Appeal goes out for searchers

| 09/02/2011

(CNS): As the search for Anna Evans, the 37-year-old landfill worker who has now been missing for 14 days, continues, the president of the Cayman Islands Civil Service Association is calling on every member of the public sector to join in a coordinated mass search effort this weekend. The family and friends Anna are organising a search party, which will be leaving from the Old By-Rite’s Building off Walker’s Road in front of the Texaco station. The search party will commence the manhunt at 7;00 on Saturday morning 12 February. Yesterday police distributed a poster of the missing mother in the hope of triggering recollections. (Photo Dennie Warren Jr)

“I invite as many of you as is humanly possible to render your assistance in the search for our colleague and our friend, Mrs Anna Ebanks-Evans,” said James Watler. “I urge you to join the search as we are deeply saddened to know that our colleague and friend is still unaccounted for. CICSA wish the family God’s blessings throughout this very difficult and trying time.”

Anyone wishing to participate is asked to be there for a prompt start, prepared with proper walking shoes, hat, gloves and long sleeves as well as long pants as the terrain may be a bit rough.

Anna was last seen at the George Town landfill site around noon on Thursday, 27 January, and despite an extensive manhunt there has been no sign of the mother five. Police said Wednesday that officers will be approaching staff in gas stations, supermarkets, schools, government buildings and commercial premises to encourage them to display the posters in prominent positions.

“We are extremely grateful for the support and the help provided by the public so far in the search for Anna,” said Acting Superintendent Richard Barrow. “Since Anna disappeared the community spirit demonstrated by people throughout the Island has been absolutely outstanding. We need that support to continue as we try to find answers for Anna’s family and establish what led to her disappearance on 27 January."

Barrow explained that the poster may trigger some recollections from the wider public. “That’s why this poster campaign is so important. We hope that by having Anna’s picture prominently displayed in public places throughout Grand Cayman it may jog someone’s memory, or encourage someone who has information, no matter how insignificant it may seem, to call the enquiry hotline.”

Police have also asked the community to search land and out buildings on private property to help the RCIPS cover as much ground as possible. Officers confirmed that the search of the landfill has been completed and despite the assistance of specialist canine handles who have now left the jurisdiction there is still no sign of the missing mother of five.

Anyone with information that could assist the investigation should call the dedicated enquiry hotline 526-0911

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Poster of 19:46. Why in the world would you be blaming the RCIP for this? They have done alot and I personally have been out there searching with several RCIP officers, some of whom continued to search on their days off…..GIVE THE RCIP credit as they are doing the best that they can. BTW, what are you doing to help…….let me guess, just reading the paper for an update!!

  2. Right ya so says:

    My God this is heartbreaking..  Surely someone knows something?. 

  3. Anonymous says:

    God help us if we are to survive in this type of RCIP security.


    Governor, take over

  4. The Monkey's Back says:

    Prayers continue for Miss Anna and family.    I wish there were something more that we could do to help.    We can hope, of course, and perhaps extend support to her children.    Perhaps CNS can find out if any help is needed and an avenue for anonymously donating?  

    I feel sad about this.   We are too small for people to just disappear.  


    • Anonymous says:

      The lighthouse school is collecting items for the children.   Mostlly food I think but you can call them and see if there is anything else needed. 

  5. Anonymous says:

     My heart and prayers  go to Anna’s family.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Took them long enough to put together a flyer … wow!

    • Anonymous says:

      Just my sixth sense for what it is worth, but I have been thinking that all those folks with cameras, which is quite alot now a day should look back at them for the week athat Anna disappeared and see if there was any strange activity around their propertys. Then dont forget that the television showed a man on a bicycle around Annas work place. Lets hope that that person was not connected to someone who perhaps was in a vehicle . Her son was shown on tv making strong statements, however we havent heard anything from him since. Even if he is considered a minor that dosent prevent him from speaking  truth.

      • Anonymous says:

        We are making an appeal for all able ex Police Officers who havent already to vulanteer some time in the search for Anna. Also we are begging the powers to be to also have them assist with the team of investigators. Some of our retired Police is comingfrom the old school withalot of experience.

      • Anonymous says:

        Let us hold Mr Barrow up in prayer, in hopes that he will find Anna and bring the person responsible to justice.