Man shot dead in GT

| 05/07/2009

(CNS): A 28 year old man is dead following a shooting in George Town during the early hours of Sunday morning (5 July) and a murder investigation has been launched. Police said that the victim was shot in the leg and was pronounced dead at the Cayman Islands hospital, but they are currently trying to establish a timeline of events and exactly when the shooting in McField Lane took place. A call was made to the 911 Emergency Communications Centre by a woman at about 1:00 am reporting that a man had been shot in the leg and was bleeding profusely.

Police have refused to give details of time of the arrival of the ambulance at the scene and it is unclear whether the man had been shot in the leg some time before the 911 call was made or, because of the timeline of the ambulance’s arrival, that he bled out and died from his wound.

According to police, when the medics responded and arrived on the scene they found the victim in a serious condition and he was taken to George Town hospital where he was subsequently pronounced dead. A family liaison officer has been assigned to the relatives of the victim and a post mortem is scheduled to take place at a later date.

A major incident room has been set up at George Town Police Station with what was described as a team of experienced investigators working on the case led by Senior Investigating Officer Detective Inspector Kim Evans and strategically overseen by Acting Detective Chief Superintendent Marlon Bodden.

Crime Scene Investigators are investigating the scene whilst other officers are speaking to various persons in an effort to establish precisely when the shooting occurred, which differs from the reported time. However, despite enquiries by CNS, the police have refused to give a timeline between the 911 call and the arrival of the ambulance.

“We are making enquiries into what happened and all priority lines of enquiry will be thoroughly examined,” DI Evans said. “The team of investigators are working hard on this case and we encourage anyone with information who has not yet contacted the police, to come forward as soon as possible.,”

Anyone with information can contact the murder team directly on the following numbers:

Detective Inspector Kim Evans – 526 0628

Detective Sergeant Collins Oremule – 516 8746

Detective Constable – Chase Wade – 526 8911

People  can also contact their local police station or Crime Stoppers on 800-8477 (TIPS). All persons calling Crime Stoppers remain anonymous and are eligible for a reward of up to $1000 should their information lead to an arrest or recovery of property/drugs.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    After a serious crime has taking placed, do a curfrew for one month or two.  Anyone seen on the road after 1am during the curfrew without a pass will be arrested and charged.  Take these offenders to court and make them pay a fine of up to CI$500.00.  Our Government is broke, lets put some money back in the piggy bank.

    This will teach these criminals a lesson. 

  2. Anonymous says:

    This has nothing to do with the actual shooting but just FYI liquor isn’t sold out there… they play music and they sell food and SODA AND WATER!!!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    yep that might do it, i am sure anyone who is strong willed enough to carry a gun knowing its a 10 year minimum, will put it down when exposed to gospel music

    jesus wept, tho it makes me wonder if there is a link between the lack of true guidance from the church/falseness of religion & the breakdown in society…pastors cant be trusted.

    Let’s put it this way then, make it a little clearer!

    We are all responsible for our choices and if ALL pastors can’t be trusted! (if that is what your saying) then find God on your own. No pastor is going to be responsible for my sins or me walking through heavens gates! If one really wants to find God then one will!!!

    Which crowd do you think is going to hang up out there when there is gospel music playin and no liquer selling????? Let’s see…hmmmmm that can’t be to hard to answer LOL! Lets strategize here, If this type of crowd and i am speaking the type of crowd that likes to go out with guns and weather it’s for protection or not , they must know murder or any serious crime can happen in these places probably easier than anywhere else! Who should know better than them? If your safe somewhere who needs a weapon?  


    prevention is better than cure. The less places they have to go with this type of foolishness then the better.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 07/06/2009 – 22:41

    Great post, and very valid points!  I too am astounded the Police can’t release details as you suggested, every other police force in the world does but for some reason Cayman thinks it is special. 

  5. Anonymous says:

    I don’t think people protect the criminal. I think its fear cause there have been cases in the past of witnesses getting killed before trials

  6. Anonymous says:

    Customs use to deal with border protection of this sort but then was stopped and the police started to do this with just assistance from customs. Maybe Shaun or someone can explain the change and why police took this over? I think there is an issue with the law enforcement down here and who covers what. Immigration and customs need to be and should be in on it as well the police only have so much of a jurisdiction. So something has got to give. And we can’t expect these customs officers and immigration officers (even police)to be out there on the open seas without protection and only the police have guns. That’s the problem. Not proper training or distributing for certain tasks. The thing that bothers me is crime has changed and our law enforement hasn’t. How can we expect our officer go up against harden criminals with automatic weapons and the officers with a badge and a stick. I feel for the families of the officers to know the kind of criminals out there and know their husband or wife etc. who have to be out there when these calls come in. We need proper leadership and guidance. Let hope Mr. Baine has realized this and is already working on it which I trust he is.

  7. Anonymous says:

    "Had Enough" I should hope that is how you meant to spell your name or what you want to be called. I just want to say let’s not get all defensive here and stay focused on the facts. For one, I would be afraid to have Kim Evans on my loved ones case being that the fact is they did screw up on Sebrina’s murder case, thank God that they charged someone but let’s see he still has not been convicted as yet.

    No we should not blame the RCIPS for everything but then again they are to take up resposibility for their faults just like anyone else and God knows they have their faults just like any one of us! Yes believe it or not they are human too and yes they have an attitude to certain groups of individuals. Let’s not be negligent of the facts okay. Some of them are happy when they hear crap like this.

    How far really is the hospital from McField Lane? I don’t think there is not a week that goes by that i am not scooted out of the road by police and ambulance for them to reach somewhere sometimes during serious traffic hours, just a little question, if people who were there are saying that it took the ambulance a long time to come then really at 1am in the morning when there is no traffic what should take them so long? I should hope that if the police reached there first that they would have picked this young man up off the ground and try to get him to the hospital themselves I mean at that point it is a life or death situation and half the time they can’t solve these murders so try save a life if you can then. Maybe there is an answer for this question that I don’t know but then we wont have answer’s without questions.

    Here’s a suggestion, lock off all the dances that harbour this type of crowd for as long as you are able to. Maybe you can suggest to the person or person’s that have these late night dances, liquer and food out there to hand out Gospel Tracks and play gospel music instead. Just a suggestion. If you can’t get them into the church get them on the street then. It does not hurt to try something new.

    These types of crime may never completely end but shut it down as much as you can and flush them out. We need to work together not bash each other down everytime something happens. I still see clubs open where people have almost lost their lives in. My question is why? Are the people who can shut these places down waiting for something really tragic to happen first or should I say again? Because to almost lose your life is tragic enough. If you know that you have the same crowd, the same atmosphere, you know you are going to have the same results,  just close them down. I am sure the police do their patroling but even that is not enough as we can all see that clear. Make their job much easier then, get these places closed down so the police have less people to monitor on the streets late at night or the early morning. If that does not work then get groups of police to stay in each night club and patrol non stop through these dances and I am sure that the type of crowd that are out looking for trouble will feel uncomfortable becasue the other fact is and it is sad to say but most of the time this is the only reason some of them go out.

    It makes you wonder what else will happen before the year is out. We have six months left for this year, clamp down on these crimes and places that these crimes occur and start sending a serious message for the new year and every year after that. We have a young generation growing up every year that we need to look out for and steer in the right direction.



    • Clearviewer says:

      I am so much in tune with the idea of shutting down these type of areas that harbor this kind of behaviour, i know I will piss a lot of people of by suggesting that any and all that enter these establishments should be searched But , just like the 911 debacle in the U S they, and all others entering the U S have to submit to searches , I would rather be safe and alive than six feet under. These hoods that are carrying guns out there know that the RCIP are unequipped with intelligence and  equiptment to protect or solve these crimes. We must face the facts and stop hiding the truth, when we were told 12 years ago that drugs and guns were in our schools the minister of education then said that it was not true, so how is it today that thise kids now 22 to 28 years old are involved with these crimes. 

      Wake up folks and take charge of our country and young men if you cant obey the law you need to find another place to hide.As I see you ll as cowardly crimminals.


    • pastor bucket says:

      "Maybe you can suggest to the person or person’s that have these late night dances, liquer and food out there to hand out Gospel Tracks and play gospel music instead. Just a suggestion. If you can’t get them into the church get them on the street then. It does not hurt to try something new"


      yep that might do it, i am sure anyone who is strong willed enough to carry a gun knowing its a 10 year minimum, will put it down when exposed to gospel music

      jesus wept, tho it makes me wonder if there is a link between the lack of true guidance from the church/falseness of religion & the breakdown in society…pastors cant be trusted!

  8. Anonymous says:

    Re: Had enuf

    Its not just that there is crime in Cayman, its how amazingly piss poor the RCIPS handles investigations and its PR. Of course the police are not directly responsible for the percieved pervasiveness of crime in Cayman. Its how its handled. Because the rude boys a packing more heat that law enforcement IS the cops fault. Maybe not the beat cop but lets face it if the RCIPS was a well oiled machine it would get the respect it thinks it deserves. It starts with leadership and when the top job is a revolving door and sometimes a trap door don’t come crashing down on the people for calling it like they see it.

    The whole justice system in general is in disarry.  Its typical for a cop to tell us information surrounding crimes is none of our business. Leaving people in the dark has really been working well…for the criminals. They love it I am sure. Commit a crime on island and as long as you don’t kill anyone, rape anyone or have 200 kilos of ganja in your catboat no one will ever know. And even if you do all that stuff you can rely on the RCIPS to burn witnesses and condecesend the victims so much that they will be more pissed the cops than you the criminal. Its a gangstas paridise!!

    The people don’t trust the cops, because the cops don’t trust the people and copying and pasting the number to Crime Stoppers don’t cut it. RCIPS is in desperate need of a major PR overhaul and even though its just hersay about how crappy moral is I would suggest a major internal overhaul too. No one in Cayman likes omletes I guess. In sum, no one on Grand Cayman expects the police to actually save the day. NOOOO ONE.

    All people ask for is after the crime has happened, after the bodies are buried and the children have been abused is to do due dilligence. The proof is in the pudding folks and when a murder victims family has to find the body of their loved one by themselves, or when a man lay on the ground dying feet away from an ambulance because the cops don’t have a weapon to protect anyone and the biggest cop story of the year is made an international incident because a homophobic cop wronglfully arrests a gay kid from the US, something is terribly wrong and that is not the peoples fault. Let the blame game continue.


  9. Anonymous says:

    That McField lane sounds like a very dodgy place to hang out late at night, theres been a few shootingsthere in the past. Some might say you’re asking for trouble….

    Seriously are there any suspects yet on this case. As with most serious crimes on this small island, a lot of people know who committed them, but protect the criminals and won’t come forward.

    Cayman. You need to get over this concept of shielding rapists,  murderers and other criminals. Even if yo uare their friend or family, surely you know that what they do is wrong and they need to pay the consequences.

  10. Had Eneaugh says:
    So we have established there is crime in Cayman, who can we blame so we don’t have to accept any responsibility for what has happened ourselves? Well, why not blame the police? Yes that’s right, its all the RCIPS fault, all crime is the fault of the police, no one else. Never mind the parents (and I use that word in the loosest sense of the term), who never bothered to bring their children up properly, and so they have now turned to crime, never mind Caymanians who have no interest in working, and so commit petty crime to fund their lifestyle, never mind members of the public who are happy to criticize police from their arm chairs, but when it comes to doing anything are not willing to help. I look at this website from time to time, and it never ceases to amaze me how ignorant, and poorly informed some of the posters are.
    For example :
    ‘Once again it looks like the our response teams I.e. police, ambulance are failing to respond as they should.’ Well how on earth would you know this, unless you were there? Do you have any evidence to support your claim?
    ‘Sabrina Schirn case where the police didn’t respond because of who Sabrina was and the company she kept" Again, do you have any evidence to support this? I remember posters on this website lambasting the RCIPS because they (allegedly) did not follow up a line of enquiry involving the deceased being abused in a video shop, and how negligent the RCIPS was. In the end it turned out what happened in the end this was not linked to the murder, so we are still waiting or these people here to post their apology to the RCIPS for their incorrect assertations.
    ‘Sounds like the police are covering up for lack of ambulance services in a timely manner" Again, how on earth did you come to this conclusion? Where is your evidence?
    ‘Could no one just get a belt and tie around his leg to stop the blood flow?  He could  have been saved that way.  Any fool would know that.’ Clearly you are a fool who has been watching too many movies.
    ‘Because the police in Cayman are ultra secretive and have an attitude of total arrogance when it comes to the public’s right to information on crimes that happen on their streets it is not clear when the man died.’ Again, more unfounded claims, police rarely reveal all the cards they hold for a number of operational reasons which I won’t bore you with. Just because they do not personally give you a blow by blow account of what took place, does not mean they suffer from arrogance. It strikes me as arrogant that you feel you should be privy to sensitive information which is quite frankly none of your business, and you do not need to know.
    ‘Don’t blame the medical personnel, blame the LAW!!!!’ Yes more ignorant comments, its all the police’s fault that people choose to shoot each other.
    Shaun, we have repeatedly heard how you feel about the RCIPS leadership, no disrespect intended but its a bit like listening to a stuck record. If you are unable to contribute to the development of the service in a constructive manner, or step up to the plate and re-join so you can give everyone the benefit of your expertise, why not give it a rest. I find myself scratching my head as you nostalgically elude to the old days of the RCIPS, when the senior officers you named were in the service. The RCIPS had its issues in the ‘old days’ just like it has now, but lets be honest, its not like the RCIPS was some kind of ‘shining example’ to other police forces worldwide, when you were in it. I am yet to be convinced that the new management regime to which you refer did that much to undermine crime fighting. It was under Mr. Kernohan’s reign that proceedings were commenced for the new DTF boats which we have today, and the new marine base which is currently under construction. I really do not see how this demonstrates a lack of commitment to fighting drugs related crime.
    In real terms public opinion started to go down hill for the RCIPS as a result of the SPIT investigation, and the vast majority of the allegations relating to this enquiry have been established to be unfounded. Mr Jones was exonerated, along with Mr Kernohan, and others. So the reality is we are in this position we find ourselves in today, as a result of largely unfounded allegations, not poor performance on the part of the RCIPS. But here’s the thing Cayman, you get the police force you deserve. I appreciate the RCIPS is not perfect, and there is room for improvement, but nor is any police service. You can continue to be unsupportive of the service, as demonstrated by some of the comments here on this website, but as the old saying goes ‘you reap what you sow.’ All you are doing is driving good officers out of the service, who will find jobs elsewhere where they are more appreciated, and the depatment will find it very hard to plug the holes in the dwindling service from overseas, because strangely enough overseas officers will do their research on the Cayman’s, and come across comments posted on websites like these, and be put off. Good potential local police applicants will also be discouraged from joining, as after all who would want to join the service in this climate? As a result of this the quality of applicants will decline, good officers already in the service will leave, and therefore the quality of officer responding to your 911 call will also deteriorate. The most important resource a police force has is not flashy patrol cars, or expensive uniforms, but quality personnel, without which it is IMPOSSIBLE for the service to function effectively. Ultimately YOU will be the only ones to suffer, and then no doubt you will then continue to blame the police, rather than look in your own back yard for the cause of the problem.
    We have turned a corner with the arrival of the new commissioner, as such perhaps this is an opportunity for a ‘fresh start.’ We need the community to stand behind its police service, to encourage it, and give it the support it needs to carry out its role, otherwise all we are doing is creating an environment where criminality will flourish, and your quality of life and safely will be diminished.
  11. Anon says:

    First things first.

    911 when dispatching a ambulance or police request will not identify the person calling or the victim by name.  Age, condition, history etc will be given to the ambulance team via radio.

    Secondly, as a veteran in the field and seeing and re-living the same images in my mind, reminds me of really just how helpless we are in specific circumstances, such as this. 

    The Arm Forces and disputes have shown me that man can be violent to one another and in so doing put others at risk.  Question: Do you think it would have been safe for any emergency responder (unarmed, untrained and not tasked for this) to enter a shotting scene?  Sorry the dead can help the dead.  Reality check:  This ain’t the movies!

    I am sorry about the loss of life.  Everyone should be given an opportunity and this young man should be no diffferent.  Considering all equal though, life can be short under many circumstances, no one really knows when the last breath will be taken.  We as human beings can’t control very much of that aspect of life can we?





  12. anonymous says:

    I notice that everytime there is a shooting the entire island is quick to blame the police. i suppose that is expected when you (RCIPS) are charged for the overall security of the island and its inhabitants. However, one has to ask the question; "how do guns get into the island in the first place?" this can only be attributed that either they are coming through the ports somehow or via illegal drug/gun smuggling boats (commonly called canoes). There are also lots of fishing vessels as well that come out of central america, a place renown for firearms trafficking. the point i am getting at is, "whose responsibilty is it to keep guns out of the country?" is it the police, customs or immigration? the police seem to have taken the lead on this by investing heavily in boats, a helicopter (if it ever gets here) and increasing on their marine staff as well as a new marina. Can either customs or immigration say likewise. In most countries, the police do not even get involved with Border Protection; this is usually left to customs or as in the USA, the US coastguard. In the UK,  it would be HM exercise and customs or HM Royal Navy. i firmly believe that our immigration and customs need to step up more to the plate and take a lead on this as well, rather than following behind the police. At the moment it would appear that both agencies stick to what is easily seen (permits, overstayers, custom duties, etc), but neither are actively looking at the inconspicuous. I understand that both agencies do provide minimal staffing on the marine unit,  but i also understand that financially neither contribute to the overall recurrent cost of running such an expensive venture. I believe that if these three agencies find a way to fund a well coordinated border protection team, all equally funding this program, that guns/drugs crime will seriously be hampered. what is happening at the moment is that the police are left alone to provide internal security for the entire island 24/7/365 and at the same time provide border protection; a duty that by definition is not a police function. lets face it, there is no way on this planet that the police will stop crime from happening. i will tell you what i believe is contributing as well, ever since we have got into this human rights mind set that is now in the cayman islands crime has steadly been going up. the police are especially scrutinized in more depth by human rights advoicates and how they do business. police officers now-a-days are very rarely up in the face of criminals anymore. I am fairly certain this is why people like Shaun Ebanks got fed up and left having seen it was doomed for failure, in this whole new era of "modern policing" as was so famoulsy said by a former commissioner.

  13. keen eye on the inside says:

    Just a quick note for Anon who posted at 1308hrs – yes you are right once the femoral is gone it is very hard to stop the bleeding and the only way to do it would have been to clamp the artery, which would have gone up into the body as is it nature, given that the artery will be stretched similar to an elastic band – even finding the end to clamp before the poor victim lost too much blood and died would be a miracle in those situations.

    As for the transparency of the RCIPS, yes the police will tell you what you NEED to hear in the initial part of any enquiry – its called protecting the evidence and the integrity of the investigation, if you really want to know about the cases post investigation then I suggest you apply using the Freedom of Information Act as is you right.

    In addition to the above poster I would also like to address some other comments, I think it is disgusting that some people think the police and ambulance service ‘pick and chose’ who they help depending on who they are – A LIFE IS LIFE NO MATTER WHO IT IS – to think that you believe this sickens me and as an officer trying to keep Cayman safe I do what I am paid to do and that is uphold the law, if you mess up expect me to deal with you, I don’t car who your daddy is or whether you uncle / aunt / brother etc etc is in the RCIPS / Government you will be treatedthe same, however I am in no doubt there are a few bad apples that will ruin ANY employers standing.

    Yes the ambulance crew couldn’t enter the scene until it was SAFE, there was potentially a gunman still in the area, hence the armed police escort – which reminds me, how many police officers do you all honestly believe and on duty at any one time, how many armed officers do you think there are?? At the time of this incident only 2 armed officers were available and they had to attended from the Eastern side of the island, they patrol the whole island after all, not just Georgetown.

    And as one final point, as a police officer, I am sick and tired of hearing the same complaints over and over again, its all the fault of the police for not investigating it properly etc etc – well how about I retort by offering this novel idea – why don’t you, AS THE CAYMANIAN PEOPLE YOU ARE, stop playing the blame game and step up to the plate and HELP US OUT, we know that the majority of people out there know exactly who is responsible for the drug and gun crime but are not willing to put themselves out to give SPECIFIC statements with the details we need and then go to court, stand there in the box (under oath) and say that on a certain day and date you saw that person do whatever they did!!!!!

    Its about time the communities grew a backbone and stood together saying enough is enough, do you honestly think the wanna be gangsters will go up against a whole community who are against them and their activities and thepolice???

    I guess it will always get down to whether you are prepared to stand up against possibly your family / friends / work colleagues and do your bit to get the way of life and the Cayman you want – if not then continue to bury your head in the sand, play the blame game and watch this island and its way of life fall around you.

    We all stand on the edge of the cliff, it only takes one person to push us off the edge, but it also only takes one person to pull us back, we have to start somewhere – WHY NOT START WITH YOU???

    • Anonymous says:

       Reply to the RCIPS officer, 

      OK this line about "need to know" is crap. Let’s not act as though FOI works that well on Cayman and you forget to mention it’s about 6 months old which means for oh say the entire history of the Cayman Islands prior to January 1, 2009 the cops had to tell you jack squat except for what was revealed through trial or a scant and completely worthless, uninspiring and hollow press release. There is a reason why all RCIPS police releases are simply copied and pasted. They simply offer up no other kind of details like uhm the caliber or weapons used, survailance photos of suspects and you know, the basic stuff that might actually help people help the cops solve a case. Oh but wait, Cayman is too small, someone might actually recognize a killer or something. I won’t mention what specific murder it was because it would probably be taken down from this post, but there was a widely circulated rumor among people in the know that the cops had ATM photos of murders using their victims card just after the snuffed her out. Read between the lines.  

      In addition to the hiding behind the notion that FOI is all of a sudden some magic x-ray machine, why on earth doesn’t RCIPS issue blotters and nightly arrest reports to the press? How many people go to jail each night? How many cars get broken into and where? How many DUI’s are there? When the police want to impress us by telling us how much of the super deadly poisonous drug Marijuana they’ve captured or 4 freaking jet skis its like, "Wow, you guys are really on top of things!!! Who’s getting the silver star for discovering a drug canoe on the beach and which commissioner of police is going to actually stay on island long enough to award it?"

      In response to this bit: "At the time of this incident only 2 armed officers were available and they had to attended from the Eastern side of the island, they patrol the whole islandafter all, not just Georgetown," doesn’t that sound like a huge issue and maybe one reason why people of the island expat or citizen commonly perceive the force as completely impotent. 

      Let’s all just admit what everyone already knows. The police force is in shambles and confidence is completely shot. No one is told of the crimes that happen until the cops re calculate their numbers for the previous year to cut down on the amount of real charges because lets face it, Cayman is a storefront. We got high level expats who have to drink and drive sometimes because it costs 30 bucks to take a taxi 5 miles and Caymanians all know each other. Anyways, thats how the Caymanian Cop Cookie crumbles sadly. Let us know when the cops get it together and decide to make significant strides in reaching out to the community. Might help if the expats in the force treated people with some dignity and the Caymanians on the force didn’t go tell their wives more about murder investigations than the press. 

  14. Anonymous says:

    Worried Caymanian

    It looks like this place that everyone gather to late at night @ Mcfield Lane in George town is a problem!!!!  If you don’t believe it then do so type of reserach.  Don’t blame the medical personnel, blame the LAW!!!!

  15. Anonymous says:

    Why a bystander(s) never drive him to the hospital.

  16. Anonymous says:

    The heart pumps about 1.3 gallons of blood per minute but the human body only holds an average of five quarts (or 1.25 gallons) or blood. Even if the wound site is compressed and the blood flow stopped by tourniquet, the potential is there for the body to "bleed out" within a very short time.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Before anyone knocks the ambulance drivers or the hospital personel or bystanders lets be clear on one thing. A shot to the leg can be a very quick death sentance barring a miracle. The femoral artery in the leg is the second biggest artery in the human body and if it is severed by a blade or a projectile it is bye-bye time sadly. The blood pressure on that vessel is so strong blood literally sprays all over the place from it. I’ve seen it and it’s a shocking site and sadly the young woman I saw died within a minute or two after being shot despite having her friends hand pushed over the wound. A turnicate on that part of the leg would be useless as the artery is way to deep inside the thigh to actually squeeze shut. Unless you find and clamp the artery the victim will die on the spot.

    Because the police in Cayman are ultra secretive and have an attitude of total arrogance when it comes to the public’s right to information on crimes that happen on their streets it is not clear when the man died. But my money says this man died before the ambulance even got there or shortly after it arrived. He was more than likely dead before he ever got to the hospital. 

    On a side note, the police in Cayman do themselves no favor by making crimes like this a state secret. People should not just be apathetic but extremely alarmed by the police’s failure to cooperate with the media on high profile crimes. The RCIPS hand the media and the public what they want and that’s it. They decide what you get to know and when you get to know it. It offers insight into how lesser crimes are handled and god knows what kind of stuff gets swept under the rug. Transparency forces people to do their jobs better or else they are held accountable for their actions. The RCIPS holds their cards so close to their chest that even if they have a winning hand they will never lay them down. Its a true shame too because in the end the people of Cayman, citizens, expats and tourists alike, have no idea what the true picture of crime in Cayman looks like for better or for worse. Acting like the CIA only makes the picture seem worse and for an island as small as Grand Cayman the kinds of things that go unsolved boggle the mind. The main target is usually an uncoopertave public but the the reasons why average Caymanians and migrant laborers have no trust in law enforcement are too long to list here but most people already know the reasons anyways.

    Then again tourists from Smalltown USA don’t need to hear that their favorite vacation destination has more murders per year than their entire county and a highly paid police force that makes the Keystone Cops look like Dragnet. Squeeky wheels get the grease…sometimes.

  18. A Concerned Bodden Towner says:

    Why is Peter Kenneth not heading up this investigation?   It seem that he gets the job done right when he investigate.   I know Kim Evans needs to get some experience but not at the cost of another murderer getting away.


    If this boy was shot in the leg.   Could no one just get a belt and tie around his leg to stop the blood flow?  He could  have been saved that way.  Any fool would know that.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Sounds more like the ambulance service is being hung out to dry, when in fact they had to wait for an armed police escort to arrive to approach what was still a ‘live’ scene.    

  20. Anonymous says:

    "To think he died from a shot in the leg and bled to death seems like his death could have been avoided had the ambulance reached sooner??? "


    My suggestion to this poster is to Google "femoral artery"….

    • Anonymous says:

      All emergency personnel are trained in emergency first aid..Why don’t you google tourniquet or pressure please.  Maybe he might not have made it but seems like something more could have been done.  Everyone deserves a chance.

  21. Shaun Ebanks says:

    Guns, guns and more illegal guns being used and imported everyday into the Cayman Islands. This is what happens when the RCIPS operational bosses allowed themselves to led in the wrong direction, without taking a stand.

    Wouldn’t it have been interesting to see what the true position of "crime fighting and detection" wouldhave been like in the Cayman Islands, had we had real bosses at the helm such as Derek Haines, Kenrick Hall, the late Gregory Thompson (God bless his soul) Shaun Ebanks, Robert Arch, Robert Scotland, Richard Simms and a few others whom all left the RCIPS in disappointment and others in disgust ??? Not to mention, had we had available to us the loads and loads of money pushed into the RCIPS by the former PPM government !!!!!!

    It’s a rumour running wild in the Cayman Islands that me and some of the other individuals mentioned above, are planning on re-enlisting into the RCIPS. Please don’t hold your breath on that, as myself and these individuals whom I know very well, have no intentions of sticking our face’s into the "enormous and venomous bee hive" that has been created in our absence. Really, why should we ????

    The country’s vicious cycle of crimes now require proper detection and closure for the victims families from these top operational bosses. What is so interesting, is that the majority of these bosses whom now exist in the RCIPS, are either hard at work weighing their options at possible litigation against government or seeking to make a speedy retreat/exit to vacant and advertised posts such as the Chief Immigration Officer/Deputy Chief Immigration Officer and other advertised positions in the private sector. How interesting ???

    I predict in about 12-18 months, we will see the RCIPS under the full 100% leadership and command of officers from the UK with no Caymanians holding a Superintendent or above position. It’s a pity so many of my former senior Caymanian colleagues whom now exist in the RCIPS, were so blind sighted and failed to use what "common sense" they did have, to heed the warnings that were so loudly sounded. I knew that one day the carpet was going to be pulled from under certain individual’s feet and thus a great fall would result, and so said, so done.

    The public needs these top operational bosses to explain to the Caymanian public why are there so many serious crimes taking place and why is it that so many go unsolved, particularly the approximately 15 Homicide Investigations which lay dormant without a cold case unit seeking resolution ???? Gentlmen, we need accountablity and not lip service. Now is not the time to retreat, having earlier expressed such confidence in Matrix and other imported crime fighting initatives. Don’t you all remember expressing this back then ??? Tell me, how effective has it been in the prevention and detection of crimes in the Cayman Islands ??? Please don’t say, "It hasn’t worked or I don’t recall what you are talking about or we have ceased it’s use" !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. Anonymous says:

    Sounds like the police are covering up for lack of ambulance services in a timely manner.  To think he died from a shot in the leg and bled to death seems like his death could have been avoided had the ambulance reached sooner???  Do we have a proper ambulance service in Cayman, is there enough ambulances??? 

  23. voice of reason says:

    RCIPS, please disclose ‘Senior Investigating Oficer detective Inspector Kim Evans’ experience in dealing with major crime, and numbers of successful major cases attributed to him, and account for why the skilled investigator Peter Kennett is not in charge of this operation…

  24. Anonymous says:

    Once again it looks like the our response teams i.e. police, ambulance are failing to respond as they should. 

    To them it’s a matter of who you are and whether you’re important enought to be rescued.

    We need a complete overhaul of the Cayman Islands Police Force as there are too many officers now who abuse the uniform!

    We need this done now!

    I can’t wait ’til they complete their investigation and determine why this young man was shot and died from a wound to his leg.  Sounds a bit like the Sabrina Schirn case where the police didn’t respond because of who Sabrina was and the company she kept.  I guess the life of this young man didn’t matter much either because of who he is.