conolly claimed.

He said the development would be very low density and just over half of the land would be actually developed and the rest would be canal, landscape or public green space. “The property is allowed to have over 1360 apartments or 300 house lots,” the notice states but that this development proposes less than 170 apartments and only 82 homes.

Conolly said that RC Estates was proud of the development and its design features and that it would increase property values in the area and would be the start of a more beautiful South Sound coastal road system.

The notice and revised proposal was issued to residents in the area on 23 December who had 21 days from that date to submit their objections to the director of planning.

CNS has received notice that a community meeting for those affected by the project and others with concerns will be held at the South Sound Community Centre on Thursday evening.

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  1. Sally Burglerman says:

    Dear government and people of Cayman,


    No matter what no one will get me to change my mind that this canal estate is a bad idea. Our costal views will be blocked, our environment will be put in danger, and any one living in the South Sound area who are thinking of selling soon may not get as much profit beacause of the building of the canal and the possible dangers.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Unique Design – Supported

    I live in the area and managed to go down to the Planning Department and view the plans.  While I don’t want to see the area developed I think out of all the options (and what I see happening further towards town) I will support this development.  It’s unique and just because it hasn’t been done before in this area doesn’t mean it won’t be nice!  Look at Camana Bay…everyone objected to that, and I’m sure 90% of those objectors go and enjoy those facilities…

    • Day and night says:

      Smart Alex BC dont you know canals on the southside of Grand Cayman is a no-no, you can’t go there. All canal lots are on the northern side of the Islands for a reason.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Don’t destroy Cayman.

    There are tons of undeveloped canal front land this is not needed.

    I have the choice to take the water front or bypass in the mornings and evenings.

    Although it takes a little longer I choose the water front everyday.

    Don’t destroy Cayman.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Very DANGEROUS Design!

    Short List of poorly thought out features that should never be approved:


    Where South Sound road was essentially straight, the developer decided to insert a sharp curve – to increase the depth of his seafront lots – right NEAR the Old Crewe road intersection: cars crossing South Sound road to turn right will have no visibility of incoming traffic from the West and the condos owners on the seaside opposite Old Crewe road will no longer be able to safely cross South Sound road to turn right or continue on to Old Crewe road…

    – 50′ FLUSHING CHANNEL spewing into South Sound:

    Aside from the main channel, there is a 50′ "Flushing Channel" angled eastward across South Sound road to take advantage of a lot not deep enough to build on, bringing smelly swamp sediments, water darken by peat and everything that will be flushed out from this proposed development within 200′ of neighbouring properties.

    If this "Flushing Channel" were built straight across South Sound road, as it logically should, it would occupy lot 21C/127, which is much further away from other properties and less of a nuisance.


    There is no staggered breakwater to deflect the seas coming directly from the South, so large seas will be able to drive through this breach of the coastal ridge and swamp the entire development and low lying surrounding areas during a hurricane…

    – NO TURNING LANES at both North and South ENTRANCES:

    Perfect setup to cause accidents and slow the normal traffic down, as other motorists wait for car turning in or coming out to get through…


    I refute the developer’s argument that the proposed realigned road would be better protected from storm action, as none of this road section was ever damaged during Ivan.

    The claim that the developer planted 200 mangroves is a sad joke: a while back, clumps of tiny mangrove trees potted in some cementitious material were dropped off in various locations and they are still there in  clumps, looking more forlorn every month…

    Hopefully, there are going to be more objections this time around than the 300 odd that were raised last time: please, attend the forthcoming meeting next Thursday at the South Sound Community Hall at 7:00 pm to register your objection. Even if you don’t live nearby, you probably don’t want a much increased risk of accidents on this section of South Sound road…

    Btw, I am not against developing this area, but against realigning South Sound road to line the pockets of the developer at the expense of road safety and against creating a web of canals and channels in this very exposed area of the island… 








  5. Anonymous says:

    Another disaster for Cayman! When will people learn?!? VOTE NO!

  6. Anonymous says:

    BIG MISTAKE!…………..

    It is my experience, over the past years, that many business people, including developers in Cayman have only one interest – lining their own pockets, while having a negative impact to the island environment.  No matter what they may say, no matter how hard they try and deflect attention, no matter how smooth talking they are… is all smoke and mirrors.

    We just have to see the facts before us…..

    1. Mr Conolly owns a local architecture company.

    2. Mr Conolly ran for election (rumor says as a decoy puppet for the UDP, allegedly!).

    3. The UDP government has now appointed Mr. Conolly as Chairman of a committee to review the Development and Planning Law and Regulations. This is a case of clear conflict of interest that should not be allowed, and I wonder how many laws that will be changed will benefit his own development and work.

    Whichever way you look at it, this is a massive development for what is actually quite an unspoilt area of Cayman, and in my opinion, will  have a huge negative effect on its surroundings.  We would be crazy to allow this to happen, and should do everything we can to stop it, before it is too late.

    I would hope that being a native Caymanian, he would care about the country, and do his best to secure its future for generations to come, instead he seems hell bent on raping it of all its goodness and destroying its future.

    Mr. Conolly, I plead to any ounce of humanity you may have……think twice before you continue with this big mistake!

  7. south sound Caymanian walker says:

      From the contents of all the post I would estimate that about 75% of those with something to say have nothing but their own self interest  and pathetically ignorant rants about how what they know is fact all evidence to the contrary.  If you have a legitimate argument state what that is period.

    Example:  The idea of a well thought out and proffessionaly built subdivision is always a good idea. You are basically taking a swamp area and making it  work for the island.  Being a swamp area please make sure that drainage issues are well thought out and because it is close to the water anything that will protect the shoreline is good, anything that will weaken it is bad.  Please do not take away the view of the ocean from the road as this is one of the best features of the south sound area.  If possible could you have a path off the roadway for the runners/walkers to go safely by.  Thank you for your considerations.  Good luck with your project.

    • Some people says:

      Just a swamp area?


      This is the same muddle-headed thinking that lead to this:


      But afterall….it’s just an island. No good to anyone unless we pave it and develop it.

    • Anonymous says:

      75% Oppose this development and climbing and it would soon be 100% by the weekend, so for you who is for such a project, can keep your mouth shut! for Supporting this gigantic unnecessary project for an architect and a punchof no common sense developers who only cares about their pockets. Shame!!! On You!!!

  8. Cowardly says:

    Filing the plannng application on 23 December was tactical and cowardly.  The developers should be ashamed of their selfishness and callousness – theyknew many people would be away on vacation and timed the filing with the purpose of trying to minimise legitimate opposition. 


  9. Anonymous says:

    It Will NEVER Happen!

    Some concerned owners in the area will take this issue to court all the way to the Privvy Council, if necessary…

    The only way XXX Renee will develop this land is without canals or touching South Sound road’s alignment…

    Last time, there were some 300 signatures on the petition: this time there will be more than 500 and the trick to file 2 days before X’mas won’t work …

    See you all at the meeting at the South Sound Community Hall at 7:00 pm this coming Thursday…





    • anonymous says:

      Only in Cayman when we have 1000 people out of work that we have people rejecting development in a recesion!! yet we still want Cayman Airways and roads.

      Everyone should have the right to develop their own property. Mr. Rene please continue. I need some work now for my truck and backhoe and I am sure these people here are not giving me any.

      pure bad mindedness

      • Anonymous says:

        yes, develop his own property, but NOT property on 10 feet of land on the seaside, & not by moving the road inland & destryoing our shores, view & environment. STOP THE SELFISHNESS in the name of greed!

  10. Anonymous says:

     Great discussion – the really interesting aspect is that Caymanians are all for developing every piece of green land on the island in the hope that ‘if you build it, they will come’. The thing is, ‘THEY’  refers to more and more expats. This is what the likes of Twyla and Bernie and Conolly really want. They want more expats and less Caymanians, and to this end they may well have a point. More expats means less bigotry, racism, domestic violence and animal cruelty on this island for starters. Greater diversity, environment awareness, tolerence and understanding for seconds. CMA would lose power and corruption could well be stamped out in the MLA. 

    Twyla, Bernie, Conolly you go guys. Keep on building, since there are more then enough houses for every Caymanian, this just means that all new buildings are for the new and ever expanding population of expats.

    Be careful what you wish for, it may just well come true….. 

  11. Anonymous says:

    I do live near this project but did not receive formal notice.  Here follows an extract of my points which will hopefully give those debating the subject a little more to think about ========================

    I note that the developer has made some amendments to include a drainage swale feature to address flooding problems. 
    a)  Interestingly, there is no mention of the water quality issues or the results of the studies that were undertaken. How does the developer expect to contain contaminents from entering the swale or the canals such as from septic tanks, landscaping, paved areas, fowl & rubbish?
    b)  Standing water is a problem when it comes to the control of mosquitoes.  Who is going to take on the problem and expense of mosquitoe control for the Emerald Sound Development?
    c)  What about the rainy season and storm water?  When the rains or seasonal storms come the swales will overfill and what will happen to the flood waters?  If the plan is to continually allow these waters to drain back and be dumped into South Sound then an impact study needs to be provided to address what the environmental issues will be of letting this happen on a recurring basis.
    The proposed pedestrian enhancements are enticing and would be a great improvement.  However, what if the project forges ahead and the developer finds there is insufficient interest in the parcels or the global recession affects the demand and the project does not complete.  We will be left with a moonscape environment along what was once a picture postcard area.  I would take some comfort if the timing of these enhancements were scheduled to be completed at the time that the road/bridge is completed.
    Bridge & Canal Access
    Although I have no objection to the development proposals inland, my greatest area of concern is with the construction of a new bridge over water and subsequent canal access into South Sound.
    a)  We currently have an excess of canal front property elsewhere on the island.  There are numerous developments that remain only partially sold or are incomplete/without funding.
    b)  The project would be precedent setting in nature.  This would mean that potentially anyone who owns land that is not wide enough on the seaside could make an application to cut the road, re-align the existing access etc. all to gain sea access from inland eg. Pease Bay.  I appreciate that developers want to maximise their investment but it is not reasonable to allow humans to carve up the landscape like a puzzle and re-arrange the pieces.  It is simply unnatural and not how nature or God intended.
    c)  What happens if South Sound is deemed to not be deep enough to support this type of infrastructure ie investors find they sustain too much bottom damage to their motorboats or simply can’t use the size of boat/engine that they prefer.  Having grown up at Old Prospect I know all too well that navigating South Sound is tricky at the best of times and only a seasoned captain would attempt to travel through the existing reef channel.  Investors will be put off and the developer, having a sizeable investment, would be forced to put pressure on Government to have the Sound dredged. 
    d)  What do the studies say about punching through the naturally occuring storm ridge created by the beach?  Simply making a reference to say the development will ‘likely’ improve the sea surge resistance by elevating the road does not give me any comfort on the issue!
    e)  More detailed information and technical reporting needs to be given in regards to the natural rock breakwater system at the canal entrance.  How high is it and what do they mean by natural rock?  It is a proven fact that breakwater structures have mitigating affects on their surroundings and affect the flow of sand deposits.  This will cause devastating errosion of the existing sand deposits along South Sound and those people who have paid vast sums of money for beach front property.  This will have the contrary effect on property values. 
    f)  South Sound has been a protected replenishment zone since 1986 and it is vitally important.  The Marine Conservation Law only allows prosecution of boat owners who intentionally damage a replenishment zone.  There is nothing to protect the park from having coral run over and broken apart or scarring of the seabed by increased boat traffic.  To blatently disregard this fact is going to have repercussions on the environment and not something that is positive for development.
    f)  Who will be responsible for maintaining the bridge, attending to any repairs and ensuring safety?  What happens if the bridge is impassable after a storm?  Our regulations do not require the developer to do this or provide any funding.
    Such an ambitious project will change the aesthetics of South Sound from a quiet family neighbourhood into a bustling canal environment.  The landscape will change with the errection of a bridge above the mangroves and the noise levels along the beach side will be unpleasant and with novice boat operators increased danger.  Investors have chosen to live in South Sound for it’s charm.  If they wanted a 7-mile beach atomosphere then that is where we would have placed our investment.  For such a project to reach fruition the risks involved far outweigh the benefits and I do not agree with the developer that the project will enhance existing property values or be the desirable investment that he thinks.  A secure gated lakeside development would be equally, if not a more attractive and harmonious alternative.
    If Planning should deem the project to be of an enhancing nature (not my view), given the risk of the effects on such a valuable public resource, it would be appropriate that a large monetary bond be reserved by the developer to remedy the environmental damage so that the cost of undoing what may be deemed to be a mistake lies with the developer and not the public (government).  Although there are currently no provisions in the law to allow for a bond this is something that should be enforced for such a ground breaking project.
  12. Don't worry I wont stay says:

    Anyone notice the acre or so of wet lands on Old Crewe Road that were plowed away last week to "make a small driveway" to the new vehicle inspection site?

    I suppose the boss lives in Georgetown and did not want to be stuck in the 200 yards of traffic from the Hurleys roundabout to the TWO driveways already in place.

    • Infactuation... says:

      Are you sure that is a small driveway and not the start of the new bypass?

      Just checking…


  13. Kerry Horek says:

    Well the reality is if we don’t open our minds and gates to more development we will all starve to death in this country.  I welcome ALL the new projects and development, bring as many as our shores can handle.  THis way the Govt. can earn more money and get us back on our feet.

    I certainly support Burns Connolly and wish him all the best with this project.

    Let the development continue, so many of us can survive in this country especially the construction people whom are feeling it the worse.

    Good luck Mr. Connolly.

    • Anonymous says:

      yes, as a foreigner I do not expect any different from you. How can you support the destruction of our shoreline simply for the sake of money? That sounds a lot like prostitution. Money is not everything. Why not let Caymanians enjoy what is ours? Let these greedy developers build inland if they want, BUT DO NOT DESTROY "OUR" BEAUTIFUL SHORELINE, stop the greed! It is selfishness plain & simple, & I do not expect you, Horek, to feel any different if all that is on your mind is money! Those of us who care for the Cayman Islands do not want to see it destroyed, FOR NO AMOUNT OF MONEY, for no amount of money Ms. Horek, understood?

      • Kerry Horek says:

        Dear Annoymous,

        Just to enlighten you on the fact that I am a full born and bred Cayman Bracker and proud of it!!

        So when you are going to accuse me of being a foreigner, check your facts buddy.  My navel string is buried in Petrona yard, the island mid-wife of the 60’s & 70’s.

        I support this development, unlike some people who have no vision or foresight, I DO!!!

        I support Burns Connolly with this venture and that’s all I am going to say on the matter.  You have your opinion of it, and I respect that.

        Next time before you go run off your mouth ‘Annoymously’ try get your facts straight.

        Unlike you ‘Annoymous’ I am not afraid, ashamed or feel threatened that I have to disguise who I am when I make a posting to this news service, and everytime I have done so proudly, because I am a Caymanian and have no fear or being ridiculed by persons such as yourself with ‘fact-less’ comments.


        • Infactuation... says:

           How many generations?  You’re setting a precedent that may make me Caymanian…  And one that abhors this project at that!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      You are not living in that area and you may be hoping to get some real estate sales, maybe that is why you support this and ALL development – it’s a shame!

    • Anonymous says:

      I love these two statements in the letter sent to nearby owners.

      page 5 item 4.

      "The Emerald Sound development will create a new benchmark price for inland lots in South Sound thereby increasing surrounding land values."

      Yeah right the market is already saturated. Let’s put some more lots for sale. And Burns is an Architect?

      Obviously failed the basic math part!

      You want to put a guarantee on that statement Burns!


      Page 5 again

      "Emerald Sound will create a new Cayman model for development in the Cayman Islands and be the start of a more beautiful South Sound coastal road system."

      What scares me is the word "start". This will set precedence.

      Also if one palm tree planted precisely (to the inch) every 10 yards is what you call beautiful maybe a trip to the mastic trail or the botanical gardens might be worth it,.

      That’s why it called natural beauty, It is as close to mother nature as possible, not some design created on a cad workstation.


    • Take a Dump and Whine says:

      We have plenty of pickings to eat from the landfill. That should keep us for a few years at least. You take issue with the landfill yet seem to support the unsustainable, out of control, poorly thought out development that helped to get it to that point in the first place. Most confusing.

  14. Joe Bananas says:

    Same thing all over the world in all countries.  Those who don’t want it or want it but can’t afford it don’t want anyone else to have it.  Its called human nature and nothing short of getting rid of all humands will change that.  Thankfully no amount of crying and complaining will stop progress. The way progress grows can be managed by intelligent communication.  You could build the most beautiful houses and give them away and there would still be many out there who would cry out loudly against this because it would not help them personally.    Look at Caymans leaders.  To all of you that are against progress….intelligent people only listen to intelligent  comments.  The rest is just Blaa Blaa Blaa.  or maybe Baaa Baaaaa Baaaaa.  Good luck in your efforts to bring a low density and high quality subdivision in a great area for it.  This is just one mans opinion and counts for nothing like all the rest.

    • Anonymous says:

      I agree 100%….. alot of posters are jealous because others are able to enjoy this and they are not.  Some also live in SS and want it all for themselves.  This project would give jobs for locals,  provide stamp duty for government and replace the shrubs that are there with an upscale neighbourhood.  I hope they build it because I would love to move my family there… looking forward to seeing the plans and pricing.  All the boats that have to run from this norwester could use this as a safehaven as well.  Great idea!!

      • Anonymous says:

         I agree.  Buildings are much more beautiful to look at than stupid trees and flowers and bushes.  And there’s nothing like digging up the shoreline to increase my appreciation of the neighborhood.  Also, looking at the homes that are already there, I’m sure these new homes will be priced for the entry-level home buyer – let’s all move our families there!

        • verifyably obscure says:

          So I take it that your house and the houses of your family are the ones that are more beautiful to look at than stupid trees and flowers and bushes. And there is nothing like a few rusted and busted up cars in front covered in trash to increase your appreciation of the neighborhood.  I take it from your attitude that most houses are priced beyond your means.

    • Joe Average says:

      I think we should get rid of the environment completely…. it’s too big, too messy, and too hard to take care of.  Do you agree Joe?

      Emerald Shores my a** you can call it Mountain Meadows the island doesn’t need it.  But the developer needs money.  Get it yet?

      • Joe Bananas says:

        And yet at one time Cayman was an island with no buildings at all but what happened?  And who benefited? 

        Only a true fool can equate building a subdivision with getting rid of the environment completely.  Get that yet?

        It doesn’t  matter what you think it will be called and the families who end up building and living there will need it or need something somewhere just like you and your family or do you belive in family?

        As in a Mother, Father and Their kids?

  15. AJ says:

    When does the supply of housing outweigh the demand?  When will Cayman’s reality market reach saturation? Is there that much demand for such high-end developements that we need another one?  What about affordable developement?  Or eco-friendly development?

    More questions than answers? 🙂

  16. anonymous says:

    I can’t believe some people…..unna want roads and social services and pollice and all that stuf that government will give una but you dont want no development. How do you think government gets the money?? import duties and land sales, bank fees. una want truck jobs and stuff but no development.

    My grandmother used to say, can’t have your cake and eat it. Caymanians get real. una too hipocritical. if this was a forrener you would not say one thing.

  17. Anonymous says:

    I have just ONE question for those who oppose this development.


    Fine I agree if the land could be left pretty and natural that would be wonderful.  BUT how can we expect this?  That is fantasy.

    I’m just thrilled that the owners are actually looking to do something nice.  I can’t afford a lot there now but maybe one day I will be able to and I LOVE the though of living there.

    Development is going to happen.  Whether or not I like it… I accept it!  It’s a fact of life.  But so much crap is built (just to make a quick buck) that I’m THRILLED that this one will at least be done well and will add so much to the South Sound community.

    • O'Really says:

      Let me state upfront that I have not examined the plans for this development but I’ll still answer your specific question and raise a few points for you to consider.

      If the developer wished to fill and develop their land as they purchased it, that would be fine and in keeping with a number of developments now under construction in the South Sound area. But they don’t. They wish to dig a canal, the first one in South Sound, they wish to build a bridge over this canal which road users would have to use and they seem to be planning a new, more elevated road. All of these things are very much of public interest and go way beyond simply building on their land. This theycan do without the canal, bridge or road, but of course the asking prices of lots would be considerably less.

      A few points to consider:

      If they build a canal, they will have to dredge South Sound itself to allow access to the canal. Is this a good thing? 

      Where will the new road be located? I stand to be corrected here because I don’t know, but the obvious solution is to move the existing road inland and create deeper plots on the sea which would maximise their value.

      If deeper plots on the sea are created, then eventually they will be built on and then the  ocean view of those driving, walking or running  along SS road will be gone, as it is along much of the road now. Is this a good thing for anyone but the developer?

      The developer insists this will increase property values in SS. How? If you drive down SS you will see nothing but " For sale" signs, for houses, apartments and land. How does adding to the supply of all these categories when demand is depressed, increase the value of existing properties? May I suggest that the developer really doesn’t care about other owners and any statement about increasing property values is a mere platitude?

      Finally, this is not an expat versus Caymanian thing as one prominent poster would make it out to be. This is about people who care about what remains of the natural beauty of Cayman versus those who only care about their bank balance.



      • Anonymous says:

        Agreed 100% and the other question is, if the road needs to be moved, who is supposed to do this and pay for it? NRA and Gov? Would that be fair?

        Be careful, as a couple of developments in the past have been granted approval by the board with the condition that the developer would built a proper road access etc. In several cases, the developer (after the homes/apartments etc) were built claimed that they had run out of money and gov (NRA) had to come in and do the proper road access.

  18. Anonymous says:

    The issue as I see it is not the house lots. Note "house lots" not homes as there are none of those in the plans to my knowledge. The real issue is the digging of a canal into the land and the dredging of the Sound to allow access. No one knows what that will really effect but continued dredging and storm surge intrusion is a good guess.

    Additionally, while the waterfront lots are not included in this development, the result of moving the road will be to make those parcels more private and thus more valuable. They are owned by the same developer as this inland proposal.

  19. Anonymous says:

    As a Caymanian resident of South Sound i will be out to protest this as strong as possible. this will ruin the appeal of this area of the island as already its starting to become littered with huge apartment complexes and homes built on swamp land. Maybe its time to jump ship and find a new cayman that is not filled with greed and corruption

  20. Anonymous says:

    Don’t destroy Cayman.

    There are tons of undeveloped canal front land this is not needed.

    I have the choice to take the water front or bypass in the mornings and evenings.

    Although it takes a little longer I choose the water front everyday.

    Don’t destroy Cayman.

  21. Anonymous says:

    planning will pass it now udp is in power and they will do anything if they gave away our island that anyone can be caymanian what else they wouldnt do.any project that were refused under ppm can now be approved under udp and anyone that were refused status or permenant residence can now get it from udp.they are the give people to our island.

  22. Anonymous says:

    It is all a politicial game. If you don’t get your plans approved by one board, wait a few years and then try again with another board. I always wondered why there are planning laws in effect as it seems that everyone can apply for all kind of variations anyway. So what’s the point of having laws and zonings? Depending on who sits on the board, projects are being pushed through. Some (few) members have the interest of the Island at heart and are trying to ensure that overdevelopment will not happend and the environmental damage will be minimal. Some members have really tried to make a difference and have asked for certain things (like waster water treatment facilities etc) to be incorporated in bigger developments. Unfortunately, too many board members are only having dollar signs flashing in front of their eyes and to them, bigger is always equal to better.

    What is sickening that when the little man wants to add a porch to his house, or built out his attic, or perhaps add a swimming pool in his yard, it is a big deal, and you get the run around by planning. Huge projects like the proposed one is considered in the blink of an eye and everyone else has to suffer the impact.

  23. Anonymous says:

    I cannot believe that this proposed development is back in our faces again! As one poster said previously, unfortunately the membership of the present central planning authority will probably rubber stamp the ok. This is sad and I hope that people will get out there and protest louder than ever!When will this runaway overdevelopment madness ever end? South sound is one of the few places that we can still enjoy but some are hell bent on destroying it.

  24. Sole Provider says:

    G – God please

    R – Rene don’t do this as more

    E – Excavation will cause mandatory

    E – Evacuation and mangrove eradication that even the 

    D – Dollars wont be able to justify.

  25. Anonymous says:

    I’m sorry to say that over development will spell the end for Cayman. Don’t we realize what Ivan done over 5 years ago and since then instead of having a Conservation Bill pass to protect the mangroves and our coast line we’ve just done the opposite. We need to start having a long term focus about what and how we would like this island become in 20 years and not 2. I suggest to the powers that be that we were lucky with Ivan yet with climate change occuring at a rapid rate we might just wash out in to the Caribbean Sea. Sustainable development is the only way forward and NO MORE Of these stupid urban developments. Burns to what is right and try to make Cayman a positive example for small islands.

    Burns Conolly is a developer/architect so of course he’s going to be in aggreance with Emerald Sound to top it off he’s now on the Planning Committee talk of conflict of interest now that’s the same for the Liquor License and other projects in Cayman. Until we start making our elected and government officials take accountability and responsibility for their careless and reckless decision we’re heading for a sorry future. I’m a born Caymanian and I love these islands yet our forefathers are kicking themselves hard right now. We need national recycling, alternative energy and environmentally friendly vehicles along with more parks, green spaces and sidewalks to lead healthier and beneficial lifestyles. Blessings

  26. Richard Wadd says:

     To ‘Joe Average’,

    Don’t be stupid! If one can’t even afford the Land in South Sound now, how are they going to afford a home?

    If you want affordable housing, you buy elsewhere, then when you have made something of your life, and you are able to afford S.S, you can buy there, and know that one has achieved something in life, and feel proud.

     People need goals in order to foster ambition.

    • Joe Average says:


      This is not about someone "making something of their life", as you so aptly put it.  It is about the people living outside the castle walls.  The castle walls being nearly every development on the the island.  Affordable housing does not mean a "ghetto" in elitist-speak.  It means making some of the new housing on island within the reach of young working couples.  See something wrong with that?  Sorry if you do, because we are obviously on different pages. What this project if successful may accomplish is another ghetto for the wealthy. And there is hardly a need for that.

  27. Anonymous says:

    I see nothing but homes for sale and rent as I drive around, and yet this xxxx wants to start a major housing development site? Hope (they) doesn’t mind eating all his investment losses as they sit empty, or renting/selling at way below market value just to keep the debt at bay. Doesn’t anyone realise there’s not the same demand for housing out there to support new housing complexes at the moment? Despite my desire to see a fool and his money soon parted, I would be loathe to support a project that will sully such a nice, pristine area in S. Sound. Here’s to hoping Round II gets shot down as well.

    • logic says:

      There are indeed many homes and lots for sale and now Dart is doing one in West Bay. Not only are we in a declining market but all those good Caymanian folk who are already doing subdivisions will lose money they can ill afford, in these hard times.

  28. Mozzie Fodder says:

    When the Planning Board is made up of developers and hardware store owners who can all benefit from development of the island then proposals like this are always welcome.

    Of course it helps that McKeeva saw fit to install some UDP cronies on the board for good measure. And Burns himself reviewing the Planning Department Policies – can you say ‘Conflict of Interest’?

  29. Anonymous says:

    Praise god we have the UDP, they are such a better option….not!

    • Anonymous says:

      There seems to be this huge confidence around that people are going to buy all these houses/lots/condos etc. It’s the same all over Grand Cayman-houses going up everywhere. So why/how in God’s name is Government bankrupt? If all this money is around and Government isn’t getting much of it, something must be wrong with the way we do things here-and I don’t think it’s down to just the greedy civil service although that’s a factor.

    • Anonymous says:

      Don’t the Planning Board remember the destruction Ivan did to South Sound, including the Chairmans Fathers house, but when money is flashed in front of all these kind of people, not even family is spared. There will be less protection like mangroves etc. after development in this area so can the imagine the destruction when another hurricane hits us. People, please just use some common sense instead of letting money blind you, but I suppose I am asking too much of such people!

  30. Peter Milburn says:

    Having read more about the above proposal it would be nice if CNS would provide the email address for Planning so that we can at least get a word in even though its going to be a waste of time since I dont live within 1500 ft of the developement(which in myopinion was another ploy by Govt(s)to allow developers far more leeway than before)To use a better description this law SUCKS!!!!!!!.and should be revisited.

    CNS note: Its the same email as always or you can contact Burns at 945 2455

    • Anonymous says:

      It will be a waste of time & effort to lodge a complaint against this proposed development because it is now the UDP that is in power, & we all know what that means!

  31. Peter Milburn says:

    As said above here we go again.The plans I hope will be made available for anyone to see.Pity that the Law applying to objectors only applies to people living within a certain radius.Hard for anyone to object if there are no people close by.Another concrete jungle so.get used to it folks.Lets take away whats left of the beautiful Cayman Coastline.This should have some interesting effects on the storm drainage in that area.and further damage what little coral left in the S/Sound ,Red Bay area.When are you IDIOTS going to learn????????????????????????????

    • Burns Conolly says:

      Dear Peter,

      This is a surprising response from you.  It would be good if you commented AFTER you had seen the application. This application is mainly for a residential application INLAND. The only place it touches the seashore is at the proposed canal entrance.


      This is a very low density proposal. The developer is only proposing 82-83 house lots in an area that can be developed to over 300 houses or nearly 1500 apartments.  To talk about "concrete jungle" is highly irresponsible.


      I am happy to review this application with you if you wish but would really like for everyone to understand what is being proposed without such misleading comments. And yes we have told all neighbors about stormwater and the other issues that were clouded in the first application.


      My office number is 945-2455 and I am there after 8:30 most mornings.




      • Anonymous says:

        Burns, we don’t expect any thing different from you and right now Peter is thinking more of Caymans welfare than you as your thoughts are in your pockets!

        • Burns Conolly says:

          I usually do not respond to each blog and do not intend to start however…

          It is clear that many still think I am creating this development. We are the architects for this project…no more, no less. We submit it, we get paid for our time in doing so as is typical for professionals. We are unrelated to the profit or lack of profit of the project.

          It is unfortunate however that most people are commenting blindly on this proposal without seeing it……the ALTERNATIVE to Emerald Sound is the type of developments in South Sound that most seem to be comparing it to…the blocks and blocks of apartments found lower down…to follow that model, up to 300 homes and 1400 apartments can fit on this site….what is proposed is 83 homes and approximately 170 apts….Emerald Sound will actually be the lowest density development in South Sound…

          I actually live down the road from here and if anyone on this blog would be effected it would include me as well – I clearly do not believe it will do that. I am happy to show the drawings to anyone who wants to see it or has questions. 945-2455.


          Burns Conolly

          • Austin-Tacious says:

            You should get yourself a radio talkshow

          • Anonymous says:

            Don’t try to sell such a fallacious argument that the "alternative" to your plan is high-density development sites. One could also leave the land in its current, pristine condition. This isn’t a situation that if your plan doesn’t go through, some other "unsavoury" developer might come along and put in a concrete jungle of condos.

          • Anonymous says:

            Wow, money got you blinded? It’s the Canal not really the homes and apartments which we can actually do without. So the Canal is mostly the problem here. And I’m getting tired of these Gigantic developments anyway, in which don’t benefit no lower or middle class person. And at the same time destroying the rest of this beautiful Island which is partially destroyed by these kind of projects already. And Mr. Burns, I have a question for you, I’m not been rude. Did you learn anything from Ivan? Because Mother Nature warns us of greater damages that could have be done, if we don’t take heed to her warnings and if we do, we will not have to pay a bigger price the next time. And by the way, the lost of those Mangroves due to Dart development of the Camana Bay, contributed to the Catastrophic Hurricane we had in 2004. Because the hotter a Island or a Country gets, due to the big buildings and over development, would make them more Vulneranble to these kind of Hurricanes.

            I rather plant 83 trees, than building 83 big buildings, I rather save the remaining Mangroves and plant 170 more of them, than 170 apartments, to save this little Island we call Grand Cayman, which is not United States. It’s sames like that is what most of you contractors and Developers wants to make this Island out to be. And Mr. Burns, show the Caymanians how much love you have for your Island, than for that thing call money, for it’s better for you to save your Island, than to destroy it for the sake of money. Remember money is the ruth of all evil and Cayman has already suffer enough because of it (Seven Mile Beach Road) is good example of it, take a good look at it, with all those Condos kissing each other, taking away all the beautiful beach land that the tourists and Caymanians could have all enjoyed, do you see now what damages that have been done to Grand Cayman? All at the hands of love for money and at the same time destroying the beauty of this wonderful Isalnd.

            Cayman Brac, North Side and East End is all of what these Caymanians have left to show of what Grand Cayman should have look like today. And that is what tourists comes here for, they come here to see natural beauty of these Islands. Gone are the Cotton Trees we have little bit of Mango Trees, gone is the Sea Grape trees, the Ackee Trees and etc. They are all destroyed because of these Gigantic developments. The tourists would have loved to see the natural beauty of the Cayman Islands, but not!!! All the beautiful attraction is all gone. And now the developers and contractors turn to destroying the Coral Reefs, what’s next?…. Just remember this, Cuba is next door and we are all doomed!!! If they ever open up, it would be to late to say no thanks to the over development of Grand Cayman. Common Sense is lacking in all of the developers due to money, sorry to see you are a part of this. I hope you have a change of heart and say no to this project, you would make a lot of your fellow Caymanians very proud. Thanks for taking your time out to read this from a very concern person.


      • Anonymous says:

        No Burns, it is your surprise at Peter’s response that is surprising! I would have to say that judging by the different views of you & Peter about this project, it would appear that Peter has his heart in the right place, & is not looking at this development thru rose tinted, or even gold tinted glasses! I wish I could say the same about you, but unfortunately I get the impression that you are looking thru green tinted glasses! Pity!

  32. Anonymous says:

    Another ugly  massive concrete development that will further help to destroy the pleasure of driving along South Sound road.

    G,reed and sellfishness and the need to ‘make a quick buck’  has been the order of the day in these islands and  is sadly set to continue. Many ‘regular visitors’ are not returning due to the beauty of Cayman being destroyed by over development 

    • Twyla Vargas says:

      Your comments are so disturbing. because I would like to know how in the world, this project will destroy the pleasure of driving along South Sound Road, or to call he developers greedy and selfish, and wantng to make a quick buck.    Was that in the minds of every one that built high rise in the south sound area?  Further more I cannot understand why tourist a visitors would not be returning, because of our development, unless they are comming from some bush place somewhere.

      I am wondering do I see a pattern here !!!>   A few days ago some  foreign nationals  from South Africa was displaying the same behavior on Manse Road Bodden Town.   They even had the audaucity to fence and block of the public road with big chain link because a young camanian woman was clearing her land to build a home.  

      They came out and theatened the family, saying this is private area and we do not want anyone dsturbing the peace and tranquility of Manse Road. and continued to say that they are friends of the " Head of Planning Department and friends of the head of NRA."   WELL HELLO!!!!!  

      Anyway the Land owner, who is BLACK said, I am the owner of this property that  I am standing on.   Well it was obvious, they were shocked and not satisfied.   The called planning department and their BIG friend from NRA.  Whogot there real fast.!!!!   

       "But story came to BUM."  It is a government road and the yong lady was right all the  time.  However, they were still not satisfied.  Next day when family and friends went to assist the young lady with clearing bush, the same people locked them in agan and LET OUT FOUR FEROCIOUS DOGS which chased the young children and elderly grand parents of the young lady.  Police had to be called in for assistance.  NOW IS THAT A CRYING SHAME?!!!!.  Story ends they were warned to remove the fence from the government road, and  warned about the dogs.

      Same time a few miles up the road, a Caymanian man was catching Sprats to go fishing with.  Another man, South African too,   Sook his dog to go out in the water and bite the man, saying, this is my beach and you cant catch those fish from there.  HELLO AGAIN" !!!!  of course he picked on the wrong man, who in turn threw his sprat net over the dog in the water to stop him. The dog almost drowned, but the man was learnt a lesson.

      What I would like to say is this, we have quite a few foreign nationals who have came to live on this Island and have brought their dirty ways of wanting to treat locals like dirt.  Smeone has to say ‘STOP IT NOW"  and  "Take some good advice from some one who knows"   Its not going to work here any more.   Caymanians have had enough,so please make up your minds that you are not in SouthAfrica, England, USA, Canada, or France.  You are in the Cayman Islands, where dogs bark at night, chickens crow in the morning and every Caymanian that is black has white  blood in his vein.  Be nice to the Natives and you will be very happy living in the ayman Islands.  Trust me it works.



      • Anonymous says:

        Twyla, what i find most distrubing about your post, apart from the fact that you think Tourists will want to come back to a souless tropical concrete jungle, is the fact that you think it is fine to ‘almost drown’ a dog as a form of punishement for its owner? Apart from being disgusting, it is also illegal. This island, and in particular, the Caymanians rightly or wrongly, already have a nasty reputation for animal cruelty and your post just enhances that view.

        As a god fearing person, who should love all of gods animals, god created them in live in partnership with us so why would you condone animal torture? Does the bible say, thou shalt torture and abuse animals?

        And finally what in gods name does ‘every Caymanian that is black has white blood in his vien’. What are you trying to say? Surely a more useful comment to say would have been every black and white caymanian has the same blood in his viens? Why are you trying to create some kind of racial issue here? and why oh why did you bring up the fact that the person in your very odd example was Black? What difference does it make if she was black or white or pink or blue? We have moved on from racial separatism, please don’t try to create a racial divide for some unknown reason.

        • Twyla Vargas says:

          Idiot, !!!!  would you have prefered the dog to bite up the man. We do not sleep with dogs remember that.  Mr anonymous You are nothing but an Undecover racist.

        • Personal Responsability says:

          It seems you would rather the man be bitten than protect himself. Some people want to save the dogs, the wales, the dolphins just about everything except people. The most exdangered things in Cayman is Caymanians and our right to self determination.  There seems to always be someone that knows better than we do, what is best for us.

          Live amoung us and enjoy what you found here – peace, tranquility, economic stability, friendly people. If you want to save us from ourselves, try saving your home country first before expecting to tell us what is best for us.

      • Anonymous says:

        "I am wondering do I see a pattern here!!!", well I do when it concerns your opinions – whatever this Government or its cronies do is ok by you no matter the corruption or destruction of OUR Island, Cayman.

        • Twyla Vargas says:

          09 : 57 YE BETTA HUSH YA MOUTH, if you would know what I know about this……….Story will come to "Bum" because one of the opposers said that they were told by a Bodden Town MLA that they could go ahead and put up the chain fence, knowing fully well that it was the Prebystrian church property with a government built road. 

          (Just take a guess who??????)  There has been a lot of footdragging, and we could not find out what was the reason and who was behind it.  Now certain people are hiding trying to cover their behind, just because this story is now comming back to bite certain people in the face.  SO UNA BETTA HUSH we know who una is. (Ha, ha, ha)

            But I will tell these so call heads of certain departments, and MLA,s who want to be under cover;……Watch what advice una giving people. 

          This is my mothers property,(Surprize!!!)  and we the family are not going to roll over and play dead.     So it is best that certain persons (they know who they are, and we know too) would be careful about giving wrong advice before their names are called out.

          Anonymous Critizing just makes us dig up more into this, and we are geting to the root believe me.  That is why I have been saying all along, I do not blame foreigners  for anything they try to do out of the way, because it is these Wannabe Caymanins who are showing a knife in our backs. 

            Deny it naw.

  33. Joe Average says:

    This would get my approval if.. 10% of the development was set aside for affordable housing… to provide young homeowners a chance to participate. That would be a remarkable achievement for the island and one I would like to see a developer embrace.

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh what so the other 90% will have to live in fear??  I mean, come on.

    • Anonymous says:

      You can bet there wont be anything in this development that caymanians can afford. We are slowly being driven back to the bushes.

      Did the voters of George Town know of this prior to the elections. Hmmmm.

  34. Anonymous says:

    Gird your loins… the Island wide development has begun. Bar at stingray city and South Sound development has begun. Build it and they will come seems to be the theme here.

    Take photos so future generations will know what the country used to look like.

    • Oldtimer says:

      Some of us ‘expats’ did that in the 60/70s. What an idea and what a time we had; Caymanians and the rest of us alike.Oh to turn back the clock.

    • Captain Kayman says:

      Look our Dubai here comes Cayman!!! Don’t forget to add the 5 storey condominium at Rum Point!!!  

  35. Anonymous says:

    Unfortunately I think the CPA will grant this. I know many cases where the previous CPA board under the PPM have justly turned down plans that are bad ideas, and the contractor is now gettingpermission.

    Even one case where the ols board truned down an application due the number of condos on a piece of land, it was resumitted to the new board with 10% more condos and approval was given.

    Out of interest are there any memebrs of the new CPA who are not builders, or related to them?

    • Anonymous says:

      Unfortunately the PPM(Poor People Mistake) never had the foresight to stop this islands from bleeding financially and to invest the people money wisely…PPM never will return to power.

      • Anon says:

        Really? What specifically do you mean? Making wide generalised statements which have little basis, in my opinion, is just plain silly. Unless of course you are referring to them trying to provide us with the infracture that has been neglected for far too long and which we desperately need.

      • Anonymous says:

        Wake up Star!

    • Anonymous says:

      You "think" that the CPA will grant this? Sorry to bust your bubble, but I "am positive" that the CPA will grant this. The CPA is full of McKeeva Bush cronies & UDP members or supporters. I fear unfortunately that this is a done deal. Goodbye Cayman the beautiful, goodbye

    • Anonymous says:

      You name it and the PPM was against it. Ask me, I know. I suffered through the PPM regime trying to get a building approved.

      • Anonymous says:

        thats what i love about ppm they protect our island for our natives udp give it away to foreingers.