Government’s first move in sale of sewerage system

| 25/02/2010

(CNS): Before putting up the conditions of sale, government is putting out feelers to see if anyone is interested in purchasing, operating and expanding the Cayman Islands wastewater infrastructure or sewerage system. Government is looking to sell the country’s wastewater system in order to expand and developing what is already on overloaded infrastructure, as well as to raise (the government hopes) more than $20 million to balance the 2009/10 budget. The sale of the system was announced in the budget document and has so far raised less controversy than government’s intention to sell the new government office building.

In the first instance, before an official ‘Request for Proposal’ (RFP) document is issued, government says it wants to gauge the interest there may be from experienced operators to take on the existing infrastructure and make future investment in the system. Government hopes to find someone willing to buy the wastewater collection system the 2.5 mgd sbr wastewater treatment plant as it is and then design and develop a new wastewater collection system, designed to meet current and future needs, which will be implemented in a sequence as directed by the government of the Cayman Islands.

“Accelerated coverage of densely populated areas is a priority,” the government stated in its expression of interest advertisement. It noted that any new systems will need to cope in the aftermath of a hurricane and the biological wastewater treatment plant will need to meet current and anticipated future needs and be implemented in tandem with the wastewater collection system

“The treatment plant shall be designed to provide tertiary treatment to allow beneficial re-use of the treated effluent (e.g., for agricultural and landscape irrigation) without detriment to the public health and the environment,” government officials stated. “The design should facilitate the development of other essential infrastructure and services and all work shall be carried out in accordance with well-established design and construction practices, and to follow WEF, ASCE, AWWA and other applicable Manual of Practices. All services are to be provided on the island of Grand Cayman, and to be part of a multi-year Licence issued by the Government of the Cayman Islands.

Interested companies are being told they must provide documents of the successful provision of wastewater services similar in size and scope to the proposed project in Grand Cayman for a period no less than seven (7) years. Identify and describe the previous projects and they must have successfully designed technological solutions and built new facilities in the areas of wastewater collection and treatment, with particular emphasis on similar conditions (i.e., low elevation, high (saline) groundwater table, karstic limestone geology).

The government is asking for proof of relevant experience in terms of expeditiously completing projects of similar size and nature (i.e., design, construction and operation) and Three (3) references, including addresses and the phone numbers of clients for whom the firm has completed similar projects. Suggestions on, and rationale for, possible phasing of system extensions should be delivered in a sealed envelope with expressions of interest and all relevant company information no later than 12:00 noon on Friday 12th March 2010 to:  Chairman, Central Tenders Committee, c/o Treasury Department, Government Administration Building, 71A Elgin Ave, GeorgeTown, Grand Cayman KY1-9000, Cayman Islands.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Why does the Chairman of the Port Authority get the Expressions of Interest for the new dock, but the Poop Mail has to go to the Central Tenders Committee?

    Is Baraud special, or is Piercy just UDP lite?

  2. Anonymous says:

    You’ve heard the saying: "Where there’s much there’s brass."  The question is, will the new owners be allowed to levy an independent sewerage charge to every household and every business premises?  

  3. Save Cayman NOW! says:


    Buy some money-losing, badly built and maintained sewerage system for $20 million, spend another $60/$80 million to upgrade and expand, BUT continue to lose money because a cap will be placed on how much you can charge for your services…

    People with that sort of money to invest are not that DUMB!…

    Forget about selling all these money losing schemes, such as the Turtle Farm where McKeeva has put the island into hock for some $80 million, including capital, interests and yearly loses; or Pedro Castle; or Cayman Airways, etc…

    The only thing you can sell for certain is the Water Authority, CIMA or the Civil Aviation and the most efficient way to do it, is by creating a public company trading on a US stock exchange – like CWCO – while retaining a majority stake…


    • Anonymous says:

      Oh Oh, so it is true that the Greek conglomerate is coming, & along with their not so "local" partner will be looking to use water (or sewage) to wash their goods? How convenient! To "wash" is not always clean, so let us keep our eyes open wide, very wide! The greeks are coming!

    • Macman says:

      Glad to see someone else is going to end up in the s*** for a change

  4. "Miss Chief-Maker" says:

    With all the recent sales on sewearge, new Gov’t Admin bldg, Permanent Residency, what are the chances of Civil Servants being autioned also?  They could be leased as a package. I take it they would only require:

    1.   Two hour lunch breaks

    2.   Flexi-time

    3.  Time off for personal appointments and returning if they choose to

    4.   Good health benfits etc…………

    Just a thought!!!



    • Scrooge McDuck says:

      $10.50.  That’s my offer for the Civil Service.  And that offer only holds for twenty-four hours.

  5. stating the obvious says:

    What a load of old —-