(CNS): As part of their extensive community work the Lions Club of Tropical Gardens recently hosted a ‘Reading Is Cool project’ for thirteen children aged between 6 and 8 years old where the kids had a day of reading, nutrition, craft, learning and fun. The day started with a nutritious breakfast of fruits, sandwiches and yogurt, before dental hygienist, Alice Jolley spoke to them about taking care of their teeth.
During the day the youngsters enjoyed reading one-to-one with Lions and guests, making Valentines card for their parents and playing at the Dart Park in South Sound before visiting George Town Branch Library. The librarian introduced the children to the different sections and each child had the chance to select books of interest and read to each other. The students were encouraged to join the Library and many of them indicated that they would ask their parents to take them to join. Each student was given a Reading Is Cool T-shirt and books before being taken home.