Witnesses step up, say cops

| 23/02/2010

Cayman Islands News, Grand Cayman headline news, Royal Cayman Islands Police Service, Cayman crime(CNS): The senior investigator into the enquiry of the murder of four-year-old Jeremiah Barnes said that people have finally begun to come forward with information for the team working on the shocking killing. Peter Kennett also headed up a special operation on Monday night, one week after the incident at the Hell gas station in West Bay, at the time and place where the child was shot in the hope of tracing more witnesses who may have been in the area last week andjogging memories of the incident. Officers spent over an hour at the station and talked to 69 people.

Teams of detectives and uniformed officers stopped vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists in and around the gas station on Hell Road to find out if they had any information which could be relevant to the enquiry. Meanwhile, a candlelit vigil for young Jeremiah on the nearby sports field offered a poignant reminder to the public as to why the police were there.

 “We have been carrying out extensive enquiries in the Hell area over the past week,” said Kennett, the man in charge of the enquiry into Jeremiah’s death. ”However, people are creatures of habit and it is possible that if someone was in or around the area last Monday night (15 February) they would also be in the area exactly a week later. Whether that’s because they travel home from work at that particular time, visit a relative or play sports on a Monday and use that route.”

He said the information collected would be reviewed by the team, and with more witnesses now coming forward since the last appeal, Kennett said the investigation was progressing.  “Since our last appeal for witnesses a number of people have been in contact with the enquiry team. I would like to thank those individuals for coming forward. I believe that we are now making significant progress in this enquiry and, like everyone else involved in this investigation, I am absolutely determined to bring this enquiry to a successful conclusion for Jeremiah’s family.”

The police currently have four men in custody but have not yet brought charges against anyone. Two of the men were arrested last Monday evening, which means under the police will need to secure enough evidence to bring charges before Wednesday evening. If not, they will need to seek a further extension of their custody from the courts or let the men go.

Jeremiah Barnes was shot dead while he sat in the back of a car with his family on the evening of Monday 15 February, when two men emerged from behind the service station, one of whom began firing indiscriminately at the vehicle. The child’s father, mother and brother escaped injury but Jeremiah was killed by one of at least four bullets fired into the car. The police have confirmed that they believe the incident is tied to the latest spate of gang violence that has claimed the lives of six other young men in tit-for-tat shootings last year, as well as severely injuring a 14-year-old boy, who is now in a wheel chair.

Anyone who has any information which could assist the enquiry team should contact the murder incident room at West Bay police station either by calling the team direct on 926-1773, or by calling the station on 949-3999 and asking to be transferred to the enquiry team.

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  1. Heavy Cake says:

    The police have classified this murder as gang related, right?

  2. Anonymous says:

    CNS – Speaking of ‘finding backbones’ any word on the investigation (if any) into the identification of the recently-discovered skeletal remains?

    Upon first hearing that news, my thoughts were that it may have been a legitimate burial from back in the day when people utilized family burial plots on their property. But later information revealed that the remains had on a watch and shoes, and apparently not actually buried but more likely ‘dumped’ – doesn’t seem legitimate.

    Therefore, someone is MISSING (now located) and should be given the dignity of being identified and all appropriate processes should follow.  

  3. Anonymous says:

    I am glad that people have found there backbones I want to thank the persons that have come forward to give information on this horrible crime.

    The only way we will ever stop this is for good citizens to come forward you are now turning the evil around by your actions you are now the heros of this island my hat is off to you all.

    Again Thanks From My Heart For Your Actions!!!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Everyone let’s make precious Jeremiah’s death make the change. We need to stand together against this gang violence for the safety of our children. So tragic that a babies life was taken, how heartless can you be to do something like this. God will see us through this and we all need to stand together. At any time it can happen to anyone of us and our children as long as these gangs are out there, we can’t  bury anymore young people or babies. This is so unbearable and I am still in disbelief over this. People of the Cayman Islands need to unite and stand up against the gang violence once and for all or it will continue and get worse as everyone can see it already had. What can possible be any worse than the  loss of this baby to his family.PLEASE remember at times like this victims need all the support they can get to get through these difficult. Families want justice for their children when something so tragic happens and those who know something need to speak up. Anyone who has children never know when they will have to face something like this. so please help this family out and anyone that knows about any other crimes. PLEASE HELP TO SOLVE THESE CRIMES!!

    Jeremiah precious angel we all love and miss you so much and you will never be forgotten.



  5. Dirty Harry says:

    The public’s poor perception of the police and the judicial system is based on the failure to prosecute the villains that keep darkening the doors of the courthouse. The fear that retaliatory action by the criminals would be certain has prevented the good citizens from helping the police with investigations.

    The successful prosecution of recent high profile murder cases has sent a strong message to everyone. The public has seen that justice has been served and that there is a new sheriff in town. The people of this country can now start giving information to the police anonymously that can be used along with the new regulations to put these enemies of the country away for a long time.

    Watch out Mr Wannabe Gangster everyone around you is watching you. You will never know who to trust and you will never know who will go to the police. Your days are numbered. Pick a cell or a plot in the cemetry.

    • Richard N. Parson says:

       That’s the way to go.  Make the gangster fear YOU.  Work with the Police as a team, form Neighborhood Watches,  and fight them with a law abiding gang of your own.  Take notes, take names, turn them in.  Use the Crime Stoppers anonymous.  Put the gangs on the offensive; there are more of you than there are of them.

    • Anonymous says:

      What happened to the people arrested for supplying drugs to the prisoners in Northward? total silence. One is from a prominent Caymanian family-do we have cover up goingon?

      The RCIPS has crap public relations-they need to keep pushing out the information even if it’s "we’re still working on it" but the bloody silence after initial announcements is hopeless.

    • anonymous says:

      yeah right…  are you always premature? one little skirmish was won – there’s still a huge war left.

      • Dirty Harry says:

        Nothing to do with being premature ( as you put it). More to do with opptimism and the understanding that wars are won one battle at a time.

        • au revoir says:

          actually, a lot to do with premature.  the police are for the most inept, overworked and understaffed.  the judiciary is barely any better.  corruption continues to permeate the top levels of society.  until these problems are resolved (and they won’t be), you’ll be winning one battlebut losing twenty.  that my friend is hardly "winning the war". 

        • au revoir says:

          btw, your optimism is misplaced.  there’s 7 murders left unsolved from last year, there’s tens more from the years before, a few hundred break-ins, robberies and hold-ups, etc…   so let’s not jump for any joy until more than just one or two get solved. 

  6. Anonymous says:

    So much for witness protection! Something like this shouldn’t be in the media.

    • Anonymous says:

      Wrong. Every post like this gives strength to the myth that these scum have real power that we should fear. The only power they have is that which we surrender to them. NO MORE.

      The scum need to know that their days are numbered. They need to know that justice is coming for them. They need to know that the law abiding people have had enough of them and want to see them dead or lockup up for the rest of all time.

      Bad Boys – where ya gunna run when they come for you? The scum need to know that it is time for them to cut a deal with the police to save their own skins because some of them are definityly going down for the rest of their worthless lives. 

    • Anonymous says:

      OH SHUT UP! If they didn’t you still would find something to air your breath about!

    • Anonymous says:

      I disagree. We have to let the criminals know that people are not afraid ofthem, that they cannot rely on creating fear as a form of armour which protects them from justice. We have to remove fear as their weapon and make it ours. Let them be afraid of what is coming for them.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Way to go citizens of Cayman.!! Everyone stick together against these


  8. Good for them says:

    Good for them!! That’s right people – don’t make these cowards believe they can shut our mouths and make us cover in fear! Fear of what?!?! Little  punks who believe they can "fight" because they know how to use a gun?!?!

    Please… ;(

    Be strong men and women – step up and claim back our country. Report the illegal immigrants that you hear about, report the drug dealer who lives next door – stop them from taking away our YOUTHS and our COUNTRY!

    But I must say, oh how I miss being a teenager and being able to run the ironshore looking for whelks, or riding my bike down the middle of the road poppin wheelies, or even climbing guinep trees!!!

    Our youths today have only a few options to entertain their afternoons – such as "MODERN WAR FARE" on the X-Box or music videos on the TV – heck even Disney can’t be trusted anymore!!

    Sad, very sad that this is what they are left with!

    Gov’t should see to it that all districts incorporate mandatory after school programs – that will include – pools, tennis courts, arts and crafts, cooking classes, community services, soccer fields, pool tables, libraries, computer classes, volleyball,  even *GYMNASTICS and ballet.(*We could well one day produce the finest olympians in the world and NOT just in Track and Field)!!

    Why is it only the wealthier of our society (who the majority of, is foreign) be able to offer these options to their kids at about $1,000 a month, while our own kids have to look on from the outside of the fence?!? We’rer feed up as being no longer the 2nd class citizens of a wealthy country, but now the poor of it. 

    Like my father once said, "there was a time when there were only 3 classes of people in Cayman – the rich, the well off and the poor. Well today there is only 2 classes the rich and the poor"! 

    Cayman’s gov’t needs to stop sticking their heads up the rich people’s arse and start paying attention to OUR own children!! Parents need to stop competing with each other as to who can proved more luxuries to their already spoiled kids.

    Yes we ALL need to step up!


    And let’s get the kids back in church – churches need to be creative as well, as to how to lure and snare our kids to WANT to stay a few hours a day in their presence. Not critcize them because they are wearing earrings or jeans to youth meeting – get over that belief – and be the christians brothers and sisters your supposed to be!

    God bless our island! And I pray that the mentality of our youths are changed for the better. For it is them that will carry our lineage and heritage to the future!


    • Anonymous says:

      "Our youths today have only a few options to entertain their afternoons – such as "MODERN WAR FARE" on the X-Box or music videos on the TV – heck even Disney can’t be trusted anymore!!

      Sad, very sad that this is what they are left with!"

      Ahmmm, excuse me, I believe that it is our own Caymanian parents leaving our unfortunate children to be raised by what Disney and XBOX have to offer.

      My Caymanian parents raised me themselves, without all those things. I worked Saturdays and school holidays doing hard construction work, went to church 3 times a week, never had TV or internet, or any of those things. I currently operate my own successful business (heavily focused on technology) and somehow I have achieved without all those things while I was growing up. One thing i did have was a supportive community ALL around me, everywhere i went.

      I believe we need to focus on what our older Caymanian parents focused on:







      After we get those back in our family lives, the Tennis Courts and all the other frills that i never had can be looked at.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Kennett, you are awesome. Thank goodness we have you!!! We owe you so much!

    Thanks police force! you work in such a difficult environment, your perseverance will pay off!

    A very grateful citizen.

  10. Right ya so says:

    Finally!!  Thank you!!

  11. Anonymous says:

    This is fantastic news! Great job RCIP keep up the good work guys.

    To those who came forward god bless you.  You have done the right thing and I commend you.

  12. Anonymous says:

    That is excellent news. Those who are coming forward deserve the thanks of everyone in our country. I am one who says to those coming forward, THANK YOU. You are a credit to Cayman.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Although I am glad to hear this, I kinda feel that the police should remain absolutely silent on ANY witnesses coming forward. Just say something like ‘we have several leads’ or we are making a little progress…

    • Anonymous says:

      No – let the bas#$(ds sweat. Let them begin to guess which one of their "crew" is cutting a deal to put the rest of the scum away for life. Let them fear for a change.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Thank God people are finally letting their conscience be their guide.

  15. Anonymous says:

    My heart aches for young Jeremiah and the life he will never live.  I hope that the scoundrels who committed this heinous crime are caught and the same (or worse) retribution is shown to them, as to the vagabonds who murdered Estella. 

    It is a sad, sad day when we are scared to be alone in our own homes, when we are terrified of being anywhere because at any given moment these "thugs" can show up and inflict suffering. 

    This place we call home certainly doesn’t feel like home anymore…

    Well done to the RCIP for their ongoing investigation in this brutal crime – thank you for your efforts in getting these "thugs" off of our streets!


  16. Anonymous says:

    Well done to those finally stepping forward. It is a step in the right direction and the right thing to do. I don’t think there is any benefit in complaining about the length of time it took you, although I am sure there will be plenty who do complain about that. You examined your consience and then did the right thing. Good for you.