Works start on West Bay Rd

| 09/01/2013

wbrd close (236x300).jpg(CNS): Workers from the National Roads Authority (NRA) began closing part of the West Bay Road on Wednesday in preparation for construction work on the northern side of the road heading towards George Town. NRA representatives at the location confirmed that they were hoping to close the lane on Thursday and direct all traffic into two narrow lanes on the southwestbound side towards West Bay in order to begin work on the junction for the Esterley Tibbetts Highway (ETH) extension ahead of what is looking increasingly like the permanent closure of the West Bay Road.

There has been no official word from the roads authority or the Dart Group about the closure or the likely disruption to traffic while work is underway on the access point to what will be the bypass.

Yacht Drive is already closed and access is being gained via the Salt Creek entrance as Dart and the NRA approach the completion of the stretch of highway that will enable them to close that stretch of the West Bay Road. This closure will also facilitate the development of what will become the developer's beachfront property.

Although government, Dart and the NRA signed a preliminary agreement under the ForCayman Investment Alliance in December 2011, the main deal has not yet been signed or revealed to the public. In addition, questions over the legality of the vesting of crown land, which forms part of the deal, have not yet been addressed.


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  1. Anonymous says:

    How dare some of you Caymaians really sit here and be for this road which Dart so carelessly decided to build?! Is it not evident that this man is slowly buying our Island, is it not clear that pretty soon there will be nowhere, or nothing left for us Caymanians?! That beautiful piece of Crown land that you all are so foolishly rejoicingg for, was the last piece of protection we had if (God forbid) a repeat of 2004 should ever hit the Cayman Islands again!!What do you smart asses think will happen now if a Hurricane stronger than Ivan should happen to come here? What will help to prevent the Ocean from washing from one side of the Island to the next? Answer: Nothing now thanks to Dart! But I truly cannot blame dart, as a man with so much money, he is only doing what is in his nature, spending it! I blame the Cayman Government that hold no part of Cayman sacred!! We as Caymanians have forgotten what Cayman is about, and it is sad to see such a small Island come to this!! I for one don’t plan on sticking around to see it sink, and I feel a lot of other Caymanians feel this way, and it is a shame when Caymanians no longer feel like Cayman is “Home”!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Who said the traffic is fine? Guess you don’t have to be stuck in the traffic jam every mornin trying to get to work!

  3. Ninja Turtle says:

    Might I respectfully suggest that the objectors to the road do us all a favor, and when the new one is opened up, please don't use it.  STAY IN WEST BAY!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      I'm not from West Bay, I will be there. I will not lose access to a large part of the beach. I will not give away a large piece of crown land. I will not agree to giving any developer everything they want without trying to get a better deal. 

  4. Anonymous says:

    Give Dart a break and let the refurbishing of the facilities on public beach start..

    Those changing rooms there are a disgrace. We all know that the Dart corp do things first class. .

  5. Anonymous says:

    Don't bank on going to the public beach any longer, either.  That will be take from us like the West Bay Road.  We will be pushed further North, just pass the Salt Creek Road or Holeman Corner.  When you all see the full deal with the VULTURES, you will be mighty shocked!  These vultures are planning an all inclusive resort in the Public Beach area. No Caymanians other than those who might be working there will be allowed. The Tourist willnot be let out of that Resort Prison to shop Cayman at all. Be Warned Cayman. See the big picture. Know who these people are. They have a world wide history that Cayman better be aware of.

  6. Helen B. Merry says:

    Dear Governor, Mr. Dart, Ms. Premier and CNS,

    Can either of you kindly answer the following:-

    a) is this deal legally structured? YES/NO

    b) have all the necessary road approvals been granted? YES/NO

    c) could the Public have a copy of thedeal? YES/NO

    Please, put an end to the speculation.

    Thank you.

    Helen B. Merry    


    • Just Askin' says:

      Dear Mrs Merry, do you have even the foggiest idea of what you speak?

      • Anonymous says:

        What is wrong with asking these questions? The public have the right to know. If this deal is not legal, it should not be carried through. 

        • Anonymous says:

          Mr just askin is put out that someone is asking questions. And he is a rude dude

    • Anonymous says:

      Thank you very much for asking these questions. We all have a right to know the answers. By the way, I own a piece of land two house lots away from the new road and have not received any notification of it. Perhaps I am not entitled to it but I will ask the questions anyway:

      Have all landowners been legally informed of the works?

      Has there been a "re-zoning" and if so, have all adjacent landowners been legally informed of this?

      If there was re-zoning, was this done for Stan Thomas?

  7. Anonymous says:

    The deal just needs to be renegotiated. We've been giving away beachfront in exchange for development for decades. Look at the 1975 development plan. It zoned the entire West Bay Road beachside for hotel and condo development. If only they had the thought to leave some parts of it out, though of course, we know politicians have been only too ready to rezone. The problem was McKeeva's sweetheart relationship with Dart led to him not driving a hard bargain on behalf of Cayman. He was compromised. How else exactly could something like the 'ForCayman Alliance' come about, with all its tradeoffs and mismatched projects, where the man in the street can't see what is being traded for what? $5 million for mortgage assistance for West Bayers? McKeeva was so desperate politically at the time, this is probably the only thing he actually insisted on getting. If Cayman was a company and McKeeva had been a director of it, he would have been sued into bankruptcy for stealing opportunities from it, not acting in its best interests, improper use of powers, not declaring an interest in transactions, not acting in good faith, having conflicts of interest generally, not exercising independent judgement, lack of probity, not using care and skill, basically the entire book. There was a price for this project and we did not get it. Dart will not run away if the next government points this out and reopens the deal.

    • Anonymous says:

      Add PPM and Coalition 4 Cayman to the groups that will allow the FCIA to be dumped upon us!

      This devastation is not just a McKeeva doing PPM and Coalition 4 Cayman are also going along with Dart for whatever he has promised them.

      • Anonymous says:

        That's because everyone, except for you and your fellow cave people, see that this is good for Cayman.

        • Anonymous says:

          I hope when this Islande sinks, you, McKeeva, and all of you money hungry, ignorant people sink with it!

      • Anonymous says:

        They all want DART'S $ for campaign – so have to stay quiet now.  What a mess.

      • Anonymous says:

        You are a liar. 

    • Anonymou says:

      How do you know as the details have yet to be disclosed? Or are you an inside whistleblower?

      I love this improvement to the area and see that much good will come from it.

    • Anonymous says:

      You do realise the deal has been signed and is substantively underway right? (the first one to do with the road – not this second deal that we are awaiting the FFR report on).  DART may allow a change to the agreement to be made –  however I'm also sure they'd extract a high price for it….."so in exchange for screwing up our agreed plan for Hotel X and Road Y, we'll stop but you need to give us concession A, B, and C to compensate us".  And given the recent events and concerns in Cayman, what confidence what DART have that Govt could deliver on any items it would propose as alternatives?

      Alternatively Govt could just renege on the contract…but again there almost certainly would be penalty clauses (costing actual dollars – you know….that asset we don't have), and at that stage I assume DART would stopthe road construction (or at least finish only the first portion).  People don't tend to go and build a major road for you for free your know….and smart businesses will have risks covered.


      • Anonymous says:

        Close off the West Bay Road and pretty soon every Caymanian young and old will see just how beneficial or not it will be to the island.   Cayman is sinking fast and many are too blinded by greed to see it, just like the mass status grants of 2003 Caymanians will curse the day and damn the hour. 

  8. Anonymous says:

    Will there be access for the public to the beach?  Will parking be provided for the public? Or will "No Trespassing" signs be in place?


  9. Anonymous says:

    This deal stinks! That new by pass would have to been built so Dart could access his land in Batabano….. Concessions in duty for 50 years and what ever else mac decided to give him! This deal was not done for the benifit of the people, it was done for the benifit of a few. Namely dart and mac….. why have we never been allowed to see the whole deal…. it just stinks! and what pisses me off the most today is the XXXXXX traffic in the morning. I'm stuck in traffic while NRA workers lean on the shovels and wave to their friends as they drive by. Good bye west bay! 

    • Anonymous says:

      Do not blame just Mac for this stinking FCIA Dart deal.

      Mac has many "friends" assisting him to destroy our Grand Cayman.

      The PPM and Coalition for Cayman also by not speaking out in opposition are therefore suporting Dart in their damage to our west bay and the rest of Grand Cayman.

      • Anonymous says:

        You obviously cannot read or hear if you think the PPM have not spoken out in opposition. 

  10. Anonymous says:

    So, does PPM support the FCIA deal or not? Can’t seem to recall hearing a definitive answer and they have gone back to being silent on it

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes the PPM now supports the FCIA deal.

      So what is the big difference between the UDP vs the PPM vs the Coalition 4 Cayman on the FCIA deal subject?

      Not much really, the only big fight is which party gets the most benefits of Dart's political campaign financial contributions!

      The PPM and the Coalition 4 Cayman's nonsensical fence riding statements are the same, "not having enough information to oppose" or "we are supporting part of the FCIA deal".

      PPM and Coalition 4 Cayman have been meeting with Dart but have never released any information on what was discussed at the meetings – just like the UDP.

      The breaking up of the FCIA deal into different parts is "death by a thousand little cuts"!

      The PPM and Coalition 4 Cayman are now part of the future damage to the Cayman Islands because they are going along without opposing this breaking up of the FCIA deal into different parts – the PPM and Coalition 4 Cayman like the UDP are also destroying the future of the Cayman Islands.

      Everyone who is interested in the future of our Islands come to the Truly4Cayman protest meeting on the West Bay Road, North of Dart's Tiki Beach, starting on Saturday at 2 PM.

      Caymanians, spicifically West Bay residents you will be the most affected, now is the time to stand up in defence of the Cayman Islands. 

      We obviously cannot depend on our MLA political leaders and most potential candidates to do what is right for the Cayman Islands so we have to fight the fight for ourselves.

      Will you be there?

      If not then start working on the excuse you will give your grandchildren 10, 15 years from now when the real damaging effects of the FCIA deal will begin to be felt.

      I will be there!

    • Anonymous says:

      Getting a straight answer from the PPM or any answers as to solutions from the PPMis like peeling bark from a tree. Their main answer seems to be, "We are not McKeeva."

      That is not enough for me.

    • Anonymous says:

      ppm or c4c don't do definitive anything

  11. Anonymous says:

    There is minimal disruption to traffic flow. Only hold up I see is when people need to turn into salt creek / yacht club access. Apart from that its free flowing.


    • Anonymous says:

      I hope that you will enjoy the good music when the traffic jams going to and coming from West Bay begin.

      I do not look forward to the repeat of the traffic jams we had in the 1990's.

      The FCIA will benefit a few politicians, regrettably some of them are my MLA's. 

      Changie for Changie!

    • Anonymous says:

      yOU obviously don't drive there in the morning.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Thanks to Dart, we know it will be done well and improve the whole West Bay experience.

    Look at Eastern Avenue now that Dart has purchased Cayman Distributors and cleaned up the slum that was there. Go Dart!!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      I see someone's excited about their bonus this year!

    • Anonymous says:

      Enjoy the free Kool Aid while it lasts you fool!

    • Anonymous says:

      Tool, another way to say it is Dart Go! Please

    • Far Canal says:

      "The West Bay experience" ?!  Is that the latest marketing ploy for the Turtle Farm?

    • Anonymous says:

      Dart rules, I want "Dart" to buy out and clean up the entire George Town, he needs to own every square inch of land in GT send the slum dwellers to the outer district like the waste management facility.    Clean up all the slum areas in GT and make the town like Camana Bay a classy place.  

  13. Anonymous says:

    No notice from the NRA or from DART…something stinks here!

    Who is willing to bet with me that that agreement is signed, sealed and delivered and there is nothing we can do about it otherwise we have to pay DART millions of dollars in fines?


    Let's see…Will the Governor seek to cover this one up too?

    • Reduce Reuse Recycle says:

      this deal was signed and we all know it … moving on.

      • Anonymous says:

        Moving ON?

        Hell no – our West Bay Road will not GO!

        The fight has just begun!

        Caymanians if you love the West Bay Road, then we gotta do what we gotta do!

        Let all current and potential candidates know that they will not get our vote unless the speak out NOW against the FCIA Dart deal!

        Dart, Mac, PPM and Coalition for Cayman we WILL stop you!

        • Anonymous says:

          Don’t be silly….you are giving up 2 lanes of road that are periodically covered in sand by a passing storm and getting 4 lanes of properly engineered and built road…don’t be on wrong side of history.

          • Anonymous says:

            We are all not just giving up two lanes of road. We are giving up several rights of way to a large portion of the beach. We are also giving up a huge piece of crown land. Dart had to build a road to access his land anyway. It was always planned to have 2 roads into and out of West Bay. Why are we giving up so much? Why wasn't there any negotiation? Why hasn't this whole deal been transparent?

      • Anonymous says:

        Within the deal that was signed was a review which was supposed to be favourable or the deal was null and void. 

  14. Anonymous says:

    I thought West Bay road ran North and South…Can someone explain what is going on. This article is all over the place..

    How can they start the road if no agreement is in place?

    CNS Note: Apologies our mistake the reporter is geographically challenged

  15. Anonymous says:

    Dump the Dart Deal!
    This is not the best deal, remember we also have to give him 50 % concessions on any hotel he takes over. I am getting my blanket ready to lay down in front of the bulldozer! The protest continues! Let’s get some intelligent negotiators on our side for a new, better and more profitable deal for Cayman, because this FCIA deal SUCKS!

    • Anonymous says:

      Dart has pledged to spend over $3 BILLION in Cayman over next 25 years…ask yourself honestly if there is any industry, group, or business doing more to improve our product or stimulate the economy of this country – government included.  Would there be this much rabble-rousing if the Kirkconnell or ALT Family had bought this land and done a gov't land swap?  Probably not.

      • Anonymous says:

        For every dollar Dart spends to benefit himself, we pay more dollars to in taxes to support the building of government facilities and to operate government  – Dart is a sucker and you know it – I work while he profits from my sweat!

        Damm it, I am tired for enriching billionairs at my expense!

        Mac organized it for Mike Ryan to take away tens of millions of dollars from the Cayman Islands.

        Mac organized it for Ken and Bob Dart to eventually take away Billions of dollars from the Cayman Islands.

        I am not going to allow this to happen without at least trying to stop this robbery or our future.

      • Anonymous says:

        As you seem to be so knowledgable about the FCIA Dart deal will you attend the Truly 4 Cayman protest meeting on Saturday on the West Bay Road to give us more information on why the FCIA Ken and Bob Dart deal is so good for the Cayman Islands?

        Do not be afraid, the Truly 4 Cayman are not the "Destructive People" as Ex-Premier Bush said that we are, you will be safe and protected while you speak to the people.

        Your response via this media article will be appreciated. 

        If the answer is yes, then your speech will be added to the agenda.

        If theanswer is no (by not replying), then you are nothing but part of the same old secret sell out the Cayman Islands damaging gang.

      • Anonymous says:

        Perhaps I am not as wealthy as mr D but I am pledging to spend 3 billion dollars here in the next 25 years also.

        • Patience says:

          Heshould pledge more at the rate those high snack prices are at the cinema especially for those sugar water foundation sodas. Lord send help!

      • Anonymous says:

        Because money is the only thing that matters! Poor people exist and need jobs! derp derp!

        • Anonymous says:

          …..and they will all be given jobs by DART, you reckon.  Wake up.

      • Anonymous says:

        To be fair, I don't see ALT or Kirks closing stores left right and centre on the waterfront in GT.  Someone knows how to run a business in Cayman (not just real estate and money movements) and it ain't Dart.

    • Anonymous says:

      Finally there is some work being done at the yacht club that has been a mess since Ivan, things are moving forward after 8 years and I am glad for it.

  16. Otherview says:

    The Public Beach is going to be so nice without all the traffic passing by.
    No more loud motorcycles showing off at high speed and fast cars overtaking
    dangerously on that stretch of road that will be erased.

    • Anonymous says:

      Definitely no overtaking will be happening with the amount of traffic jams, I'll tell ya that.

      • Anonymous says:

        What traffic jams? The current rd is one lane and the new one two lanes. How can there be more traffic jams than we currently have?

    • Anonymous says:

      The majority of the beach without traffic will also be without "you" on it.

    • Anonymous says:

      As the traffic goes so does business!

      You fail to recognize that all of us who have businesses on the West Bay Road will also eventually be bankrupt after Mr. Dart develops both sides of the Esterly Tibbetts with his own owned shopping centres, service stations, restaurants, etc.  We will all be working "for" Mr. Dart inorder to put food on our tables, he will control our lives.

       But then what do you care, you are being paid to write these posts on CNN!

    • Anonymous says:

      No more locals,  reggae, meringue ………whola

  17. Anonymous says:

    This is a very positive step forward for the safety of our people and visitors alike.

    I will feel much safer about driving down the new bypass road from WB to GT.


    • Anonymous says:

      ANYONE would feel safer driving down from West Bay to George Town.

    • Anonymous says:

      Another Dart staffer post.

      Be sure to collect your BONUS!

    • Anonymous says:

      Anyone living off it and running down it/ walking their dog down it or pushing a pram down it will be taking their life into their hands.  The police never patrol the speed limits down it and choosing to exercise down it (as many do) is taking your life into your hands.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Is it possible to seek an injunction while the legality of this entire project is decided?  Did those who wrote to the UK OT Minister requesting the legality of this project be pursued ever get a response and if so, what was it?

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, the UK Minister said that it wasa "local matter", but that was before the Framework For Fiscal Responsibility was signed.

      Yes, it is believed that an injunction in the Court would be successful.  However the cost to take an injuction to Court would begin at about CI$100,000.00.

      If you wish to spicifically wish to contribute to this Court action then talk to one of the Truly 4 Cayman persons at the protest meeting on the West Bay Road on Saturday 2 PM.

      Justice only comes to those that can afford it!

      Crimes against humanity are cheap!

  19. Anonymous says:

    About time

  20. Anonymou says:

    Money and jobs are flowing as Island Paving is working on the project. This is a major improvement and the Yacht Club is improving as well. It has been a disaster since Ivan destroyed it. Things are moving forward but there are those in Cayman who want to march backward.

    • Anonymous says:

      And when the project is complete, what will happen to the money and the jobs?  A temporary patch is not a permanent fix.  We need long term, not short term.

    • Anonymous says:

      The only logical reason the Yacht Club is improving is because "the developer" probably owns it. It's Cayman. Most selfish place on the planet. 

    • Anonymous says:

      I prefer to not march forward when there is a precipice ahead called Dart Control. People, beware of the Dart organisations apetite for power and control. Caymanians are worried about party politics, how are you going to control an organisation that literally owns the country and will call the shots regardless of who is in power? Dart is a good investor but it is not in the long term interest of these islands that he grows too big to control. He may be there already!

      • Anonymous says:

        Where are the local people who are rich, we all know who they are. Why was it Dart that put the money toward finishing the Catboat Club's building next to Lobster Pot and not one of the local wealthy?

        Is Dart the only one willing to put money toward the country's future, where are the others?

        • Anonymous says:

          DART is putting in alot less than he is taking out and you will soon be crying unless you are a shareholderof D.

  21. Anonymous says:

    to funny, lets hope you're still saying that when the works starts…. bring a good book to read in the tarffic.

  22. Anonymous says:

    north south or east west thank the darts the infrastructure is being put in place for a better cayman . good news . all the protesters will enjoy the work when it’s done ,this is a common thing in cayman fight development then enjoy the establishments after they are complete.

  23. Anonymous says:

    The Cabinet  should halt this while they look at the agreement.They should take at  least six months which will  allow elections to take place . The new Cabinet will then decide whether to continue with the agreement in its present form,or call for new negotiations to take place.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why? So we can have another similar fiasco as the cruise berthing facilities?

    • Anonymous says:

      Why?  It was clearly enabling someone to line their pockets before and it is no doubt doing the same now, but with different personalities involved.

  24. Anonymous says:

    great stuff!…take that cave/nimby's!

    • Anonymous says:

      So you too have identified yourself as one of the FAT CATS!










  25. The lone haranguer rides again! says:

    Get ER done, and let Dart build his resort and move that stinking dump from G/town.

    • Anonymous says:

      Pretend, for one second, you live in Bodden Town. Now, tell me how you feel to have all that garbage moved up by you. It simply isn't fair.

      • Anonymous says:

        Why is it fair that the dump should remain where it is?  In a heavily populated area AND a major tourist destination??

        • Savannah Resident says:

          Its fair because over 80% of all the trash generated in the Grand Cayman comes from GT and West bay.  So if the dump moves up east who will update and maintain the infrasture of the roads?  CIG can't borrow anymore money due to the FFR.  Furthermore what I find baffling is how people continue to rage against fairness and transparency when the FCIA does none of the above????

          • Anonymous says:

            HEY! Here in west bay we take our trash to Barkers, thank you very much!

          • Anonymous says:


            Finally someone is seeing the light that the Ken Dart team wants to keep hidden – the future financial burden that the middle class and financial industry will be paying to build the infrastructure needed to service Dart's developments and to opreate our government.

            Yes, Ken and Bob Dart are not paying their way!

            We the working people are more than paying our way by subsidizing government construction and services while the MLA's and other political hopefulls are well take care of by Dart.

            Rise up Caymanians before it is too late!

            Stop being fooled by your MLA's.

          • Anonymous says:

            And how do all those dump trucks each day driving around to BT and causing additional traffic problems make anyones life better?  Who is going to pay for the upkeep of the roads because Dart got the extra patch of land next to the homes he wanted to build?


      • Anonymous says:

        I am going to channel Mr. Spock here:

        "The needs of the many must outweigh the needs of the few or the one."

        If you can't see that closing and remediating the GT landfill is in the best interests of the Cayman Islands and fulfills the needs of the many because you are blinded by your own self-interest, that's your problem.

        • Anonymous says:

          Spock don’t live in Boddentown. He is very wise

        • Anonymous says:

          Tell me how the creation of a second landfill, in an area that is at sea level and will be impossible to stop from leaching, is in the benefit of the Cayman ISLANDS themselves?  Or do you mean the residents who live near the dump and have paid for property which is near a dump and not those residents who sensibly bought property in an area well away from a dump – and not the Cayman Islands at all?

          • Anonymous says:

            Not that this will matter because you've already stated your self interest is your property value, but…

            1)  This new site (which hopefully will become a solid waste management facility and not simply alandfill, but that's up to government) will be properly lined, something the George Town Landfill is not.

            2) Landfill technologies have come a long way in the last 50 years. It is possible to stop leaching.

            3) Where do you fear the the leaching at the new site will eventually leach to?  The GT site is leaching in the GT ground water and into North Sound (probably Cayman's #1 natural resource) RIGHT NOW.

            4) People bought property in George Town and along Seven Mile Beach and paid a heck of a lot more for it had no reasonable expectation that what has happened with Mount Trashmore would happen – that successive governments would throw up their arms and say there's nothing they can do because it's too expensive.

            5) I'm sorry if you feel your property will be devalued by having a landfill near you. But, let's go back to the original concept: The good of the many must outweigh the good of the few or the one, and that includes you.

            • Anonymous says:

              I hate to burst your bubble, but I actually live along WB Road and just choose to see things fairly!

      • Anonymous says:

        Its not being moved by you, the facility is 2-1/2 miles from any residence. unless of course, you living  in the swamp.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Great news, good to see this is finally getting underway.

  27. Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      Yes Hurrah! welcome to route 66 Cayman style.  Just you wait and see, rejoice now and cry later.

  28. Lausten Fown says:

    It looks like Mac and Dart are still doing their thing!

    • Anonymous says:

      I would hope so… Fown, at least we are sure of the country moving forward.

  29. Anonymous says:

    A gift to wb from UDP! Beach & crown land gone! Vote them in again come May 2013!


  30. Anonymous says:

    Juju n Keke deal lol

    • Anonymous says:

      Seriously, this is no laughing matter, if the ForCayman Alliance Deal is adopted in its entirety the Caymanian public needs to see the the Auditors report on this deal which speaks about the value for money because it cannot be bad as some people who were privy to see it say that it is.  I cannot believe that the Caymanian people will be short changed and this deal is allowed to happen, this makes absolutely no sense.  This road closure will and can only be for the benefit of the Caymanian.  When this deal is completed I would ask that the ForCayman Alliance team would now negotiate to take over the wast management facility, the water authority, Immigration, the prision, the hospital and government services because they do strike a good deal and the people of these islands would benefit as I could  see the cost of doing business and living decreasing.  Well the UK's job just got a littler easier we now have a good corporate citizen here that can operate the entire country and provide investment opportunities and much needed jobs for Caymanians. 

      • Anonymous says:

        Would you also propose that we change the name of our Island to "Kaman Island" to rhyme with "Camana Bay".

        How about changing the dollar to the "Kaman dollar".

        While you are at it change our nationality for us to be called "Kamanians".

        After all if Dart , Mac, UDP Rebel 5, PPM says it is good then it gotta be good, right?

        No, WRONG!

        Who and what are we anyway?

        Please, please someone lead me back home to our beloved Isles Cayman far away from the "Land of Oz" – in reality the mind controlling "Dart Land" we have become.

  31. Anon says:

    West Bay Road does not have an eastbound lane????

    It is my understanding that only a small section of West Bay road will be permanently closed, not the entire road, which is what the last sentence in paragraph one above states.

    It is also my understanding that what has been referred to as the NRA Agreement has been finalised and executed.  Dart is only fulfilling their obligations under the agreement.  If you ask me they seem to be doing a very good job.


    • Anonymous says:

      Dart Staffer – we know that you were paid to make this post.

      Nice Try.

      We see Dart's foot and fingerprints all over this post.


      • Anonymous says:

        PPM mole. We know you're being paid to make this post.  Nice try. This has the PPM's dirty fingerprints all over it.

  32. Anonymous says:

    Good – get it done.  I see that a new year has not changed the anti-development slant that remains in CNS news coverage.  Looking forward to the full story of the 25 people (which will be reported as hundreds) who bother to protest on Saturday.  Don't forget to comment on the "likely disruption in traffic" that will cause… 

  33. Anonymous says:

    CNS…what are you talking about?? There are "east or west bound" lanes on West Bay Road!  The road runs north/south.  Your article is very confusing.  Could you get your facts and directions straight before being so hasty to report "news"?

  34. Anonymous says:

    This is the handwriting on the wall, the road will be closed and no one will or can stop it at this stage.  The dye has been cast it is now time to accept it or move on, there is no other way.

    • Anonymous says:

      The only "writing on the wall" was this morning in the coffee room, on the whiteboard which said:

      "Support Dart and don't get fired! This means you!"

      P.S. The phrase is "The die is cast".

      • Anonymous says:

        In this instance "the green dye has been cast" would be acceptable.

    • Anonymous says:

      Dat's right, we must now show our fighting side because words failed and all of government and most MLA's ignored the people!

  35. Anonymous says:

    Good…Thank you Darts for easing my journies to work and home, and my childrens travel to and from school.

    • Anonymous says:

      And thank you also for easing my island into your pocket.

    • Anonymous says:

      I agree. The inevitable huge traffic jams will give you plenty of quality time with your children.

  36. Anonymous says:

    Dear so-Called New n Different Cabinet,

    Release the KPMG assessment!!

  37. Anonymous says:

    You would be more accurate to say that the property will be joined to the developer's existing private beachfront property. The implication always seems to be that Dart is being given more beach frontage, which is not the case.

    • Anonymous says:

      He is being given our rights to access the beach along almost 1/4 of what is actually Seven Mile Beach. His useless beachfront property will be worth many millions more. Can a government actually give away the peoples right to access the beach?

      • Anonymous says:

        You are wrong actually. In law that is private beach land. You are only allowed 6 foot access every 200 feet. Dart can combine that land and divide by 200 and place that width access next to the public beach and you would not have access to any of that beach. He can do that today. What I suspect you are talking about is the ongoing trespassing on his land. Agreement does nothing regarding you current legal access.

        • Anonymous says:

          Strange.  I thought it was the Queen's land.  Can the government just give that away Mr legal eagle?

  38. Anonymous says:

    A real test of JuJus style of open government!

    This dreadful deal with the Darts, done behind closed doors, giving away plenty including West Bay Road, for…………?

    And your article here sums it up, nobody even knows if West Bay road is closing for good. The question is, what did that man give dart that wasnt his to give, and what did he get in return?

    I hope that this can be stopped before it is too late, and i hope that the truth of it all will be revealed. Thats the test, if your new government doesnt respond by stopping it happen, and asking the questions, then you know you just have more of the same. Heaven help you!

    • Anonymous says:

      YOU ARE DREAMING!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you think caymans second premier is some kind of leader and will do some leading. DREAMING!!!!!!!!

  39. Anonymous says:

    Good to cut off the infected part…

    • Anonymous says:

      How come it is always West Bay that is the bad (infected) part of Cayman? You should say it is all infected tourist mugged in East End, person missing in Spotts, Person murdered in GT most recently, robbery in Savannah, robbery on SMB (GT side) and mugging in West Bay. Crime not partial!