LA makes first status grants

| 29/11/2012

190px-Cayman_passport (190x269).jpg(CNS): Two people have been officially granted the right to be Caymanians by the Legislative Assembly under a provision in the law passed in 2005, which has not previously been used. Harry Chandi and William Maines were given status without having to jump through the usual hoops or pass through the timelines of residency in Cayman normally required. Although Chandi, an Indian-American who owns Magnum Jewellers and introduced the government to Devi Shetty, has not been here long enough to qualify for permanent residency, he was given status following a recommendation by the Caymanian Status & Permanent Residency Board, which was accepted by Cabinet and approved by the Legislature.

Maines, who is from Texas, has been splitting his time between Cayman and the US for at least three decades.

The two status grant awards that were placed before the Legislative Assembly for approval were the first to be granted by Cabinet since the law was changed. Only four grants per year can be made this way and they must now be approved by the country’s parliament in an effort to maintain transparency in the process of making new Caymanians.

The law was changed by the PPM administration in 2005 as a result of the public backlash after the previous UDP administration controversially gave out almost 3,000 status grants in 2003. Those grants were made in an effort to address the major problems the country could have faced regarding the human rights issues affecting people who had been resident in Cayman, in some cases for decades, with no rights.

However, while many people who had been living and working in Cayman for many years were given the right to be Caymanian, other grants were given to wealthy individuals who had only been in Cayman for a short time, which led to concerns about the criteria and the selection process.

Deputy Governor Franz Manderson, who brought the motion for approval, noted that Mains and Chandi were the first two people ever to be granted status with approval from the country’s parliament. The recommendations were made by the status board to Cabinet because of the men’s contribution to the community, Manderson said, as he outlined their charity work and their major investments in the community.

Ezzard Miller registered his strong objection to both the grants, stating that it was misusing the provision in the law for Cabinet grants, which should be reserved for exceptional circumstances. The independent member said the two men appeared to be getting the grants based on the simple fact that they were rich and that neither had done anything that was particularly exceptional, since many people gave to charity.

He said that, as business owners, these were the types of individuals who, once they got status, would compete with local people, and he could not see what was so exceptional about the men, who were wealthy enough to acquire permanent residency and then eventually acquire status through the normal channels.

“No one should be granted Caymanians status just because they are rich,” Miller said, adding that he wanted to see these special grants given to really deserving people for exceptional reasons. Being rich and giving to charity, he said, was not exceptional. He accepted that he would be criticised for his comments but, he said, the right to be Caymanians should not be bought.

The premier took aim at Miller and also railed against the opposition leader, who had raised the issue of the 2003 the status grants. McKeeva Bush said the grants happened because of people who had been here as long as 40 years with no rights. He said that, at the time there were as many as 16,000 people living in Cayman with no residency rights who could have taken government to court.  He said people had come and worked for years in Cayman and then they could be kicked out when it suited the country.

“The human rights issues needed to be addressed as people had nowhere to go," Bush declared.

He related an anecdotal account of a Jamaican woman who had worked in social services for 24 years and who had made her life and her home here. Then, one day, she was told she had to leave. But she had nowhere to go to, he said, and she had landed on his doorstep.

“I said then I would make a case out of it," the premier stated as he emphasised the injustices suffered by many who had been in Cayman for decades only to be thrown out.

Bush pointed out that it was always hard working Caribbean people of African descent “that they picked on”. He said he had tried to help them and, as a result, he had had all manner of evil said about him. Bush admitted that some grants were more deserving than others but he accused the opposition members of running around and asking for friends of friends who they wanted to get status to go on the list.

“I’m an easy target but we have to stop being hypocrites. We can’t build this country by ourselves,” he said, as he pointed to the problems in Cayman society for the poorer people before the population grew. He said people had had nothing, they could not get a good education or a scholarship. However, growth and development had led to many benefits for Caymanians, including better housing.

He said that there needed to be a system in place for granting the right to be Caymanian but he wondered where else it was in the world that people had to go to parliament to get permission for foreign nationals to get status.

“Stop blaming foreigners,” he said. “Stop blaming them for buying the businesses, as they can’t buy anything unless people sell them.”

Bush recommended granting the right to be Caymanian for both men to the Legislative Assembly because they “had done good” for the community.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Hey here is an idea for government to make additional revenue sell status to the world!!!

  2. Anonymous says:

    I thought we had given this XXXX up. Can't we enshrine it in the constitutionso that not every so called "rich" man can come here and get our birth right? 

    What have these two men done for Cayman? Say what you like about DART but at least you can see how he has invested in Cayman and you can see that he is here to stay and to invest.

    What have these guys done. Got the old craft market for a song from the UDP to further his riches in the jewelry business and oh yea he introduced Devi Shetty to us..Does that mean that anyone can introduce to us a rich person and they can get status because of it.

    Caymanians are getting tired. We are a patient people but this kind of thing has to stop because we have some young ones coming up that won't be so patient.

    Shame on you UDP ..Shame ..Shame ..Shame…

    Anyways we will see you at the polls…Hopefully like the PPM for the last time!

  3. Brit says:

    What a funny looking passport.  It looks like the passport of a real country.  But it isn't.

    • Anonymous says:

      Dumbo, that is a British Passport issued in respect of overseas territories. It is issued under the British Nationality Act. It wasn't designed by Cayman or Caymanians.  

      • Brittodabone says:

        Of course Cayman can't give out passports, dummy, it ain't a real country.

  4. Anonymous says:

    There is a lot of debate here, some of it nasty. The bright side of this is that so many people want to be granted citizenship because Caymans is the best place on earth to live! 

  5. Anonymous says:

    Giving status to these millionaires is a major reason why govt needs to REPEAL the property tax waivers for "Caymanians"…

    'Do u know what this is worth to these big boys who are now "one of us"??

  6. Anonymous says:

    Is that our forever honerable gowerment starting to pave the way for much needed wotes in six months? 

  7. Greed Tomsun says:

    We all know who is connected to who and just like that outrageous Stingray incident which was made to faded from our head lines this too will fade unfortunately the ramification of these decisions will have longterm and unseen consequences on Cayman and simple enrich the self righteous and pious few, who have their grubby little hands and proxies on too many public boards and the cycle of corrupting influence in these islands continues unabated and empowered. Corruption has many faces & facets in Cayman but why does it have to be so darn  flagrant and sarcastic.

  8. Anonymous says:

    CNS- please remember that having the Right to be Caymanian and having the right to a BOTC Cayman Islands passport are two entirely different and often unrelated things. These recipients of status may never qualify for BOTC citizenship of the Cayman Islands even though they are Caymanian. Your choice of image to accompany the story, whilst entirely understandable, risks helping to perpetrate the myth that holders of BOTC Cayman Islands Passports and Caymanians are one and the same.

    • Anonymous says:

      To those posting thumbs down, the poster above is right. Holders of Cayman Islands Passports are not ( by virtue of their passport or citizenship) Caymanians. Similarly, many thousands of Caymanians are not entitled to have Cayman Islands passports. Whether someone is Caymanian or not is determined under Cayman Islands Immigration Law. Whether someone can have a Cayman passport or not is determined under the British Nationality Act. The criteria, and the agencies applying them, are different.

    • Anonymous says:

      That is a good point, one I wish could be explained in more detail.

      I have Permanent Residency. My young children are Caymanian, not that this has anything to do with my query but wanted to explain.

      I was told by the office of the governor that I can apply for naturalization after having Permanent Residency for one year. I was told that naturalization and status are 2 completely different things in the eyes of immigration.

      Naturalization will allow me to apply for a Caymanian passport. But I still will not have status. I believe that I can apply for status 5 years after being granted Permanent Residency.

      How can the Caymanian government allow for someone to be naturalized and receive a Caymanian passport but not have status? What does naturalization actually mean?

      I am somewhat confused because in the US, where I am originally from, one cannot get a US passport unless one is a citizen. So then naturalization and status here are two separate imiigrations statuses? I simply wonder why these 2 categories exist separate from each other.

      • Anonymous says:

        The difference exists because British territory with internal self government. You immigration status is determined locally.

  9. Pit Bull says:

    This power should always ultimately remain vested in the Govermor – why should corrupt little local authorities get to decide who gets right which can lead to British citizenship?

    • Anonymous says:

      It is distressing for the law abiding people of Cayman to be held hostage by the underhand practices of our ruler and hangers on…Mr Taylor, it seems Britannia also waives the rules.

    • Anonymous says:

      And yet it seems that if there were many corruptly given status grants in 2003, the certificates were signed by the Governor. Oooops!

  10. Anonymous says:

    Giving Status to someone that does not permanently reside in Cayman is ridiculous.


    Giving Status to someone involved in questionable insurance rewards is appalling.

    • Anonymous says:

      Thank you for that 13.50. Truth is constrained, and citizens are frustrated by the laws of libel.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Hey to the righter of 11/30/ 2012- 12:48 'Maines owns residences at the Ritz..coincidence??'  He also owns that big three width hall that shade in the front of the new CIG building. 

    • Anonymous says:


      Wow – that is not a typo – it’s not even a word!

    • Anonymous says:

      What the hell language are you writing in? No idea what your comment means. Maybe someone could translate? Thanks.

  12. Anonymous says:

    I googled Bill Maines and it seems he has been describing himself as “the” owner of the Cracked Conch restaurant in West Bay. Would he not have to have already been Caymanian to be “the” owner? I guess he had an LCCL.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Follow the money trail  folks…you won't be surprised where it leads..

  14. Anonymous says:

    The whole uncertainty over long term status was why I came for 8 years, took out as much money as took, spent as little as possible and came back home. Nevertrained a Caymanian, never cared about the long term interests of the business I worked at or the place generally.

  15. Anonymous says:

    CNS – I strongly take issue with some of your description of the cabinet status grants. First, the motivation for most of them was nothing to do with regularizing the position of long term residents. The Boards did that in 2004 with many hundreds of grants to long term residents cabinet had “missed” and in any event PR was available as an interim measure. Further the suggestion that grants to relatively short term residents was limited to the wealthy is laughable. The motivation wassimple political gain without requiring checks and balances. No amount of painting over can conceal what really happened or the damage it has wrought to our economy, our society, and our future sustainability.

    Make an FOI of persons receiving cabinet grants who had been living in Cayman for less than 10 years and tell us why they were given it There was no human rights involved for them! It was a hand- out of that which Caymanians hold dearest, their birthright, willing to share with those who build their community with them, but not have it sprinkled like Mardi Gras tokens in response to calls of ” show us your t…”.

    • Anonymous says:

      The status grants happened, it can't be undone, no-one had the cojones to challenge it at the time, so accept it and get on with the Cayman of today, rather than dreaming about a Cayman that might have been.

      • Anonymous says:

        Wrong. The CBA challenged it. If any of the grants were the result of corruption they are certainly void and I will work to have any bastard that may have obtained it through outright illegality from these shores till my dying breath. All else, I welcome – provided they act with a genuine love of their new home.

      • Anonymous says:

        Status grants happened and cannot be undone you are so right.   Cayman should also accept the fact that not everyone who works or live in Cayman can be allowed citizenship; we are aware that  only certain type of people have the money to keep this economy going.  We don't need people who will be a strain on this country.  I know if Mr. Jim Bodden was around for two more terms Cayman would be the Monaco of the caribbean, because he went on record to let the world know the type of people that the Cayman Islands were willing to accept and this was evident until about 1996 when the paradigm started to change and we began to relax our standards and thus began the decline of the Cayman Islands.  I believe that it's not too late for Cayman to readjust our focus and  follow  Monaco. I am confident that the Dart Corporation will help us in this venture. Cayman this is what we want to become, not like some third world banana republic

      • Anonymous says:

        Mr. Panton objected with his Legal Assocation, but no one else Stood Up!!!!

      • Anonymous says:

        Actually, if the grants were corruptly obtained, they are void. Whether that be next year or in 10 years the truth for some will out, and then there may be plenty of plane doors hitting…. ( you know the rest)

  16. Anonymous says:

    Here we go again.

  17. Anonymous says:

    I must say for a change I agree with Bush's comments about the blame game going. People find it real easy to blame others for thier sorrow….

  18. Anonymous says:

    How many of CNS readers remember our national hero, Jim Bodden's, plan to sell Cayman Status for $250,000. It was designed to get George Lister and Tom Hadjecate, big players in Cayman in the "Texan years" status. But it helped to lose the following election for Bodden and his Unity Team because Caymanians just did not like the idea of selling their "citizenship". Have we changed since then?

    • Anonymous says:

      Tell you what, I remember George Lister and Tom Hadjecate bid to get status, looking back today most Caymanians would be happy to have Tom Hadjecate and George Lister to what we have today.  Under our national hero, Jim Bodden, Caymanians were kings in their castle and everyone else were guest and residents that we accepted and welcomed.  Oh how I long for the days of Jim Bodden when being Caymanian had significance and prestige, when we were proud to hold those black passports high.  Now  I no longer travel on my Caymanian passport, I use my UK passport and birth certificate, which identities my place of birth as Cayman Islands, my mother's place of birth Cayman Islands and my father's place of birth Cayman Islands.

    • Anonymous says:

      Only that we now give the fee back to the in concessions / duty waivers etc…

  19. Anonymous says:

    It’s a matter of time……, the dumb idiots will understand , giving these 2 gentlemen the status with the right thing.

  20. Whodatis says:

    I agree with the sentiments that it is a disgraceful practice, however, it is simply the British way … and as we are constantly reminded on a daily basis – we are a "British" territory.

    The UK does the very same thing.

    Study their immigration laws, policies and loopholes and you will see that they also grant British citizenship to the wealthy.

    Obviously, most Brits are unaware of this fact, but it is normal for the native-born members of a country to be the most ignorant of its immigration policies. The same applies here in Cayman.

    • The Rt. Hon. Anon. says:

      Only Whodatis could read an article about Caymanian MLAs (elected by the Cayman people and no-one else) approving status grants in govt., and then say the British are to blame. We really should be spared this drivel.

      • Truthseeker says:

        Reading Whodatis comments is like flashback to the 70's when Michael Manley  (Jamaican Prime Minister) groupies were singing his praises, whilst he devastated Jamaica's economy with his homegrown brand of socialism. Manley announced island-wide  free education without consulting his Minister of Finance, or of Education. He devalued the currency (no doubt forced by the IMF) yet denied it, ranting against against those who spoke the truth as "Liars, liars, liars" at a public rally. (It was "depreciation" , go figure!).

        McKeeva pronounced that the new Government propoganda TV station is free. He went as far to spell out F R E E in Parliment, mocking those who suggested otherwiswe. The truth is that you have to have a paid subscription to receive it, unlike the local channel and a couple of "over the air" religious channels. This suggests that Bush believes that  repeating a lie with enough conviction makes it the truth. 

        I think it somewhat appropriate that McKeeva's newly awarded Honourary Doctorate is given to someone who has awarded  themselves the tital of "Honourable" for life, by an academic institute that does not (according to their website) seem to have a doctoral programme.  



        • Whodatis says:

          @ Truthseeker,

          What the heck are you on about?!

          The fact that you have actually received support for this post reinforces my decision to limit my participation and even reading of CNS (comments section) as of late.

          • Truthseeker says:

            What the heck am I on about? That is rich, coming from the master of chip-on-shoulder, anit-imperialism 101, neo-socialist, Chagos Island mumbling claptrap! The fact I received support might suggest to a sane person that they reevaluate their own criteria for determining rationality. I hear Dr Frank is looking for a new home for his dead parrot. Perhaps you could offer it a room in your castle in the air?   

    • Anonymous says:

      Jeez … Whodatis is back, the medication must have worn off.

      Someone throw something shiny quickly or play the Chagos card!

  21. Anonymous says:

    cayman is just like the rest of the world money talk and bull s walk! nothing new.

    • Anonymous says:

      I think you mean BS talks and money talks also. And money plus BS sings from the ever rising rooftops!

  22. Anonymous says:

    "Those grants were made in an effort to address the major problems the country could have faced regarding the human rights issues affecting people who had been resident in Cayman, in some cases for decades, with no rights". ?


    Oh please! Tell the truth. There were a handful of those eligible people thrown into the mix to muddy the waters. The new immigration law would have taken care of ALL of them. Those who were going to miss out and had UDP connections were added in so that they would not have to leave the island when they were rolled over. Then a bunch of other people including teachers who would have got status soon were lumped in to further confuse us. Thousands of people will vote in this election as a result of being given status by the UDP. Do you think for a minute that some of them won't vote UDP as a result? One of them was shot by Mr. Bowen as he broke into his house whilst supposedly at home with his monitoring anklet. One of them is Mike Ryan. One is Ken Dart, one is John Kaweski!


    We cannot allow any more irrevocable grants of status to anyone chosen by politicians. 

  23. Anonymous says:

    What makes these guys any better than any other businessmen who donated after Ivan? Many people gave their time and money and have done so for years without expecting status which is IRREVOCABLE as a result. This is so unfair and an insult to all the people who deserve status under the law and do not have it as well as those who already have it through the proper process. Not to mention those who have it as a birthright. I know an English nurse who is still waiting for status after 18 years who took her children to the UK after Ivan and came right back to work in the hospital. She has always been involved in charitable acts. Compare that to a New York Billionaire who owns two apartments at the Ritz and the Cracked Conch. No doubt there is a West Bay MLA connection there. No one should be given status by politicians. No one. 

    This is one of the companies Bill Maines owns with his brother:

    • Anonymous says:

      I gave time and money and food after Ivan and got rolled over.

    • Anonymous says:

      IRREVOCABLE status, no such thing once you are not born here , adopted by Caymanians, or if you were not born here of two Caymanian parents and grandparents your status can be revoked and you will be sent packing to your country of origin, whether you were granted status by cabinet or not.  To prove it commit a deportable crime and put it to the test and see.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Cayman is for sale. That is old news so get used to it and count the money that is coming on-island.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Filling the UDP election coffers early.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Ezzard….. You are only 6 months away from DESTROYING the country!! The rest of the Caribbean loves you! Drive away business, people and skills! A one man self destruction machine!

    • Anonymous says:

      Like the man or not, you have to admit that if not for Ezzard we would not know half of what this government does behind closed doors.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Been here for going on 20 years & have to still jump through hoops to get my status & yet again 2 people just 'GIVEN' it without any  of the headaches we ordinary hard working people have to suffer!!!!!  What a mess.  Not even qualified for PR yet hte now have magically got status!  Something stinks.!

  28. Anonymous says:

    Relax people… I doubt the two of them will vote for the UDP..

  29. Anonymous says:

    I read these posts with amused interest.  First of all, what was omitted is that all the MLA's except Miller voted 'aye'.

    Granting two deserving individuals status is really no big deal, they are wealthy enough to take their businesses elsewhere, if they choose to do so, but they fortunately invested in Cayman and are enticing more investors.

    People, wake up! really!  If you want to continue to have your nice cars, smartphones, air conditioning and employment, embrace investment and growth.

    While MLA's, once voted in will never have to fear lack of income upon retirement, we the people do and it is extremely important Cayman continues to prosper (or try to).

    I have no faith in people that try to bring Cayman down by playing the advocate and spewing inciting propaganda, for indeed, their interests are not about the good of the Country, only about what is in their best interests.

    Caymanian B+B

    • Anonymous says:

      Why waste your time trying to explain or make people understand what's in thier own best interest. In every culture there's a sub group of people who have nothing and will never have anything becuase they are to busy looking at what their nieghbor has with green in the eyes and do not feel they should have to work for anything..Those who can, Do, Those who can't, complain about those who do..

    • Anonymous says:

      Michael Ryan was "given" status and look at what happened…

      • Anonymous says:

        You and I have variations on the meaning of ” given”.

      • Anonymous says:

        @ 6:43 And Ken Dart given status too – and he bought half the Island/s! But I must say he put in more then any rich caymanains. At least I can see it and be part of it. Can I with Harry and the other dude?  

  30. Anonymous says:

    Who are on the Immigration Board who made this recommendation in the first place? Would be interesting to see an FOI request of who voted in approval and if anyone was against it?

    • Anonymous says:

      Well if you'reso interested why don't you make the FOI request?  Its easy enough to do.

    • Anonymous says:

      Big Mac selects the boards and tells them what to recommend. He then says it was not his recommendation. Technically, he is then speaking the truth.

  31. Knot S Smart says:

    I would like to say my opinion on this but it will upset me and spoil my weekend…

    Then I will probably get drunk and practice my driving…


  32. Anonymous says:

    Does any one know if there's a connection with these two gentlemen and anyone on the Status Board?

    • Anonymous says:

      Why, should anyone think there is a link? I do believe that there are other well deserving people who deserve Caymanian status, but did they apply? it is very true that Caymanian alone cannot bulid and sustain Cayman, so the door must be opened to attract others that have invested well in the Islands. These grants were done with much transparency, so noone can accuse anyone.

      I know Mr. Miller would not grant his mother status if her life depends on it. He has a natural dislike and might I add a very strong one for anyone who is not Caymanian. This will not change, even before the man was elected he was hating on expats. I went to a local Church Mission Meeting and he was a guest speaker, and he used that platform to bashed expats…and that was about 10 years before he was elected. The man just need to empty himself of all that hate.

      Fpr those of you who are not Caymanian and are commenting and disrespting our Islands, you need to take a look at where you come from…because it's worst.


      • Anonymous says:

        I'm a Caymanian and I'm sick of these behind the door deals just because they are rich.  There are many people contributing to the islands that aren't rich but they get rolled over instead.  We have many caretakers of our elderly and our children as well as teachers.  They are the people that mold our future shouldn't they be more important than some rich man?

      • Anonymous says:

        Stop making false statements about Mr. Miller. His wife is a non-Caymanian, and his previous wife was also a non-Caymanian. Ezzard is pro-Caymanian. Of course some people, who think that the interests of expats and Caymanians are diametrically opposed, feel that that makes you anti-expat.

  33. F. Scaramanga says:


    Harry Chandi of Magnum jewelers? You mean the same one that Bush “gave away” the old Famers Market to in town along with many concessions to outfit Chandi (the Indian-American) & Gene Thompson’s coffers. It would not be so bad if Bush and his ailing UDP members made efforts with those two wealthy businessmen (and others) on assisting with this country’s lack of schools for vocational skills for a higher education and better society.      

    • Anonymous says:

      A mockery of the system….!!…all you need is a Mac connection, in some business form, then there is no need to obey laws or follow process, Mac'll fix it for you.

      Mr Mains has been a long time visitor and heavy investor in Cayman, so I think he was added to make Mac's gift to Chandi look justifiable.

    • Anonymous says:

      So what were you going to do about the non-functional "craft market"? Where was the line of people waiting to put their money up?

      • Anonymous says:

        You talk about “non-functional” – at least there was something more than a hole in the ground which is what there is now! What a mess and dust bowl it is now and WHEN is something going to be built there Mr. Chandi?

    • Anonymous says:

      It was tendered by lands and survey folks. If you wanted to lease it you should have bid on it. Too late to grumble now.

  34. Anonymous says:

    Where do I get in line to get my status please?

  35. noname says:

    I hope everyone else seeking status files a class action suit against these bandits that have no regard for the law and are determined to continue worshipping rich people and the almighty dollar. This is gross descrimination, it is treating these two rich people different from others whoare not as financially well off. Grounds for a class action case for gross discrimination and violation of human rights law interantionally .Other expats could legally ppursue and win. I think that's the indea inorder to get the 100.000 population mark Mac had planned. This could be a trick to make it happen, it would cause an uproar if he did what he did in 2004.  Check it out, wht does it really look like to you?

    I guess this is special interet at work again. Can McKeeva do anything to grant Caymanians a better life and employment in their own homeland? This man seems to embrace hatred than favor, Its ridiculous and ludacrous what this mangets away with!

    I keep telling you the UDP is out to aggitate Caymanians now that they are well aware they are  ON THEIR WAY OUT!

    2013 can't come quic enough. No use trying to even suppiort them is anything that appears to be good, there's always something unclean in every glass of milk these bandits poour out on our society.


    • Anonymous says:

      Hey guess what, if people did do that, they certainly would not receive their status.

    • Anonymous says:

      Who do you want here poor people?? Don’t be silly.

  36. Anonymous says:

    Games and rewards for the players. The man who introduced shetty to the govt is awarded status. The govt. gives Shetty a tax free ride and a wholesale change of the country's tort laws/ transplant laws etc. Now this new status holder will officially become a caymanian co- partner to make sure the players in the govt. gets their pie share. It's called trickle back my dear Caymanians not trickle down as Mac would have you believe.This man also got prime GT land for a jwellery store.

    Donating jewellery for silent auctions at a Ritz black tie event does not constitute charity Mr. Manderson and Bush XXXX. Seems like Ezzard again has called the bluff.

    • Anonymous says:

      What were your plans for that prime land? To let that shed sit  there for another 50 years.

  37. Anonymous says:

    Many hard working foreigners have had to re-apply and re-qualify themselves every few years to progress along each of the several stages towards Caymanian Status.  It is time consuming, pricey, and heart and soul wrenching.  Eventually, some will make it to 15 years and can then apply for a revocable Caymanian Status (ie Paper Caymanian).  Key word being "revocable".

    What I don't understand is that our LA feels they can bypass this process for special buddies that have contributed nothing more than a simple investor introduction, while there are thousands of business people making bigger introductions every day without having been confered those honours.  Yet, the sham cabinet status grant this buddy gets is "irrevocable".  

    Why shouldn't Cabinet status grants be revocable under the same terms as the other fine people that took the very long road to qualify, and underwent the burden of demonstrating over and over that the Cayman Islands was there home?  Without an extraordinary reason for doing so, pithy cabinet Grants offend Legacy Caymanians, Paper Caymanians, and anyone else that is somewhere along the process.

    • Slowpoke says:

      On the other hand, why should any of them be revocable?  If these people have been properly vetted and have met all other criteria, why are they the only "Caymanians" who are not allowed to make a mistake, or show a moment of poor judgement?

      • Rorschach says:

        They are "revocable" because there area different ways of getting status..marriage, parentage, residency, etc..usually the only one that really gets revoked is when you get it through marriage and then woe unto you if you ever get divorced, Himmigration is on you like white on rice..

      • Anonymous says:


        The US now makes US Citizenship revocable in serious cases,why can't we? are you better than us? take it or leave it, respect our laws please i respect yours and a good night to you too.

        • Slowpoke says:

          I have no idea,  what would make you think I am American.  FYI, I do not have US Citizenship or a "Green Card" (unlike some of our politicians), but I am Caymanian.

        • Anonymous says:

          Respect your laws…like your government and your ministers do?

      • Anonymous says:

        Why not? British citizenship can be revoked from immigrants who "seriously prejudice" the UK's interests.

    • Anonymous says:

      Cabinet status grants are revocable, but it is only the Cabinet that can revoke them for relevant cause including fronting and entering into a marriage of convenience.

  38. Anonymous says:

    "He said that there needed to be a system in place for granting the right to be Caymanian but he wondered where else it was in the world that people had to go to parliament to get permission for foreign nationals to get status."

    OMG! there is a reason why POLITICIANS should never be able to give status you idiot!

    You must be stupid, stupid, stupid!

  39. Anonymous says:

    Wait a minute, don’t you have to be domiciled in Cayman to be given this right?? As far as I know, Harry, who I think has a masters degree in social engineering (and professes to be a close personal friend of the Governor) does reside in Cayman. Maines, on the other hand, moved his family away from Cayman years ago, and although he owns businesses here, he appears to be domiciled in the US. Hopefully, the LA was presented with a list of the charity work that these folks have done over the years, and didn’t just take the Status Board’s word for it.

    • Rorschach says:

      Maines owns residences at the Ritz..coincidence?? 

    • Anonymous says:

      Actually, domicile is now irrelevant to grants of PR and Status. It should be, but the fact is that now thousands of people who are not domiciled in Cayman are gaining status and PR.

  40. Castor says:

    It would appear that some people are more equal than others. What a farce, what an insult to those people who abide by the law and go througth thye process.

  41. Anonymous says:

    Wealth doesn't have to stand in line.

  42. Anonymous says:

    Harri Chandi….well deserved. A very good man. We need to have more like him arrive at our shores. Mr Ezzard, do you agree with anything????

    • Anonymous says:

      Did arrive, long time before this person and…..still waiting….!!

  43. Anonymous says:

    I am in favour of anything Ezzrd is opposed to.

  44. Anonymous says:

    How Did he OWN a business, not being Caymanian.

    • Diogenes says:

      Local Companies Control Law licence, perhaps?  You advertise, and if no Caymanian wants to invest the money you are prepared to put in……So if you are Harry and ask for people to put up, say, $5 to 10 million as share capital to open a chain of jewelry shops, how many people do you think would be beating down his door? 

      • Anonymous says:

        Harry was an owner. Maines describes himself as the owner. Big difference – and anyway, a properly encorced LCCL does not operate as you suggest.

    • Anonymous says:

      Who was/is his 60% Caymanian partner?

  45. Anonymous says:

    So many good and deserving people had to leave this country back in the 1980s even though they had done so much and had given so much to the Caymanian society.  Many of those people laid the foundation on which many of these so called deserving individuals are now building their empires.  They are now gone and remembered by very few.  I would really love to call name and give the histories of many of these people but I know it would never be printed.  The very things and people that our forefathers warned us about will be the doom and gloom of Native Caymanians.  I will call no names but my heart is very heavy when I think about the founder of the Inn Theater and if status was given to that individual the impact that it would have had on so many of our young people who have gone on to a life of crime and their children. Cayman have been a developed society since the 1980s.  Much thanks to the great Philanthropists of that era many who remain nameless and faceless  but their works continues and the dreams endures, thanks also to many others who came after and choose to remain anonymous and true to their good intentions.  Native Caymanians are truly grateful and like us we are respectful of your humility and appreciate your generosity.  

  46. Anonymous says:

    Quote "Bush pointed out that it was always hard working Caribbean people of African descent “that they picked on”"  What does he mean "THEY" picked on?  He's not wrong – but   he obviously means the Cayman Gocernment.

  47. Anonymous says:


    Here we go again. And we only have 5 months to go. The UDP green machine now have it all set up with the boards members and grand style in the LA for the Status run. Am happy this is not 11 years ago though. Keep Cayman abreast on things Mr. Miller/McLean (the M&M team) til May 2013.

  48. Guardian Watch Tower says:


    “They have done good for our community”…..Want to impress me with that…Ask them to now grant 10 scholarships each for Caymanians. Not their buddies children’s who has the means and access to money, but the lil lower class Caymanians that so many of us like to call later on in life “Lazy Caymanians”. Please!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Obviously picking up the tab to send a little girl to india for life saving surgery when her own people wouldn't help isn't impressive..Even is he was to send 10 kids to school all you would do is ask for more and more. That's what people who are never satisfied do.

  49. Cheese Face says:


  50. Anonymous says:

    I agree with Ezzard.  McKeeva that is the stupidest argument that you ever made contradicting yourself.  You are talking about the poor downtrodden Jamaican but agreed to give status to the rich white man?  You make no sense whatsoever.  

    I know for a fact of people in the Brac that had just arrived on island, you and JuJu gave status to.

  51. Anonymous says:

    Well deserved !

  52. Stiffed-Necked Fool says:

    You really and truly have to be kidding me!

    NO WAY! We have had enough of these frienship status give aways! There are plenty people who have gone the right route to earn Cayman Status and have not received it but here we are, giving Cayman Status to people who have not rightfully earned it just because they are friends and business partners of friends! This is definitely going to stop one way or another, Trust me BoBo!

    People, this is how much your Government think of us as Caymanians, they are giving our Rights away to strangers!

    Well, it just start but we got stop this mad man Real Quick before its too late. These peopledont take us too serious as we "bark" twice and then shut-up, but not again, we going start "biting" now!

  53. Mon E Ting says:

    We can't build this country by ourselves! A $4$4$4$ idiot like Bush can only further destroy this country. He is just a loud mouth fool./

  54. Anonymous says:

    DANG…….well i was offered status by a high ranking govt worker back in 2003 but under the condition i couldnt leave her and had to marry her eventually. yep you got it…….. im still single. 🙂
