Internet advertising spend overtakes TV in UK

| 30/09/2009

(Reuters) – Spending on Internet advertising in Britain grew 4.6 percent in the first half of 2009, outperforming the wider ad sector, which slumped 17 percent, and making it the country’s biggest ad medium ahead of TV. According to the biannual report from the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB), ad spend on the Internet grew to 1.75 billion pounds, with the medium accounting for 23.5 percent of all spend, ahead of television for the first time. Guy Phillipson, chief executive of the IAB, told Reuters the jump ahead of TV as the leading medium had come earlier than he expected.

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  1. Mr. Smith says:

    It’s the future. And it’s sad that some can’t embrace the change and invest in proper infastructure and encourage growth and intrest in this field. What we lack on a hold in Cayman is vision and this stand for those in government and in the private sector.