Police go on road seeking information on Anna

| 11/02/2011

(CNS): With still no trace of missing landfill worker Anna Evans the police took to the streets on Thursday lunchtime in the hope of jogging the memory of drivers who may have been in the same area two weeks ago when the 37 year old mother of five disappeared. Officers spoke to motorists and passers-by in the hope of discovering information that could assist the ongoing enquiry. Anna was last seen by colleagues at the George Town landfill site around noon on 27 January but since that time there has been no trace of her. The search will continue this weekend when the volunteers from the civil service and other associations will join Anna’s friends and family in a full scale search.

Although the police say that they have completed the search of the landfill area and the overseas specialist canine handler’s unit has now returned to the US the RCIPS is continuing the search but is urging members of the community to search their land and outbuildings. A poster has also now been published and circulated around the island as police continue to hope that some information will be forthcoming that can offer a clue about what has happened to the missing woman.

“We are extremely grateful for the support and the help provided by the public so far in the search for Anna,” said Acting Superintendent Richard Barrow. “Since Anna disappeared the community spirit demonstrated by people throughout the Island has been absolutely outstanding. We need that support to continue as we try to find answers for Anna’s family and establish what led to her disappearance on 27 January."

Yesterday the Business & Professional Women’s Club of Grand Cayman, whose members said they were deeply concerned over Anna’s disappearance and will be joining Saturday’s organised search, urged the community to help and support the effort. It said that as a club that advocates for the rights of women and children Anna’s disappearance invokes a sense of urgency in the Club to take a very strong stand. Members said they would be raising the issue of the need for stronger sentences for violent crimes against women and children in the public domain as well as the need to protect Cayman’s borders and to control the drugs trade and related crime.

Anyone who has any information at all that may help with the investigation is asked to call the hotline on 526 0911


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  1. Anonymous says:

    Face the facts – over a week has gone by. While it is heart-breaking and very sad, there is slim chance that this is not a criminal investigation by this time. Hence everyone is worried that it will turn out like most of the RCIPs investigations into crime. There is also little that can be done in regards to the sitting Government to do something as what can they do? In this case I do not think money is going to bring up any information. What is needed is skilled investigators, that understand and follow up different senerios that MAY have transpired with this woman, in conjunction to a real ORGANIZED SEARCH PARTY/TEAM leaving no stone unturned. Working these two machines together will bring this matter to a close and give peace of mind to all.

  2. Anonymous says:

    It would be an act of good faith and community service if some of the “fat cats” in Real Estate, Development and Construction offered a substantial reward for credible information about Anna’s disappearance, These guys have been lining their pockets for years at Cayman’s expense and it’s time to give something back. Dart, Lund, Bovell, Riley and the rest of you…….are you with us? What would you be willing to do if it was your wife who was missing?

  3. Anonymous says:

    I went out to search for Anna on Saturday and Mr. Adams was out there too helping with the search. but I believe that the government needs to do more in helping to find Anna. She might not have been the wealthiest and most popular person, but at the end of the day she was a good mother and her children love and miss her dearly. We need to give the family closure and the Govenment needs to step up to the plate. 

    • Anonymous says:

      Depends on what popular means. She might not have been known to the JONES but within her circle she was known to be a quiet hard working and a peaceful soul. Most of all she was a good mother and her children needs her. I do hope that their father is hoovering around them and trying to make up for not having a mother


  4. Wisest Owl in UK says:

    The Organizations that can put up the money are THE BANKS!

    Mr. Truman Bodden and Cheri Bodden Cowan Directors  of Cayman National Bank  LEAD THE WAY! 

    Credit Union CISCA,  You Too!

  5. Mike Connolly says:

    Here in the UK we are following the case of missing Anna and the churches are praying for her and her family and for those searching for her.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Yes please state what time, date and place the search will commence as I would like to volunteer my time to searching for Ms. Evans. I did not personally know Anna, but the love that woman had for her kids was undeniable, not only does she as a human being deserve my time but her kids as well!

  7. Anonymous says:

    I am ashamed of our legislators political grand standing who have not even shown any interest  in finding Ana  a voting constituient just like me and you. The L.A. including  Public accounts Chair Mr. Ezzard Miller now seeking his 15 minutes of fame is unconcerned as well.

    Our legislators have never even made an attempt to individually nor collectively form a panel nor platform as  district representatives to urge and encourage people to come out and search for Ana and give the RCIP information. Somebody saw her and it is going to boomerang right back on them if they don’t make it right and TALK.


    One question,

    If Ana were high yellow complexion, light skin or white would there be a different attitude i finding her?

    • Anonymous says:

      Well  on the day after Anna went missing I went out to the landfill and helped search ffrom morning till evening and I found and left Alden out there. So not all of them bad and don’t care.

      • Anonymous says:

        Cant we get some of the older retired Police sitting in on some of these interviews, after all numbers are strength. Also somr detectives from the good ole USA , as we know that alot of their crime are found hours after. Not ctitizing our Cops at all but as we all know they have more than they canb manage.

  8. Anonymous says:

    I would like to participate in the search this weekend, however, I am not aware of anyone else that will be taking part, and would not go venture out on my own.  Please advise where I can meet with a search team and time or a contact number for someone leading a search party.   Thanks.

    • Anonymous says:

      Cant hear if there was a good turn out for the search and how did it go. We need to have an Island wide search with folks from every district searching not only the land fill as that dont seem to be the place. Just my thoughts.

      • Anonymous says:

        Whilst I understand that the Government is strapped for money, I know that we have enough concerned Citizens who would donate whatever they can afford in order to offer an award for one with leading information on Anna. I DONT MEAN $5000 either as we have seen that no one comes forward with information when offered small amounts of money. We just dont know who the next woman will be. This is three women in about two years or so.Perhaps some organization can have some fund raising event in order yo raise sufficient money as an attractive award. We the Public need to assist the Police as much as possible. My prayers for Annas family.