Public asked to join search

| 08/02/2011

(CNS): Officers involved in the search for Anna Evans are asking the wider public to search their own land and outbuildings for the missing landfilll worker. It has now been 12 days since the last confirmed sighting of Anna Evans and despite extensive searches with the assistance of specialist canine units and dog handles there is still no sign of the 37 year old mother. For several days police officers and volunteers have searched the site and surrounding areas but with no sightings the search there is now completed and the specialist team has returned to the US. Police are now in the process of searching outlying areas of the Island for any clues that might help them find Anna who was last seen around noon on Thursday 27 January.

Officers also said that Anna’s cell phone, believed to be a black Nokia 1660, is also still missing.

With the search now opening up across the island police hope that property owners may be able to help the RCIPS.

“There is a huge amount of land to cover,” said Acting Superintendent Richard Barrow. ”That’s why we are asking communities throughout Grand Cayman to join together today and join us in the search for Anna. We want everyone to spend some time searching their outbuildings and their land for any sign of her. If, during the search, you notice anything unusual or suspicious please let us know.”

Anyone with information that might assist the enquiry team is asked to call the dedicated hotline 526-0911.

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  1. Dan Up Dan says:

    No seriously…why would the police wait until almost two weeks after her disappearance to enlist the public’s help to search our outbuildings and land? You can try to support the police as much as you want and the fact remains they have no idea what the hell they are doing!!!! The peak time to search/locate anyone is during the first 48 hours! Lots of people volunteered their time and resources in aiding the police and yet they still chose to shut us out until the last possible minute when they realised they are in over their heads, again. The police always seem to think that we the public should be their last resort when in actual fact they should have illicited our help from the get go on most of these crimes. Mr Baines – It’s ok to ask for help. There is no need to ‘hide’ the facts about crime or anything else taking place on our islands as you may note most people bend over backwards to be of assistance. Where are the surveillance videos?? XXXX Did you try tracking her cell phone number? I sincerely hope and pray that her family and friends continue to hold within their hearts the faith that she is either ok or in a better place. May God be with her children.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Yes…this does make sense. I am sure if it was your loved one, you would want everyone searching for them. I know I would want everyone to look under every piece of bush and in every lake or pond on this island to help find them. I’m sure this Family feels the same. My prayers are with them at this very difficult time. Please everyone, lets assist in whatever way we can. If there is someone out there who knows something, please speak up. It’s a horrible, horrible thing to not know what has happened to your loved one or where they may be. Please help bring Anna home to her family.

  3. Anonymous says:

    How can someone just disappear into thin air and no one knows where she is?? Something is not right here!!

  4. Anonymous says:

    why not search the dike roads  or even Barkers

  5. Anonymous says:

    Police are hopelessly lost again – no answers for her family and children which is so awful. I hope they atleast get an answer and some peace.

    Still praying for you, Anna & family

    • Caymanian says:

      I believe the police is doing their best, but as citizens and friends of Anna, we are not doing enough, except blabber mouthing and blaming police for not being supermen. Get up off your A&^%$SS and help get information instead of talking foolishness, because somebody knows where she is.

  6. Anonymous says:

    12 days later, public being asked to search their land and buildings?


    Makes no sense at all


  7. Anonymous says:

    This is bizarre. Honestly this is the best we can do “search our outbuildings and land”?????

    **I am hoping a triangulation of her phone was done and a radius of the phones nearest location was pinpointed?

    ** Quite possibly her cell phone battery is dead by now so hopefully that was done right after she went missing?

    ** I am hoping last incoming and outgoing calls on her phone were traced and the Police have conducted through interviews with these individuals??

    We MUST be farther ahead with this investigation than “searching our outbuildings and land”??

    Continued prayers for the family during this extremely difficult time!!!!