Mac wants support for plans

| 13/07/2010

Cayman Islands News, Grand Cayman Islands headline news(CNS): The country is not in a happy condition, says the premier, who has warned of further economic woes if government is prevented from moving ahead with its planned projects. Following revelations from the Economics and Statistics Office that spell out in black and white the decline in the country’s economic fortunes throughout 2009, McKeeva Bush said that to get people back to work he needed to begin the projects. He said the statistics made it clear that there should be no more stumbling blocks to what he was trying to do to get the economy back on track and everyone should support the government and its plans.

“This statistics tell me that there should be no more attempts to deter any good or effective moves to turn around our economy,” Bush told the Legislative Assembly as he laid the Cayman Islands Annual Economic Report 2009 on the table on Friday. Following his presentation on the content of the report, which revealed the depth of the recession in Cayman last year, he said that his government’s efforts should be supported “by all and sundry” because if the “stumbling blocks” stay it will get worse, the premier predicted.

“It should not need repeating but I say it to catch the ears of those who have nothing better to do then to employ stumbling blocks. The country is not in a happy condition, no matter how much we have tried,” Bush warned, after noting that in order to address the unemployment problem the government needed the projects to get started.

Government has indicated that it believes a number of public private partnerships, including the development of cruise berthing facilities, a channel in the North Sound, the Shetty hospital and a cargo dock in East End will help address the country’s rising unemployment and turn around the country’s declining economy.

The report reveals that during 2009 unemployment in the Cayman Islands reached 2,180 people, or 6% of the population. The supply of labour contracted by 7.4 percent in 2009, dipping to 36,100 compared to the 38,998 recorded in 2008.

“This is traced to the withdrawal of non-Caymanian workers, whose number decreased by 16 percent.  In contrast, the Caymanian labour force grew by 2.7 percent, or 479 persons, bringing the total to 18,165. This is the first time in four years that Caymanians accounted for at least half of the labour force,” Bush said as he presented the report to the LA.
The report said that Gross Domestic Product (GDP) contracted by 6.6 percent in 2009 to reach $2.43 billion. Per capita income fell by 4.8 percent to $44,197, as compared to $46,409 in 2008. 
The financial services sector, which accounts for approximately 54 percent of GDP, was estimated to have declined by 4.1 percent. Real estate, renting and business activities contracted by 4.8 percent, induced by reductions in new company registration, lower property transfers, and a smaller population. 
In construction, building permits decreased by 29.3 percent to settle at $355.0 million and project approvals also fell by 14.6 percent to $434.2 million.
Transportation, storage and communication fell by 6.7 percent as the tonnage of imported cargo fell by 36.3 percent. Wholesale and retail trade declined by 4.8 percent, as indicated by the reduction in imports of consumer and intermediate goods.
Stay-over visitors declined by 10.2 percent. Similarly, the performance of hotels and restaurants mirrored the rate of decline in stay-over visitors.
The premier pointed out that, despite the weak economic conditions in other sectors, the domestic banking system remained healthy and resilient. Total money supply increased to $5.9 billion in 2009, or by 6.9 percent compared to 2008. The expansion emanated from a 9.6 percent growth in foreign currency deposits along with a 1.5 percent increase in demand deposits and an expansion of the currency in circulation by 4.7 percent.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Mac must understand that he must EARN the support of the nation; which he will not receive if he constinues to rant and rave in an unstatesmanlike manner; nor with economic policies that ignore the island’s failing LOCAL economy. Support must be given to local businesses, not just the few big inward investors.

  2. Confused says:

    One would have to carefully consider developing anything now.  I support the UDP government aggressive approach on trying to turn things around.  Saying that howver, one would have to carefully-with the hands of a surgeon and the eyes of an eagle-play one hands corretly as not find  "red figures" on there books. 

    Businesses are suffering! Lic. fee increase, work permit fees increase, now planning fees increase.  At the speed I think we ought to jump ship before it gets to far in.  It is getting significantly and inreasingly more diffiult to turn a small profit, much less grow. 

    Mr. Bush for the sake of the country and your people.  Look for the future, not for the next few days, weeks or months.  Look rather for years!  Your government although supreme to PPM admin., may not be in power, but know that you did not kill the people in attempting to turn red figure blue.  Let the people take you out of the red, not burden them into it.  People when felt a part of a team/family react a whole lot better than when directed.  You say you are a Christian-then show me, don’t tell me.  As far as I am oncerned there are many self prolaimed believers, but not too many who stand for truth and freedom.  Not too many who believe that Law and Love are combined.  Not too many who believe that we are governed by a universal law in all things and not by an institution. 

    Enough said on that.  Just focus on making life more bearable.  If prices go up on everything, expect your people to suffer.  And know this, it was all for the love of money….Cayman destroyed.


  3. TaxMan says:

    Switzerland rolled over for the USA, and is giving up it’s banking secrets to the USA government.  You can bet the USA will soon look south to us.

    "TheSwiss Parliament approved a milestone agreement on June 17, between Switzerland and the United States to disclose information on approximately 4,450 Swiss bank accounts owned by American clients under investigation for tax fraud."

    What’s McFirstClassTraveller going to do then?  Hoist another glass of bubbly?

    • Anonymous says:

      It may have escaped your attention that we have had a tax information information disclosure agreement with the U.S. since November, 2001.  

      • TaxMan says:

        Sure there are differences betwee the Swiss and the Cayman relationships with the US, but the bigger picture is that the US is flexing its muscles internationally with great vigour to stamp out non-payment of taxes by US citizens, and let’s face it – tax avoidance is what the Cayman Islands is all about.

      • Reality says:

        So why was Obama running on a platform that included punishing all the US corporations in Ugland House?  Shouldn’t your TIA have come to their rescue?

  4. Anonymous says:

    Before we start building again, why not divest of the Government owned and operated businesses?

    All of these: Water Authority, Sewage, Postal Services, Tourism Operations at the Port, NRA, PWD, Boatswains Beach, Health Services, UCCI, Northward Prison, Lands and Survey, MRCU, Solid Waste (DEH), Radio Cayman, Vehicles and Drivers License and Vehicle and Equipment Services . First, offer the businesses to the Directors leading them, and I mean give them away, all assets with the exception of the land/property, allow them to operate without a Government property lease for the first 3-4 years to strengthen their financial position. If the Directors refuse them, then offer to the general public, personally I would like to see this limited to young Caymanians age 25-40 to ensure we are creating future Caymanian wealth. The immediate divestment of these businesses reduces your operating expenses and seeing as these businesses do not make any meaningful contribution to our revenues the results will be positive cash flow immediately. With positive cash flow, a move to reduce taxes can be implemented to stimulate the economy.

    Elected officials do not need to build, build, build to make a contribution, surely, that isclear today as no Government built more projects than the last.

  5. Herman says:

    The Golden Age of Cayman is over folks.  The expats and their off-shore businesses are packing up and leaving, and tourists are selecting the better and less expensive travel options that are available to them. 

    Someone asked on another thread why there was a 15% drop in expat work permits but only 2.7% increase in Caymanian jobs.  The reason is (and can only be) that the Cayman economy is shrinking as foreign businesses pack up and leave, and on-shore businesses take their off-shore work to other more business-friendly and cost-effective jurisdictions (Ireland, etc).  Caymanians are not taking up the lost expat jobs because the business and work is simply not being done here anymore.  Want to work in the off-shore finance sector still?  Send your resume to Ireland, I guess.

    Ask and ye shall receive… or is it be careful of what you ask for?

    Now how about we try to salvage what we can?

    • Anonymous says:

      It is an invalid assertion that lots of businesses are simply packing up and leaving Cayman. Some are. But every day new businesses are opening also.

      It would be more correct to say that due to the global economic downturn that some businesses are closing and/or changing their operations and this is leading to lower demand of human resources locally. In all business cycles employment levels rise and fall. We are currently in a down market and it is natural for businesses to reduce their staffing levels.

      With Caymanians virtually at full employment prior to the down market the excess demand for employment was filled by workers from overseas. When the bottom dropped out of the economy Caymanians and workers from overseas alike lost their jobs.

      Job loss is difficult; emotionally and financially. I feel sorry for anyone who experienced it.

      Cayman law stipulates that workers from overseas have to go back to their homeland if they cannot not find alternative employment in a relatively short amout of time. With the excess demand for human resources shrinking and the short time frame allowed to overseas nationals without a work permit to remain in Cayman it is expected that the reduction in % work permits is more severe than the reduction in the % of Caymanians that are unemployed.

      Dring the downturn Caymanians are also experiencing more unemployment than usual (natural in a down market) but many also get re-hired in other firms/roles due to the right to remain on island indefinitely and typically better social networks. Some also started their own businesses (easier for Caymanians than overseas nationals) which removes them from the unemployment statistics.

      Let’s keep things in perspective and not claim that the sky is falling.

  6. O'Really says:

    A few months ago I was sitting in the dentist’s office reading a magazine to calm my nerves. I stumbled upon an article by David Legge which heavily criticised the Bush government for it’s champagne, jet set lifestyle and outlined a number of patently unreasonable expense categories. Amazed at such an attack on a sitting government, I checked the date of the magazine and in true dentist waiting room style, found it was 5 years or so old. Somethings just don’t change!

    Bush wants support, but he seems not to realise that for anyone other than a UDP fanatic, he has some very negative baggage which he carries with him and as a consequence no-one but his party faithful will place blind trust in him.

    I have sympathy for Bush. He came to power last November facing a financial crisis in Cayman induced by the global meltdown and ambitious capital projects. He had absolutely no control over income streams. The only controllable element of governments finances was spending and he clearly displayed a lack of political will to address this. In my book this is a black mark that will take some effort to erase.

    Whilst the situation he faced on appointment was not of his own making, his choice of remedies for Cayman’s problems after appointment are fully his responsibility. In almost every instance there is a lack of transparency in Bush’s actions which do nothing to dispel the fears of those of us not blinkered by party politics. It is hard to blindly trust someone who:

    Headed a party which had 2 candidates elected in clear breach of the law;

    Made public statements questioning the concept of innocent until guilty;

    Sought to bring the legal aid system under his political control;

    Criticised the media, effectively threatening freedom of speech through the suggestion of imposing Draconian fees;

    Made public statements attacking  the FOI legislation and suggesting that the cost of an FOI inquiry should be born by the applicant, an effective way of discouraging inquiries;

    By-passed an open tender process for the dock development. etc., etc..

    Fast forward to today and we find him seeking to control planning regulation changes by hi-jacking authority to the Cabinet. The latest twist is increasing the height restrictions on SMB. 

    There are many individuals in Cayman who want nothing more than to get behind their government and support their efforts. But we are not stupid. When your actions are transparent and clearly motivated by what is good for Cayman as a whole and not tainted by the whiff of insider dealing, you will find support is there. Tone is set at the top and the tone you have set since election is not one that sounds sweet to anyone but a UDP diehard.



    • Anonymous says:

      Excellent post. I wonder if Mr. Bush still believes that the only persons criticising his government’s actions are "a few PPM rabble rousers"? If he does, then he is in serious denial.  

      Incidentally, he came to power in May (rather than November) 2009. His status was upgraded from LOGB to Premier in November when the new Constitution came into effect.   

      • O'Really says:

        Thanks. My bad on the May election. I’m going to blame old age! 

  7. Bow Line says:

    Unna know dat wah comin,he the “comprehensive nuisance” knows very well what brought tourist to Cayman.Were there any 7/10 storie anything when tourism was abundant?No Mr nuisance & yu know that very well,it was the people,the same people yur hell bent on getting rid of,so yu like a spoilt child can have yur way.We are not going down this road with yu,so if yu have investors fool enough to build in this climate of economy that yu are the root cause of,that yu are now theatricly trying to fix,give it yur best shot,those buildings will be vacant until it is steered that Caymanians are 70% owners of them cont…

    • Bow Line says:

      Re: support< & 80% of the workforce in ALL avenues of employment.Only then will we radiate what has exalted the Cayman Islands. Lastly & i quote"I DONT HAVE A PROBLEM HIRING JAMAICANS" exactly who is getting back to work?Save our country Caymanians & work with what we have.

  8. Anonymous says:

    I don’t think you get it !

    The vast majority of Caymanians (95 %) do NOT want the following planned projects:

    1-The channel in the North Sound

    2- The East End cargo facility

    3- The oil refinery

    Leave our eco system alone !!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe you should start planting some cassava.  The youth needs opportunities.

  9. Afraid to Strap on a Pair Also says:

    Bad decision after bad decision after bad decision.  Even this broken clock isn’t right twice a day.  Does anybody else admit to showing up at these legislative meetings?  Are votes documented? 

  10. Drop it like it's hot says:


    • Afraid to Strap on a Pair Also says:

      Drop it- What are we talking, here?  Is the fate of the island decided in clandestine meetings in the loo?

  11. Anonymous says:

    Mr. Bush,  You asking us the public for support first let me start by saying how about you start supporting us the public instead of screwing us over & over things have gotten worst for the people of these islands since you have taken over and this isnt no he say she say crap this is the facts. You could have find different ways to collect revenue instead of hiking this fee and that fee did you ask for us the public opinion on that NO you didnt. Some people mite not see the diffrence when they go to the gas station but surely hell they will feel it or see it on that CUC bill and who do we have to give that great big thanks to you Mr. Bush.So when you start doing what is right towards the people of this country then the people mite start to listen to what you have to say. But for now no one gives jack shit what you have to say.

    • Pending says:

      “It should not need repeating but I say it to catch the ears of those who have nothing better to do then to employ stumbling blocks. The country is not in a happy condition, no matter how much we have tried,” Bush warned, after noting that in order to address the unemployment problem the government needed the projects to get started."

      And Mr. Bush, in getting these projects started, are there terms and conditiosn that the majority of the "new" workforces will be majority / entirely Caymanian? I would put my left n** on it that there aren’t. Instead the unemployment will stay the same or only decrease slightly as these new projects will employ cheap foreign labour, like all the rest of the "projects" on this island.

      Cayman is one of a handful of countries stil left in this world without a statutory mnimum wage, perhaps you could help your countrymen by employing one. Or perhaps not, because then your friends in high places would have to dish out more money in order to fill their alrealy bulging pockets rather than emply slaves for the least amount possible.

      You want to do something about the unemployment, give the country a national minimum wage for a start, then employers in these new projects might be more willing to employ Caymanians, as there will be no need for work permits and both local / foreign labour will be on equal footing. It might also stop the obvious exploitation of those foreign labourors whcih Cayman also needs.

  12. Anonymous says:

    I would gladly support any plan to replace leadership with someone that has experience (not in financial failure), Moral character (Anyone?) and willingness to take on the Cayman Corruption league.  Unfortunately anyone with a lick of common sense can see that the ones who are allowed to vote are happy with the way Cayman is.  Caymans Better days are past and won’t be back in your lifetime.

    • Anonymous says:

      Where there is life, there is hope!  This is not the time to give up on beloved Cayman Islands because of a few, after all….. ‘a man is still a man…….’

  13. My2cents says:

    Seems to me if an independent Caymanian who is neither UDP or PPM were to stand for election on the following manifesto:

    1. Reduce MLA salaries by 30%

    2. Reduce CS salaries by 15%

    3. Reduce CS headcount by 15%

    4. Reduce ALL (and I mean ALL) government fees by 50%

    5. Dismantle Immigration and start again

    6. Review ALL activities of government with a view to reducing the deadweight hand of government on the country – cutting red tape, reducing overbearing regulation of the island – streamlining 

    7. Renegotiate our national debt over a longer period

    They would get swept into office in a landslide victory……


    • Anonymous says:

      …..and is then able to keep feet on the ground for which elected.

    • Anonymous says:

      Interesting plan My2cents, but if you cut fees by 50% how will Government pay its bills?

      If you cut CS salaries by 15% how are they going to get electing after they have turned the largest portion of the electing population against them?

      Reducing CS headcount is interesting as well. If you mean fireing them then they will not get in but if they have a system to downsize the Government by privatizing portions you will be brilliant.

      The immigration department and its policies does not need to be fully dismantled. But there is a lot of work to be done.

      Heck you did not even mention the crime issue, which is rapidly become the major topic of the day. And I dont think there is evidence that it is linked to immigration.

    • Anonymous says:

      but alas, you forget that approximately 50% of Cayman’s eligable voters are civil servants who would be less than eager to vote for their own unemployment….sorry

      • Anonymous says:

        Your figures are way off. There are about 4,000 civil servants, a large number of whom are expats and cannot vote. There are about 15,000 registered voters. 

    • Common Sense says:

      Great ideas, except that the CS would vote against them as a block because they are quite comfortable in their free ride and would not agree to the pay cuts and redundancies. 

      It’s the same problem McFlyabout has now, except he could do it and face the wrath of the CS voters later, and thereby actually do some good, while someone new running on that platform would never get elected.

  14. Anonymous says:


    This is just a political ploy of politricing the public so that it seems that the public is being consulted for their support when we all know the real truth of how things work under the absolute rule of a DICTATOR.

    They want our support when they will not support us and do anything about the real issues affecting us all in Cayman. The focus is solely on big projects (the very largest in our history), where the really big money is for the mother load of payouts.  At the same time the PPM is continually blamed for our economic woes because of their big projects. At least the PPM expenditure was on infrastructure which we will derive benefit from for many decades to come. 

    No one has the "balls" to make the tough decisions necessary to turn this country around which includes unpopular decisions and cut backs with the civil service. If these decisions are not taken then we will follow the path of Greece as a social state that is bankrupt. READ THE ARTICLE IN THE LAST JOURNAL SUPPLIMENT.

    Most concerned and worried Caymanian

  15. Anonymous says:

    I did not support the UDP last election or any other one.  I have personally known the premier since before the First Cayman Bank fiasco.  You see our illustrious (tongue in cheek) premier has to take ideas from other parties.  He does not have the social savoir faire to be able to look at himself constructively and identify his major faults.  He is too full of his own importance now and every time he gets into power.  I hope someone passes this dissatisfaction on to His Excellency.  Only he can dissolve the L.A. and call for a new election.  It is time for us to get this would-be dictator out of power and get back to the business of putting the Cayman Islands back on the international map as a little haven.  I will be watching what happens closely and if things contnue, my family will be better off in the US, especially since my husband and 2 children are all Americans.  Come on Cayman, help us save ourselves XXXX. 

  16. Anonymous says:

    Dear Hon. Mr. Dictator,

    Let me try and understand this, in that you are asking for the support from the people for your plans when you yourself will not support the people by representing them and their wishes for this country which is actually the job you were voted in to do. It may be news to you but you are supposed to work for the people as a public servant – We pay for your jet set life style, remember !

    You are living in LA, LA, LAND because why would we support your plans when you will not listen to the people and the voters that placed you into the position you now hold. It’s "McKeeva’s way or the highway" and you wonder why we all call you THE DICTATOR. We all see through your plans and schemes as secret deals with foreigners for self interests.

    You are always reminding us about how you are a born again christian and all about your christian values, well talk is cheap, so please really show us how christian you are in how you treat and respect your fellow men and women in this country. To date you have done nothing for Caymanians or your country other than for yourself and the "gang" of despots that surrounds you.

    You just do not get it, never have and never will.

    Please stop this man before we become another Zimbabwe, a country in absolute ruins which is the road this man is taking us in three short years and not the 25 years as in the case of Zimbabwe.

    Very Concerned Caymanian

  17. My2cents says:

    Mac has a point – he is trying to do some good things for the island BUT

    This is a democracy (supposedly) and it should be that the will of the majority prevail, not the will of one man. Not everyone will agree with your plans, and if the majority disagree with your plans, then you need to respect that, and do so with good grace and respect. 

  18. Anonymous says:

    Dear Mr. Premier,

    I am (was?) a supporter of yours. I voted against the PPM for three reasons. One, they have an attitude of superiority and are anti-foreigner. Two they thought the financial well would continue to overflow and spent, spent, spent, despite your warnings of a global recession. Finally, Mr. Tibbetts inability to make a decision was embarrassing. He is not a leader. I voted for you for two reasons. One, when you say you are going to do something you get it done. Two, you understand business. I am here to tell you, you have made a fool of me. I was one of the first to write "That is what a leader does." when you offered to reduce your salary 30%. It didn’t occur to me at the time what you said and did would be completely different (many must be laughing at me.) Two, how can you stimulate business by continually raising fees? Any fool (even me) knows this is not how you stimulate business. Don’t you understand your fee increases are a major reason the economy isn’t turning around? Another is the rollover policy which you put in place? I’ll concede you might not have realized the Immigration Monster (with their own policies) that would be created. But it is still your fault. Just like the Jamaican politicians who put guns in the hands of gangsters. Finally, your flip flopping, going to do this, then don’t, is essentially no different to Mr. Tibbetts inability to make a decision. You wan’t things your way, but don’t want to be called a dictator. What needs to be done is simple, lower fees, cut government expenses and get Immigration out of businesses – if it isn’t too late. Please don’t think that if you do them you will lose votes. I can assure you, as your supporter, you will lose the next election unless you can turn this place around. You can only turn this place around with unpopular decisions. You cannot continue to blame the PPM. That only tells me you have no solutions and/or are afraid of losing votes. Now get to work and make the tough decisions. Then, and only then, will you have a remote chance of gettingre-elected.

    • Anonymous says:

       That’s why he only presented a three year a THREE year budget.


      They already know they won’t be around

  19. Support? says:


    He is asking for support for future projects, must be he wants more funds for more Security for his house, Housekeeper, Chaffeur or maybe a higher wall for his mansion.

    This man takes us for fools and we just allow him to do as he pleases.

    Time to put a stop to his abuse of power!

    • Anonymous says:

      Can we stop the negativity for once?


      • Ex-Caymanian & Not by Choice says:

        This is what you call Freedom of Speech, Not negitivity!! We say what we are feeling &  we wont support any of the decisions that he is making that we feel will further distroy our country, are you one of his "dog ass flies"..  

      • Anonymous says:

        There wouldn’t be a feeling of negativity if the Premier had something positive and stable to say and do!

      • Anonymous says:

        Constructive critisizim is not negativity, It is reality. Get real. If you cant see the reality of the day around you I am sorry for you.

  20. Anonymous says:

    …then let Mac show us that the Goverment are not exemt from cuts and hardship, and do something about the bloated civil service.  Why must all a we face the burdens, and nothing happens in the CS ?

    • Ex-Caymanian & Not by Choice says:

      What makes you think that Civil Servants are not feeling hardships like everyone else, they shop at the same Supermarkets , buy gas from the same gas stations, children attend the same Govt schools,  they have to pay mortgages/rent,  as each and everyone in the private sector does what do you think that they are exempt from that you the private sector feel that they are in better financial standings than you, you the private sector however do an advantage over the CS, you have the power to speak out and let him know that this is not going to be accepted the CS, have to thread the waters carefully, when it comes to objecting to anything & everyth ing that he dishes out at them…You are in a much better position, more than you know!!!  

      • Anonymous says:

        Perhaps members of the CS are feeling the pinch as you say, but don’t forget that many of them are running their own private businesses while supposed to be working for the Government (i.e ‘us’).  They have no overhead like regular businesses, as they use the office space, air conditioning, telephone and computer systems of the government, and can then cut their fees to attract business away from legitimate businesses that have to pay for all of these things themselves.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes, but in addition to all that, do you pay towards your own healthcare insurance and pensions (or do the government top-up your pay from the public purse to make up your contribution at no cost to you?); and do you end up with the same pension arrangements as us when you retire or are you (again) better off with your pension provisions too?

        …Just injecting some reality into the situation.

  21. Beachboi says:

    OMG, "the country is not in a happy condition"!!!!  When did that "happen???? 

    Yes McKeeva we are aware of the worsening situation.  I only have look at my bank balance to ruin my "happy" mood.  My mood got worse when I read above that the per capita income fell to $44,197.  With my salary at $30,000 I guess I need to find a part time job.  I guess I will have to go without sleep since I already work 9 – 10 hours a day to earn that.  By the way I have a question that begs asking.  You state that the number of non-Caymanian workers decreased 16% yet the Caymanian labour force grew by 2.7%.  Would you please take some time to explain the vast differenct in these figures and what happened to the jobs left vacant by the exodus of non-Caymanian labourers?

    McKeewa I have listened to what you have said.  What I hear is a warning that you are proceeding with your projects and it will do no good to throw down any stumbling blocks.  I know that already.  You have enough votes to get whatever proposal you want through the house.  That makes me sick but I have to take it whether I like it or not. 

    Having said this I would like to make a few statements regarding your projects that are intended to return Cayman to its "happy condition":

    1.  The best way to return Cayman to its happy days is for you to step down as premier.

    2.  The development of cruise berthing facilities in GT large enough to accommodate the new Genesis class ships will cause massive ecological damage to that area and others.  The shallow shelf in the  harbour will not sustain a large enough facility to make a difference when there are 6 or 8 ships in port.  We will be left with tenders not to mention the exposure of the facility to storm damage. 

    3.  The channel in the North Sound is a bad, bad idea.  It will irreparably damage the protective mangrove sanctuaries.  The mega yachts and their owners can continue to anchos off George Town since there is very little here to attract them for very long.  A few days on the beach at the Ritz and maybe a day of shopping is about it. 

    4.  XXXXXX Devy Shetty coming to this little rock to throw down 2 billion dollars on a 2000 bed hospital.  You apparently have already promised away the majority of the duty revenue to even make it attractive.  You can talk about "medical tourism" all you want but I just dont think that those that could afford it are going to come here to undergo major surgery and then "recover" at a retreat up in the Hutland.

    5.  The thing that I really dont understand about the East End cargo facility is that East is the prevailing windward side of the island and therefore the seas are rougher there the majority of the time.  Even if the cargo ships get to port they will not be able to dock to unload so what are we to do if the seas are rough for weeks on end. 

    6.  What happened to the oil refinery?????

    McKeewa you are living a dream that apparently does not include the rest of us.  I only hope that one day soon someone will figure out a way to remove you from your position and begin working on some real projects that will bring us out of this "death slide".  I really hope that I can wake up soon and find that the "happy condition" of the Cayman Islands has returned.

    • TaxMan says:

      "By the way I have a question that begs asking.  You state that the number of non-Caymanian workers decreased 16% yet the Caymanian labour force grew by 2.7%.  Would you please take some time to explain the vast differenct in these figures and what happened to the jobs left vacant by the exodus of non-Caymanian labourers?"

      I’m sad to say that it’s because the Cayman economy is shutting down and the jobs that are not being filled are simply gone, along with the collateral benefits of having the foreign money brought in, paid to the expats and then spent in the Cayman economy on the necessary local living expenses.  That leads to further shrinkage and loss of local jobs.  The increase in local employment may very well be temporary, as Cayman is incapable of being self-sustaining and local employment should contract along with the economy generally.  Cayman needs foreign money, which comes from foreign businesses and clients.  As the foreign money moves on, the funds available for local expenditures dries up as well.

      There is a saying in the tax world: "The art of taxation is to pluck the maximum amount of feathers from the goose while incurring the least amount of hissing.

      The Cayman Goose is now bald, has quit laying golden eggs, and is looking for a new nest beyond the reach of the feather-pluckers.

    • Anonymous says:

      The difference bewteen the fall in foreign workers and the increase in Caymanian workers is pretty obvious if you read the article or if indeed you had any idea what is going on the world.

      Companies have been cutting back, by making people redundant and relocating their business overseas to avoid the increasing burden of fees in Cayman. The majority of those jobs to go have been in the professional financial services sector and the building trade. Both sectors were major employers of expat labour. Professionals from UK, USA, Canada etc went home after they or their partner lost their job in the financial services industry. A lot of expats from jamaica, Honduras etc lost their labouring jobs when the schools project closed and when building projects in general slowed down.

      The increase in caymanians working is probably entirely due to the expansion of ‘Big Mac Castle’ where he is single handedly employing a large staff to cater for his every need.


  22. Anonymous says:

    Support for what Mr Premier!let me guess so you and your spinelless government and rich friends can continue to live so high and mighty while the little people continue to fund your cost and suffer,the answer is NO!the only thing i plan to support is when i have the opportunity to VOTE you and your Greedy dumb cronies OUT of office come next election,now that is worth supporting.

  23. Anonymous says:


    If you honestly wanted our support you would  LISTEN to your people (other than just your UDP house members) and take our suggestions!  Instead this government locks it’s self behind closed doors (like a spoiled child) making erratic and desperate decisions with very little thought to the future consequences, sending the economy spiraling further and further down.

     As for that banking industry, don’t worry with that new law regarding dominant bank accounts… it’s about to hit a new record LOW too. 

    Maybe Barefoot can re-write that song " Where, oh, where did all the money go?" 

    (oh – just an FYI – no member of any political party.  Just a very disappointed Caymanian)

  24. Anonymous says:

    The Premier wants stumbling blocks removed. Hmmmmmmmmmmm.

    I wonder if he has stopped to look at himself and his Government members.

    Oh I forgot. They are blind to the reality of the day and it is the PPM who is the stumbling blocks. Blah, Blah, Blah Blah, Blah. Heaven help us.

    If he cant see what his own staticians are telling him, then where do we go from here?  We really need a general election now.

  25. Anonymous says:

    McKeeva you have to understand the reason why. First of all you need to sit down with the opposition and listen to their plan and formulate a combined sustainable plan and present it to the people.  Your hatred for the PPM is stopping progress.  You can no longer ram rod you rich friends plans and expect support from the opposition and the people.  Stop taxing the poor man so much and start taxing your rich friends and for crying out loud, shut your XXXX mouth for once and listen to your people.  Your attitude is what is stopping progress.

    • Anonymous says:

      The Premier listen, you must be joking, he cannot because he is deaf.

      An account has been opened at First Cayman Bank to collect donations for a hearing aid.  Deposits can be made to Account No. 00700.


      • OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:

        To "The primer listen you must be joking" 

        Your comment was so very stupid, come ppl grow up this is not a primary school play ground site.