More cash coming for needy

| 04/11/2010

(CNS): Government says it will find more funding for the department of children and family services in order to help the country’s most vulnerable people. Following a private member’s motion tabled in the Legislative Assembly on Thursday by opposition member Alden McLaughlin the minister for community services revealed that he is taking steps to appropriate more money to give to the needy. Mike Adam made a commitment to tackling the increased demand. McLaughlin told the House that he had received increased representations from his constituents who he said were in genuine need but had not been able to secure any help as a result of a shortfall in funding at a time when demand had gone up.

During the debate on his motion the member for George Town pointed out that in this financial year the various appropriations for the department of children and family services had been cut by over $2million. McLaughlin accepted that it may be a challenging for government to find the money given the need to cut expenditure but he suggested it could reallocate funds from things such as protocol and executive expenses to assist people in real difficulty.

He said it was an area that was causing some resentment in the community and it was not so much the amounts that were spent on executive expenses that were necessarily the issue but at a time when some people were struggling to put food on the table and keep a roof over their head it sent the wrong message for government to be seen to be receiving extra benefits.

“When top government officials appear to be living in the lap of luxury this causes resentment when people are struggling to make ends meet and they can not get any assistance,” McLaughlin said.

He noted that when people see the premier getting his utility bills and Christmas lights paid for by the public purse or when they see the deputy premier getting a new car it was a cause of public frustration.

“These sorts of instances create a great deal of ill will towards all of us as elected officials. What message does this send when we appear to be so insensitive?” he asked.

McLaughlin said he recognised as an opposition member he had no power to direct the government on how it allocates its budgets but he said if it could find the money from somewhere to help those in need then he would be quite happy. “If government takes it from protocol that would be wonderful but take if from somewhere,” he added.

In response to the private member’s motion Adam said his ministry had take steps to address the situation. “I am acutely aware of the needs of the vulnerable especially children and the elderly,” the minster said as he confirmed that he would find the money.

Other members also voiced their support for the motion including the member for North Side Ezzard Miller who noted that some of his constituents in need who had lost their jobs or business were being told they had to wait two to three months for an appointment with the department to be assessed.

The opposition member for Cayman Brac and Little Cayman, Moses Kirkconnell pointed out that his constituents were having a particularly hard time given so many of them were dependent on the public sector for work and were at the bottom of the civil service pay scale He said many families were suffering considerably as a result of the 3.2% pay cut. Anthony Eden also acknowledged that while money was tight for government they had a duty to do what they could to help those in need help.

The motion to reallocate funds to the department was accepted by the government.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    which needy? ALL those in need or just the choosen ones?

  2. Anonymous says:

    I hope the people who are in need,are caymanians and not the ”gold rush status bunch” that  Mr.Bush granted status to.Could not him and his party,see what their  thoughtless actions would cause on this country in the long run ?.


  3. Anonymous says:

    These "Baby Fathers" are just like their dogs. I got a dog, part Doberman. Obvious someone had a Doberman that got loose and procreated with the local bitches. These guys think its not cool to have their I’m a bad man dogs fixed. Rather let them father dozens of pups . Who cares if the puppies wander around half starved until an expat feels sorry for the dog and takes it in. They do the same with their Human Kids just about. Abandone the "Baby Mother" and let them go get on the Government tit. These guys should be jailed if the do not pay child support. These guys understand money and pain only.

    • G. Real says:

      What makes the "baby mudda" any better? They all need a good slap upside they head.

  4. Tara says:

    I find it fascinating that Government is promising more of the "the people’s" money to "the needy" of the Island and one of the largest fundraisers that takes place purely to assist various charities including the Government organisations, namely Hedge Funds Care, is taking place this Saturday 6th November and not one Government minister is on the list to attend.

    Hedge Funds Care is a global organisation – the local chapter of which has raised almost $1 million in the past 5 years with $230,000 raised at last years fundraiser the proceeds of which were given to the following (largely Government) organisations,

    – Department of Family Services

    – Cays Foundation

    – Department of Counselling Services

    – Cayman Islands Crisis Centre

    – NCVO

    – Health Services

    Given that members of the legislative assembly have now identified that there is still much that needs to be done for the "needy" – you’d think a few members might choose to spend a few dollars of their over inflated salaries supporting the needy as opposed to relying on the private sector to fill those needs.

    • Anonymous says:

      Great to see the private sector doing something! Funny that I’ve never heard of this organization/fund or anything about this fundraiser?! But again…the point is that Government can’t do it ALL! Therefore it’s great to see that others are finally pitching in! And they should be considering they make millions/billions off of hedge funds here in the Cayman Islands!

      CNS: Hedge Fund Care Cayman and its activities have been fairly well documented in the local media over the last 5 years. Click on this link to read more.

  5. anonymous says:

    The captioned photo above tell a tale of what these Islands are becoming, a welfare state.  Pretty soon they will be handing out the food stamps, the refrigerators, the stoves and the Christmas Turkeys, just to keep the poor man in their pockets.  So when election time comes, the poor man will cast their votes for them.  Pretty soon Ellio will be handing out cheques on site to the clean up crew, Mac will be having his Turkey parties. His followers will be there singing their praises as they have bout them favours.  When that is all over, it will be back to the rich man he goes.  Oh yeah, they know how to brainwash the poor people and look like stand outs in the crowd.  This is a sorry state yes siree that our Islands have become. Rich man, poor man.  No more middle class blue collar workers. All because of our Politicians.

  6. Anonymous says:

    19.34 I have to agree with you 100% regarding what you said thats is one dept in govt that need to be look in to big time. When Gov pay day rolls around all you can see a bunch of  lazy A** people lining up by the bank doors waiting to go in side to get money and some of these are in there early twenties why is it that these people is getting money from Government why arent they working to maintain there families but they can sit around all day doing nothen and having a baby every monday morning but we the working people need to this fee and that fee so they can have a great life when we cant enjoy going out at all with our families . I’m sorry that money should be given to  the seamens  , Elderly and those thats in desperate need and prove that they are before handing out anything becasue if thats the case Gov better start wirtting some serious cheques because there is a lot of us that need help.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Family planning for young ladies is needed so they stop having babies for these young watless men that do not take any responsibility for their kids, who grow up to be misfitts and neer do wells. We need to break the cycle.

    • Anonymous says:

      The girlies dat got no money and got no job and got no husband, dey got no business putting on de com xxxx me boots and meking babies dey cant feed.  You jes meking da next batch of criminals fo wreak the island.  Das the traitors of de island.

  8. Anonymous says:

    People, BE AWARE….

    Besides the fact that helping the needy is a GOOD thing, let us UNDERSTAND that this another ANTIC of McKeeva’s to ‘Soft-Soap’ and ‘Brain-Wash’ the majority of the people as to alleviate the HEAT that he is getting on the Cohen & Company ‘DEAL’.

    People, DO not let him change your minds about what is is doing FOR the people.


    One Angered Caymanian

  9. Anonymous says:

    Mrs Lookloy: Make sure they need it because we have a bunch of scroungers leeching on Social Services while they holiday in Miami and Tampa regularly. And, by the way, they are Caymanians, not status holders. I would just love to print names but of course I can’t.

  10. Hungry Caymanians says:

    Did the opposition ever cut their salaries as they said they were going to?? There is the place to get more cash for the little kids.

    Each MLA gets about CI$ 120,000 per year plus perks for their part-time work. Alden really does not need it and that is a lot of fishing gear for the rest.

    Go ahead Opposition, set a precedent for Govt to follow. Please take a cut or $30,000 each. That will make CI$150,000 per year to go to the poor little children. you will still get $90,000 per year and that is 4 times more than the average Caymanian makes anyhow! Wish I had that job.

    Think BIG! Go for it.

    • Anonymous says:

      Better watch out the PPM faithful will attack you for expecting the PPM to put their money where their mouths are.

      The whole 20% donation of the MLA salary was a political game by Tibbetts to discredit the UDP without giving a dime to the needy.

      The PPM politicians never intended to give any of their salaries to the needy and until they do, they are just hot air just like their supporters.

      • Anonymous says:

         Why just the PPM?  They should all cut their salaries.

        And another thing, instead of Social Services paying for a certain MLA family members/supporters affluent lifestyle(furniture, shopping trips to Miami, etc), the MLA should take their salary and pay for it. 

        Let us not forget the one on sick leave living it up in the bar.