Armed robbery outside Treasure Island Condos

| 14/10/2009

(CNS): A woman is reportedly unhurt after she was robbed at gunpoint last night, 13 October, in a Treasure Island condominium parking lot on West Bay Road. The woman reported the robbery to police at around 9:00pm saying that she had been approached by a man at gunpoint who told her to hand over her purse. The suspect, who is described as being of slim build, approximately six feet tall, wearing dark clothing with a cloth over his head, then took the purse and fled on West Bay Road.

In more police news, 33-year-old Ernie Ebanks Jr appeared in court yesterday, 13 October, and was charged with four counts of burglary and one count of theft. This was in addition to a burglary charge that was handed down to Ebanks on 29 September following an incident that occurred earlier that month. He was remanded to Northward Prison and will return to court next week.
Anyone with information about crime taking place in the Cayman Islands should contact their local police station or Crime Stoppers on 800-8477 (TIPS). All persons calling Crime Stoppers remain anonymous, and are eligible for a reward of up to $1000, should their information lead to an arrest or recovery of property/drugs.

Category: Local News

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  1. AwlyMilly Kins says:

    Oh me goodness….hope it wasn’t sam puk puk.

  2. Bridger Over Troubled Waters says:

    Are we positive this fella wasn’t in fact trying to break in to the new Net News offices to steal classified documentation?

  3. Thankful says:

    As in before….I truly beleive this is a distraction-crime to the bigger crime committed later in the evening in Newlands.  The RCIPS needs to be ready and even proactive in response in the event this MO is being used. 

    I strongly believe this is what took place with the East End-Quick Cash robberies and I believe it was successful used again last night.  It created the right distractions for a bigger plan.

    Mr. Commissioner we are waiting on results sir.  I do not see the hard actions taking place that helps create fear in these criminals minds.  We are waiting…..Once again, this needs to happen now.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I’m told it’s just as easy to buy an illegal firearm on the streets of Cayman as it was/is to buy a spliff of Ganja, only the cost is more expensive. However, it’s readily available for anyone with the money to spend.

    Remember the 6 firearms found in the refridgerator by HM Customs several months back and the Caymanian boys charged by the Feds in Miami for smuggling/exporting via a courier service ???

    Every two weeks or so a shipment of "precious metal" arrives similarly from the US or via Jamaican canoes on their weekly visits, then hits the streets of Cayman to the highest bidder !!!  

  5. Anonymous says:

    The perpetrator always seems to be slim built and about 6 ft. tall.  Hmmmm.  Wonder if there is a connection to all these robberies?

  6. Anonymous says:

    Again a pathetic desricption which will never help identify the robber. Was he white, black, green? Caymanian or not?

    What do they mean by a cloth over his head. Do they meen a bandana over his face? A table cloth over his head?

    Police want help with crimes but we need better decriptions if we are to identify these criminals.

  7. TruthBtold says:

    This is truly sad… These criminals are targeting the most vulnerable members of society, they are nothing but cowards…