Cops arrest West Bay robber

| 21/07/2010

(CNS): Police have now confirmed that they have arrested one man in connection with an armed daylight robbery of a West Bay store on Wednesday morning (21 July) At about 11.40 am a man armed with what appeared to be a handgun entered the premises of a shop known as Shoes Best Repair and Variety Store in Fountain Road, West Bay. The man threatened staff before fleeing the scene with a small sum of cash. He was last seen running south on Fountain Road. Police immediately attended the scene and following a search of the area a 23-year-old man was arrested in Foremast Close on suspicion of robbery. (Photos by Dennie Warren Jr)

Police said that one man is now in custody while enquiries into the incident in which no shots were fired and no-one was injured continue. Police have not said if the man was found in possession of either a real or imitation firearm.
“The suspect is described as having a white complexion and was wearing sports shorts and a white and brown coloured shirt,” Detective Constable Howard Campbell said. “I would ask anyone who was in the area at the relevant time and witnessed the robbery, or the armed man running from the scene, to contact me at West Bay police station on 949-3999,” he added.
Meanwhile, Value-med Pharmacy on Walkers Road close to the Cayman Islands hospital was broken into during the early hours of this morning (21 July). Police confirmed that they had received a report of the break in at around 4.40 but enquiries were continuing and officers were unable to reveal what had been taken.
Information about these or any other local crimes can be passed via the confidential Crime Stoppers tip-line 800-8477 (TIPS).
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  1. West Bayer says:

    Well I congratulate RCIP for the swift arrest of this individual. But I will admit it don’t take much to locate someone who goes into a store in broad daylight without a mask! And to make it even more STUPID of him – HE WASA FREQUENT CUSTOMER!!!

    But good job RCIP – now let’s get the PUNKS that are turning our children into CRACKHEADS! 🙁

    And to all those "gun man" dem. I say arrest em and send all them over to IRAQ! Betcha den we’ll see how "bad man" they can be, when they faced with HEAT,DIRT,WAR AND WORSE YET – NO TURTLE MEAT DINNERS!!!

  2. Ken P says:

    Great job to Brad, Frank and the WB RCIPS keep up the good work and don’t give those crimminals no rest keep harassing them. Now Mac give them $2million to expand the WB Police staion, hire 8-10 new officers, use old experienced officers as advisors and have 4 sub stations 1 for Boatswain Bay and Northwest Point, 1 Birch Tree Hill/Barkers, 1 Mt Pleasant/Botabano and 1 for West Bay Rd.

  3. Anonymous says:

    With all the crime taking place lately the RCIPS have picked up where they slacked off and seem to be doing a great job!! I do believe that the government do need to look into the prison system and expand. They are already over crowded and as we can see there are still so many people that need to be put away. From what many of us gather the judicial system dont even know what to do with these offenders because they know the Prison is over crowded and Eagle House, what is suppose to be used for juveniles is also being used to hold some grown men.

    What is the system waiting for to build expand the prison? Another riot? come on now we know that there has been escapes since the new fancy fences that went up a couple years back so one shouldnt get comfortable thinking they can pack up any amount in there and still feel safe about it. I am just suggesting because no matter what there will be new offenders comitting crimes all different types of crimes and just like the rest, they need to be locked away in prison. So therefore the people in charge need to look into this matter before it gets serious and regret not doing anything about it when they had a chance.

    Honestly I can agree with the previous poster who questioned the new fancy hurricane shelter in Cayman Brac when there are much more serious situations that need to be taken cared of.

  4. Beachboi says:

    I wonder if McKeewa has given any thought to allocating some of his slush fund to expanding HMP Northward?  It is more than apparent that we are going to need more accommodations for prisoners.  Wait, maybe he can rent some of the new shelter from Julie and house them there! 

    The police are doing their job, but what is to happen when these defendants go to court and there is no room at the  prison.  That will mean community service and re-offending.

    I hope he make up his mind soon.  So far by my count he has given away over 40 million of the 155 that he borrowed.

  5. Anonymous says:

    The new Police leadership in West Bay is doing an excellent job. Well done Brad and the crew!

  6. Anonymous says:

    RCIPS on a roll! Big ups Sargie! For real, good jobs officers and be sure that the evidence trails are strong so that prosecutions will stick onthese losers and send them away.

    Northward, now that’s another story but that not your problem.

    Thanks RCIPS.    

  7. Anonymous says:

    i wonder if they will continue to blame PPM for the crime… Mac was right he got us back on our feet…begging that it!

  8. Anonymous says:

    I really think the Police should be commended on the excellent job they are doing in arresting these robbers.  I note that several arrests have been made in recent weeks  – lets hope the alleged robbers will be charged and receive heavy sentences.  These people must be stopped.



  9. Anonymous says:

    Amen! Police seem to be getting things done in the last few days boy..