Independents stand together

| 09/04/2009

(CNS): With no flags, posters, podiums, t-shirts, campaign songs or cheering masses, Eddie Thompson stripped the campaign trail bare last night as he opened his bid for a seat in the Legislative Assembly, supported by three other independent candidates. The former president of the Chamber of Commerce and successful architect says he is putting aside his commercial interests to do something for his country.

On the corner of School Road and Rock Hole Road, Thompson was introduced by Bernie Bush, an independent candidate for the district of West Bay, who is no stranger to the political battlefield and who polled the highest percentage of the vote in 2005 of any independent candidate in that election. Walling Whittaker and Derrington ‘Bo’Miller also offered their support to Thompson before he took to the mike to begin his bid for election.

With no stage to yell from Eddie spoke directly to the small group of George Town voters and said that the talk of the “not so independents” was misguided and he along with his fellow candidates who were going it alone but planning to work together could get things done outside of the party system.

“I am not saying that I have all the answers but I am prepared to look for them along with my colleagues in George Town, Walling Whittaker and Bo Miller, and with Bernie Bush in West Bay,” said Thompson, adding that they would go to Bodden Town and talk to independents there to see who they could work with as well.

“Recently we have been hearing the term ‘not so independent’ and that if you are an independent candidate you can’t get anything accomplished. Are they telling us that Sir Vassel could not get anything accomplished? Are they telling us that Mr Craddock couldn’t get accomplished that Mr Jim Bodden couldn’t get anything accomplished?" he asked.

Speaking about the political teams of the past, he noted that they did not have to adhere to a particular party line, they were not yes men, but they listened to the needs of the people. He said that’s what was happening with the new teams and alliances the current independents were beginning to form, but they would still go to the LA and do what the people wanted.

Thompson also raised a number of policy issues that he said were of immediate concern, not least the proposed development of the George Town port, and while he acknowledged a need to redevelop the port’s cargo operations, he warned that so far the Minister had only brought part of a plan to the table.

“in doing my research on the best way forward for this project, I discovered the Minister of Tourism had only unveiled a quarter of a plan,” he said, adding that the major issue of the infrastructure to support a new dock development had just not been looked at and no financing plans were in place, and he asked how the rest of the project would be financed.

“The trouble we are facing is that politicians have not been planning for the next forty years but only for the next four,” he said. However, moving on to education, where plans have certainly gone well beyond four years, Thompson criticised the development of the schools and said they may be fantastic from an architectural point of view but they were beyond the country’s means and that there was a greater need to focus on teachers. He said many people had been taught under almond trees in the past and it was the quality of the teaching not the quality of the surroundings that mattered.  “We need to provide properly paid teachers with the right resources,” he added.  In common with other independents in the district, despite criticising the government decision to build the other secondary schools, he lamented that fact that the George Town Primary school was being put on hold.

 Thompson also picked up on another common theme among independents on the campaign trail, which is to bring the money paid by people in Cayman into pension schemes to be invested on the island instead of overseas. He also said there was a pressing need to review the current health care insurance system, which he said was way too expensive for the poor level of coverage offered by the basic policy as the system was based on the failing US model.

Category: Election 2009

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  1. anonymous says:

    "…………Why is it that you all believe that because someone is running as an independent that they are incapable of supporting another candidate or are incapable of working with one another. When someone declares as an independent they are simply stating that they are independent thinkers!………………"

    Now this is classic independent thinking – because they are standing on a platform by themselves and invite another independent  to stand alongside them then that makes them independent. NO THAT now makes them a TAG TEAM…

    AND if they invite anthertwo independents to stand along-side them that now makes them a team of four OR A GROUP… of four

    AND if this continues they are all now a larger group OR A GANG…

    AND if this continues  – this small gathering of indiviuals OR THEY COULD, OH I DARE NOT SAY IT – BE A PARTY!-

    OH GOODNESS. But you know what – because they are all independents it makes IT OK – for they will NNEEEVVVEEEERRR submit to one another because they are too much an individual thinker.


    or are they now a PARTY of independents? Your guess is as good as mine. But I have found the right name for them when they decide to write their paryy’s consitution – UIP (United Independent Party) .

    (P.S. The above blurb sound like a Party to me).

    • Anonymous says:

      I find it so disturbing that when good people decide to speak out against the ills in our society, they are sudenly labelled all sorts of names.

      However, I think the intelligent voters will determine what’s the best way forward.

      Mr. Jim’s Unity Team was not a registered political party and in a similar way the Christian Democrats of the 1960’s was! What it all boils down to is the strength of one’s character. Both existing parties, the UDP & PPM have shown the true colors of the individuals that comprise those parties. They both stink. Now they are warring over who is the holiest amongst them. Dear God, as this ship is sinking they are fighting over who is the holiest! How ironic.

      Of course, as any SENSIBLE person would know, even if every seat is won by an independent candidate, then after the election they would meet, discuss and decide amongst themselves, the composition of  the next Government .  This is nothing new to the Cayman Islands, as a matter of fact, this is waht we are the most familar with.

      Remember the days of Capt. Mabry Kirkconnell? He held the deciding vote because there were an equal number on either side of the bench so his vote could go to either side and because he was a man of principle and integrity, he voted with whomever he thought was doing the right thing for these Islands. It was a period of prosperity for these Islands and no group or ‘party’ could claim they were in control. Remember the saying about ‘absolute power? That’s the main problem with the party system.

      The party system divides – simple. It’s effects are much more apparent and felt in a community as small as ours.  It works fine in the US with 300 million people and mush more mature constitution.  It’s just not right for Cayman Islands at this point in our history.

      Vote for persons who have knowledge, vision, experience and have demonstrated their leadership skills.

      In this election, I think we will find that in the INDEPENDENTS.



      • Anonymous says:

        The Party of Independents same to be getting their act together; guess if they had realized before now that they would have been able to form a party amongst the other so called independents candidates , they would have.  They are simply bieng reactive to criticism that they won’t be able to accomplish anything  in the assembly by thier lonesome;   At this  time , we need a party that is proactive,  like the UDP.

  2. anonymous says:

    When are we going to hear from the other independants – Rivers, Smith, B. Bush, Choppy or is it Chappy? and the others. Please I would like to hear what they have to say now:)

  3. Anonymous says:

    GT Independents = Joke

    Eddie Thompson can’t plan his own life beyond 90 days. He became Chamber President and left the job to run for election, but yet has the nerveto say we need leaders that can plan long term – which unknown to him means he isn’t eligible because “long term” has to mean more than 90 days..
    Wally Whittaker was Director of Labour but has failed to show a single thing he did to benefit Caymanians.

    • One 'Benefited' Caymanian says:

      in response to the statement that…… "Wally Whittaker was Director of Labour but has failed to show a single thing he did to benefit Caymanians"

      Can you name any director of labour that has? And how could he have solved any of the major issues when the Minister (Alden Mclaughlin) was more worried about the funding of his monuments/schools than he was about the many employment concerns that our country faces.

      You may think that Mr. Whittaker has not done anything to benefit Caymanians but I was a young caymanian freshly out of school and was struggling to find a job. In no time Mr. Whittaker found me a job which i have held since.

      You may say that no Caymanian has benefited from him… but I disagree

    • Someone Eddie Helped says:

      There are some inevitable circumstances that you really have to weigh things for you to decide which is which more beneficial to the majority. I’m sure Mr. Thompson really had sleepless nite before he decided to resign as president of chamber and run for election instead. In my opinion, this is really an unselfish act and absolutely not a JOKE. Running in election is a gamble, gamble to fight and encourage people to believe you on things you think is best for the country. Gamble to get their trust to put you in post is really very hard to achieve. But why he still chose to run rather to stay being a President for he already established his name as capable one in the position. For me it might be the WILL TO SERVE THE PEOPLE in much broader perspective that able to pushed him to decide and its a very fair decision.

      Give Eddie Thompson a chance to prove himself. This young man who is very idealistic and tough in so many ways. A young man who is not afraid to prove his point no matter what. IF YOU VOTE FOR EDDIE, I’M SURE YOU WILL NOT LOOSE ANYTHING INSTEAD YOU WILL GAIN MORE!



      • Anonymous says:

        It is so discouraging to see how my fellow Caymanians are so quick to jump at each other’s throats.  Eddie Thompson is a bright, well established young Caymanian with the enthusiasm and vigor needed to challenge the problems facing us now.

        UDP is not the answer; neither is the PPM.  They have both had their chance and quite frankly, they messed up bug time. UDP has a candidate lying in the name of the Lord and PPM has a Minister who is cursing in the name of the Lord. Pathetic bunch that they are!

        Give Eddie a chance – let him explain to you what the proposed new George Town port facility will do to the residents of Bodden Road and surrounding areas.

        George Towners please take the time out to listen to these independent candidates who have offered their expertise to help get our ship back on course.

        We want to see positive signs in the economy again; we want growth in the GDP again, we want a balanced budget and RESERVES in the bank. That’s the way it was when INDEPENDENTS ran the country.

        The introduction of the Party System has the same date-stamp as the beginning of Cayman’s downward spiral. Just think about that for a moment and you will realize its the truth.

        We need to get back to the basics of running this country intelligently.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I think Eddie’s i bit too full of himself and his ego may be his downfall. In my humble opinion, he doesn’t have the right attitude for public service … he was better off where he was with the private sector big wigs.

    • Anonymous says:

      "I think Eddie’s i bit too full of himself and his ego may be his downfall. In my humble opinion, he doesn’t have the right attitude for public service … he was better off where he was with the private sector big wigs."

      Who do you think you are to judge Eddie Thompson about not having the right attitude for public service? It sounds that you have a personal grudge on him, i hope not. How do you define public service? What public service have you consider more acceptable and well appreciated by the people, is it a public service paid by the government but not performing well to the best of their ability or a public service done voluntarily and without asking anything in return but to help other people in need? Have you experienced being w/ this man? have you ever had a chance to know him well? if yes then prove your point, if no then shut your mouth and stop judging other people.
      • Anonymous says:

        I think Eddie’s i bit too full of himself and his ego may be his downfall. In my humble opinion, he doesn’t have the right attitude for public service … he was better off where he was with the private sector big wigs."

        Who do you think you are to judge Eddie Thompson about not having the right attitude for public service? It sounds that you have a personal grudge on him, i hope not. How do you define public service? What public service have you consider more acceptable and well appreciated by the people, is it a public service paid by the government but not performing well to the best of their ability or a public service done voluntarily and without asking anything in return but to help other people in need? Have you experienced being w/ this man? have you ever had a chance to know him well? if yes then prove your point, if no then shut your mouth and stop judging other people.

        I know him a lot more than you do … obviously … anyone that knows him and wish to speak the truth will attest to the fact that he is full of himself.

        There is no personal grudge, just the truth and an opinion which i’m entitled to. I am not the first second or last person who have stated what they thought of a candidate on this forum, so why are you flying off the handle … seem like you have a personal agenda.

        I could never vote for him to be my representative, I will never vote for him to be my representative because I don’t believe he has the values i’m looking for in a candidate. On May 20th, I will make that known by way of my vote for the other people I think that do and nothing that you or anyone else say will affect or changethat.

  5. bw says:

    Why is it that you all believe that because someone is running as an independent that they are incapable of supporting another candidate or are incapable of working with one another. When someone declares as an independent they are simply stating that they are independent thinkers!

    They don’t have to agree with what the other party members say. They make decisions that they feel is right for the country.

    Independents are simply offering a third alternative. Why should we be stuck with the PPM and UDP as our only choices for leadership? If you are trying to say that we as caymanians MUST choose between the UDP or the PPM then I fear that Cayman is worse off than I ever imagined.

    The UDP has had their chance, the PPM has had their chance, but now it is time for we the people of the Cayman Islands to no longer be fooled by the glitz and glammer of party politics. We must vote for a coalition government. The best of the UDP, the best of the PPM and the best Independent candidates. The country needs to vote for a coalition of the competent.

  6. Anonymous says:

    One thing for sure – the bunch that was on that platform – I will not be voting for. The most sensible of the group was Bo Miller and I’m a BT voter.

    • Anonymous says:

      I was extremely impressed with the master of ceremonies at one of the political meetings in West Bay Thursday evening.  That  lady should either throw her hat in the political fray come the next election, or at the very least, I trust that whichever team wins the election  invite her to be speaker of the house.  She is wasting her time being the master of ceremonies and could easily do bigger and better thisngs. I beleive that she is a prminient banker at one of the local banks with a good character and would make this country  proud if she were to get further involved in politics..  She is a very dynamic individual and effective speaker and could easily replace Miss Edna with a bitof training.  Wish you the best , and truly think that your star shines bright.  Hope the next  administration sees your talent and utilizes it. 

  7. Anonymous says:

    Arden could chill out a little bit….He was scary at the PPM launch and made my children afraid.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Nice try, Eddie…You should have been honest with the Chamber, and others. You know what I mean?

  9. anonymous says:

    Not a very promising bunch. They need to stick together – maybe that way we can at least make one man out of them all.

  10. anonymous says:

    I agree with the statement of independents not so independent. They criticized the new Party members of the PPM and UDP and now they want Unity amongst themselves. What a bunch. What they want is the same as all the others, but what we are getting are people who want to play both sides of the fence. “Mind you fall and hurt yourself on the fence guys.”

    Stop trying to fool the people. You are no different than the party people you criticize – at least we know which side they are on. You all are too much of a coward to stand up and make a choice – period.
    I heard Reba Dilbert on Rooster this morning and she stated that she was not in favor of  any party – she all but declared independent as well. At least she had the cohunes to say that she was going under the tree and waiting to see who would fight for her vote and that they had to pay her for it.
  11. Anonymous says:

    How little does he know. Jim Bodden was on of the first to form a party, the Unity Team.
    If Eddie do not know this, then what does he know.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Guess they’re not reall so independent then!

  13. Anonymous says:

    All good points. I think people should not underestimate the Independents. So far, they have presented better than the political parties.

    But I guess the Caymanian voting public prefers screaming and empty promises of riches for themselves – which you get a eaful of from Ellio, McKeeva, Alden, Arden and Ossie and crew.

    And what is the deal with Mackeeva screeching that if you dont vote UDP, you are therefore PPM. Sounds alot like dictator Mussolini  "if you are not with us, you are against us".

    Oh really Mr. Bush? Well I don’t like threats and I dont like bullies. No UDP for me.