Local teachers to follow written standards

| 03/01/2012

math-4-u-color.png(CNS): To ensure what it described as “consistency” and to “promote excellence throughout the government school system” the education ministry has created a set of national professional standards, which it says all teachers in the public system will be expected to follow. The standards are said to define the professionalism, attributes and skills that are expected from educators in the community. The ministry said that as Cayman has a multicultural set of teachers from around the world, it is important that each has a clear understanding of expectations. Education Minister Rolston Anglin presented the document to teacher representatives on 16 December.

“When the national standards development came under construction, our hope was that it would become a key feature in the education system, and we would like teachers and educators to see it as critical in their everyday work,” he said.

The document will set a milestone in further developing educational standards for the Cayman Islands, the ministry stated. Lineth Monteith, principal of John Gray High School, explained that while teachers have followed verbal standards, the development of standards written in black and white would make it easier for them to know where they stand and where they can go throughout the education system.

According to the standards, which cover eleven different areas of teacher’s responsibility from respecting cultural differences to understanding the education law, all teachers working for government will be expected to hold positive values and attitudes and adhere to the teachers’ code of conduct in their professional role, including dress and deportment.

The standards talk about having high expectations for the children and young people they teach and for teachers to develop an understanding of and respect for the Caymanian culture.

The standards cover the requirement for teachers to make a positive contribution to the general life of the school in which they work as well as focusing on their own personal development and their teaching skills and ability. The standards also require teachers to provide students, colleagues, parents and guardians with timely, accurate and constructive feedback and assessments on students’ attainment, progress and areas for development.

See full standards below.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Hacks and Religious crack-pots. These are your current leaders. 

  2. Anonymous says:

    And teacher's adherence to these standards will be monitored how, and by whom?  And what will happen if teachers fail to adhere to the standards?  Sounds like fluff to me.

    • Anonymous says:

      If by "FAIL" you mean not handing out unearned grades, to even a President's child, just ask a recently fired instructor…

  3. Patricia X says:

    "to develop an understanding of and respect for the Caymanian culture", also added to the curriculum were the economics of the tooth fairy and the life cycle of the unicorn.

    • Anonymous says:

      That's feebly cynical and overegged, Patricia X. Not up to your usual more subtle standard of nastiness. I'm disappointed in you.

      • Patricia X says:

        It is hard to get excited when picking low hanging fruit.

        • Anonymous says:

          Oh Jesus, Patricia, that's even more pathetic than your last effort. You simply have to do better than that to keep your – erm – fan base going. With Pit Bull rather quiet recently, I'm feeling bereft of nasty anti-Caymanian stuff and as a loyal Brit I'm getting jumpy at the absence of the vitriol from both of you.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Any surprise?  It's what the Cayman Islands are all about – all glitz and glamour, no substance…

  5. Anonymous says:

    What I would like to know is how a Caymanian can become a teacher in government schools, without having to leave island to become certified.  The PGCE course on offer at UCCI isn't even accepted by government schools.  Does anyone know???

    • Anonymous says:

      Meanwhile Caymanians who have done this course are snapped up by the private schools and some even teaches overseas. I did the course with some very talented Caymanians and was appalled at the treatment they received from the government schools where they did their practical. The course is good enough for the University of Miami and good enough for the Joint Board of Teacher Education, but yet not good enough for government schools? What a shame the country is losing out on such great teachers. Maybe the incumbents are afraid of being upstaged?

  6. The Educator says:


    (1)   How does a Caymanian citizen become a TEACHERS ASSISTANT what are the requirements.

    (2)  Why has the Education system and the Ministry taken ART & CRAFTING  out of the  Primary schools.?      The reason I am asking this is because I visited the East End Primary school during CHRISTMAS and saw some amazing local craft work produced by the East End Primary school in December under the watch of a Local Caymanian artist, and it was excellent, absolutely the best…The education department, the Ministry need to support this area, instead of ignoring it.

    (3)  I would like the Minister of Education, Mr Anglin, and Also the Premier to explain what is CTA, which I believe is supposed to be CAYMAN TRADITIONAL ARTS   XXXX

    (4)  I visited both East End and North Side  Primary schools, Christmas concerts, and the effort that the teachers and students put out for both concerts was unbelieveable.  Both showed results of excellence and hard work.  My dissapointment was that I never saw one person from the Education  Department, nor did I saw the Minister for Education or anyone from his Office.  It  was very disapointing to both Parents, teachers and especially the children, because the children were told that they would attend.  However, to my surprise there were 10  of them at the RED BAY PRIMARY. Please explain how not even one came to East End or North Side Primary.  The Education system need to realize that it is important to support the schools in the out districts in every way.

    (4)  Hoping that the three questions and statements may be considered  and a reasonable answer given..

  7. Anonymous says:

    Maybe he can turn his attention to writing a Standard for MLA's next.

  8. Anonymous says:

    I think Rolston went too far in section 5.0, requiring teachers to have a knowledge and understanding of the subjects that they are teaching.

  9. Au revoir says:

    Wow, another collosal waste of time!  But it sure looks pretty…  Au revoir

    • Anonymous says:

      And a waste of paper… could have at least been formatted to fit on six pages instead of seven – three, if duplexed.

      • Anonymous says:

        I teach in the Statesand we have standards like those listed above. Not only are we given a copy each year, but they are incorporated in our evaluations and we have to waste time discussing them at our monthly teacher meetings. I, personally,  think it is a complete waste of time when we could spend time discussing issues like gang violence, domestic violence, teen pregnancy, the drop out rate, and other issues that are abundant in our schools.

        The "standards" just look good on paper for the higher ups who aren't in the trenches with the teachers!!!  If a teacher is not following proper protocol, speak to them, but to the ones who are working hard….please….do not insult us. Help us out and get us supplies, programs, smaller class sizes, up-to-date books, and support!


  10. Anonymous says:

    It is sad that a "list" like this had to be written.  If teachers are hired that do not conduct themselves in these ways, their hiring was a grave mistake. 

  11. Anonymous says:

    R U KIDDING ME. 2012 and we geuss getting this.