UCCI gets top marks

| 09/07/2010

(CNS): A recent study conducted by the UCCI has found that 91% of those who graduated from the university in the last four years received pay raises, promotions or new job offers as a result of obtaining a UCCI degree. 93 percent said their education has made a positive impact on their careers and well over half (58%) had gone on to do post graduate study. The results were revealed by the president of UCCI, who added that none of the respondents had encountered difficulties gaining entrance into respected graduate schools in the USA, Canada or the UK. Speaking at this year’s graduation evening, Roy Bodden said the college was regaining its intellectual credibility.

“Among the albeit few employers of UCCI graduates who consented to interviews for the study, the majority indicated that they found the career competency sets of UCCI-educated employees to be relevant and useful to their businesses,” he said at Thursday UCCI graduation ceremony.
He added that the study confirmed his own belief that there has been a resurgence of support for UCCI among the private sector. 
Bodden also announced that for the last year he had been donating one tenth of his salary into a fund to develop music and the performing arts at UCCI and a new course will be introduced in the coming academic year.
Another new course for the next academic year would be an Associate Degree in Engineering Technology (ASET). Also, beginning September UCCI would offer a new one-year course, called the Certificate of Pre-College Studies, he said. The course is targeted at raising skills, as necessary, to college entrance level, helping to strengthen our college entrance requirements.
He said a feasibility study was underway to gauge interest in a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing with clinicals arranged through the Cayman Islands Hospital and with a new state-of-the-art language laboratory. Bodden said the university would be offering courses in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese as a second language. The president further revealed the hope of adding Mandarin or Cantonese to the list, given the growing global interest in China. 
Over on Cayman Brac, Bodden said that next summer the college was introducing a Microsoft Boot Camp for recertification of IT practitioners and announced plans for a new marine biology course.
Besides academic study, the UCCI president said he was also concerned about the much more basic needs of our students as some could derail student achievement.
“Some of our students quite often come to the learning environment without money to buy lunch, or even without breakfast,” he said. “To fill this need, I have begun a lunch fund, with an initial $1,000 from my personal funds. I hope that others will join me in this, as we really must reach out to address these essentials if our students are to achieve up to their potential.   UCCI will begin discreetly disbursing vouchers in the new school year on the basis of an unobtrusive needs assessment.”
He also pointed out that students have dropped out of their studies because they have no transport to get to the college. “I have been able to bring aboard the Public Transport Board, which is organising safe and reliable transportation, to be paid for by the students themselves, in an arrangement administered by the university,” he said.
Bodden noted that over the last year there had been an increased consciousness among students about the way they dress. “I really think that it is important for us, in these small islands, to respect the expectations of the larger society,” he said “As a result of that, upon my assuming the presidency, a dress code has been established, and female students are expected to dress modestly; for males, the dress code is acceptable casual or office-type dress.”
Talking about support from the business community, Bodden said that O2Micro, the software entertainment and solutions provider gave UCCI a grant of $50,000 to equip the natural science laboratories. Dr Bill Hrudey, a retired neurosurgeon, philanthropist and engineering hobbyist who now lives in Cayman, gave a 12.5-inch Newtonian telescope. “It will come complete with a special-purpose observatory with a retractable roof,” he added.
Bodden revealed that First Caribbean International Bank scholarship money for UCCI students has increased by $20,000 and the college had signed MOUs with a number of companies for targeted industry training and preparation. 
“We are also forging relationships with other universities, beginning with Trent University, in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, and Elon University, in North Carolina,” he said. “Negotiations are also underway with the local consulate of a non-English-speaking country for an exchange programme involving our students and those of that consulate’s home country.”
Bodden said that over the year work had been done, with the support of the board of governors, to boost the confidence and integrity of the university.
“We are well on the way to re-establishing the intellectual integrity of this institution,” he added.
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  1. whompa says:

    Can somebody tell me if this the same UCCI that minister for education is talking about. now who we believe the polition or the president. If what the president is saying is true (i have no reason to doubt him) then anglin need to stop his blame game. according tpo the president the college must be on good footing    now if what anglin is saying is true the president must be making a mistake.  it same to me that the udp cannot stop the blame game and they will go to any length to make the previous goverment look bad  i would  hope that sence the degrees are worthless MR ANGLIN DID NOT ATTEND THE LAST GRADUATION and if you did i hope you did not hand out and certificates to the same students that yousay are not fit for the work force, if you did i can only discribe you as a double edge machette

    • Anonymous says:

      Not only was the minister there, but his wife got one of the degrees he claims are worthless!  But Roy B fix him up good. He had to sit down there and take it when the good President set the record straight.

  2. Disrali says:

    99% of people who admitted to eating ice cream, also had been promoted or recieved a payrise with in 10 years of munching on the tasty treat.

    As such I would adivse everyone to eat ice cream to increase their earnings potential.

    • Anonymous says:

      Firstly I would like to congratulate Mr Roy Bodden and his staff for the good work they have done, and secondly I would like to state the obvious: Those students that graduated last night, did not graduate in 1 (one) year, therefore credit has to be given to the previous administration, even though Rolston Anglin will find it hard to do so.

      I thought it was commendable of Mr Bodden not to do a "udp" thing by tearing into the PPM as how his present Minister always does, but instead highlighted the accomplishments of the students over the last 4 (four) years.


      • anonymous says:

        Any citizen or resident that is stupid enought to get into ny kind of debate or criticizm of Mr. roy Bodden whether as  the school teacher that he was, and a damn good one at that, an Hon. MLA formerly the Education Minister, and also now President of our Int’l college & University  needs to see the nearest Psychiatrist and from there be referred to the nearest Psychologist for evaluation!

        Truly such an idiot needs to be studied!

        The first one up for Evaluation is who? Not me, that Man Roy Bodden is much too brilliant for me to come up against in a verbal battle, I have better sense, the man is a former Min. of Education, a School Teacher/Educator, and now chosen as President of our Int, College and university because he is qualified whereas the past President had no such qualification, Mr. Syed the past President didn’t even have the Doctorate degree he claimed to have ! We grew up with Roy we know who Roy is and I’ll tell you who he is ""He’s nobody’s fool!"    so why would our MIn. of Education Mr. Anglin humiliate himself like this.

        I suggest that in the future elected officials receive immediate training in public etiquette, demeanor , mannerisms and skills before being chosen for a ministerial position.  For truly the Min. for Education is making a mascot of imself, does he have a date set to end this charade? He seems to not be aware that whereas Mr. Roy Bodden has proven himself as a good and proficient Min. of Education. He Mr. Anglin has NOT!

    • Joe says:


      Trust me the graduates from UCCI are better capable than some of you who get these cheap online degrees or lie about what you don’t have.  
      And yes Mr. Bodden figures are correct!
      And yes am sure I can round up 99% of my classmates who graduated with a degree to prove it.
      I know you would love to know what my pay rise was———–
      Visit UCCI and get qualified instead of wasting time here.

      Thank you UCCI and keep up the good work Mr. President  

    • Anonymous says:

      Roy vs Rolston!!!  Who do we believe? I cannot believe that the same man who just last week trashed the UCCI degree could sit on stage at its graduation and hand out what he said is a worthless degree with congratulations to each recipient. He will stop at nothing to make Alden look bad, even if it means demeaning the entire education system which he has responsibility for. He has done little but  spew venom since he took office and cannot point to one single  education initiative that he has introduced since he took office. Just about everything he has implemented was developed under the previous minister. 

      Say what they like about the previous minister, but he brought a vision and passion to the ministry which is unmatched before or since.  By the end of one year in office he had this country excited about the prospects of a good edcuation. Much of the successes that we are starting to see are the result of his drive and determination. 

      Rolston must stop this negative campaign and do some real work. Prove your better than Alden by achieving more not by blackguarding him.  We’ve had more than a year of criticism of the last adminstration. Enough already!  Rolston, please let’s hear something about what you are going to do to improve the lot of our  young people.

  3. Anonymous says:

    With all the bashing Mr. Alden got from Mr. Anglin, I hope everyone can see for themselves that some credit should go to the previous minister, as this government has said time and time again, how much do we expect to see them accomplish in just one year, surely the accomplishments at UCCI were not done in the past year. Congratulations to Mr. Bodden, it’s good to see he cares so much to give up a part of his salary, it’s a pity the government were not as caring, contributing only a 3.2% can barely do much.

    Also kudos to Mr. Alden, who must have done some things right, I know he is very passionate about education as it’s in his blood. Rolston let’s please stop the name blaming and let’s carry Cayman’s education system forward.  

  4. Anonymous says:

    I commend the President and the students of UCCI. And if I were in their position, I would DEMAND AN APOLOGY FROM MR. ANGLIN.


  5. Anonymous says:

    91% of those who graduated from UCCI in the last 4 years have benefitted through employment prospects, this is great. 58% is seeking higher education that is fantastic. This is not only a testament to the commitment by the Government and our Educators but shows that there is a positive workforce who is also motivated. This is fantastic. I have no doubt that these statistics are fairly accurate. I see the quality in the employees I work with who have attended UCCI.

    We need to be proud of this institution and stop using every opportunity that comes our way to discredit and criticize this school.

    If only sinners criticize the churches, then what do we call people that criticize our schools?


  6. Anonymous says:

    Coming from an ex UDP Government member who was appointed to the post by the UDP, I wonder just how reliable these statistics are.

    If they are reliable, then the question remains,  DO ROLSTON OWE ALDEN apologies for his rhetoric regarding the successes and/or failures of the UCCI??

    Just wondering how 2 completely different stories regarding the UCCI could appear within such a short time span.

    Can those who preach doom and gloom provide an explanation,

  7. Anonymous says:

    CONGRATS to all students and staff !!  Well done Mr. Bodden! May GOD give you the wisdom and strength to keep doing your best for our children and those who attend UCCI.

  8. Anonymous says:

    So let me get this straight… The "President" still brags about giving one tenth of his own money( do the same)…..

    The very same MLA that pretty much said that UCCI degrees were almost useless was giving out graduation papers last night.

    The "President" insulted members of his staff on stage.

    Bodden also throws out figures on how many students received promotions and salary increases…I hope these figures aren’t exploded like the last statistics given out by the last presisdent to make himself look good.

    The last time I attended classes their(during the syed fiasco) All these things that Bodden is speaking of doing were being set in place.. the ground work down, so now he wants to reap the awards.


    waiting on all the negative remarks and thumbs down now.

    • Anonymous says:

      The president wasn’t bragging:  What the president said was:

      "And just to assure you — and only for that reason — that I am personally committed to this philosophy (of giving back) — do I share with you that since joining UCCI in mid-October last year, I have been donating one-tenth of my salary to developing music and the performing arts here at the university."

      The president had been thanking people for giving to UCCI as a means of giving back, and appealing to other people to do similarly.  He wanted to assure them that he was not asking them to do something that he himself was not doing:

      "…I cannot espouse these principles for others — I cannot ask others to give — if I am not equally prepared to do my part."

      Let us look at the good that is coming out of this gift and not judge motives — for a change — and at least put our judgements in the proper context of what was said.

    • noname says:

      You are correct. The real crisis at UCCI was (beyond leadership) –  a PR nightmare which irresponsible politicians and the media were largely  responsible for. The situation there could have been handled more responsibly and quietly and less politically thus minimizing the unfortunate incident for the institution, its faculty and students.

      A very strong foundation was set by UCCI’s first president. The second, despite the obvious major problems which I am not trying to deny – gave UCCI a tremendour boost, both in terms of programs offered, students and faculty motivation and pride in the institution and its goals, partnerships with top regional and international univeristies and institutions and a massive increase in ‘buy in’ and support from the private sector. Let us not forget the students of UCCIpresented the second president with a superman costume at graduation at the end of his first year in office.

      While morale of staff and students plunged and the public image of UCCI fell, all of the tremendous work, improvements and programs putin place under the first two presidents continued with the hard work and dedication of the faculty of UCCI – through the period when the press and politicians beat it up, with little consideration to the institution and the well being of its students. 

      Mr Bodden seems to have done a very good job in his first year in office, restoring confidence in the institution and some thoughtful restructuring seems to also be taking place. And some very important consideration of students wholistic well being and getting back to the basics and realities of what students at UCCI face and helping to equip them to succeed (e.g. breakfast!). Congratulations to UCCI’s president, faculty and students.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Interesting. So 91% get promotions, pay rises or job offers.  And over 50% go on to higher education.  So this means a huge number of people are going on to higher education AND getting promotions and pay rises. I wonder if they teach Statistics in any of the UCCI classes.  

    • Anonymous says:

      Actually they do teach Statistics there. And in case you were wondering there are many students who are getting higher education (bachelor degrees) while working part time. So it is possible to have 50% moving from Certificate programs to Associate Programs or from Associate Programs to Bachelor Programs AND be able to work and get promotions and or job offers!

      • Anonymous says:

        Going on to a bachelor’s program is not "post-graduate study." This is all smoke and mirrors.

    • Anonymous says:

      "Interesting. So 91% get promotions, pay rises or job offers.  And over 50%  …"

      You do know of ‘furthering your education while on the job’ don’t you? Millions of people do this!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe they mean 91% out of the people that choose to work, and 50% of the people that decide to keep schooling. I wonder if you were thought common sense.

      • Anonymous says:

        And where were you thought to read and write?

        • A REALIST says:

          I was TAUGHT to read and write in a school.

          Is that not what you THOUGHT?

          I have to laugh at people who cannot spell being self rightous in a discussion on education standards.

          • Anonymous says:

             ^ Obviously didn’t get it…    I’m pretty sure the "thought" was intentional for flaming purposes. Way to look redonkulous.

          • Anonymous says:

            Read what YOU wrote (above) again.

  10. Anonymous says:

    If the students of UCCI have been excelling over the last 4 years, then Alden deserves an acknowledgement from Rolston.  Thanks Alden.  You’ll be back in 3 years!

  11. Anonymous says:

    So much for UCCI being a total mess!


  12. PR Spin says:

    Story should read "UCCI says it is very good and relies on job offer figures which are inflated due to positive discrimination requirements in the Cayman job market"

    • Anonymous says:

      Agreed, and if any of the graduates went to find work in the US, Canada or the UK they would be unemployed due to lack of work ethic and knowledge.  Sad but true and sort of humorous.

      • Anonymous says:

        How would you know? I graduated and did it… which means anyone can. …I am a little baffled by your foolish stereotypical response.

        • Anonymous says:

          Bull. I am positive that not one Caymanian has scored a decent job overseas based on their UCCI degree. In fact no Caymanian has been offered a job close to what they get back home.

          Overseas employers choose staff based on skills and experience, not nationality. If they have no home grown talent up to the job they search for foreigners, rather than just put in any old idiot to please immigration.

          • Anonymous says:

            Maybe not soley on a UCCI degree, but in conjunction with. It certainly isn’t just overlooked, but rather taken into account. I guess it isn’t quite the norm for locals to be working abroad in the firstplace.

            "Overseas employers choose staff based on skills and experience" I think needs to be implemented a little more here. or at least deeper training and true understanding. But I wouldn’t go far to blame UCCI for their education. I’ve seen drastic improvements and the instructors that I experienced there were very knowledgeable and great. So good for the people with salary increases and higher pay. I think it’s a great encouragement to keep learning and motivating others around.

          • Anonymous says:

            very good….. hit the nail on the head….

          • Anonymous says:

            I think that it’s a pretty unfair comment that "no Caymanian has been offered a job close to what they get back home". I’m sure that you cannot verify every job offer that people receive, and I’m not sure if what you’re saying is meant to be a good or bad thing. Take Selita Ebanks for example. Despite a UCCI education or not she has been a great success. Victoria Secret model and appearing on The Apprentice. Who is to know that she would have had even won Miss Cayman if she had stayed here?

            Also, you should not be too sure that UCCI graduates have not gone overseas and made successful lives for themselves. I don’t think that anyone with a UCCI degree should be seen as any less educated as someone that went to say Tampa, Canada or England. Curriculum may be a little different but we do have many intelligent persons here.And just because you graduated from Canada does not prove that you worked harder than someone else in Cayman and it does not guarntee that they got better grades.

          • Anonymous says:

            Wow lot’s of hate coming from foreigners on this topic. Don’t be so stereotypical. I don’t go to another country and think the country as a whole are rude and negative based on my encounters of 1 or 2 people. No wonder so many Caymanians have a negative outlook on foreigners. Pchhh

      • Anonymous says:

        true and VERY humorous

  13. Anonymous says:

    Call Anglin let him know

    • Anonymous says:

      Anglin was sitting right on stage!

      • Anonymous says:

        Yeah he was sitting there with that stupid look on his face. Rolston you owe the students and teachers of UCCI a public apology. I’m glad those students held their heads up high despite what you said about them and UCCI. We have so many bright Caymanian on this island but we don’t give them the credit because they are Caymanians what a shame. 

        Did you all see our own Katrina Carter last night why are we not hearing more about this young lady? this young lady went through the government school system and holds a PHD.

        Rolston if you have issues with Alden please deal with him, and stop putting down the government schools. The private schools have issues as well we just don’t hear about them. Just give the children the tools and education since being a Caymanian isn’t good enough. I’m so shame of you for undermining us Caymanian.



        • Anonymous says:

          The funniest thing of all is that Rolston’s own wife earned a degree at UCCI last night. 

  14. Anonymous says:

    Wow! Well done Mr. Bodden and Staff.