Speedy arrests for robbery

| 27/11/2009

(CNS): Police have arrested four men in connection to an armed robbery at the Texaco Station on Walkers Road in the early hours this morning (Friday 27 November). According to the RCIPS, four men, one of whom had a gun, entered the gas station at 2:15am and demanded money from the cashier. Sources say that one of the men held a gun to the head of the gas station employee before all four men made off with an undisclosed sum of cash. Police said that 45 minutes later three men were arrested in the Appleby parking lot, and later Friday morning a fourth man was arrested on Mary Street.

Police said all four suspects are in their 20s and are in currently in police custody. The owners of the gas station are no strangers to crime and say the same worker that was threatened this morning was also injured during a robbery a few years ago.

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  1. Joe Average says:

    4 police officers were just shot and killed in a coffee shop in Washington State we need to seriously think about this news.  They are the thin blue line.  Are our officers required to wear vests?

    • Anonymous says:

      …and many other random criminal acts around the globe which have nothing to do with our situation.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Well done RCIP!!!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    good job RCIP! this is a feather in your hat! Just find the SOB’s on Sheddan Rd.

  4. Backstroke says:

    Armed robbery, police cars shot at, home invasions," GOVERNMENT" are you heeding the warnings? I remember 10 years ago when it was reported that their were gangs in the high schools the government in power then sang a song OH no there is no gangs in our schools, what do we have today? full gang warfare, like it or not.  McKeva you are the Premeir of these once peaceful islands, now is the time to put on your armor and tackle these henious crimes, I dont care what type of business you try to attract to these islands it will be marred by the crime that is rampant here. Stop pussyfooting around and bring charges against them and police file those charges properly so that no judge can tear it apart.    I want to live in a civilised country not a gun tooting banana republic.  Neighbors, family if you know that its one of yours doing this, report them before its too late. Time waits on no man.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is absolutely astonishing and I feel the RCIP should be greatly commended. I understand that of the 4 arrested, 3 were apprehended within 45 mins of the armed robbery. However they were able to do this I can only hope they continue to do so in the future and I only pray that we DON’T hear in a few days that the suspects have been released. Congrats again RCIP and hopefully you all (RCIP) will make a quick arrest in the shooting of the Police vehicle.

    • Islander says:

      Backstroke……. Police has a job to do. Mckeva also have a job….and hopefully you have one. If you want a civilised country shut up and only open your mouth only when you have information leading to an arrest.   The country dont need any more critcis.

      • Anonymous says:

        Islander, who are you to tell someone to shut up, but its typical of your kind but maybe you should heed your own instructions!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations to the RCIP.

    I agree with the previous post. The courts need to send a very strong message to anyone perpetrating this type of violence. No more slap on the wrist with a feather sentences. Lock up the guilty for at least 25 years. I don’t care who they are related to.

  6. Anonymous says:

     Funny how there is little to no comments on this commending the police. Is that we strive off of negativity so much that we are blind to the positive? 

  7. Pray it ain't so... says:

    Does anyone know the nationalities of dem bwoyz???

    Bet dem nah say nuttin fi a reason…

    • Anonymous says:

      Not that it makes a lot of difference. But they are all Caymanian

      • Anonymous says:

        I know it doesnt make a difference but when it’s another nationality they are quick to let the public know…….but when they are caymanian then its all hush hush..

  8. Richard Wadd says:

     Ahmmm, what exactly does the term ‘Maximum Sentence’ mean in the Cayman Islands? 

     Prisoners at Northward seem not only to have control of the Facility, they come and go as they please, and even commit crimes while ‘supposedly’ incarcerated.

     Everyone has Cell phones, and it is Business as usual at the Northward Country Club.

     So if what you mean by ‘Maximum Sentence’ is an extended Vacation paid for by ME, I would rather we just tied the SOB’s over a Barrel and Flogged the crap out of them. At least that way the victims will KNOW that Justice was served on their behalf. 

  9. MRS says:

    Way to go RCIPS….. making us proud !!!

  10. Anonymous says:

    I sincerely hope that anyone found guilty of armed robbery receives the maximum sentence. There is a need for a clear and immediate message that this will not be tolerated.

    • anonymous says:

      Me too…but what about "unarmed" robbery?…like our Political and other leaders are so often committing!…thus creating an environment for; no respect for the rule of law.

      History has proven over and often that these dots are connected.

    • Anonymous says:

      This swift action by the police is encouraging.  It is always so disheartening when these things happen and the culprits manage to evade the police. Now, hopefully the police in this instance  will be able to build a strong case which will lead to conviction and harsh sentences. 

    • Che says:

       Are u kidding me?   The maximum sentence for armed robbery???  Hello?  This Government is STUPID!  They allow CHILD PREDATORS & MURDERERS TO WALK FREE!!!   They are the ones that should recieve the MAXIMUM SENTENCE.   Think my friend THINK!

      • Anonymous says:

        Any crime such as murder, rape, kiddie fiddling and armed robbery need the maximum sentence they are allowed to give for that crime. The maximum is different for each crime.


    • Anonymous says:

      These robbers are seldom found . Business people are going to have to install the best cameras since Government are too broke to do so. We depend on the poor Police too much.