Man shot in West Bay

| 15/09/2009

(CNS): Police are investigating another shooting today following an incident which occurred in the vicinity of Nettie Rivers Lane off Watercourse Road, West Bay, last night (14 September) around 8:00pm. One man escaped serious injury but was hit in the shoulder after shots were reportedly fired at his car as he was driving. The 26-year-old man attended hospital and was released after treatment. Officers are now asking anyone who was in the area at the time of the shooting to come forward and say they have not ruled out a connection with the murder of Carlo Webster last week in the Next Level nightclub.

The 911 Emergency Communications Centre received a call from a member of the public reporting the that shots had been fired in the Watercourse Road area. A number of subsequent calls were made to West Bay police station also reporting shots fired. Police then responded to the area and follow-up enquiries revealed that a man had sustained an injury to his arm and had already left the location of the shooting. According to ‘ear’ witness acounts at least four shots were heard by people nearby.

Officers said they made contact with the victim who confirmed he had been shot. The victim was taken to hospital where he was treated for a graze to the shoulder and released. The victim has told police he was driving out of Nettie Rivers Lane when shots were fired at his car.

Officers would like to hear from anyone who was in the area at the time of the shooting who may have seen something of importance. Anyone who can assist should contact West Bay CID on 949-3999.

People can also leave information on an anonymous voicemail service by calling 949-7777 or they can call Crime Stoppers on 800-8477 (TIPS). All persons calling Crime Stoppers remain anonymous, and are eligible for a reward of up to $1000, should their information lead to an arrest or recovery of property/drugs.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I agree the rise in crime has escalated but some of the suggestions I have read are ridiculous !! why would we want to incorporate the policing tactics used other countries when obviously it is not working and they run to Cayman as a safe haven – police against gangs in Jamaica this results in more rebelling, more disrespect and more violence- are things any better over there? try reading the headlines of the Jamaican Gleaner or Jamaican Observer or the Star.  Police against gangs in Canada, are things any better over there? – what we need is first and foremost, more detailed background checks on the prospective police officers from other countries, proper training on how to approach and speak to the public – we all know if you feed garbage to a garbage truck, you will get garbage juice all over our streets – and please remember, some of us are decent law abiding citizens with a right to privacy – I don’t want anyone kicking my doors down at the break of dawn only to find out they kicked in the wrong door ! 

  2. Anonymous says:

    Am not hearing anything about meeting at the West Bay Police Station, so I guess no one wants to see a better West Bay or better Cayman Islands.

    I will be at the Police Station around 6pm on Saturday, but I can not do this alone.

    Anyway, I will leave you with "I hope that crime spree does not hit you, your family or your home"

  3. Anonymous says:

    I have seen some good points, and some not so good. I don’t know the laws of the islands, but, I’m certain they are not the same as the U.S.

    I grew up in gang territory here in the U.S. I also worked with criminals a few years ago.

    I’d like to make a few points without causing any animosity. At the same time I will point out the differences here in the U.S.

    In the U.S., if a person goes to jail (not prison), they have a probation officer. This means supervised release back into society. There are conditions placed on the probationer: take random drug tests, cannot hang around other known criminals, no police contact, must visit the probation office for interviews to see if he/she has a job-drug rehab-anger management….basically, has he/she adjusted to reentering society.

    Prisoners will have a parole officer – same applies above. Probation/Parole officers can search any home the prisoner resides without a search warrant. ***There can be no weapons in the home, regardless of the owner of said weapons. Kitchen knives can only be so many inches.

    Inmates (jail and prison) must work in order to get credit served – good behavior….Low custody (example, petty theft…not high risk to community) can work cleaning the roads outside the prison/jail, cleaning graffitti….or they must go to school. These jobs pay anywhere from 10-70 cents an hour.

    With good behavior, they can shop at the inmate store, use the telephone for 15 minutes (pay telephone-must call collect) phone calls are recorded. There are time frames telephone calls can be made, showers, exercise-or outside, televisions-unless they have a television in the cell, visits from family/friends…

    Bad behavior, no shopping, telephone calls, exercise/outside 1 hour a day.

    All inmates go through screening, interviews – medical, education, background….during criminal investigation notes are taken prior to sentencing (who lives with suspect, type of neighborhood, attitude/behavior  of other residents….)

    Now, my time with working with "criminals," I found most were either manipulative, under/uneducated – most dropped out of school and couldn’t read or write, with the exception of their name. Others had a low self-esteem, anger-management issues, and some were just down-right mentally ill. There were also others who where at the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong people. In addition, there were some that took the rap for someone else (they were manipulated into believing that since they have no prior record, the courts would give them a break)…

    I find with the males, no matter how old they are, they are "afraid of their mothers." They may not be afraid of the streets, but, they are afraid of their mothers.

    Here in California, we have "3 strikes" law. Yet, this is the center of controversy. There was a case involving theft of a pizza, it resulted in a life sentence. (some say a gun was used, others say no).

    There are ways to get tough on crime. Sometimes it works, sometimes it will backfire.

    I won’t bother to comments on your gangs there, at least at this time, I’m certain there may be similarities, but, it is most likely a lot different.

    I don’t want to make this too long. So I’ll end here.


    • irarms says:

      I agree with you completley, I am a young Caymanian. Thank you for your very sensible contribution….I just wish our politicians would start listening to some of the excellent suggestions being made.

  4. Lenrick Scott says:

    N am N am why una cant behave una self down dere.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Please give Mac a break, he’s in the UK trying to make provisions to ensure that the civil service is paid at the end of the month. Everyone that knows Mac knows he is not one to be quiet, so I know he will be making a statement asap.

    Persons will information, get it to the relevant authorities so we can start to clean this Island up or you may be a victim one day.

  6. Anonymous says:

    4:43 and 11:08 with reference to meet at the WB Police Station, I think that you would get more people to come out around 6pm or 6:30pm to walk the streets.

    3pm to 6pm is too early, most of these trouble makers are just getting out of bed after a Friday night outing and dressing to come out around 7pm.

    I suggest we meet at the West Bay Police Station at 6pm and leave the station at 6:30pm.  We can all park our vehiles at or by the station. 

    Let me know, call Radio Cayman and CITN and get word out there.

    I will attend and see how much WestBayer will follow.


  7. Got U says:

    12:46 when I said LOGB please say something, I met every word because we can’t depend on the Governor who is in charge of the Police Department to do anything.

    The Police Department need to get some seasoned Police Officers like I said earlier from Costa Rica, Jamaica, US and England to help with the rise in crime here.

    What they are doing is not working, someone in authority need to publicly say,

    Criminials we are coming for you;

    We will kicked down any doors that you are hiding behind;

    We will kicked down your known associates;

    We will kicked down your girlfriends door need it be.

    Parents, we will kicked down your doors if your son/daughter is a known criminal.   

    Get the word out and enforced something for a few months

    What more can we ask for.

    Got U

    • Anonymous says:

      Hang about!

      I don’t want the police to get a taste of being able to kick down the door of anyone they ‘suspect’ of being a bit naughty. Gangs are bad, but so are out of control police.
      Whatever operations that are undertaken to combat the crime problem that Cayman is facing must not make life even worse for the majority, law-abiding, population.
  8. Anonymous says:

    I wish all of you PPM hypocrites would give Mckeeva Bush a break on this crime situation in Cayman.

    The man has just took over our "bled to death" country just about 3-4 months ago. The country is broke and busted from the PPM administration. Drugs and gun crimes were already well established before the May general elections.

    There is no money to fight crime, no money to pay civil servants, no money to pay utilities for government offices, no money to cover other government expenses and you hypocrites want Mckeeva Bush to make a short statement on the plan forward to deal with the crime situation ???

    Mckeeva (Mac) will do so in time to come but priorities are priorities at the moment. 

    Why don’t you hypocrites blame Stuart Jack and Operation Tempura/Cealt for bleeding our country dry ???

    Why don’t you blame the past commissioner who imported a failed plan from the UK called "Matrix" which was embraced by our local "chief hunchos," who at the time were awash in PPM money and delivered "absolutely nothing" in terms of crime fighting reduction over the past years??

    Where is the invisible helicopter and where is the money going to come from to maintain an expensive machine like that over the next few years, if we should ever see it ??? 

    Why didn’t the idiots reach out to the DEA in the US with whom the Cayman Islands had a great anti-narcotics co-operation with through the auspices of Derek Haines and others, and the US would have gladly donated two small aircrafts that they have an abundance of, for surveillance in drug/firearm interdiction??

    Why don’t you blame yourselves for being so naive and gullable to UK colonialism and imperialism ??

    The list goes on and on and on and on !!!!!    

  9. Anonymous says:

    Cayman you need to expose and interduce your child/ Children from a early age to a few photos of the youth who was killed because of gun voilence.

    With the approval of family memeber(s) who has lost a loved one because of gun voilence, let show our youth what you may look like after a bullet blow your brains out and how losing a loved one can effect the rest of your familys life.

    We need to teach them who perious life is to each and everyone of us.

    Poster 4:43 you have some good points, but are you too afraid to post your name.  Come on you want change like all of us but, tell us where we will all meet this Satarday.  I suggest the WB Police Station.

    West Bayer


  10. Not prepared to live in FEAR says:




    I am so numb about what is happening right now. On the one hand I am thinking let them just kill each other off and be done with it. It makes me SO mad that they are taking the streets and public establishments for a shooting range – to the potential detriment of any and all who are innocently in the wrong place at the wrong time!

    On the other hand – as a parent – I realize these are someone’s kids we are talking about!

    This island is too freaking small for this crap to be happening – and so often now. It is pretty obvious that this is a rolling feud that must extinguish itself but how many innocents will be caught in the crossfire before the authorities get a handle on who is involved and end it once and for all?? And to be clear, let’s not fool ourselves here – any Joe Blow on the street in WB can tell you who is behind this!

    I live in WB, my CHILDREN live in WB – right there where this is happening! This is too close to home and too close for comfort!! Will the police PLEASE, PLEASE, figure out what you are NOT doing right and start cracking down on this nonsense! Lay down some marshall law – better yet – I know of at least THREE Caymanians who have returned from Iraq in the last little while who would be more than happy to put these thugs into a head lock!! If they think they’re big men now, let them go up against these veterns who have seen horrors that would make those little boys pee their pants!!

    Forget human rights – anyone suspected of being involved in any of these shootings should be terrorized by the police daily! Car searches, home searches, random harrassment! No holds barred! If criminals feel like their every move is being watched and that they are targeted for their choice of lifestyle then maybe, just maybe they will think twice about what they do and where they do it!

    Obviously, there are not enough deterrents in Cayman to stop someone from walking into a nightclub – FULL of people – and popping off shots OR out in the middle of residential areas in the early hours of the evening when people are still out and about!

    Our police force is tasked with protecting and serving…right now our streets belong to the criminals – placing us ALL in a state of fear! Something needs to change RIGHT NOW! The way of past policing is gone, this country is not a passive little island any longer and we must accept that and bring the RCIPS up to speed. What we have is NOT WORKING ANYMORE!

    I am not a violent person but this makes me just want to slap these little boys up side the head and ask them what the hell are they thinking!? Where are their mothers and fathers? If I know who is responsible just by marl road chat – their parents MUST have heard too! Grab these punks by the scruff of their necks and drag them home for a good old fashioned Caymanian whooping! See…violence begets violence! This is the point that I have been pushed to in reaction to these senseless acts of stupidity!

    Here’s the solution going forward – parents, teach your children right from wrong. Teach them to take responsibility for their actions. Teach them to respect live and one another. Do not leave them to raise themselves or to roam the streets at all hours from a young age. Do not turn a blind eye to their bad behaviour. Discipline your children Cayman…take interest in their young lives!

    The badness that neglect breeds is a festering sore that will infect society as each generation loses touch with the morals and traditional upbringing that our foremothers and fathers once instilled. We will all pay the piper in the end if we do not take control once again and ensure that our future generations are brought up with manners, respect and dignity.

    As for me and mine, I am a stern disciplinarian yet my children love me and seek to please me and make me proud. Their manners in public are admired and it makes me feel blessed to be their parent. They are not perfect and neither am I but I feelthat they have a chance to be something when they grow up because I chose to raise them with rules and boundaries. That doesn’t take money – it takes TIME! It takes LOVE! And it takes FEAR! Not one of which must be bought.

    RCIPS please put an end to this any way you must. There will be an uproar no matter what you do but I am sure there will be more gratitude than criticism if you nip this one in the bud now.

    Cayman, get a grip on your children NOW. It is never too late to steer them back onto the right path. To continue on as we are will only mean more violence and I am not prepared to live in fear in paradise such as this.

  11. Lavonida says:

    One of the first things that we can do is STOP calling them clicks THEY ARE GANGS.

    I feel its now time for UNANNOUNCED curfews in known gang areas and a house to house searches.

    The gangs are still small enough to get a handle on. Here’s how I would do it, if I was the Commish. 

      My deputy and myself would be the only ones that would know the plans. Call in evey officer & special constable (be they on vacation or not) for an emergency meeting. They must leave all cell phones at the desk with the person on station duty. When they get into the meeting then they are told the plans, givens the arm, radios and riot gear, they are not allowed to retreive their cell phones (so as to prevent any possible leaks). 

    Once we (notice I said we, as a leader you must lead ) leave we proceed straight to the locations of  curfew and  house to house searches, if there is 20 suspected gang members have 20 search teams and starting with the suspected gang members residences, hit them all at once.

    Everyone entering must have a valid ID and a MUST live in the curfew areas. NO ONE would be allowed to leave until the operation was completed. ALL persons trying to break the curfew would be immediately arrested. 

    Arrest those gang memberson suspicion of drug offences or other offence that would give us the opportunity to get them off the streets. Seize any and all fire arms. Repeat the same operation in a few months.

    This might sound extreme but it can work NOW, not if they wait much longer. 

  12. Anonymous says:

    Thank you CITN for naming and shaming these criminals on the news.

    One of the Caymanian accused persons I believe spent more than half of his adult life locked up and clearly don’t need to do this because his parents have money.

    So, this shows you that these criminals will do whatever they want.   

  13. GOT U says:

    LOGB, you really don’t have anything to say about the increase in crime.

    With the amount of money giving to the Police Department we can sure hire about 20 well trained Police Officers who may assist us with these criminals.  Get five from Costia Rica, Jamaica, US and England.

    Hire then on a six month period and lets clean up our Island, I sure have somewhere to move to because I can afford to and you LOGB can afford to move also, but what about the rest of the people here in the Cayman Islands.  I call Cayman my home now and I want this crime spree to STOP.

    We can not continue to live like this, these criminals are taking over our business place, our home and our streets.

    How long does we the people have to wait.

    Got U


  14. Anonymous says:

    Although heresay doesn’t amount to much, I’ve heard from reliable sources that these twenty andthirty somethings engaged in drug violence have been getting arrested (or let go on numerous accounts) by the same RCIP since high school.  I’ve also heard of RCIP picking up these kids/criminals caught with drug possession or petty robberies, and taking them home to let thier guardians "deal with them". 

    These teen criminals in West Bay brag about their "piece".  They all have one, let’s not beat around the bush.

    I find it hard to believe that troubled teens, twenties, and thirty-somethings involved in drugs, shootings, and gangs are first time criminals at the time of arrest. 

    Instead of doing a favour to the family of  the "Northward reject" by letting ’em go, do us, the community, a favour and book ’em.

  15. real deal says:

    What kind of rubbish is that we had the people that could fix this problem but the politicos and their Police comrades push the officers from the RCIPS easy solutions Bring back the Man that could fix the Problem Chief Superintendent Derek Haines NOW and fire the crooks in the RCIPS

    • Anonymous says:


      I agree completely. The new commissioner needs to try and get as many of the good officers that left the force after “Ivan”, the problem is that a lot of these former officers are making more money either in other Government Departments or in the private sector and probably would not return, so he should at least meet with these ex officers and ask for some advice. Now for those who are working in other Government Dept’s, ask them if they wish to return to the force at their current salaries. The current commissioner should approach DH and offer him the Deputy Job, I’m not sure if DH would take the job.
      Regarding the crooks in the RCIP, yes there are a few bad apples but I’m sure in your work place they are there as well. I personally think there a lot of officers who really love and care for our community. The RCIPS has adopted UK Policing policies for operations, arrests, firearm issuing called PACE which in fact gives more right to criminals than to the officers which makes these officers hesitant to do their jobs.
       I believe we need to go backto a former commissioner’s policy (Radcliff) which was hit the streets aggressively, kick down criminal’s doors and get these guys and firearms off our streets. I recall back in his day, there was a unit driving around in an ugly white van with grills on it and those guys from the Special Task Force get out, know one use to mess with them. Now we have a USG unit who drive around in new AC’d vehicles with guns on their hips. Shoot (no pun intended) put them back in that ugly uncomfortable van and believe you me they will be walking the streets in stead of sitting in an AC’d vehicle. There is also a Hot Spot Team, believe it or not this unit only has special constables working in it, and I think one regular officer in charge, WOW! I see them around all the time. These guys are not armed but seem to go to the clubs, bad areas, arrest and people. Recently it appears to me that the HST is doing a lot more proactive policing than the USG.  I have probably picked on the USG enough, I am sure they work hard. Other Departments really need to be looked at as well, the Community Services Department. I believe there are approximately 20 officers in this department; well I have never seen one in my neighborhood. I don’t see why they would 20 officers in than one department; these officers should be on the streets working on the shifts at all times. I thought that all officers we here to work for the community, not have a completely separate dept. I suppose they are keeping persons in their jobs.
      I would like the officers to know that I am not personally criticizing them but on how I see the current apparent mismanagement of their superiors.
    • Dennie Warren Jr. says:

      Yes, bring back Mr. Haines!

  16. Anonymous says:

     "When I first came here it was under the advertising that Cayman was effectively crime free.  I don’t actually know if it was true then, but it sure ain’t true now."

    That was only a few years ago when Cayman had that reputation.  I’m no scientist but I can’t help but think that this massive change rolled over Cayman in so short a time because Cayman has built no "social safety net" to catch its falling citizens who lost their livelihood in the recession.  No money = no food, but a body has to eat and will do what it takes.  That and the lure of fast big money in a life of crime, and no police force to stop them.  

    Either way though, the sun has set on the crime-free Cayman of legend. Now the recruiting ads can read "live the thrill of being in one of the top 20 murder states on earth" instead of the "lovely crime-free islands" that used to fly.  

    Very, very sad.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Just wait til the foreign press pick up on this and start plastering all these stories of shootings , murders and corruption all over the press – between that and the fact the island in their eyes is "bankrupt " and all the debarcle over offshore – doesnt present very good reading


    Also when trying to attract tourists , new business to the island its not exactly a plus point  

  18. noname says:

    We asked for this Cayman.

    What I mean is that we demanded for the RCIPS to get serious in regards to the drugs and gun crime.

    These incidents may very well be a result of them doing so.

    Have we forgotten about the massive drug haul the other night – who knows what more unreported developments that haul and those arrests may have led to?

    What? Did we expect the police to clean up the streets and for there to be no repercussions at all?

    Criminals are required to rat on one another in order to remove criminality – when this happens rest assured revenge will be sought!

    Think about it – if you as a criminal know / suspect that one of your associates have given information that may land you in prison for 10-15 years – wouldn’t you feel the need to blow off his head as well?

    I believe we may have to sit tight for a while as I anticipate a few more incidents may be on the way.

    In any event – I think it is high time we stop playing around on this internet and take more effective action! Us blogging on our keyboards won’t change a thing! These criminals don’t log on here anyway – only decent citizens like you and I do.


    I suggest a "People’s March" between 2 or 3 of the most troubled areas!!

    Starting in WEST BAY, right down WBR and right up to GEORGE TOWN!!

    Why not this Saturday?

    Everyone come out – teachers, parents, kids, lawyers, expats, locals, accountants, bankers, mechanics, domestic workers, contruction workers, bus drivers, business owners, hotel owners, poiliticians everybody!!

    We need thousands to send a real message!! This is what Cayman needs right now – a united front against these people to let them know we mean business! Enough is enough!!

  19. Anonymous says:

    Why can’t we bring in some seasoned, tough cops from Detroit, Miami, or East L.A., to deal with our crime situation.  They have the experience and the intestinal fortitude to deal with this type of violence.  They would have no connections (family or otherwise) with local criminals and would therefore be much more objective in the way they handle things.  I know we are a British protectorate and have always brought in British police, but I really think we need some good old "American know-how" to tackle the criminals who are holding our island hostage.  The longer we wait, the harder the strangle-hold these "gangstas" will have on Cayman.  Enough is enough.

    • Any says:

      I don’t think more expats is the solution.

      • Anonymous says:

        Of course it is. The current force is incompetent and lazy. Bring in some no-nonsense cops used to dealing with gangs and shootouts daily. With their insight and knowledge we can bring down this gang culture in days.

        After a few of the wannabes have tasted boot leather from hard cops they’ll think twice about playing the tough guys.

        More specialised cops from overseas is exactly what we need.

      • anon says:

        Expat cops may eat Caymanian babies but you must agree that it might not be a bad idea to bring in an outside specialist team to at least offer us their experience on this problem.


    • noname says:

      Finally someone said what I was thinking. The RCIP do not have the experience or training that it takes  to deal with the type of violence that is becoming a cancer on our Islands.  Cayman is small enough to restrain these criminals from destroying our country. Bringing in seasoned cops and police with the intelligence how to handle (gang) violence from the USA is definitely the way to go. It’s sad to say but the truth is the RCIP are only able to handle petty offences and traffic violations but when it comes to serious crimes such as shootings they need to take another serious approach on how to stop this crime wave now occurring. This would obviously start with the police commissioner on this Island to be straight up with the public that they need tough cops with experience, and I dont see anything wrong with the RCIP getting the advice and help form the USA. Spending lots of money on equipment and vehicles without having trained police with some experience and knowledge is a definite waste of money for the government.

      • Carl the Canuck says:

        I had previously recommended using the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. 

        They are famous for "always getting their man", and they are polite and pleasant to deal with, including when they throw your butt in the slammer and then testify against you with a case prepared with exacting precision.

        And of course they won’t let you off for a crime because you are dating someone’s sister, and they will shoot you if they have to (but they will say "excuse me" after).  Give it some thought.

      • Anonymous says:

        Alot of times, the big cities have to bring in the "State Troopers" and if gang violence is too out of control, the FBI, to get things under control. I know that is what happened one summer in the city near where I live. This is in the U.S. It is not something to be embarassed about, it is just that sometimes smaller departments need help and expertise.

    • Anonymous says:

      If "American know-how" as you put it was so effective, wouldn’t places like Detroit, L.A., Washington D.C, Oakland etc be peaceful, crime-free areas?  In reality they are some of the most violent murder capitals on the planet. So where’s the big "know how"? …Rodney King style beatings? Donut eating? 

      • Anonymous says:

        Okay ding bat do you have a better idea? This Island has a population of about 60 thousand, those cities have millions of people and they still are very effective in solving crimes and tackling gang violence. Do you really think that our RCIP is capable of handling the crimes that are escalating. Dont think so !!!!

      • Dennie Warren Jr. says:

        Yeah, right, Detroit and LA. Let’s look at the District of Columbia.  The reason for the Federal District’s high crime rate is the extreme anti-firearm Regulations.  Consider how a security guard who was able to carry a firearm at his place of employment, but could not carry a handgun IN HIS OWN HOME for self-defense.  Apparently DC wants criminals to live and law-abiding citizens to die.

        Mr. Heller challenged the DC anti-firearm Regulations all the way to the US Supreme Court and won.  The court also struck down the portion of the law; “Section 7-2507.02, like the bar on carrying a pistol within the home, amounts to a complete prohibition on the lawful use of handguns for self-defense. As such, we hold it unconstitutional.”

        Read the facts here:

        Defenseless citizens are easy targets for armed criminals.

        How do you explain that in the state of Florida residents can carry a concealed firearm most places and the crime rate is not even near DC’s?

        Consider the following, "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration! Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" – Adolf Hitler, 1935

        The anti-firearm argument is illogical!

        • Anonymous says:

          Arming ourselves is not the answer.  How many people do you honestly believe can handle the responsibilities of gun ownership?  With the levelof alcoholism and substance abuse on this island, do you really want to know that your neighbours are armed?  Do you want your kids playing at someone’s house, where there is a gun around?  Guns won’t solve this problem.  They are part of the problem!

          • Dennie Warren Jr. says:

            Below is a brief response to your questions and statements.

            Re: “Arming ourselves is not the answer.”
            Reply: Ignoring the facts and suggesting families be defenseless against criminals, even in their own home is an illogical.

            According to the U.N., as of 2005, Scotland was the most violent country in the developed world, with people three times more likely to be assaulted than in America. Violent crime there has doubled over the last 20 years. 3% of Scots had been victims of assault compared with 1.2% in America. (Scotland tops list of world’s most violent countries, The Times, September 19, 2005) Link:

            “Despite a ban on handguns introduced in 1997 after 16 children and their teacher were shot dead in the Dunblane massacre the previous year, their use in crimes has almost doubled to reach 4,671 in 2005-06. Official figures show that although Britain has some of the toughest anti-gun laws in the world, firearm use in crime has risen steadily. This year eight young people have been killed in gun attacks: six in London and one each in Manchester and Liverpool.” (Weapons sell for just £50 as suspects and victims grow ever younger, The Times, August 24, 2007.) Link:

            “The United Kingdom is the violent crime capital of Europe and has one of the highest rates of violence in the world, worse even than America, according to new research.  Analysis of figures from the European Commission showed a 77 per cent increase in murders, robberies, assaults and sexual offences in the UK since Labour came to power…” (UK is violent crime capital of Europe, The Telegraph, July 2, 2009) Link:

            In the UK, law-abiding citizens are being targeted by the politically correct elitist, including the UK police, for defending themselves while criminals continue to murder, rob, assault, and rape law-abiding citizens.  There are many more examples of why an armed society is dangerous to criminals and why law-abiding citizens are safer when armed.

            Re: “How many people do you honestly believe can handle the responsibilities of gun ownership?”
            Reply: Many people.  Most people are not irresponsible; they’re untrained.

            Re: “With the level of alcoholism and substance abuse on this island, do you really want to know that your neighbours are armed?”
            Reply: Firearms and related training provides people with the knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary to own and use arms responsibly.  The two major causes of accidents are ignorance and carelessness, and both are addressed through training.  I have operated firearms since 1986, instructed since 1995 and have a perfect safety record to date.  So, I have no problem with law-abiding residents owning arms.

            Using a firearm while under the influence of legal or illegal chemical substances which alter a person’s judgment would be considered “careless use of a firearm” and is currently prohibited by law.

            Re: “Do you want your kids playing at someone’s house, where there is a gun around?”
            Reply: I could write a book in response to this question, but would attempt to cause you to think about your question by asking you a few questions.  Have you satisfied the curiosity of your kids regarding the guns they see on TV…? Are you aware of how many misleading and sometime impossible things are shown on TV with arms? 

            Teaching kids what to do if they find a gun is imperative for ALL parents, whether or not they keep a firearm in their own home, for the simple fact that the child will NOT always be IN a home. The potential exists for kids to come into unauthorized, unsupervised contact with a firearm outside the home, and proactive education by parents can prevent a negative outcome when they do.  Do you have the necessary knowledge to prepare your kids to be safe around arms?

            Re: “Guns won’t solve this problem.  They are part of the problem!”
            Reply: What is the problem, an increase in murders, robberies, assaults and sexual offences, or the desire of law-abiding residents to defend against such despicable acts?

            Yes guns along will not solve “this problem”, but the problem is not the inanimate object, whether it is a firearm, a baseball bat, knife…, it is the unlawful actions of the perpetrator misusing any device for unlawful purposes.

            You’re advocating a safer society for criminals; I support a safer society for the law-abiding residents.

            Thanks for commenting.

      • Anonymous says:

        I knew someone would say that.  You’re missing the point.  The cops in those cities have thousands of criminals to deal with.  We have only a few (so far).  While they may be dangerous,they are still amateurs – compared to what the US police are used to.  A crack police team could flush them out and lock them up in no time. 

  20. Got U says:

    Until our Police Dept take proper data on these criminals, we will continue to have these problems.

    There is only a hand full of know and unknown criminals here in Cayman.

    The Police Dept need to record the cleeks and known associates and start with Partysufers and the schools.  This data will take years, but you have to start.

    This information should have alrady been recorded and at your finger tips because Cayman is not that big. 

    When a serious crime has taking place, why do you send every office on duty to that location, the criminal(s) are not and will not be there waiting on you.Have a team to visit your most likely criminals at home right after a serious crime and record/make note if they are not at home.  

    When you pick up your most likely criminals, test them and see if they have fired a gun.  This will help narrow down your suspects.  

    This island is too small to NOT have a database with such an important role.

    Got U

  21. Richard Wadd says:

     Dear " I scanned some Historical",

    It is one thing to read information, and quite another to understand what it is saying.

    The high murder rate in Jamaica, for example, grew out of Political gang-wars years after Jamaica gained Independence.

    Therefore the statistical evidence, and the timeline, do NOT support your theory.

    A more prudent observation would be the breakdown of the ‘Moral fabric’ of our society, Values, Respect for Authority, the Family environment, and Respect for the Law.

    Indiscipline breeds Lawlessness.

    • Lachlan MacTavish says:

      Oh …hi Richard…..pls confirm if this is your real name….if not just use anono or whatever. It is poor using a "nom".

      FYI….histoire is not going to solve the     immediate     situation

  22. Anonymous says:

    I do appeal to the LOGB to make a public statment acknowledging the urgency of the problem and a proposal for how to address it.

    • Twyla Vargas says:

      AM I READING CORRECT, that there was two shootings withing 12 hours?  If this is the case I dont see the reason to ask the LOGB to address the nation, poor soul he is problaly scared himself and  if I was him I would do like the cowboys do, high-tail it out.

      This is a situation for the Governor of the Cayman Islands.  He has to step up to the plate and make some drastic decisions.   Call in National Guard or something.   There has to be a reason for all of this.  Residents cant do anything, and is afraid to go out of their homes, Police the same.  and Why Not?  who wants to be a dead duck.  No one can come up with a solution, so then it calls for the Governor to make some, and it seems like that had to be done yesterday, because as far as I am concerned we might as well hoist up the flag we uses when a Category five hurricane is approaching.   I dont know what else to say.  If no one else does not feel as concerned as I am, then tell me I am talking foolishness.  Thats OK, I would rather listen to anything now except to hear every day about someone being shot.

      GOD HELP US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. Anonymous says:

    Ah ahhhhhh ……… blame it fairy and squarely on the imported "UK Matrix Policing Plan" and the naive and gullable locally gazetted officers from Superintendent’s and above,(with the exception of one, but to also include some Chief Inspectors as well) who embraced and adopted this plan from 2005 until present. In turn, it has "failed miserably" the RCIPS and the Cayman Islands as a whole.

    What are they at Gold and Silver Command saying these days despite enormous government funding in the past to accomplish so much, but instead property crimes and crimes against the person with firearms, are sky rocketting each month ??? 

    I’ll tell you what they are saying and doing. Seeking avenues of retreat while their subordinates blood pressures are going sky high through the roof with unprecedented pressure. They in turn are saying, "It didn’t work over there, so how possibly could we have made it worked here"

    You "daft bunch" have you not heard or did you forget exactly what is UK Strategy ???

    In case you didn’t know or forgot –  it’s enter, divide, conquer and rule !!! They are absolutely the best strategist in the world at this and guess what, you played their game to the "t" and they made an absolute a** out of you all, but unfortunately at the people’s expense as well.





    • Anonymous says:

      I do not live in GC, but I do visit the island on holiday. I also have worked in the "inner city" for many years with teenagers. Here are a few ideas (not sure if they will be found helpful or if they are already being used):

      – Personally meet with gang members. This would be to encourage non-retaliation. These people would be trained in mediation and de-esculation. These "gang-members" need to have choices brought to their attention and it takes quite some talking (i.e. GED program, job offers etc.). This could be over a basketball game and my suggestion is to start the game around 10 pm. and run games thru midnight. Serve refreshments, have a referee, and a cop on site. We had great success in our Midnight basketball program. It is slow to start, but will take off.

      – Remove all graffitti, sneakers on telephone wires and any other gang messages in the neighborhood as soon as seen. Keep the road blocks moving thru neighborhoods and stop any group that is standing around loitering on corners. Yes, it may feel like they are being "harassed", but it works. The police should start taking pictures and keeping a file on any/everyone that they identify as a possible "gang member". Bring the police into the schools to speak to the teachers (tell them what to look for) and speak to the students about other alternatives. Community/neighborhood watch meetings should be held. Send letters home to the parents informing them of the signs of a gang member so parents may identify the signs and open up communication. Curfews for all under a certain age have to be off the streets at a certain time unless they can prove they are coming from a job. No exceptions. If they are found on the streets they are brought to the police station where a parent needs to pick them up.

      Lastly, most of the students I work with that are supposedly "hardcore" are really plain ol’ lost soles. They are in need of so much love and guidance. Most of them do not want to be out shooting and robbing, butwant to be successful. If and when they find success, they usually find a way to turn themselves and their futures around. Mentors are desperately needed. Role models and people showing them that they Can do it and that people do believe in them.  Just a little guidance and support goes a long way.

      I hope some of these suggestions are helpful. What I read in the online news is very sad. Good luck GC.

      • Twyla Vargas says:

        19:54  I DO NOT LIVE IN GRAND  CAYMAN, is the best piece of information I have seen given to the Cayman Islands to deal with this situation.  I do hope the police prints this off and uses this information.  It makes sence

      • Idea!!! says:

        A fresh and welcome point of view. Thanks.  A few progressive, if unpopular ideas.  These days, will take anything over status quo!!!

  24. Anonymous says:

    When is LOGB going to even address this problem.  He has said ABSOLUTELY NOTHING regarding all of this crime happening!!  He or one of his cronies needs to grow some and stand up for what is MOST important, our communities and families, NOT $$$$$ and how to make more of it!!  Be a man and address the issues!!

    • Anonymous says:

      LOGB said this:


      The PPM has severely neglected public safety, and our society has not become any safer over the past four years. 2008 represented the highest murder rate in our country’s history. Burglaries and other crimes continue to create uncertainty in our communities. And there is plenty of anecdotal evidence suggesting that many crimes continue to go unreported. Thereputation of the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service (RCIP) reputation has been unfairly damaged by poor governance and mismanagement by the PPM. The UDP will take the following measures to bring the RCIPS back on a solid footing and to restore security and public safety to our communities.

      • We will implement a comprehensive training and development program for police officers.
      • We will also establish an aggressive initiative to recruit former qualified Caymanian police officers to the RCIPS as well as recruit and train new Caymanian police officers. We will also examine the current policy on scheduling the work shifts of police.
      • We will improve police intelligence to help battle drug trafficking and other crimes.
      • We will find a resolution to the current helicopter fiasco to minimise losses to the government and consider an appropriate alternative plan.
      • We will make efforts to restore governance and public confidence in the RCIPS and to improve staff moral.


      The UDP basically campaigned this year on crime being caused by the PPM. This is not a new tactic as the PPM employed it successfully against the UDP in 2005.

      The problem is that we are all too willing to hear that it was the "other" party that let things get out of hand or that all of the crimes were being committed by foreigners.

      Politicians are liars, and if you don’t know how to tell when they are lying then the answer is simple. Check to see if their lips are moving.

  25. Anonymous says:

    We have some serious Social problems.  Please Caymanians, equip yourselves to deal (not put a band aid on)  OUR  social problems. 

    Increase your knowledge and tackle these problems HEAD ON!  We can now train at our local college UCCI, to become Social Workers etc. to deal with these problems. 

    For those CAYMANIANS who want to equip themselves to deal with OUR problems(we have no where else to go), we are appealing to our Government and our Employers to fund these studies and allow us time off (if necessary) to pursue degrees in these Social Sciences.  It is SOCIAL PROBLEMS, right?

    Do not tell us, ‘it is not in the budget’ or ‘economic crisis’ because when we have to prosecute these crimes, it cost a whole lot more than this and the increase in the crime rate is contributing to our crisis.

    Father in heaven, help us to do something besides complain.




  26. Anonymous says:

    I scanned some historical data on murder rates/capita  and it was interesting to see that Bahamas and Jamaica each had their time near the top of those lists in the past 30 something years. I wonder if CNS could research a story and relate to whether that was those countries times of seeking Independence from the Mother country. For Cayman this is not the case, but from the outside it sure appears something is brewing deep within the neighborhoods of everyday Caymanians.

    Any sociologists looking for a thesis topic?

  27. Anonymous says:

    This is really beginning to piss me off! What can ordinary citizens to do to help get some semblance of order back in our community?? I have no inside information but I assuming this has something to do with the huge drug bust the other day.  Here’s hoping in the past this mess eventually dies down as before. In the meantime we can help by:

    not turning a blind eye to crime when we see it

    making the difficult decision to turn in family members when necessary

    lending an assistance to single parents

    taking time to counsel at risk kids that you encounter; it is amazing how far  a caring hand can reach

    live like a community again not just selfishly living in our own world

    get to know your neighbour

    volunteer your time in some community event

    Lets go back to caring for each other and show these disenfranchised children another way that there are other options.


    • Anonymous says:

      I am an advocate of the police but now I am slowing loosing confidence. I recall in 2005 WB had a lot of problems and the RCIP transferred a young Caymanian Chief Inspector (RS), if I recall correctly within 6 months a lot of the problems had stopped. Now that we have this female Chief up their all you hear about is shooting, then she comes on the TV, newspapers and talks about issuing 60 traffic tickets, GREAT!!! What about the firearms offences, drugs, assaults, burglaries. RS left the force to work in the Licensing Dept. I believe that the Commissioner or Deputy should give him a call and offer him his job back. I am not sure if he makes more now but I don’t care. RS is a hard honest working young Caymanian who cares about the community he works in and if brought back in to run WB or any other district I know we will be able to sleep a little better at night, as he will be working trying to catch these hardened criminal, not riding his bike having coffee in his office. So write your MLA requesting this to happen.

  28. Anonymous says:

    I don’t have one, but then again that’s why I booked my ticket back home. 

    Strangely, back home I would be considered the safest person in the community to have a gun and I could get one easily and legally if I so desired.  Here I would be a criminal if I got a gun. 

    Strange, of course, is that this means that on Cayman only the criminals are armed (including the RCIPS).

    • Caym-expat.... says:

      Quit the BS – you know you are not leaving.Cayman is still fundamentally safer than your "home"or you would never have come here in the first place.  But it must sound and feel great to be able to spout your cr@p.

      Be constructive in your solutions.

      Or if you really just came here for the $$$, then perhaps you should f#@& off and let those that care and want solutions get on with things.


      • Anonymous says:

        Sorry to be a bother to you with my commentary.  Just so you folks know though, I’m from Canada and the murder rate per 100,000 there is 1.8, not 14.3.  I lived there for 40-odd years before coming here, and never did I have an armed robbery in my local restaurant, or a series of shootings/murders beside the parking lot of my office (where I now refuse to park), or a killing in the bar where my co-workers go to hang out.  It is enormously safer in Canada than it is here, even in the bad parts.  

        When I first came here it was under the advertising that Cayman was effectively crime free.  I don’t actually know if it was true then, but it sure ain’t true now.

        And not that it matters, but I actually did just now finish boxing up the last of my stuff for the move, so yes I will f#@& off and leave you be.  You see, that is my solution.  Your solution might be different.  Good luck with it – really.  I hope the best for you and for Cayman.  I don’t post to piss people off.  I do think it is important that the powers that be know that at least a few of the professionals are actually leaving because of this.  Of course there is a line-up of people to replace me, so 2 months after I’m gone there’ll be a new body in my chair and no one will care, so it probably doesn’t matter.  In my opinion though, there is no solution to be had to Cayman’s new reality.  Venting on the Rooster and in CNS won’t fix it.  The cops can’t fix it, even if they do up their arrest rate – there’s another criminal thug waiting in line to take the last guy’s place, just like there’s a line for my soon-to-be old job.  The UDP is much better than the PPM, but not any of them can fix this.  The UK doesn’t care.  Look around… who’s going to fix this really?

        May God bless and look after the Cayman Islands.

  29. Anonymous says:

    Oh please Cayman, when its this violence going to end?

  30. McGruff says:

    The time has come to complete the Hyatt canal through to the Beach Suites and isolate "The Republic". Visa requirements for safe passage over the canal should take immediate effect, providing not only an element of security but a revenue source at the same time

    • Anon says:

      I laughed at this at first, but the more I thought about it the more it actually made sense.

    • Dennie Warren Jr. says:

      Re: “safe passage over the canal”

      I can see the CNS news article already; “Armed Criminals Cross Canal without Visa.  Defenseless canal security staff fled for their lives as armed criminals crossed into George Town with impunity.  One staff member was shot dead, however, while attempting to stop the gunman from robbing members of the public when he pointed his finger at the two gunmen and demanded they put down their weapons.

      Eyewitnesses said the two male perpetrators were about 5’ 11” with a dark completion (black Caymanians), while the RCIPS is asking the public to call 916-HELP with any information which might lead to the arrest of those “poor” criminals.”

      CNS Editorial: “Clearly, the RCIPS remain unwilling to admit they cannot prevent every crime against members of the public.  In should be further noted that members of the public cannot sue the RCIPS for failing to protect them.  How can the RCIPS be held responsible for failing to do the impossible?

      We are each responsible for our own personal safety, that’s why we are offered tips on how to do so.  As members of this society, are also look after the safety of our neighbors.  In most cases, the police will only be able to investigate after you are dead, not before.

      Our condolences go out to the family of the minimum wage worker, who was killed, but sadly without a change in the elitists’ poor attitude towards our right to self-defense, such violent acts may continue to occur.”

      • Be damned... says:

        I trust you ar not using elitist as an alternative to expat…

        We all know that the outside world may have influenced the problems, but the solution lies with taking responsibility forour own homes.

        Step up Cayman, get a grip on your own homes before you go knocking others – I know it is easiest to lash out and blame the outsiders – but the real problem is right here with us and how we address our own FILTHY laundry.


        • Dennie Warren Jr. says:

          By elitists’ I’m referring to those who subjectively believe themselves to be a superior class of people compared to the rest of us and are consequently subjectively entitled to a greater degree of freedom then the rest of us are.  Certainly that would include locals and expats.  Among other things, the elitist believe that because some of us would choose to exercise our birth-right of self-defense would be evil for so doing by means of legal firearms.  It is not a cryptic reference to nationality.

          The attitude by the elitist that, defense of self or another person by means of legal firearms is good enough for me, but not for thee, is offensive to me.

          Since you questioned me about the issue of expat vs. local, the record should reflect that I judge the actions of each person individually.  “Let your voice be heard!” is a part of my motto, therefore, I speak freely and plainly.

          I’m not a pacifist seeking someone to come save me from my troubles.  I understand my individual rights, duties and responsibilities to myself, family and this society and take them seriously.

          I will not stand idly by while another human tells me I do not have the right to protect myself or my family.  Never!

          Thanks for asking.

    • Anonymous says:

      So how do you plan to isolate Shedden Road, School House Road and now even Grand Harbour and Beach Bay. If you think this is a West Bay problem only, you’re mistaken.

  31. Anon says:

    Am I the only one on the island that hasn’t got a gun?

  32. Lachlan MacTavish says:

    I am looking from the "outside". It is very different when you are inside and seeing this crime increase daily. Naturally residents become saturated and calloused.

    The clarity of the enormity of this crime wave is crystal clear to many people . This needs the CIG to take aggressive action and action until we see some changes. Firstly for the people of the islands. Individuals and families must be safe. Secondly The Cayman Islands exist because of foreign business for the financial sectors and tourism. 

    These businesses dried up for 10 plus years in The Bahamas and JA when crime was left unchecked.

    Wake up…..just don’t talk about it….do something….bitch until someone in the CIG stands up and attacks crime head on. 

    Lachlan MacTavish

  33. Anonymous says:

    WOW WOW AND I MEAN WOW when is it ever gonna stop. please put down all the voilence for god in heaven sake and for the sake of our country we are beginning to sound like we are in a war zone with ourselfs. Parents please talk to your kids and try to deter them from all this voilence.



  34. Tiger says:

    Another day another shooting. What is happening to the place I used to call home. It was a heartbreaker leaving the beautiful islands a few years back, but now I’m thinking it was a blessing in disguise!

    Where will it end?