Armed duo hit 7MB ESSO

| 07/06/2010

(CNS): Update 1:15pm — Police have confirmed that a man and woman held up the ESSO gas station along Seven Mile Beach at around 1:20am this morning (Monday 7 June). Armed with a gun, the suspects forced staff in the gas station store to lay on the floor as they stole money from the till and personal possessions. No shots were fired and no one was injured during the incident. The robbers fled the scene on foot, though police believe they escaped in a car parked behind the station. Police said no arrests have yet been made and George Town detectives are now investigating the incident. This is the fourth armed robbery in four days on Grand Cayman and the second on a gas station. The ESSO station at Red Bay was held up by armed masked gunmen on Thursday evening. (Photo by Dennie Warren Jr)

Detective Sergeant Dwayne Jones of George Town CID is appealing for anyone who was in the area of around the relevant time and witnessed the robbery or saw the suspects fleeing the scene to come forward. Anyone with information should call George Town police station on 929-4222 or Crime Stoppers 800-8477 (TIPS).

CNS understands there was also break in at Lorna’s Texaco in Bodden Town around 12:20am on Thursday 3 June. Sources say robbers pried open a side door and cut away the telephone line running into the building. Police are investigating the incident.

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  1. Right ya so says:

    We all need to stop using cash – no point robbing them if there’s no cash to take!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Anyone notice the RCIP service today how less Caymanian officers (local knowledge) have been taken off the streets; all we see now is new faces that are non-born Caymanians. All the much feared old-timer Caymanian cops – where are they???

    God help us when the Constables have no street knowledge of who is who, and many of them is from the UK, Jamaica, and other caribbean nations. These criminals are just having a good time. In light of the recent prison releases, maybe the Commissioner can order such officers back on the front line…

    Time will tell  

  3. Thankful Again says:

    Of course it would be asking too much to ask the Police to try and do a better job at immediately shutting down escape routes.  That would mean some instant coordination by a shift seargeator inspector.  In other words: 911 gets a call of a robbery.  Immediately, based on the feedback as to escape routes shut down streets. 

    If one is familiar with this area, an immediate shut down of the by-pass on both ends with police dogs trecking through the bush behind there in case they were laying low until the excitement is done, we might have come up with something.

    This thing about rushing to the scene is all seem to bother about.  We would prefer Mr. Baines, if they are caught red-handed!  It is obvious that showing up at the scenes are yeilding no results for us.  Can we beg you to please change strategy…..please.

  4. IRON CLAD says:

    Cayman’s Politicians SILENT on the CRIME!

    I am just COMPLETELY PURPLEXED… and flabberg(U)sted (new word: Flabbergasted and Disgusted) at just how little attention and REAL ACTION is being taken by our Police Service, but primarily the Government in sending an IRON CLAD ® ‘message’ out to these criminals. These absolute menaces to society are just so brazing but yet so casual in their criminal undertakings, it seems they truly feel they have absolutely nothing to fear.

    And as for the300+ Street Cameras… If we think they are going to do the work of the Police Service, pleeeaaase…. ALL business and RESIDENCES cannot be covered by these Cameras. Further more, these criminals can/are using MASKS on the job. In my opinion these cameras will be placed strategically based on businesses and residences of owners who have the most Financial Influence in these ‘Special Interest-Oriented’ islands. So the ‘Pee-On’ small business owners may very well not be protected.

    Your Views?

    Truly IRON CLAD.

  5. anonymous says:

    Now we got couples robbing places?

    BTW does Burger King have Cameras installed there? if they do, perhaps it may be worth looking at the film to see if it picked up the type of vehicle, perhaps a license plate or a facial description of the Robbers.  One other thing of note, everyone should now be aware that school is out for the summer and we now also have an increase of foreign nationals children visiting their parents.  So every one now, has to be more vigilant and prepared for an increase number of robberies and incidences.  Armed your establishments folks with more securities guards (hic), perhaps more high powered bug sprays, Baseball bats and fire extinguishers to blow in their faces or to lick them out with. Perhaps a power hose handy too.  We the people have to take matters in to our own hands and combat these vigilantes. We cannot expect the poor Police Force to be every where.  We aim to take back our Islands from these bunch of losers that do not know what it is to work for a living.  It is just so sad.

    • anonymous says:

      Hopeful their date didn’t or won’t go so well, and the gift they will each get are stainless steel bracelets, applied roughly.  Pun intended. 🙂

  6. Anonymous says:

    Lazy people do stupid things, ignorant people destroy every thing around, so Cayman if we want to have a safe Island each and every one of you,mother,father,sis/bro/ friend/homie, tell what you know, and its a lot so do what you have to do to keep Cayman safe.

    If you really carelets start an epidemic in Cayman, turn in the useless no good bastards that are doing this to us, and you useless people do even better, turn yourselves in.

    I’ve had enough.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Why is that the Police don’t put out a description anymore? 

    Or for that matter, why not the surveillance tape from the store? 

    Why can’t they (meaning the Police) actually act like they care and act like they want the public’s help?   No description, no surveillance tape, guess all those CCTV cameras will help us nill! 



    • It's coming... says:

      Why don’t the individual companies release the tapes to the media???

      On the other hand, given the increase frequency of these events, it is only a matter of time before these thugs and thugettes come up against someone who resists – possibly resulting in one of them getting seriously slammed.  

      It will happen if they come near my business for sure – a little indoor baseball tournament will be in play!!! 

  8. Anonymous says:

     Were all these criminals afraid of the 14 UK police officers and laying low?

    If so bring them back. we need some aggressive policing NOW.

    • "If so bring them back. we need some aggressive policing NOW."

      Aggressive policing???

      I can see where you are coming from!

      I for one tend not to forget that we had UK officers here a few years back that tried to pinpoint this government with corruption, aggressively arrested Judge Henderson, and loss every case they launch!

      Please don’t turn 14 men into a "Savior" who has been here just a few days. I guess with your kind of reasoning we can also surmise that every other place they go, the criminals will tremble in terror of them.

      Please spare us from your faulty reasoning!  

      Have you not thought that the increase in crime is from a Gun Amnesty that was sanctioned by our UK Commissioner of Police here and that now because of this "second-chance," the criminals can justify themselves by handing in their guns before getting caught??? Watch and see when the Amnesty is over, how the crime will quiet down

    • Anonymous says:

      lol… you have to be British!

      As a Caymanian, I declare:-

      "Were all these criminals afriad of the former Caymanian Police Constables with the local knowledge that at one time worked the streets and now laying low?

      If so bring them back [commissioner]. we need some aggressive policing Now."

    • Anonymous says:

      The RCIPS is already being run by UK officers (command & control) since 2005 and it hasn’t worked. Crime has only escalated under their watch including Murders, illegal Firearms, Robberies, Burglaries and Thefts !!!

      Now why would you want to bring additional "Looney Tunes" from the UK to join this ineffective bunch who are already here, along with a few of our local senior officers (not all) who have somehow become their off-spring ??? 


  9. Anonymous says:

     Anyone else noticed that since the 14 UK detectives have left, the serious crime has started again?

    • Dennie Warren Jr. says:

      Yes I have noticed, but I do not share the view implied in your post.

    • Relativity says:

      Yes.  There seems a clear link that the gun users were lying low to avoid detection by the crack squad from the UK and now they have returned the bad boys are getting as many robberies in as they can.


      • Dennie Warren Jr. says:

        I think the criminals simply don’t feel the need to kill anyone right now, when their ready, the skills or nationality of officers will matter not.

  10. Jack Black says:

    Another day in paradise, cant wait for next weekends news !

  11. d says:

    So we have kids stealing pizza now and couples holding up gas stations



  12. anonymous says:

    These businesses need to put up signs and also make rules that



    If you see a car parked behind a gas station or behind a retail place of business where a substantial amount of cash is generated daily in revenues then its time to ‘CALL THE POLICE"!

    itstime to stop being so cheap and install cameras on activity going on all around the building that will capture the images of these people and also their license plates.  STOP EXPECTING THE POLICE TO STOP CRIME WHEN YOU ARE NOT DOING YOUR JOB!



  13. Kent says:

    Thankfully we have a police force that is up to the task of catching the bad guys!  LOL.  Sad that our newest indrustry in Cayman is armed robbery.  Come on guys you know how to write speeding tickets, now go and do something that is actually constructive!

  14. Anonymous says:

    A new incident every day, and fortunately enough no one has been hurt.  It is only a matter of time that someone does get hurt, whether it be a Cayman resident or tourist.

    Also as bad as things are, soon the other crazies out there will become more brave.  That is the scary thing.

    Be safe, be wary and keep your doors locked.  And maybe adopt a big dog too!