Premier & deputy both o’seas

| 14/10/2010

(CNS): Education Minister Rolston Anglin is acting as premier again as a result of both the premier and the deputy premier being overseas. McKeeva Bush in his capacity as Minister of Finance is in Tampa, Florida, where he is attending the American Society of Health Risk Management Conference and Exhibition. Bush is expected back on island tomorrow (Friday 15 October) and will be remaining in the Cayman Islands throughout next week, the premier’s press office said.  Meanwhile, Deputy Premier Juliana O’Connor Connolly and Cline Glidden MLA are in the Bahamas, where they are attending the Caribbean Renewable Energy Forum Conference.  

Glidden is attending the Nassau conference in relation to his responsibilities for the landfill and the recently issued Waste to Energy RFP, which fall under the deputy premier’s ministry. According to information from the premier’s press secretary, the latest challenges, solutions, technologies and projects in renewable energy will be discussedand debated at this conference. 
The Cayman Islands delegation in Tampa comprises over 30 representatives from the industry, government and CIMA.  The Cayman Islands is a regular exhibitor at the American Society of Health Risk Management, the press office said.  The premier was also scheduled to give a brief address at the Cayman Islands reception on Thursday evening.
CNS asked the premier’s press office for details of all the Cabinet minister and government MLA travel plans over the next week, but aside from confirming that Bush would be in Cayman next week, the office was unable to say where other government members would be.
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  1. Anonymous says:

    "the BS is so deep, you need wins to stay above it" 

    Maybe if we knew when they were flying, we could go to the airport and see them off.

  2. Anon 1 says:

    I am really surprised at Austin on Rooster Friday morning for not speaking up regarding Elio’s comments, him made him  go on and on and did not try to interrupt or stop him from talking a lot of gibberish about his 3 motions he brought to the house and making Austin sit on the board, it this why you Austin did not stop him in his tracks. As chairman of his UDP party he should have made the public aware of all that’s going on with the travelling, the new SUV, why the healthe minister did not go to Tampa instead of the Premier, poor Mark Scotland and Mike Adam is the only two who have not gotten a free  plane  ride yet, not free because it comes from the publics purse. Elio is pathetic and Rolston needs a whole lot of trips to get himself educated on early childhood education.

    • Anonymous says:

      To the poster that said "Rolston needs a whole lot of trips to get himself educated on early childhood education" I heard that he said on the radio that on his trip to Russia he found out that you have to pay attention to children early in their life – something to that effect .  OMG did he really say that? well maybe the primary schools with get some attention.

    • Original Anon says:

      What makes you think that Mark Scotland hasn’t gotten a free ride?  The Boddentown Two should not even be there.

    • Austin Tacious says:

      If I was the host of that show I would have filed for a restraining order against Mr. Solomon for my own protection. You never know when he might burst through the door uninvited babbling about how many brothers he has.

      In any case, the whole thing is a pile of garbage, switch over to some music, it will free your soul.

  3. Truth shall set us free says:

    There is a reason why we celebrate "Pirates Week" in the Cayman Islands.

    Perhaps next election, voters will realise that this crew of Pirates are really about putting themselves first (global travel, 5 star luxeries, body guards, new cars, large entourage and kick backs for them and there friends) all at the expense of the Cayman public whilst proclaiming at every opportunity  that "WE are broke"

    The sad thing about the rhetoric is each one of them (Mac, CG, TaliBrac, Elio, Mark) talk about being christian and their faith yet are no different from the thieves in the temple.

    If this this is what they meant by providing a "Better way forward" they forgot to mention that is was really a better way forward for them because they really arent too business about us and our beloved Cayman Isles.

  4. Anonymous says:

    The mascot for this party must be a Jackass with wings!

  5. Anonymous says:

    I HOPE to read this headline daily.

  6. West Bayer says:

    A country song for them:-

    "On the road again they couldn’t wait to get on the road again. Seeing things that Caymanians will never see ’em GET, they couldn’t wait to get on the road again"!!!!….


    BTW: Who get’s the frequent flyer points? Donated to the needed or bartered for a lil sum’n sum’n??? hmmmmm…..


  7. New Party says:

    Enough is enough! Ok people I pledge to you that if I get 100 thumbs ups on this post I will go out and form caymans 3rd political party based on the following principles:

    1. Advancement and protection of the rights of the Caymanian people.

    2. Prudent and responsible management of the local economy and the civil service.

    3. Transparency.

    4. Preserving the culture and traditions of the Cayman Islands.

    5. Watch this space.

    I will for the party and reveal who I am if I get 100 thumbs up on this post only! I also expect that immediately following that the 100 people will join the party.

    This is all it take people, one simple click of your mouse and we will have credible, honest, courageous, uncorrupted, God fearing representation next election. The time is now, let’s form the First Real "Peoples" Party today

    Respectfully Yours.


    • Anonymous says:

      We had this and no one appreciated it. Just because PPM didn’t try to line their pockets they were not popular enough for you to return to power in May 2009. I still have faith in them – even if they are diplomatic and mature. Nevertheless I can’t understand what happened because I can’t get anyone to admit that they voted UDP. A third party will give them a licence to return.

      • With all due respect says:

        With all due respect, the PPM did offer a lot but were unable to deliver for a number of reasons. I am proposing a new party because I feel Cayman needs a new choice. I did not support party politics for the simple fact that makes it nearly impossible for an individual to contest an election successfully but there are a number of positives. If the party represents the wishes and feelings of the majority and does not allow corruption to infiltrate it can be very successful. The party I am proposing would take direction from the members not the executive and be run cleanly and fairly and have perhaps an excessively aggressive code of conduct and ethics. It’s so simple for us to join forces and clean up our beloved Cayman. We have 25 thumbs up so far we are 25% there, let’s do it Cayman let’s take back our country. Our first meeting will be November 1st if we get the 100 thumbs. Let’s show them we mean business!

        • Anonymous says:

           I’m sorry.  I don’t want another party.  I want the crown to take over with decent auditors and the Governor can rule.   Really, it would have to be better.  

    • Anonymous says:

      Dear New Party,

      You received my thumbs up vote, however your four point manifesto is disappointing and not very encouraging for your potential supporters.

      How about dealing with the more important current issues of CRIME and CORRUPTION on the island which are quickly eroding and tearing away the very fabric of our society. This should be at the very root of you preserving the Cayman Culture.

      Corruption, influence, favours, manipulations and interferrence in any way is all corruption under different disguises which are all still crimes within our community.

      Introduce strict codes of ethics and principles harshly applied under the law and clean up this island. Long jail terms must be given to all perpetrators without excaption, including politicians and civil servants and then, you will have the entire island behind your NEW PARTY for the population will support you with respect and admiration for implementing the high principles and the very best of good ethics back into our social and business cultures which we all honoured at one time before this recent decline.

      The corruption and self intertest of the current Government has done absolutely nothing for the country or its people as it has only benefited those in power or close to the power together with the corrupt large developers who support those in power. Obviously they have no conscience about what they are doing in their maniplulations of Government in their efforts for securing ever greater wealth and control.

      A Caymanian of lost faith.

      The loss of faith in their fellow Caymanians (politicans) who have been honoured to be voted into public office to represent the people.

      • New Party says:

        Your points are very valid and I appreciate your support. I didnt list a detailed manifesto simply because this would have to be the focus of the New Party when we first meet to discuss the specific objectives and wishes of the membership. This is not MY party it is OURS and I have no intentions of forcing my philosophy and the things I think are important on any one.

        It has to be a movement that tries to embody the principles of the majority. There is no guarantee that I will lead, that also must come from the membership. I will do the administrative organizing but where it goes from there is entirely up tot he members.

        We are at 29 votes and counting. Comon Cayman show them we mean business. 100 Thumbs is all we need. Lets take back our home.

        • Anonymous says:

          "Advancement of the rights of Caymanians"

          By this do you mean that Caymanians do not have enough rights at present? How exeactly do you plan to advance them?

          I’d give you a thumb if you’d said something like "increasing the quality of life of Caymanians", or their security, or education, or advancing Cayman’s prosperity as a whole, but just wanting "Caymanians" to have more "rights" sounds like more xenophobic rubbish and rings all sorts of alarm bells with me. 

          Please do correct me if I am wrong, but to my mind that translates as: "make sure everyone else in this country is treated like a second class citizen even more than they are now, thereby disenfranchising most of the economic base and driving talent away".

          So I’m sorry, thumbs down.  There are already enough people like you in Cayman politics.

          • Anonymous says:

            Sorry you feel that way, but if you walk a day in my shoes you will know what I am talking about! I meant what I said… "

            "Advancement of the rights of Caymanians"


            • Anonymous says:

              can you explain the ‘walk a day’ comment?What is it that you are not happy with and what would you like to see different?  What ‘rights’ are you lacking?

            • Anonymous says:

              you didn’t correct the above post as being wrong. did you forget, or is what he said about others being treated as second class citizens true? 

    • We are half way there! says:

      Keep those thumbs coming! We have to do it!

    • WOW says:

      Well 50% there! Lets go Cayman!!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      SOS   Same Ole S—

  8. Big Red says:

    Is anybody keeping track of their travel and expenses, like they did with PPM???


  9. Anonymous says:

    The local media should write a story on how much has been spent on travel by the government since the last election. I suspect the amount will be truly astounding.

    CNS: On 12 May, we sent the following FOI to McKeeva Bush’s ministry: "Since the elections, how much has Ministry of Finance, Tourism & Development spent on travel for the Leader of Government Business/Premier McKeeva Bush and his travelling companions? On each trip, how much did the ministry spend on transportation, hotels, meals and entertainment, and other expenses?"

    We have not received an answer yet. However, we are still pursuing the matter.

  10. Anonymous says:

    The Premier’s gone, Deputy Premier’s gone, CG been gone and Lord knowswho else. Left two clowns behind to campaign on Rooster today, and to try and jusitify why all this traveling and spending is necessary. Oh wait.. it’s the PPM fault. Haha 

    • Anonymous says:

      two clowns on rooster….were you talking about the 2 politicians or the 2 hosts?

  11. Anonymous says:

    Wow he is going to be here for A WHOLE WEEK next week!  Then where’s he off to? I hear Sydney is nice this time of year, for him and his 30 "delegates".

    The States has Uncle Sam, we have Uncle Travelling Mac….

  12. Disgusted by Gov! says:

    I think we should put in  an FOI request for all the trips made by the premier, where he went and what airline he flew since he was elected, just to get an idea of exactly how much of our money he spends on vacation!

  13. anonymous says:

    I wounder why Mac needs a expensive ten foot fence built around his West Bay compound, at the peoples expense, when he is never home??

    It would be interesting to know how much this eye sore is costing the people of this country.  I would imagine similar to a new vehicle.


  14. Anonymous says:

    Congartulations on your 100K SUV also O’Connor.Does you body guard get to travel around or ride around also?

  15. Anonymous says:

    Although thereare always more questions than answers , I will just ask two on the above article "Premier & deputy both o’seas"  and particularly on the following extract :-

    "McKeeva Bush in his capacity as Minister of Finance is in Tampa, Florida, where he is attending the American Society of Health Risk Management Conference and Exhibition. Bush is expected back on island tomorrow (Friday 15 October) and will be remaining in the Cayman Islands throughout next week, the premier’s press office said." 

    1,   Would it not have been more logical for the Minister of HEALTH to have attended that conference in Tampa rather than the FINANCE Minister – or has the Premier/Finance Minister covered the health angle by taking along an entourage including the Chairman of National Investment Council who would do double duty by factoring his Eaglemount/health consultancy firm into the mix?

    2.   Is the press office’s statement that the Premier will be returning this Friday (15) and will be "remaining in the Cayman Islands throughout next week"  another way of saying that the Premier will be going off again the following week – if so, where to and with whom, and on what mission?


  16. whodatis says:

    The majority of us Caymanians really ought to just hush!

    Come next election campaign these same jokers will come on the radio and television programmes, spew that same old rhetoric of "working together", upholding our Christian values, how deep down they really love the "other party", lead a few prayers in a public setting, utter a few dozen "God willings" and "God bless yous" and "we Caymanians are so blessed" …  and we’ll be starting this process all over again.

    Its all a popularity contest – and no better way to regain one’s popularity in Cayman by lining up yourself with the One above. We don’t vote according to party policies in this country. Then again, how could we … our political parties have no identifiable differentiation of policies.

    The whole thing is sort of like a "Cayman Idol" competition.

  17. da-wa-u-get! says:

    Acting Premier Anglin please do the Islands the great favor and keep them

    both off the Islands for good because they have used every excuse under the sun to spend the peoples money which we do not have. The Premier is off the Island and travels the world more than the president of United States. God help us because Lord we need you more than ever.

    • Anonymous says:

      good idea…great time for a coup within the udp…but they haven’t got guts….

  18. Anonymous says:

    AGAIN???????????? Unbelievable! Unreal! & WRONG!

  19. Anonymous says:

    Unbe-effing-believable.New cars. Drivers/security guards. Russia, Finland, Kenya, Monaco and other totally useless freebies. A Ritz Carlton-type hurricane shelter on the Brac………….

    And the country has a financial crisis. They just don’t get it do they? How insensitive can you be? I voted for them last election but never again.

    • Anonymous says:

      I so agree. I was never one for much politics but coming from the States and being a democrat there, i kinda favoured the UDP. I was glad when they were elected into power and was anxious to see some of the things they spoke about being implemented.

      Now is a different story, this Government in my opinion has to be one of the worst i ever seen. It’s like they know nothing about running a country. Decisions are made at will and at every whim seeming to be based soley on their preference and not what is good for the general public. Such blatant disregard for accountability, I don’t think you Island will ever recover. Even when you take out these clowns, there are many more waitingto take their place. Same faces, same old story every election.

      Sometimes i think to myself… why am i still here?

      but that has been addressed already. All i can say now is Good Luck Caymanians, My wife and i will be packing up to return home. This Island obviously is not the same as when i lived here as a boy 15 years ago.

      Take care. 

      • Anonymous says:

        No offense buddy, but the States is in much worse shape than Cayman.

        • Anonymous says:

           Really?  Is Obama spending all of the US tax payer’s money on himself?  Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like Obama either but he’s a Sunday school teacher compared to our Premier.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Government cannot pay its bills but these clowns are off maxing out the credit cards on their jollies. This is just disgusting.

  21. Anonymous says:

    What a bunch of clowns.  I am so disgusted with them. 2 years and 7 months to go and I wish it was tomorrow.  I am glad now that PPM spent money on capital projects and infrastructure we so desperately needed.  Can you imagine if they had left money in the bank what these clowns would have done?  Like Boatswain’s Beach project they gave us in their last adminstration, they know nothing other than wasting funds and digging us into a hole.  Please Mr. Governor, stop them from overspending and halt the slide of their ruination of this country. 

  22. Anonymous says:

    Here is a win – win solution. Why don’t we have some of those conferences here? That way wesave money by not sending our politicians away. At the same, time we would be promoting our island and may even make  some tourist dollars. 

    • Anonymous says:

      The conference organizers would not consider Cayman because of its high cost.

      If Cayman wants conference business, then the government must subsidize the air fares, food, lodging and conference venus. This subsidization could be done if the premier and his minions travelled less and traded in their "POO" cars.

    • Pending says:

      Why would they even consider that? That would go completely agaisnt their policy of spending as much money as they can and flying themselves and their families around the world for free visiting as many countries as is possible.

      They are trying to dig a hole not fill one.

  23. Da bracster says:

    What the hell does she need a SUV for then. Since they are never here.absolutely unbelievable and ridiculous and absurd this travelling. What does she know about renewable energy now thats a good one. Some people got it made boy. Someone needs to buy her a one way ticket to the Brac and ask them to keep her there.

    • Anonymous says:

      She needs to be put out on First Key!!!! And kept there away from civilization! Because only selfish people who think of themselves only do things like this! That vehicle was NOT needed! When Government employees have to take pay cuts, and can’t feed their families properly or take care of themselves! This woman goes and does something like this!!! Well I can tell you what! She had better make good of her time because she is DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. Anonymous says:

    Let’s not forget CG – gone again!