Thieves should get a job says fed-up victim

| 18/09/2009

(CNS): One local resident is fighting crime in his own way after being robbed three times. 71 year old Alex Corda has printed a sign as a warning for all burglars to stay away from hisproperty. According to reports on news 27, Corda has also stuck a note on his car window warning would-be robbers away since, he says, everything has already been stolen. He says he has lived in Cayman for almost 30-years and the crime problem just keeps getting worse – so he had to take action. His message for thieves: “Get a job.”

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  1. Richard Wadd says:

     Dear Fraidymous’ –  Fri, 09/18/2009 – 11:22

    Don’t believe for one second that I am taking your comments lightly. They are great ideas, and I agree that they would have a very positive impact, given the right circumstances.

    However, I also believe that the LEVEL of Crime and criminal behavior here has grow beyond such efforts having the desired effect, given the current climate.

    I also agree with your comments on ‘Vigilante’ behavior. 

    THIS type of thinking among ordinary, Law-abiding citizens is EXACTLY the reason why the Gov / Judiciary NEED to crack down with much harsher, and effective methods of Punishment.

    The current system is NOT working, and the Epidemic of crime is affecting those who would not normally even THINK about breaking the Law.

    A wise word to the ‘Powers-that-be’, How longdo you think it will be before everyday Citizens are FORCED to arm themselves in order to protect thier families and selves?

    It is happening already !

    My family was the victim of a ‘home invasion’ while we were sleeping. Thank GOD that none of us were harmed, Physically, but Mentally? You bet we are not the same as before.

    Even though we now have an Alarm system, and have taken extra security measures, I sleep very little at nights (a problem I NEVER had my entire life before), as I wake at every noise, and have to check every window, door and camera, before I can go back to bed. 

    It has become so bad, that I don’t even sleep in the same bed with my wife, as I keep waking her up when I get out of bed, that is when the children are not already in it with her, from being scared.

    Prior to Ivan, we never even locked our house.


  2. Richard Wadd says:

     I agree with ‘Fraidymous’, let’s have a Peace Rally !! That way there will be no-one at home when these S.O.B.’s come to steal your stuff ! It will certainly make their job easier.

    No, I have begun to form the opinion that the vast majority of us (Caymanians & Residents alike) really don’t give a hoot about our crime issues.

    Our crime rate has now reached STAGGERING PROPORTIONS, and requiers Immediate and Drastic Action in order to be brought under control ….. but we are too ‘soft’, and don’t want to take the necessaryactions. We don’t want to appear ‘un-civilized’.

    NEWS FLASH ! The First rule of a ‘Civilized Society’ is to Enact and Enforce Laws to Define and Control what is acceptable and tolerable behaviour by its citizens. In other words, what is considered a CRIME, and what areacceptable forms of applied PUNISHMENT.

    And, just like with raising children (for those of us that have been successful at raising respectable, Law-abiding kids), when the punishment is not sufficent enough to deter the Crime, one Increases the severity of the Punishment.

    ex. Disrespectful to your elders? First time: Stand in the corner. Second time: Write a thousand lines. Third time: An introduction to daddy’s belt.

    We must have SEVERE Levels of punishment to act as Deterants to criminal behaviour. That does NOT mean that they are applied as a ‘first-line’ of punishment, but rather only resorted to when traditional means fail to have the desired impact (no pun intended) on the criminals’ behaviour.

    When crime is so commonplace that it no longer makes headlines, you KNOW that you are in trouble. Shootings, stabbings, attacks, burglaries, sexual assults, these Crimes are not just happening here, they are now weekly, (sometimes daily), occurances, and MANY go unreported.

    If we are not willing to put FEAR into the Criminals hearts, then it is WE who will live in Fear of criminals.

    • Anonymous says:

      WOW! The first sensible posting I have read on CNS in a long time!  Well said Richard!

      • Master Baitor says:

        That’s OK, you can call him Dick…

        You do get it, right?

        • Richard Cheese says:

          I don’t get it.  What’s wrong with the name Richard?  I like it well enough, as does my namesake Rick Head. Just so you know, if you want to formally debate this name business I’m game because I’m a master at it.  I’ve been a master debater for a very long time and I’m sure I can give you a run for your money.

          • Richard Pullen says:

            Being called Richard is not to be taken lightly.

            • Richard O. Steel says:

              Oh no, I thought long and hard about calling myself Richard.  It was a decision of great weight.

  3. grumpygranpa says:

    Posting a sign for thieves telling them there’s nothing more to take forgot one essential and vital info: what if they, too are illiterates? So having seen the sign but cannot read, still returns and frustrated having found nothing more to take, takes the most precious thing in your life –  YOUR LIFE?

  4. Backstroke says:

    "Dangerous fools you say"   Well let me tell you ass a few things after your privacy have been violated by these ass***** and for what I know you may be one of them,  after the violation , yes , you want to beat the crap out of them and rightly so,  the law does nomore than put them away for 9 to 20 months  then what?  they get out and go at it again so we have to live in fear that they will do it again, no I say let them have it,  so stop condoning this kind of behaviour, we, the minority need to come together and join the new Peace Rally that is taking place now, there will be a film at the harquail theater and a peace rally on the 26th from Heroes square to darts I am not sure who is putting it together but it is a good cause.If you want to do something go out and support the GOOD people not the varmints

    • Fraidymous says:

      I am not condoning criminal behaviour nor am I supporting the "varmints". I am supporting the foundation of civilisation – which is law and order. When you have citizens taking the law into their own hands you have chaos – and that is a very very scary thing. Say you and your friends go beat up on someone you think broke into your home (there has been no trial and he has not been legally found guilty). He goes and tells his friends what you did and that he is innocent of the crime you accuse him of (whether he is or not is not the question in this scenario). Then they all come and pick a fight with you and your friends, so you get more friends and go looking for those "varmints" to teach them all a lesson, so they get even more of their friends to teach you a lesson …and now we are well on the way to gang warfare. Another scenario is the vigilante who picks on the wrong person – which happened quite recently in  the UK – a gang ofvigilantes brutally killed a man they thought was a paedophile…only he wasn’t. You also have people who now have to live in fear that vigilantes will THINK that they are criminals and beat them up. Or an opposing group of vigilantes who mistake you for a burglar and beat you up. In other words, chaos.

      The police system and the justice systemis imperfect, so lobby your MLA, write letters to the paper, viewpoints for CNS, start a petition, organise rallies – all the things that are legitimate ways to lobby for change. Do not counter illegal activity with more illegal activity. You will only compound the problem.

      A peace rally is a great start.

  5. Anonymous says:

    How sad it is that citizens and repeated victims of crimes have to go to this extreme to avoid being victims once again. I wonder if those in Police Gold Command read CNS or do they just sit around in the Ivory Tower with their fingers up their – – – and bass in the glory of "33 traffic tickets issued for speeding in the last 48 hour period" ???  

    How pathetic and so alienating to law abiding citizens of the Cayman Islands !!!

    • Anonymous says:

      "law abiding citizens of the Cayman Islands"

      If there were so many then the police won’t be able to hand out 33 tickets in 48 hours.

      The Government needs money, traffic violations are a good way of collecting money.

      The easiest way to stop the police spending so much time on traffic patrol is if the citizens of Cayman start to drive to the letter of the law. If the police can’t issue tickets then it’ll give them more time to catch the burglars

  6. Anonymous says:

    Well said Sir, my thoughts exactly. Instead of blaming everybody for your crimes, go out and get a job. Just look in the compass today, there are hundreds in there.

    It’s good that people are starting to take some kind of action, I would have preffered to hear that he was beginning a vigilante squad to find and beat criminals down. I can think of quite a few like-minded people that would gladly join the effort.

    • Fraidymous says:

      Vigilantes ARE criminals. What you are proposing is just another gang – a group of people who want to break the law and do violence. You are no better than the people you want to victimise and a lot more dangerous because you think you have right on your side. You don’t. All you are going to do is give the police more work tracking you idiots down and clog up the justice system sending your silly a** to jail. You and all those who want to join your "vigilante squad" are dangerous fools.

      • Anonymous says:

        I bet your tone will change the minute the crime epidemic affects you or your family. Oh but I forgot, most of your family are these gangsters.

        It’s two faced cowards like you that let the criminals get away with it. your bad parenting skills and lack of discipline has allowed your kids to grow up thieving, shooting, raping and killing. Too many people like you are turning a blind eye to crimes and not reporting them because its family or friends.


        • Fraidymous says:

          I see… have decided that I am a gangster from a family of gangsters, a coward and a bad parent because I don’t agree with you. You assume that nothing bad has ever happened to someone I care about because I don’t agree with you. My kids are thieves, killers and rapists because I don’t agree with you. Are you sure about your logic here?

          Being silly and childish is not going to convince people that you have the intelligence and judgement required to carry out vigilante thuggery – even if it wasn’t an insane idea in the first place.

          You are not Charles Bronson. You are not Jodie Foster. You are just another fool who talks about committing a crime.

          • Anonymous says:

            "Being silly and childish is not going to convince people that you have the intelligence and judgement required to carry out vigilante thuggery – even if it wasn’t an insane idea in the first place."

            WTF – what intelligence or judgement is required to carry out your vigilante thuggery. You’d just go to the hotspots and perform  afew citizens arrests on thugs committing criminal offences surely?

            What intelligence is required for that?

            Glad you are brave and admitting that you are a family of thugs. It’d be so good if more cowards stood up and admitted the same and didn’t urn a blind eye whilst their sons are murdering and their daughters are harbouring the criminals and having their children.

    • Anonymous says:


      As a college educated Caymanian professional with over 15 years work experience, I am unemployed. Every job interview I go on out of the "hundreds" advertised in the Compass, I am told that it’s a work permit renewal and they have a candidate with "international experience" that is just vital to the position and company. So no job for me.

      As long as Caymanians are unemployed and not earning money, crime will increase. If I was not fortunate enough to have parents here, I would be on the street with my two kids – as Cayman has no unemployment insurance – and I cannot run back home to the US, Canada or UK.

      If I am so frustrated – imagine someone with barely a high school education.

      • Plunkett says:

        Experience as what, what college did you graduate from and why are you unemployed?  Give us a few markers so we don’t think you are another CNS BS merchant. 

      • Try Working!!! says:

        So you are automatically entitled to a job you interview for?  Have you tried lowering your expectations and working your way up.  That wet stuff on your brow is sweat, don’t worry, it never killed anyone… 

        You just might have to give a little… 

        I am sick of my fellow Caymanians and their attitude that they DESERVE a job.  I can guarantee you, if you were willing to go to any hotel and offer to be a server, they would happily employ you.

        But wait, did I just say SERVEr???  Whoops…

        Remember, despite what you think or what you may have learned growing up, noone owes you or me ANYTHING.  We get what we work for.  Cut the entitlement attitude and you will go a long way!!!


      • Anonymous says:

        Anonymous Fri, 09/18/2009 – 19:18. I understand your frustration. You are a qualified and experienced Caymanian and in this country you should NOT be unemployed. Last count I heard there were around 25, 000 work permits in force. You said, "I am told that it’s a work permit renewal and they have a candidate with "international experience" that is just vital to the position and company." Well, guess what, it is a requirement by law that if a Caymanian is qualified, willing and able they must be given preference. Did you report these experiences to Employment office? If you have and they did nothing (as often happens) then what you can do is contact the top people in the Immigration department and send them copies of your applications. From what I hear it soudns like the new Boards are looking to help Caymanians so help them to help you!



        • Santa Claus says:

          Don’t buy this sob story – this poster is either keeping back critical information or is as real as the Tooth Fairy.

      • Anonymous says:

        You should have gotten some international experience when you were younger then.  Too many Caymanians spend there entire working career in Cayman and in this world that is not going to help. 

        • Anonymous says:

          I don’t know about the other poster but my expat manager told me not to bother to get international experience because he needed me here, the most relevant experience was only available here,  and he said he would train me. I realized too late that was not true. I was his fodder for his key employee application. Now he has PR  I am expendible.

          The quality of my upbringing and education is the only thing that stops me from being tempted from acting on an instatiable urge to go bezerk.

          What if I was a little more disadvantaged in my upbringing?


          • Anonymous says:

            Serves you right for being gullible. Lying and self preservation is certainly not limited to expats here in Cayman. Plenty of locals will $hit on you to get themselves to the top.

            Your sheer lack of awareness of the real world or how business is done confirms that you and others with similar views are deemed to fail simply because you cannot see beyond a tiny island.

            International corporations want employees that have international experience. The companies all have to adhere to international laws and report their finances using international accounting standards etc. They need professional staff that understand how the business world works and can see how even though you work in Cayman, if you work for a company  that does business internationally, then the staff need to be able to see the whole picture and understand how their input affects the company as a whole.