Barbadian community seeking honourable men

| 19/08/2014

(CNS): In a bid to let those men who are making a positive difference in the community know they are important the Honorary Consul to Barbados in the Cayman Islands is sponsoring a Man of the Year Award and will at the same time raise funds for the local Boy Scouts. People are asked to nominate men living in Cayman whohave made outstanding voluntary contributions and community service or a significant contribution to Barbadian or Caymanian cultural and social activities in the Cayman Islands. Organisers said men who are role models, or have made contributions to education, the arts, sports, medicine, humanities or who have inspired others to better serve their community can all be nominated.

All nominations will be reviewed by an independent panel and shortlisted candidates will be put forward for election. Nominees do not need to be from Barbados but must reside in Cayman and nominations must be submitted before 26 September via post or email at: Man of the Year Award, P.O. Box 203, Grand Cayman  KY1-1501, email:

The Awards will be presented at the Barbados Independence & Thanksgiving Dinner On 28th November at the Wharf Restaurant with guest speaker Delores Callender-Taylor from the Unleash Ministries in Canada.

See nomination flyer and form below


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  1. Juliette Gooding says:

    Good Day,

    For clarity, this competition is opened to all men regardless of nationality, who live in the Cayman Islands and who meet the criteria listed.   

    As Barbadians living here, we try each year for our Independence celebrations, to find a charity or agency that provides a service to the community,to donate funds or our time.

    This year we chose the theme of Honouring Men and as the Boy Scouts organisation helps to guide our young boys to becoming productive men, we selected them for a donation.  In years past, we have had a Person of the Year and other competitions to raise these funds.

    We deeply appreciate the participation of everyone and the support given over the years and the anticipated support for this year's event.

    God Bless


    Juliette Y. Gooding-Michelin

    Honorary Consul

  2. Anonymous says:

    It's a sad commentary that we need scratch around under rock for honourable men. 

  3. Anonymous says:

    Best folks to drink and party with, but I am afraid I just cannot recommend any for this award.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Good luck finding them. A large majority of them are parish rams although to be fair the good ones are excellent husbands and great contributors to the society.

    • Anonymous says:

      The first Bajan that I ever met was Peter Bradshaw. Its so long ago that I cant even remember the year. He made friends with our family and lived with our Grand mother until her passing. Then he he leagally became a part of our family by marring to one of her nieces. He is one that everyone l;oves and has never ever got involved with anything illegal. Then there is one that I cant remember his name who worked at the funding scheme as a mechanic for so many years. He had such an interest in helping the young Caymanians to learn his trade. A wonderful man…


  5. Diogenes says:

    Is this a real article?

  6. Anonymous says:

    99.9% of the men who came here from Barbados prior to the 90s were all honourable men. All those men who were in the police force in the late 60s, 70s and 80s were some of the best police officers that worked with Caymanians. We should be recruiting primarily from Barbados as when we did the results were much better than now.  The Barbadian community in Cayman is a joy to be around they are people with very good morals,non agressive, and have similar values to older Caymanians. There were lots of teachers in the school system in the late 60s, 70s and 80s I am not being prejudice but every child now adult from that era have one very special "English teacher"  from Barbados in mind with the initials AE (Tony) for short.

  7. Anonymous says:

    This is indeed a good gesture to acknowledge "good and upright men" but as much as maybe good men did at some time came from Barbados to this country , I am afraid if they were ever a part of certain workforces such as government/police/Northward etc. then they are no longer capable of the "good listing" corruption has been playing an active part in these areas and that is why people are living in fear and have no confident in the arms of the laws and those in power.  And to the writer mentioning Dr. Edlin Merren's name, I think he had a distant relative some "MacTaggart" who was a dentist long before his time, and yes Dr. Edlin Merren was an excellent dentist and a good man that Cayman can be proud of. That good old generation has been extent from Cayman and seldom thought about. And to those Johnnie Just Come, please note old time Caymanians were good people, hard working, honest and caring for each other. We were happy to have lived in the days when we were hired for a job by the "good old family name"  Your employer just looked at you and said "so you belong to Miss D and Mr. Tom who is married to Miss B who is my far away cousin"  Sonny you can start today is you wish, that was Cayman. Now we have every nationality from around the globe trying to act as Caymanians when their culture is completely different, the way they speak, the way they dress etc. are just not our style, our rich heritage is far disappearing. It is sad to see our island in such a deplorable state and the few remaining born Caymanians has no one to turn to, the people we elect to represent us are too busy overspending credit cards and forming new laws for us to pay more taxes to support their spendings. Dear God please have mercy on the Cayman Islands.

    • Anonymous says:

      Your comments about people being hired because of whom they were for is what caused a lot of problems now and back then.

      Years ago and today this behavior causes protection of classes, thus the child from the ghetto will be stuck in the ghetto even if that child were the smartest child around

      And you will be told what to do by the stupid kid with the rich daddy

      You need to stop embracing the days of old. Yesterday was for the most part a failure that you are living with today.

      I imagine with your comment you were from a well liked family and a job at any time was a sure thing

      and now you are finding your loved ones cannot find work most likely because they are truly not qualified and you want to blame it on outsiders.




  8. Anonymous says:

    I have always wandered why our good ole Dr Edlin Merren , as far as I know never received a reward. After all he was the first Caymanian Dentist and a good Dentist at that.

    • Anonymous says:

      Totally agree about Dr Merren! He was also a Chairman of the old Protection Board and a prominent church brother.

    • Anonymous says:

      Good man but he was not the first Caymanian dentist. That honour goes to Dr. Roy McTaggart.

  9. Just Sayin' says:

    They came to the wrong place.

  10. Slowpoke says:

    Honourable women need not apply?