ICO says, just ask what you need to know
(CNS): The Information Commissioner’s Office will be lunching “Right to Know Week 2010” (RTK) on 26 September to remind the public that they can access government records using the Freedom of Information Law (FOI Law). Between 26 September and 2 October and beginning with a service at Savannah United Church, a range of public outreach events will be spearheaded by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). This is the second annual RTK week hosted by the ICO, which was established in early 2009 soon after the Law came into effect. Information Commissioner Jennifer Dilbert encourages all sectors to learn more about how they can benefit from the FOI provisions.
“FOI is not just for the media. Financial records, policy statements, decision and statistical reports are some of the request trends. Anyone, anywhere canmake a request” states the Commissioner and the theme for RTK 2010 suggests exactly that – ‘Just Ask…what you need to know’.
Coinciding with the promotional week will be the International Right to Know Day on Tuesday, 28 September. A media briefing has been scheduled along with an afternoon Open House Tea at the ICO’s Elizabethan Square offices. The public is invited to attend and ICO staff will be on hand to answer questions and distribute information.
Other events include a Government House reception for Information Managers and a visit to Cayman Brac. Presentations to students and service clubs, a GIS Spotlight TV segment, and media debates will also be part of the busy agenda. The week concludes on Saturday, 2 October where the ICO team, along with representatives from other public authorities, will be out at various shopping locations distributing giveaways and answering questions.
For more information on the RTK activities, or if you are not satisfied with the response to a request you have made, contact the ICO on 747-5405 or info@infocomm.ky
Category: Local News
I would ask, but McKeeva might not like it. So I’ll leave it thanks.
In regards to the comments; once again the ignorant prove themselves the most vocal.
How about we start to look for the positive aspect of things… Then again I guess nowadays that wouldn’t be the "Caymanian" thing to do… or would it?
no such thing as a free launch
Why the hell would this have to start with a religious service at Savannah United Church. Mrs Dilbert’s office and FOI in general have NOTHING/ NADA to do with religious services. We must get beyond this fundamentalist nonsense.
I actualy thought the church service idea was kind of nice. it deffinately does not strike me as ‘fundamentalist’ or ‘nonsense’ in any way.
Well said Thu 19:21: It is utterly disgraceful that everything, including human rights issues such as FOI, are in Cayman wrapped up in quasi pious church going/supposed christianity. We need a separation between Church and State here to be introduced as soon as possible.
Freedom of Information and the PPM are what led to the downfall of these Islands and I man rightcha so nah pay needer a dem no mind. Mickey Mouse going get clot with that airplane door pon him backside when I roll him rump over back to Orlando. You watch.