MLA:Foreign cash won’t help
(CNS): Selling off government assets, private finance initiatives and encouraging more development by overseas investors will not provide the answer to the Cayman Islands’ current financial woes, says independent Member of the Legislative Assembly, Ezzard Miller. The North Side representative says he had very real concerns that encouraging outside investors to engage in more development would not benefit Caymanians. Miller stated that he believes government needs to stop and think about what the cause of the problem is and then discuss solutions that will benefit the people and not foreign developers.
“I remain to be convinced that selling off government assets or encouraging unchecked investment will be of any benefit to the people of these islands,” he said. “We cannot let people just come and simply develop without being sure what it will bring for Caymanians.”
Miller compared the current situation to the early 1990s when, he said, although the economy was nowhere near as dire as it is today, Caymanians were led to believe that the solutions to that slump would be inward investment from overseas, encouraging foreign cash and an increase in the population. “I don’t believe very many Caymanians are that much better off today as a result of that surge in development and growth in numbers than they were at the time.”
He stated that going down thatroad again would see outside investors making money off the Cayman people with them getting very little in return. He also confirmed that he was still in favour of the rollover policy and would not support policies that would relax the constraints placed on the recruitment of overseas workers or any ideas to make more people Caymanian to grow the population.
Miller noted that encouraging development and population growth had not solved Cayman’s problems then and asked how the same plan likely to solve the problem today. “Of course, if we are going to find some altruistic investors that are going to buy the new government building for a high price and then lease it back to government for a just a few million dollars, well, I can support such a plan, but I don’t think that is likely to happen. Whoever buys any government asset is going to want the lowest possible price to buy and the highest possible rate to rent.”
Miller criticized the idea that PFIs could save government money because, while government would receive a short term injection of cash, down the road it would be paying more. He also said he had real concerns about government ideas to encourage further foreign investment in resorts and hotels. “Our tourism product is already more than 40% under occupied. If we allow people to come and develop more hotels it won’t bring any significant financial gain to Cayman,” he added.
Miller said that the government needed to slow down and ‘”catch its breath” and to think about what the real problems were. He said that the decline in government revenue and increase in government spending was symptomatic of a problem that was not yet defined. Miller stated that he believed everyone was randomly throwing solutions around without understanding the real problem.
Miller said that government needed to raise more revenue through traditional consumptions fees, especially on luxury items, and should consider impact and environmental fees. Before he could support the forthcoming budget, he would want to drill down and see the figures more closely and promised to ask a lot of questions of the leader of government business when the debate got underway.
The LA’s only independent member also questioned why the government wanted to borrow so much money for the 2009/10 year, and said that we need to think about that $372 million sum, which was what had forced us to go to the UK for permission, and asked if we need so much. He suggested simply borrowing enough to cover the anticipated deficit and then freeze all of the projects that required capital.
He also noted that one of the reasons we were in such a difficult position in the first place was not because of the debt or deficit but because of the false restraints we had imposed on ourselves with the Public Management Finance Law, something which Miller has long stated is one of, if not the major problem, behind the country’s current financial mess.
Category: Headline News
Best thing Ezzard said all day was that we shouldn’t bother to waste our time trying to recycle. If we are being honest here, we have been trying it for years with Politicians and just look where that has gotten us…..
True, governmenthas no business in "for profit." However, I made the points on Detroit Michigan-look at where they are now! Detroit was home of General Motors, this is the home of Motown Records – the Supremes, Diana Ross, Smokey Robinson…
They’re all gone now. General Motors were producing cars that no one wanted. Americans began buying foreign cars. GM continued to receive government subsidies. Eventually they filed bankruptcy in order to stop paying retirees and health benefits. This industry have devasted Detroit communities. GM still has plants in Mexico and Asia.
Whirlpool recently laid off American workers and moved to Mexico.
The point I was making is, yes, businesses can contribute to the local economies. But, again, I also said they will pack up and leave when it suits them. They are profit driven and will go where the profits are.
All I am saying is, when big businesses/corporations get too much power, they wave it over you in a controlling manner, like in relationships when people control people with money.
It is a positive sign that people are still willing to propose solutions. However, I would like to suggest that all those tempted to propose solutions to the current financial mess should keep in mind that some form of payoffs for the relevant politicians may have to be included if there is to be any prospect that it will be adopted.
Government has no business in what should be “for profit” enterprises.
However, there are significant advantages in Government running what, should be “not-for profit” services, such as health care, prison, police…
The US, despite being #1 in health care expenditure is #37 in actual benefits and overall health. Yes, the wealthy who have either the funds or the insurance do very well, but the rest are “toast”. All other industrialized countries have ( centralized/ single payer / controlled) offer better health care at a lower cost.
Despite the protestations by former Health Ministers Miller and McLean (now on the radio constantly), the health insurance legislation has been a debacle. Just as in the US, large numbers are either un-or-under insured. If you are a private, owner/shareholder company, you will be profit driven.
Does anyone really believe that there would be considerable “savings”, if a private company took over Northward and Fairbanks prison? Who will pay them? (A. CIG)
With the limited amount of fires, what amount of money would be required for a private company to run the Fire Service (and make a profit-as they are want to do)?
More on the casinos…there’s also no mention of the employees that begin to embezzle funds from their employers. There have been thousands of arrests. IMO, that would be a dangerous combination to mix casinos with financial industry. I’ll bring up another interesting point, in Nevada, a group of foreigners (I won’t name their nationality) came in with hundred of thousands (maybe millions) of counterfeit dollars. Yes, they got away with it for a long time, but they were eventually caught. ***It could very well be in the millions, but, the casinos do not like to broadcast this type of information to the public.
Investors and developers in Las Vegas – these were deals made with some of politicians. Some deals resulted in "eminent domain" (a process where the government can take a citizens property under the guise of building roads, schools….most of the time this is prime real estate/land). Example, sometimes the government can take a property for pennies on the dollar and sell to developers. Well, some people lost their property, and to this day, nothing was ever built on some of these properties.
Overdevelopment in Las Vegas caused real estate deals to fail – investors lost big. There’s a condominium project right now in Las Vegas, the units are selling for $25k – I think its on Rainbow Blvd. Because there was multiple deals going on, the Home Owners Assoc (HOA) does not own the land. It is in litigation, yet, the real estate agents are not telling people that the $400 monthly dues is for legal fees. These condos were selling over $100k before litigation. It’s called the Flamingo – something.
Now for a different scenario. Yes, you can buy a home in Detroit Michigan for $500. The real estate agents do not tell you that the yearly taxes are outrageous. Example, the summer taxes may be $1200-1600, winter tax may be $600. Unemployment is according to government statistics 28%. This is either 1 or 2 on the list for the most dangerous state in the nation. Depending on what part of Detroit you’re in, there are no grocery stores, the police department abandoned one of their buildings because it was just too dangerous. Crack heads are all over. ***One investor said be careful of buying any of these homes because you may find bodies in them.
I absolutely agree with Mr. Miller and thank God that we finally have an MLA with the backbone and wherewithall to standup and speak out on behalf of Caymanians. I read through many of the postings on here and have taken note of those of another view, which I respect, but there is much merit in Mr. Miller’s argument and I encourage him to continue to speak out and take a truly Caymanian stance on these important issues. Thank you Mr, Miller.
Isn’t this the same Ezzard who has been fighting National Trust and anyone else to ensure that North Siders with land alongside North Sound can sell it/develop it as they wish? You need to watch him-he’s as slippery as a furriner.
And your point is? Ezzard is quite right in fighting for the rights of North Siders to develop their land as they wish! In fact, folks with a measure of good sense will soon recognise that his aim is main to stand up for Caymanians and our rights.
While the National Trust et al have their place, and do some good work, we know that if they could have their unbridled way then none of us would be able to do anything with our property at all. And in case it escaped you, development my dear does not always mean subdivisions to be sold.
"Ezzard is quite right in fighting for the rights of North Siders to develop their land as they wish!" Like 5 year olds, certain Caymanians find the concept of being told they cannot do what they want because of the impact on other people unacceptable.
Whether you are for or against development of the islands it is a fact that while Government relies on development fees to raise income, development will happen. What is needed is a Development Plan so that the development is suitable for the future of the islands and those who will live their lives here.
However, it needs to be said that not everyone will be able to do exactly what they want with their land – there is often more at stake than the goals of the owner / developer. Not all landowners seek to destroy their birthright but inevitably some do and think that if they own it they can do as they want.
Just remember that some things cannot be undone; you can’t remove all the septic waste from the ground it is pumped into, you can’t fill in all the quarries, you can’t repair coral damaged by cruise ships and dredging and you can’t leave a beautiful island for your grandchilren and their children if you clear all the trees and cover it with concrete.
There must be a balance…..
Thank you Mr Miller.
Don’t forget that he is fighting for the same North Siders who are the only Caymanians left that have not sold out their inheritance. The same North Siders who had the forsight to preserve the natural enviornment in the first place and not sell out to BIG DEVELOUPERS. The same North Siders who gave up a 1500 foot buffer on their property on the North Sound when everyone else only gave up 150 feet so that there can be NO develoupment on their land which is actually on the North Sound. The same North Siders who had the sense to fight the National Trust when they tried to take it over for free and remove the same North Siders control. The same North Siders who did not allow the National Trust to cut trails into their virgin enviornment to introduce tourist hiking.
The whole of Cayman should stand up for these North Siders that Mr Miller defended as these North Siders are the ONLY Caymanians or Expats who have land that is not for sale at any price and NO intentions of developuing it along the lines of Seven Mile Beach.
These same North Siders are independent enough and have a strong enough alley in Mr Miller to keep the money men at bay and not fall for the Seven Miler Beach (bothsides ofthe road) develoupment mentality
Solution is simple. Instead of garbage fees etc…
For domestic housholds
$100 or less CUC bill – pay nothing extra (protects poor)
$ 100 – 200 CUC bill – pay $35 extra each month.
$ 200 – 300 CUC Bill – pay $60 extra each month.
$ 300 – 400 CUC Bill – pay $100 extra each month.
$ 400 – 500 CUC Bill – pay $150 extra each month.
$ 500 – 600 CUC Bill – pay $200 extra each month etc..
Businesses/hotels etc. pay on this basis too (perhaps at higher rates).
If 20,000 CUC accounts at average $350/month this scheme alone would raise an extra CI$2,000,000 each and every month, be fair (rich with bigger homes/more occupants pay more), would encourage "green" technology, be free (government would not have to employ anyone at all to collect), would be self enforcing (you do not pay, it gets dark) and would provide CI$24,000,000 each and every year in new revenue to government. Collection could be a condition of CUC’s licence.
If our leaders were serious about running Cayman efficiently and effectively – that is the answer. Anyone have any valid reason why this is not a good idea (I have free garbage collection, policing, and roadside maintenance as a birthright is not a valid reason) then I would love to know it.
Failing any response I would challenge our elected representatives to explain why they will not do it.
Thank you for putting forward a constructive proposal.
There is a truism that all taxes distort behaviour. Those taxes that are "voluntary", including the so-called "sin taxes" applied to non-essential behaviours that society is willing to suppress may be most acceptable.. These include taxes applied to alcohol, smoking and gambling as these taxes distort behaviour in a manner which governments tend to see as "desirable".
Part of the problem with applying tax rates that are as high as you suggest is that they encourage avoidance (as the OECD has discovered). In relation to the idea of a tax attached to CUC bills, any rate of tax that encourages "green" behaviour may be desirable, but a rate which encourages the poor to attempt dangerous behaviour such as unsafe use of generators, or the theft of electrical supply would be a bad idea. Similarly any tax which encourages people to switch from electrical water heaters to gas powered heaters may or may not be desirable, and it is questionable whether a rich person who installs a solar system should beabsolved from contributing to society while a person on a modest income pays thousands per year.
My suggestion would be for government to expand the concept of "sin taxes" as far as possible by applying discouraging taxes in a way to decrease the growing prevalence of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and hypertension in our country. These diseases can be discouraged through taxes on things like soft drinks which would cost virtually nothing extra to collect – duty is collected on them at the time of import already. An extra 10 cents on a can of pop would bring government about $2,000,000 each year, and similar taxes on other imported junk food would raise much more and decrease the costs of health care to government and society as a whole.
Thank you. I agree with almost everything you say (including re sodas). However, re. poor – please note my proposal exempts them. Generation with unsafe generators costs much more than CUC charges, abstracting electricity is theft, and do you have any idea the tens of thousands that are payable aws importy duties on solar arrays. A household array able to generate an average households needs costs well over CI$150,000 to supply and install – and that is in the US..
Great idea – try collecting it from the scum of the earth that don’t pay it now since there is no recourse. MAKE IT LAW THAT IF THEY DON’T PAY FOR GARBAGE, THEY LOSE THEIR OTHER UTILITIES. Bet your a$$ they won’t give up their a/c and internet.
Scum-buckets should be held to their debt!!!
I’m not quite understanding some comments. Did someone give all of Cayman a sleeping potion and were woken up a few years later to find the island filled with condos and hotels? Was everyone away at sea and arrived back to find the place littered with banks and financial institutions? I believe every country has it’s good ‘ol days. But remembrances of "ekking a living from the soil and the sea and riding around in buggies" til all those nasty foreigners arrived…aren’t quite realistic. Especially when you sold the farm for development, made a bundle, drive around in a Lexus, and have a filing cabinet full of companies you are a "Caymanian particpant" in. I’m not saying it happened for everyone. It certainly didn’t.
Concentrate on our blessed future. And keep in mind some Caymanians played a part in changing that blessed past. Onward.
"Before he could support the forthcoming budget, he would want to drill down and see the figures more closely"
Could somebody tell Mr. Miller that we still have no proper accounts for the last five years! You would have thought that getting the accounts up to date would be a priority under the circumstances.
In any other country, Government fees are the first thing to pay, e.g. don’t mess with the tax-man, as they will confiscate your house for not paying your taxes. If Garbage fees are not paid, which other fees are outstanding? And why are they not collected? Any late payment of fees should be fined, just ask your bank how this works.
Can we have look at the accounts please.
Mr. Miller,
Wake up, impact and environmental fees wont solve the problem. Give me some solid solutions and stop talking hot air it wont get u any more votes.
Mr. Miller is correct, development and population growth is a trigger for increased infrastructure (roads, schools, fire services, hospital, jail, garbage dumps, etc., etc., etc.), YES, Government should collect realistic infrastructure fees to fund the development of these services.
For decades we have been warned that infrastructure development resulting from development and population growth was unfunded, the Cayman Islands had deficit budgets in the late 1990’s and had entered a debt spiral which has continued downward for years by not recognizing the growing liabilities. The downward spiral has reached the bottom, now we “Bring UP”.
Developers currently receive many financial breaks from Government, take their billions in profits overseas, employ expatriate workers who send much of their earning overseas, leaving the development of infrastructure costs to be funded by the residents of these Islands.
William H. Adam
This is the most sound and thought out reasoning I have heard coming from the LA in ages! Selling to the highest bidder is not the answer. I hope the people of these islands will stand up and be heard- make the governement work for us, not against us! Hold them accountable- this will force them to think things through with the best interest of the people, and not $$$ signs, at heart.
Lets all say what a bad idea it is and then offer no realistic solution!
I agree with much of what Mr. Miller states.
Foreign cash is not a miracle cure for what ails Cayman. Poorly thought through massive injections of foreign cash which only produces wealth for the developers and the self-serving politicians who grant them special concessions/duty waivers/etc in exchange for exclusive deals/cut price million dollar condos/etc that benefit only the politicians/their families/their cronies, will only invite more of the same problems Cayman now has. We do not need more of that.
Foreign investment which brings long-term sustainable economic growth, revenue for government and high paying long-term jobs for Caymanians is what is needed. Sadly, as a former supporter of the UDP, I no longer believe that the current LOGB is up to that task. As another poster observed, we cannot fill the tourist accommodation we currently have so building another hotel/condo development does not appear to be appropriate – particularly when some politicians seem so keen to give away the duty revenue that construction might produce in exchange for personal enrichment.
Long term stability for our financial services sector requires that Cayman develop the type of linkages and stability that trade agreements and full tax treaties provide as demonstrated yet again this week by the move of yet another company from Bermuda to Ireland. Willis’s board, like many of the multi-nationals that provide high paying jobs, specifically indicates that they are looking for trade agreements and full tax treaties, but our current LOGB and his advisors seem incapable of grasping that concept and instead look for quick term no benefits for Cayman agreements that shift jobs to OECD countries.
I hope that Mr. Miller will be resolute in ensuring that any inward investment benefits the community and not just a few politicians with the power to grant duty waivers.
Hang on a minute. Who was it that had the land and made all the money selling it to these foreign investors? Who was it that held the 60 % of the companies that did all the developement? Who has all the rental properties rented out at great profit to all the forigners? Yes Caymanians. So how can you say that the Caymanians make no money out of the foreign investments. Here we go again. Before foreign investment came in land in Cayman was worth very little and all the men were off island being merchant seamen and the women maderope. Do you seriously think that without the foreign investment and numbers of foreign professionals that all the banking would have developed on its own? Yeah right. Go ahead and be deluded. I wonder whether Ezzard Miller made any money on his land that was sold to people (perhaps foreigners?) we will never know. But I agree lets not go forward with foreign investment and continue to be protectionist and inward looking.
There are some Caymanians who have sold the land to foreign investors. Like Esau they are living to regret selling their birthright for practically nothing.
The 60% Caymanian participation thing is honoured more in the breach than the observance, so that argument takes you nowhere.
It is far from the case that it is Caymanians who have "all the rental properties rented out to foreigners at great profit".
With notable exceptions, Caymanians as a whole have gained merely the scraps from the table. Indeed some expats feel that we are unworthy to sit at the table notwithstanding that the table is in our house.
Ezzard is making a legitimate point which you are missing. With a wave of your hand you have dismissed his comments as "protectionist". Of course we want foreign investment but that is not the same thing as govt. giving away all of its assets as private sector partnerships.
The facts of the matter are that the Cayman Islands has no material natural resources or exports and is dependent upon its hospitality and financial services industry for revenue. In large part it was foreign investment which built these industries and continue to sustain them today. To say that Caymanians, as a whole, are no better off than they were prior to the development which has occurred over the last 40 years is quite disingenuous, assuming one does not wax nostalgic for the marl road days. As individuals and as a country we have been on a decades-long spending spree and due to the worldwide economic slowdown the bills are coming due at the worst possible time.
I don’t take what Ezzard is saying as implying that all foreign investment is to be discouraged. Rather he is making the perfectly reasonable point that we -as a country – should be selective in ensuring that each investment in development is consistent with long term sustainability that will benefit Caymanians as a whole and not just the few whether they are foreign investors or local investors.
Suck the $$ from our own, or try and get it from abroad… You tell me…
I could not agree more with your words quoted below:
"Foreign cash is not a miracle cure for what ails Cayman. Poorly thought through massive injections of foreign cash which only produces wealth for the developers and the self-serving politicians who grant them special concessions/duty waivers/etc in exchange for exclusive deals/cut price million dollar condos/etc that benefit only the politicians/their families/their cronies, will onlyinvite more of the same problems Cayman now has. We do not need more of that".
Well put! Yours words speak volumes and the results we now suffer.
Ezzard has some good points but he’s way off base on others. Glad to see that he’s not a UDP extension cord.
I think there’s something wrong with our electoral system though. Because Ezzard gets elected with 220 votes and has the right to sit in the LA. On the other hand, as an example, in Bodden Town 997 people voted for Chuckie and 932 voted for Ossie but they are not elected. Similar situation in George Town with Lucille and in West Bay with Woody, Paul & Lanamae but they are not elected
In all of these cases these men and women got several hundred more votes than Ezzard and by any interpretation had several hundred more people than Ezzard did asking them, by their votes, to be their presentatives but yet they are not elected.
The question for debate is : should we have national elections to ensure more equitable results in the Cayman Islands as opposed to district elections ???
It is time for national voting – the only ones with anything to fear are those that know they cannot win on a national stage because they get in by sweetening their district…
Yes!!!! National Elections are the way to go! This has been my position since I was first eligible to and began to vote!
I think the idea of having a national election is a great one. I think the Cayman people would have more of a say in who is running the country than just in their districts. It would also encourage people to get more involve with the views of other politians and politics itself.
This island is too small for so many politians, and so many different groups of politians. Think about how much it cost to have 15! MLA’s.
I am for the people to have more say on who they let run the country. The leader is voted by one distict, which ever one that the "head master" is in.
On another note, I applaud Mr. Miller. About time someone stands up and make some good points and questions some irregularities. Unfortunately, if someone from the ppm had made these same points, it would have been rediculed and blah blah blah….
Finally, In regards to the churches. They have so much influence when it comes to casinos and gambling and what ever else they don’t think is right. Well , if they have so much influence, I think they should be taxed just like everyone else on the island. They do not contribute to duties like the rest of the islands. They need to do their part to help the economy get back on their feet. ( I am not bashing the churches, I just think, what is good for the goose is good for the gander.) We are in a time of need and if they have so much say on what is morally right and wrong on this island for making money, they need to help put back in the economy financially.
1. We’ve just had a constitutional review exercise and there was no significant support for national elections and therefore the new Constitution does not provide for it.
2. There is good reason that there was no support for it. While it may be desirable for say the Premier to be elected in national elections it obviously means that smaller districts would not be represented in government if it applied to all MLAs. The framers of the U.S. Constitution understood this point by providing for even the smallest of states to have two senators while the President is elected in national elections through the electoral college. Differences in the state populations are reflected in the number of Representatives allotted.
3. I am a firm supporter of one man, one vote and this should even out the inequities that you have identified.
4. Clearly, Mr. Miller is a useful addition to the House as he is showing his independence and giving serious thought to the issues. The fact that he was elected by 220 voters (or whatever the number was) should therefore be irrelevant.
On another subject, the church is playing its proper role in making its voice and perspective heard on the various issues. At least it serves as a counterbalance to those who have no moral compass and whose only guiding principle is the almighty dollar. Taxing the church is clearly your attempt to silence it. Funny, the real meaning of the separation of church and state was that the state should not interfere with the church, not that the church should be mute on social issues.
INCOGNITO 19:36, I have to agree, It is time we call a spade a spade. I am a church goer, and I am a strong believer in God, but the so-called saints of the churches are not doing enough. Good gracious some of them are brain washing the congregation into giving up their last dollar, but have they offered a scholarship to one Caymanian student. Has any of them gone to the schools where children cannot afford lunches, dont have PE shoes or clothes. Cant ride the bus because their parents cannot pay.
The building is there, free vehicle licence, free import on materials, building and furniture, cars, books and all. No work permit fees. What happens to the collection pan from all these under the Tent, back Yard, kitchen, front room churches.?
Fly-by nite Pastors preaching under tents and in kitchens, are driving Mercedez Benz and living in high-rise condos???,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Why arent these people contributing to something, everything free? No, no Ministers association need to call A Meeting and give some thought to this. Contribute to the Primary schools, let people see that the churches are not being selfish. I do not mind giving my tithes and collection, but I want to know where it is going. We do not need to assist churches overseas when there is a need here. Charity begins at home.
The solution is very simple…
…and very easy to understand, except perhaps in West Bay and Cayman Brac.
North Side would be a single constituency with around 700 registered voters.
West Bay would be divided into four constituencies of around 700 voters each.
Big Mac and Ezzard would both need to get the most votes from their constituency to succeed, therefore the playing field would be even.
So agree with Ezzard!
Also, what is this suggestion that we now remove the garbage collection fee? Why is it that this cannot be linked to the electricity bill and therefore ensuring the collection? We also need to look at increasing the fees, across the board, as when I recently enquired, the fees are and have been for years:
$100 per single residential family home per year
$180 per strata or condo unit per year
Small businesses — (including salons, barber shops, etc.) $336.00 per year
Medium businesses — $1,344.00 (can someone find out what the criteria is because when I asked no one knew)
Large businesses — $2,688.00 (again, what is the criteria?)
I am positive that if these fees are looked at and collected, this department may be able to pay for itself!
This is all well and good – and I have long thought $100 per year to have a truck visit my house 2 times per week – working out to less than a dollar a visit – is a steal.
But there is a massive non-payment problem here. I understand that as many as 50% of residential fees are not paid. And, no, the solution is not another collection arm in government.
There needs to be an alternative method of collecting fees.
The proposal to have CUC add it to the bills was disturbing to those who never pay, and never took off. But CUC is the only common service provider, and therefore, the only logicalchoice. Don’t pay? No electricity.
It should be written into the CUC contract that they HAVE to provide this service as a condition to their license. They won’t be winning brownie points with the dead-beat brigade that don’t pay, but I would gladly accept it. One less check to write, one more convenience.
Split it up over the year – $10 per bill. It is less than most spend on one lunch, and at that price, reflects a 20% increase and forced collectability.
Everyone wins!!!
Wonderful idea and perfect solution. Why not take it further. Electricity consumption is a pretty good proxy for size of house/wealth/number of occupants etc. Why not make some serious money in a way that is fair to everyone. Exempt the local households with less than 150/month bill and for everyone else add a 30% (or other) to pay for all community service/garbage fees etc…
Where did you get these numbers? I am getting WAY overcharged at my condo if those numbers are true. Please let me know…thank you.
Non-intelligent Caymanians voted straight! Now, everyone in the LA is following McKeeva’s ideas. The "House" should have been filled with independant thinkers… that way after debates and independant investigations, we could have had better and well-thought out legislation.
But, No! Caymanians had to go with the emotional sensationalism of party politics and elect independant followers instead of leaders.
I feel some ray of hope with Ezzard Miller, and I do hope we will desist from this party system of politics. Look at the countries where there is great corruption in government; look at Jamaica and now this PPM and the mysterious dissappearance of monies from our coffers.
Party politics is going to ruin Cayman, I say – you watch!
You need to give up…..go for a nap and see if you thnking any better when you wake up…..
I am so sorry you’re trying so hard to be a doctor.
I guess you will be able to prevent Cayman’s problems some day. I do hope you have a remedy for the ills of party politics.
Opps… it appears you don’t know anything about being a doctor!
I’m so sorry
Politics, Politics, Politics!
If bull crap was currency we would not have a problem.
We are certainly swamped in it.
May the music play on: Maestro!
Politics, Politics, Politics!
If Bull crap was currency we would not have any problems.
We are certainly swamped in it. Or are we??????????
I’ve never been an Ezzard fan – but finally – some sense coming from a politician on the current dire crisis.
He has the right idea. I am impressed.
Thank you Mr. Miller for saying what so many of us that are sensible are thinking. For all UDP people who do not use their brain to look beyond the problems we are facing are really very simple and stupid people. Mckeeva’s plans were always to attract rich investors, over develop this Island only to benefit himself and the developers and not the Caymanian people. Sorry if you dont like the harsh criticism of the LOGB but he is definitely no leader with a vision.
I never really liked Ezzard because of what I had heard and learnt about him in the past, and had decided that I wouldn’t give him a chance….but the more and more I hear from him recently, the more and more I like him as a representative for our country. I don’t agree with him on his PMFL position, but I do with much of everything else…I thought he was going to be a UDP tag-along…I glad to say that I may have been proven wrong on that.
One important point I left out about casinos. There’s a high rate of suicides. Sometimes in the casinos (which the casino does not talk about in the news), or in the homes.
There’s at least one casino in California, some ex co-workers of mine told me of, a man lost his money, went into the casino bathroom, and committed suicide by shooting himself. There are cases in Nevada where people commit suicide in their hotel rooms.
In Las Vegas, there are pawn shops everywhere. People pawn their cars, jewelry, etc.
These are just some things to think about.
I always say, children,
Greed and crime is everywhere
But if you want it spread around even more, bring in a CASINO!
Such gamblin will have a moral consequence, and negatively effect our children’s children
same old rhetoric..’there has been too much development which has not benefitted cayman’…. maybe he should give specific examples of development which has failed and how it has negatively impacted caymanians. If you don’t want or like development go to cayman brac……
Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Now is the time to learn from it. We still aren’t seeing the "Development Plan" that the island so desperately needs.
Thank God for Ezzard Miller
Why? What’s he done?
Are you asking about God or Ezzard?
Well at least Ezzard exists.
Have you any proof of this "Ezzard" of whom you speak? Should we not warn our children that this Ezzard is merely a theory not a fact.
Although I am not a Cayman resident, I have to agree with Mr. Ezzard. Here’s why: Most private industries is just that, private. They are more interested in making a profit. They are going to go where ever there are profits. When they feel there’s too much government intervention and red-tape, they will pack up and leave. Let’s take the U.S. as an example, they are controlled by private corporations…..
There have been interest in casino(s). I saw a letter to the editor, which stated, or should I say stressed that supervisory personnel will be expats. FYI, Las Vegas Nevada have classes for every position in casinos from card dealers, slot technicians, casino host…..some of the classes are only a couple of weeks, to a couple of months.
It should be stressed, the casinos will bring some revenue, yet, it never trickle down to all the residents. Example, Atlantic City-New Jersey, Las Vegas and Reno-Nevada…In California there are casinos on Indian Reservations. These states have their share of poverty-stricken residents. Some through no fault of their own, some due to gambling.
Casinos sometimes bring in a bad element. Usually, drugs, criminals, and prostitution. Not just in the states, but, also take a look at some of the islands casinos. There is sometimes drug addicts that beg from patrons coming or going. Sometimes criminals are on watch to see how much money patrons have, or watch those that win and follow them to rob them.
Again, there as positives, but there are also negatives.
****I think a good suggestion would be to target the film industry. There are reality shows that rent mansions in Cancun, USVI…There is an agency in California that scout homes for production. You also have music videos that are sometimes filmed in Bahamas and other islands.
These are just suggestions.
"Casinos sometimes bring in a bad element. Usually, drugs, criminals, and prostitution. Not just in the states, but, also take a look at some of the islands casinos. There is sometimes drug addicts that beg from patrons coming or going."
Whilst I agree partly with your comments, you obviously haven’t been to Cayman recently. Drugs and criminals run the streets already, we don’t need a casino to motivate them. There’s more guns on the streets than the British troops have got in Afghanistan.
There’s also an increasing number of beggars started to creep up (like outside the garage at the top of Eastern Avenue).
The hotels, condos etc all charge ridiculous prices in both high and low season regardless if they are busy or not, therefore the film industry would go somewhere else cheaper to film. Most of the reality shows or movies renting accomodation would be shunned by Caymans bible bashers that still try to run the country and who moan about everything being sinful, so I can’t see that working.
False logic. We have some crime and drugs already so it won’t hurt to attract some more?! Don’t you have anything positive to contribute, only gloom doom?
Hate to break it to you, the bad elements are very much here already.
To be honest, the money doesn’t have to trickle down to the pockets of the individual. You are missing the point. The money is needed to keep the country running.
Follow the Bahamian model – open up casinos for visitors. Let’s try and seek OUTSIDE sources of money – through visitors and investors.
The casinos will even spot for the flights and rooms of high rollers. Tax the profits, and off we go.
you have to laugh…
We don’t need anymore crime than what we have now, sir!
you pay MLAs to come up with solutions….really, just what has our well paid politician added to the debate that the common person on the street hasn’t already expressed????
poster 07:48 predictable populism.
You are still one of the PPM loosers, that cant face the truth, as a north sider that voted and I dont know that you are a true N/Sider but you all keep saying 200 votes put the man in, you know that it is far from the truth, but that is exactly what we got from the PPM. lies. Ezzard have done morein the last 4 months than we had done in 16 years, so stop your foolishness and try to do something constructive in the country other than flap your lips
Since Ezzard is opposing what the UDP is proposing why would you think the poster attacking him is PPM? Very strange.
Strange yes, but not just strange…..stupid too!
Talking alone never solved anything yet and never will. To all the smart people out there in Cayman….Get ready. The system of Cayman was built only to serve a certain sector of Caymanians. Tthey are the only ones with the power and they now cannot survive without it. This means that they will ride this gravy train into the ground before they allow it to stop or slow down. To do what is needed to fix the problem means that they will no longer be able to SURVIVE because no one else will hire them so they will not and cannot fix the system. So the only thing everyone else in Cayman can do is wait until the system finally collapses, do what you need to survive, and hopefully whoever is left to pick up the pieces will be people who actually understand the meaning of of the words "RESPONSIBILITY" and RESPECT" Good luck to all the hard working people of Cayman. You are the lifesblood of the Cayman islands.
The poster criticizing Mr. Miller is very much off key. It’s easy to see they are biased against him by pointing out the number of votes he was elected by.
Mr. Mill has a lot of courage to say what he did. It is counter to what our fearless leader is pushing. We can no longer being financial stooges to rich foreigners that want to dodge taxes in their own countries and we get crumbs. Thoses days are long gone and we must get used to it. Mr. Miller’s comments are very wise.
At least someone seems to be thinking this through.
It really does not matter how an MLA is elected with if his thought process is sound and Miller’s is.
Predictable populism from Ezzard. But as usual, the kind of nonsense that goes down well with Rooster but is dangerous for the long term future of Cayman. A man who is elected with 220 odd votes should stick to pointing out potholes and bad road signs in his tiny consitutency. No country every got itself out of an economic mess through protectionism.
We are actually largely in this economic mess due to a lack of protectionism. Crime, unemployment etc are all a result of 10 years of ignoring our own laws and placing the rescources of this country in the hands of foreigners with no long term vision. There has been too much take take take rather than invest, invest, invest.
Agreed. Protectionism is actually the main problem. It has encouraged a generation of school leavers not to push themselves or gain further education as there were always so many unskilled jobs awaiting them. They were protected – why go to college when there were 15 jobs begging for you right now? That was great then when those jobs were plenty. Now, we have a nation of unskilled and barely educated unemployed. All due to protectionism.
what $hit are you chattin boy? The generation of school leavers was never interested in getting jobs or bettering themselves, but not because they knew there were plenty of unskilled jobs available. No Caymanian school leaver would be seen dead working an unskilled job. Regardless of their lack of skills, qualifications and experience they expect a high level executive position, the few that are not even good enough to get a job that is practically thrown at them go into civil service. Those few too lazy and self serving to even be in the civil service go into politics or turn to the life of gangster wannabes.
I’m one proud Caymanian that fully supports Ezzard views when it comes to protecting what’s left our three little islands. I imagine you don’t like him for that reason. Let me also say that I am fairly certain that you are an expatriate, married to one, or affiliated with them in some way.
Nevertheless, tough luck for you, if you don’t like what Ezzard has to say there are flights departing this island at least three times per day. Purchase a ticket and leave, and if you are a Caymanian supporting the expatriates you should pack up and leave with them. Call me arrogant if you please. Who cares! The only thing I would like to see happen is that Ezzard becomes the next leader of government business or Premier at the next general elections, surrounded by colleagues of like mind.
I say that for far too long the foreign nationals have been raping the Caymanian people, and it high time for it to stop. Had we not allow so many foreign nationals into the country we would not have the crime we are currently experiencing; and while some may argue against that, the fact of the matter is that the influences were imported into this country with the people. Is that how we measure success? What a price to pay?
I wasn’t a great fan of Ezzard because of Motion 390 in the legislative assembly, but I have to respect his views and great support for my people. I just wish there were others like him.
While I acknowledge the need for imported labour, it should be to a minimal with an agreement that part of his/her job is to train a Caymanian. The employer must know up front that when that permit expires that is it; no further work permit will be granted.
Let me close by saying, that most, if not all foreign nationals are here because they have a better life here. Hurricane Ivan is a prime example of how many of them drove to the airport, parked their vehicles on the side of the roads and left. If Cayman hadn’t recovered many of them would not have returned. Thanks to the wisdom of Mr. Bush who got this country back on course.