ICTA aims to define local TV

| 17/12/2013

CNS): The Information and Communications Technology Authority, which is responsible for all types of broadcast services in the Cayman Islands, has announced plans for a public consultation over what defines local television programming. All firms that receive a licence to sell a TV service are supposed to provide some localprogrammes but not all of them do, despite the legal requirement. The ICTA said that there is currently a discussion as to what local television means and it intends to provide recommendations to government in relation to the future of local television content and what it should be.

In a release from the authority on Monday officials said the consultation process will begin in the New Year, when the ICTA will call for input from all those interested in the future of local television broadcasting in the Cayman Islands.

Currently the type of local programming on the TV provided by the various broadcasters is very limited and confined to government and local talk shows, educational programmes, work produced by Government Information Services and live coverage of the proceedings of the Legislative Assembly.

As part of their provision of television services, LIME, Logic and WestStar each provide a free television channel, which is what is referred to as their respective local channels that are provided to the public. Logic broadcasts its local content on Channel 23 and WestStar on Channel 27 over-the-air. LIME provides its free channel by installing a free LIME ‘box’ in your home that connects directly to your television set and customers need to visit a LIME store to have the special box installed.

Two other additional licensees are licensed by the ICTA to provide television services, Infinity Broadband, who call themselves C3, and Digicel, but they are not yet providing such services.

Not everyone receives the free channels, which may be because they don’t have the relevant equipment or because of the type of television set being used, and the ICTA recommended that viewers contact the providers to get the specifics on what may be required to receive the channels.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    When asking 'what's local?' – ask ourselves why CITN does not offer the lcocal channel for free – instead of as part of the paid TV packages.

    Plus, what of content quality? Who will manage it for TV?: the local DJs get away with anything on radio, compared to other western countries, (including jamaica).

    • Anonymous says:

      Accept that it is for free.  You don't have to be a Weststar subscriber to receive the channel.   Bunny ears up!

  2. Slowpoke says:

    Does anybody really believe that a population of 55,000 (at best) is sufficient to make 5 TV/internet service providers profitable?  I bet it will be down to one or two, in less than five years.

    • Anonymous says:

      That is what the markets do well.  The best providers continue and if they getlazy/greedy new entrants arrive.  The opposite of Hazzard's world view which is closer to the communist model, protect two or three business from competition so they can all fleece us.

    • And AnotherTing says:

      So let them fight competition is good for all. Local Tv programming is what is needed, comedy shows, musical presentations ( choir, groups individuals) coverage of local events, and highly important,  educational programs etc. And Another Ting.

      • Anonymous says:

        You understand that the local content is FREE right?  Why would they fight to provide stuff that no one has to – or would want to – pay for?  That's why we are going to end up with streaming coverage of the LA, GIS videos, amateur video of school events, and the Caymanian version of Wayne's World -whatever they can get for free or pay as little as possible for.

      • Anonymous says:

        Sounds more and more like North Korean TV.

  3. Truth says:

    As usual take something that is working and is in the private sector and take control of it so they(CIG) can make sure its just as screwed up and expensive to maintain as everything else CIG has conrol over.  This is what happens when you are too dumb to know that you are too dumb.

  4. Bush League says:

    Just stream the CCTV camera network live.

    The images coming from our best crime zones would play like a “Law and Order” spinoff…..but without any arrests or convictions.

  5. Caymanian hear hear!! says:

    How about the ICTA dropping the ball and allowing SMB to be dug up 3 times in the past 90 days over bickering new services instead of making the companies work together?  The ditch diggers are happy as clams, but power and water cable mistakes and the complete disruption made me wish for Dish TV!

    Come on keystrone ICTA cops, get your act together!  Stop pandering to the whims of TV providers and do your regulatory jobs. You have your noses so far up the LIME and Digi bums, it is silly.

    Where is our data protection law that will bring safe new business?  Where is our infrastructure that will set us apart from Bermuda and Panama and be the most attractive place to do business?

    Stop chasing HBO and condo cable TV issues and think about the Big Picture (all puns intended!)

    If we had the right ICTA people in charge we could once again be the world class choice for offshore business.

    • Anonymous says:

      You obviously don't know what you're talking about if you believe that the ICTA can dictate who is allowed to dig up the roads to lay cables. The Roads Authority is the where you should be directing your frustration.

  6. 0068 says:

    If local has to be provided under the law then let all the providers get together to produce TV content in a co-operative manner. This might help to reduce the excessive costs relating to local TV production?

  7. Anonymous says:

    Does it need a definition ?  I know crap when I see it.  

  8. Anonymous says:

    There are some local sporting events and championships that, frankly, I'm surprised aren't covered by the local tv station – even if only for a potential feel-good highlight reel for the 6pm news!

  9. G says:

    They should only sell TV and set top boxes in Cayman that can only tune to Cayman 27. Make it like North Korea. 

    In all seriousness, I do have to say Cayman 27 has really stepped up their look. Their graphics look great. They're like a bunch of Pablo Picasso's over thur. 

    • Patricia X says:

      What is Cayman 27?

      • Anonymous says:
  10. Anonymous says:

    Can I pay less to not receive any local programming?

    • Anonymous says:

      Why come to a place and not attempt to understand the culture? Shame on you.

      • Anonymous says:

        Oh that's me told.  Can I watch some documentaries on eating endangered species and how important old roads are?  Can I?  Please.

      • Anonymous says:

        Except, you don't get "local culture" on TV, you need to go out and get involved with it.

        • Anonymous says:

          No thanks, I do not want to be mugged by a crack-head with a machete.

      • Anonymous says:

        Culture? Could you list examples of Caymanian culture? Thanks.

        • Anonymous says:
          • Eating turtles.
          • A bit of West Bay Road.
          • Eating more turtles.
        • Anonymous says:

          If you have lived somewhere for any significant period of time and know nothing of the local culture it reflects your own ignorance and insularity. Try districtheritage days during Pirates Week.   

        • Anonymous says:

          Catboats, Easter Regatta, Fish Rundown, Breadkind, Wompa's, Nautical terminology in common speech, Distinctive accent, the sanctity of Sunday's, the welcoming of peoples from around the world, the greeting of strangers passing on the street, sorrel, Christmas Beef, swanky, and an incredible tolerence for a few arrogant pricks that we have somehow allowed to come and live here.

          • Anonymous says:

            While I am sure local traditions matter to you, as local traditions matter to all locals everywhere, Cayman seems a cultural vacuum to people brought up in other places.  It has nothing of interest to outsiders.  There is no local art or music or written/oral traditions of any importance.  You may be angry about that being my view and the view of many of my friends, but that is not my problem.  Many of us "arrogant pricks" came to stay with our own, make money and save that money up.  We don't want our TV and internet packages to be more expensive because of the need to show "local culture", which after all is the point being discussed on this page.

            I have to say none of your examples is of significance to anyone other than someone born and bred in Cayman.  Let's take a few:  Catboats: all seafaring regions of the world have boats adapted to local conditions; Nautical terminology in common speech: the English language is redolent with such terminology, it is not a Caymanian thing and that is a common trait in fishing orseafaring peoples globably too; The sanctity of Sundays: is religious prescription for the indoctrinated, I get drunk and try to get laid on a Sunday.  Sorrel and swanky: a plant and sugary water is scraping the barrel and helps prove the point.

            So there is a divide.  You place great import to this local matters, we don't see them as having any importance or value to us.  If you want what you consider local culture on TV go for it, just don't try to get me to pay for it as I am not interested. 

            Enjoy your Christmas Beef,  I have beef at Christmas too, turkey is an awful meat.


      • Diogenes says:

        Live coverage of the LA and GIS output is local culture?

      • Anonymous says:

        What culture? 

      • Anonymous says:

        The closest thing to local culture is sea itch.

        • And AnotherTing says:

          Oh no you have t felt the other itch yet, my my ya lucky, And Another Ting.

  11. Whodatis says:

    Deflection much?

    • GTFOH says:

      There you go again. Always bringing colour to any issue.

      It’s the PIXELS!!!

  12. Anonymous says:

    Oh god, how pathetic.  Another example of socialservices and taxation through the back door and the protection of local oligopolies.  I would suggest a video-cam feed of the sea on between 2am and 4am each night should satisfy the local content element.  If the market wanted more local TV it would have been provided.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Total waste of time in this age of internet TV.  

    Local providers must compete with the likes of Netflix and Apple TV neither of whom are required to provide "local programming".  

    If there is sufficientdemand for good local programming the private sector will find a way to provide it and consumers will find it online.  

    As a last resort the government should request proposals from the private sector to provide this service and require each TV provider to carry that one channel (this would be retendered/renewed every few years, not a 20 year monopoly!).  It is simply impossible for each of these providers to also provide decent local content.  That would be a huge duplication of effort and guarantee mediocrity all around.

    • Anonymous says:

      not everybody has internet TV you rich boy !!!!     some of our older folks..the REAL CAYMANIANS cant affort internet TV and FREE local TV is god send !

      • Anonymous says:

        Hmmm, how about forcing the internet providers to provide service to Caymanians for free and the make up the difference by charging more to the expats.

        • Hugo Bobo says:

          And send the Cadet Corp to take possession of all stores selling TVs. Free flat screens for all.

          Viva la high definicion!!

      • Anonymous says:

        Totally agree. Lime and Logic should launch their own channel(s) together to compete. The more the betta.

      • Anonymous says:

        So agreed. Why is this an issue when over the air is the minimum standard.

      • Anonymous says:

        Typical of the attitude that has brought the country to the brink of economic collapse. As long as you are a Caymanian in need the normal rules of economic efficiency don’t apply. Just write a cheque and raise fees on businesses and expats to pay for it.

      • Anonymous says:

        In most the civilized world this would be considered a racist statement.

        • Anonymous says:

          Umm no… it would actually be considered anti-immigrant.  While there may be many similarities between the two sentiments, there are also some differences, which I believe the civilised world generally understands.  In fact dismissing without investigation the claim of economic bias to complain misguidedly about racism, itself could be considered racist in the civilised world– your underlying argument and most in this thread being that Caymanians don't have a right to build, support or value a culture of their own. 

          • Anonymous says:

            Of course Caymanians can build a culture of their own.  Luckily the have a completely blank canvas to work with.

    • Gut Check says:

      Agree.    Those like myself that are unsatisfied with what is offerred locally will seek other avenues.   For example, I don't think DISH cares where the receivers are, so long as the subscriptions are paid for.  

      What we shouldn't be doing is trying to regulate everyone into something that is substandard.