More cars hit by rock throwers

| 21/07/2009

(CNS): The Royal Cayman Islands Police Service (RCIPS) has received further reports of rock throwing at cars, this time along Shamrock Road in the Lower Valley area. Three incidents were reported in the early hours this morning (Tuesday 21 July) where vehicles were hit and officers are warning motorists to take extra care driving in the eastern districts and to report all incidents to the police right away.  This is extremely dangerous behaviour which could result in serious injury or death,” said Inspector Ian Yearwood.


Police said a series of reports were made relating to cars being hit by missiles and police responded to three which came in between 3.20am and 3.35am. Each victim reported that their vehicle had been hit as they drove on Shamrock Road in the vicinity of Kelly’s Apartments and Rankin’s Jerk Centre.

“We appeal to the public to be vigilant when using these roads and report any incidents to police immediately,” Yearwood said adding that parents need to make sure they know where their children are and what they are doing at all times. “If this is being done by young people, they might not fully understand the seriousness of what they are doing,” he said. “I ask all parents and guardians in the area to speak with their children to be sure they understand how dangerous this situation is.”

These reports follow the arrest of a juvenile last month in connection to previous incidents of rock throwing along the east-west arterial road and that young person is currently bailed by the police.

Anyone with information about the rock throwing is asked to contact Bodden Town police station on 947-2220 or Crime Stoppers on 800-8477 (TIPS). All persons calling Crime Stoppers remain anonymous, and are eligible for a reward of up to $1000, should their information lead to an arrest or recovery of property/drugs.


Category: Local News

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  1. Anonymous says:

    What if one day you wake up to the new headlines of something of this sort…   Rock-Throwing takes a Deadly turn????  Its gonna happen soon…

  2. Frequent Flyer says:

    I got hit by a rock not that long ago in Bodden Town and went back to the house to see who did it.  A house right on the road, I’m sure we all know who it is because when I called the police, they certainly knew who, but did nothing. Said it happened all the time and that they would speak to them again.

    I wasn’t agressive, I was calm and gentle and tried to speak to the childto explain the danger and get an apology at least. The young girl was hiding and would not come out. When the mother arrived while I was still there, she threw her hands up in defeat and said she couldn’t do anything about it, asking what was she supposed to do.  I didn’t even get an apology until I asked for one. (Not quite the same) They all just stood around staring dopely at the person that had the nerve to stop and question them. 

    Sorry to say, but it does go back to the parents ade caretakers. Children learn by example. Set a good one and stop blaming society and immigration! Take responsibility for yourself and teach the same!!

    Backstroke, you restore my faith in Caymanians. I love you man

    • Anonymous says:


      These kids are very lucky! one daythey’re going to hit the wrong individual, someone just as dense as they’re. that’s when some poor mother is going to really wish she had kept her child in line. I hope the Police can arrest these nuisances before someone ends up dead.
  3. Anonymous says:


    Therein lies the problem.

    "these children need something more constructive to do in their spare time, particularly now the school holidays are here – it seems their parents just want peace and quiet so throw the children onto the street each day so they can annoy someone else."

    Parents (Expat, Caymanian, Martian) are NOT taking care of their kids emotionally or financially.  This island appearsto have the attitude of "must work for money".  Your kids are a direct reflection of you as their parent.  If they are cheaters, you are probably a cheat.  If they steal, you are probably a thief.  While not always the case, MORE OFTEN than not the when a child fails the parent is the one who failed them.

    Stop blaming expats, greed, high cost of living, whatever for your issues are.  This is not a just a Cayman problem, but Caribbean countries in general (Trinidad, Jamacia, and now Cayman) are experiencing a huge surge in crime, and this is a direct result of so many children not having role models (Mom AND Dad…not the local sports guy). 

    As Chris Rock says, "If you call your grandmama Mom and your mother Pam…you going to JAIL!”

  4. Anonymous says:

    These kids are out on the streets thrwoing rocks at cars, not because the expats have taken all their jobs, but purely becaue their Caymanian parents have brought them up to be thugs and layabouts. Stop blaming everybody else for your shortcomings as parents.

    Pull your heads out of your behinds and stop the BS. Caymanian fathers need to stop beating their wives and walking out on their children and the mothers need to stop putting up with it. Forget about your blackberrys and spa treatments for a few minutes a day and spend some time with the kids. Family meals instead of KFC.

  5. Anonymous says:

     So… kids are throwing rocks at cars because they don’t have jobs?

  6. Anonymous says:

    These children need to get a real good you know what!! Teach them a thing or 2 about consequences.

    At least this time the police did not try to hide this one but have been more pro-active. No doubt because they knew Sandra Catron would not be far behind.

  7. man deh a corna says:

    What are they going do? When every single job has been taken up on this island Qualified people are being laid off and cant find jobs The time has come Cayman should stop decieving itself . The immigration/labour situation is in dire need of a serious review Now! Or it is going to get out of hand here shortly. The signs are starting to become more  prevalent in our society this existing situation has reached a boiling point. The government appears to be trying to pay their way out of it, which is not going to work!

    • backstroke says:

      What are they going to do?

      Do you hear what you are saying?  these are punks that doing this injustice, what type of job can they hold down or even want,  and even if some of them are in their late teens, early twenties, if they want to get a job they should do what the rest of us do, go out and look for it. no one owes you or them anything, you have to prove your self, earn that living and stop blaming the rest of the world for your laziness.  You sounds like you maybe one of them.

      Now to blame the government for the behaviour of a few punks that are terrorising a country and its people tells me that  you  are not playing with a full deck either.How is it that every problem is that of the government  or someone else and not of your own doing. I am so sick of hearing the bull crap that it makes me sad to say that I AM a Caymanian.  Look at your self in the mirror and tell your self that you are proud of you.   And please stop threatining  we the people with your wise ass comments

  8. Anon says:

    My friend caught and reprimanded several schoolboys between the ages of 9 and 13 from the Cumber Avenue area doing this in BT the other day.  Same children were also reported by neighbours to have been throwing rocks and breaking windows to an old property in Cumber Avenue only days before…. these children need something more constructive to do in their spare time, particularly now the school holidays are here – it seems their parents just want peace andquiet so throw the children onto the street each day so they can annoy someone else.