School kids robbed for $12

| 15/02/2011

(CNS): Two men have been arrested, police said Tuesday, following the robbery of five school boys on Monday afternoon as they made their way to football at around 3:15pm. The teenagers, who were all 13 and 14 years old, said they were walking in Lingeane Circle towards the Truman Bodden complex in George Town when a grey motor car stopped beside them and the two men inside demanded that the boys hand over their cash and valuables. Although the teens told the police that the weapon was not pointed at them, one of the boys said he saw what looked like a gun in the car. According to reports on Cayman 27, the robbers fled with only $12.

Police said that two men were arrested in connection with the incident on Tuesday evening. One man, aged 45 years, was arrested on suspicion of theft and another, aged 22 years, was arrested on suspicion of robbery and possession of an unlicensed firearm. Both of the men are currently detained in police custody in connection with the robbery

The boys, who were walking from John Gray High School towards the Truman Bodden sports complex in broad daylight, were not hurt during the incident but police confirmed the boys had handed over a small sum of cash to the robbers before the men drove off.

When police attended the scene they took statements from the teenagers, including the report that they had seen what looked like a firearm within the car. Police said enquiries into the incident are ongoing.

Anyone with any information about the crime should contact George Town CID on 949-4222 or the confidential Crime Stoppers number 800-8477 (TIPS).

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  1. Concerned says:

    Well done, boys! May justice prevail.

  2. Concerned says:

    Proud of the boys! Well done!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Congrats to those young men on doing the right thing by calling the police with the correct details to the capture of those two men. Please note it the school take the children cell phone from them and if those young man did not have their cells or cell phone God knows what might have happened to them, knowing that those men had a gun.

    This should be an eye opener for the Ministry of Education and all schools as well, what can happen to our children left unpertected.

    • Anonymous says:

       "Please note it the school take the children cell phone from them and if those young man did not have their cells or cell phone God knows what might have happened to them, knowing that those men had a gun."

      The policy is that the child can give the phone to the school and they hold it till when school is over so that if a child needs to call their parents after school they can which means the kids would have had their phones in this instance.  The kids weren’t in school in this instance.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations!!! to those sensible school children – only if every other one could do the same job, believe it, we would be better off today.

    Let’s all stay alert, to help the RCIP and our country.

  5. Anonymous says:

    It took me a very long time to write this, because I only have four paws, so pay close attention. I get very insulted when you humans compare your sleazy robbers to us animals. I’m a Long Haired Chihuahua, and I’m proud of my lineage that goes back to the times of the Mexica people, long before Cayman was inhabited by you humans.

    If you want new words to describe your predatory human thieves, why not look in your garbage cans and find inspiration there? But please, keep us animals out of it. It’s hard enough being a dog. I even heard a rat yesterday  complaining about just the same thing.

  6. whodatis says:

    Do the powers that be fully appreciate how effective a policy of naming, shaming and photographing offenders in this tiny island nation will be as a deterrent to crime?

    Offenders have nothing to fear in this country. Our (UK administered) police force is not feared, the court system is sub par and our prison can hardly be considered harsh punishment.

    In my opinion this cocktail of circumstances encourages the level of crime in this country to continually rise.

    We need to implement significant changes to the system in order to see a turn around. Personally I do NOT believe in cuddling and catering to criminals. I am a Caymanian male and grew up with ‘bad boys’ all around me … these guys know exactly what they are doing. Most are undeserving of the attention and care that many of us are hellbent on bestowing onto them.

    (I was surprised the other day to learn that the Premier and I finally saw eye to eye on an issue – Capital Punishment. Frankly some human beings simply do not deserve to live or the taxpayers’ expense to sustain their pathetic waste of space in the universe.)

  7. Anonymous says:

    Teenage kids robbed, and they presumably have provided enough information to the police to have two people arrested within hours!  Well done to you, all you adults out there that choose to keep quiet, take note!

  8. Say it aint so says:

    name and shame them. Legal lingo of suspects is no longer acceptible.

    • Caymanian/Expat family- all one says:

       Okay, I’m giving the police an opportunity here…..They have a PR team and they have neighborhood watch programs, so let’s here that one day next week **how about a week from today?  That ALL the Neighborhood Watch Groups meet next Wednesday and plan a roster for patrols??? Only with neighbors working together will we stop these thugs.  See this Miami article:

      Also….if you have a teenager in your house….set a curfew and tell them they will be watched as a suspect.  If I had a teenager, there is NO way I would allow them near a souped up Honda and would follow them to see if they are hanging out with gang members and thugs.


    • Anonymous says:

      The 45 year old should be ashamed of himself as he is old enough to be these kids father.

      Name & shame them yes!….Put up pictures of their faces too!

  9. Right ya so says:

     Bravo to these youngsters for doing what many an adult isn’t – giving information to the police.

    Come on people if nothing else has convinced you to help the police surely the bravery of these children will!

    Stop hiding these scum and turn em in.

    • Married to a Caymanian says:

       Yes, it is time we ALL open our eyes and help the police.  Take down license numbers, report suspicious car, thugs dressed like gang members.  Let’s keep the police busy and help together!

      With a grass roots Joe-Public helping to track these thugs, they WILL be tracked down and caught!  It is up to every person on this island to stop this crime spree.  Let’s squeeze the thieves out….NOT welcome in our world, good bye and lock em up.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Time for the public to demand names of suspects arrested, not just suspects charged.

    The authorities are doing as much to hide and protect these scum by witholding their names from the public.

    If there is enough evidence to arrest them, there should be no reason to withold their names, especially in cases like these.

    At least members of the public will know who to look out for, Cayman being the small place that it is.

    Cayman is one of the only countries in the Western Hemisphere that witholds so much information on criminal suspects from the public and the country is now really suffering from it.





  11. Anonymous says:

    I for one do not want to see these creatures incarcerated for anything less than 20 years – my God, to attack children!

    • Scottish,Irish,Jamacian born CAYMANIAN says:

      i wonder if they are being held until their time in court or are they now released on bail to repeat the same type offence again……..


  12. Rafael says:

     This is terrible. What has happened to our Island? RCIPS get to work and do something!!!! Our Children are not even safe from these scum anymore.

  13. Anonymous says:

    To the robbers: Your PATHETIC!!!!! Robbing kids!!! What did they ever do to you?! If  you need money go out and get a job and earn an honest dollar like everyone else. Oh, but "they don’t want to give me a job". Well go around and ask people if they need their car washed or their yard raked or any other odd job. But don’t go around taking from people what is not yours!

  14. anonymous says:

    I admire these young men. You have more guts than what alot of adults have who will see crimes committed and turn a blind eye to it. You all could have let fear taken over and not said anything then these criminals would have gotten away. They would still be roaming the streets witha gun commiting other crimes possibly worse than this. Thank you for thinking to get the information on the car to provide to the police and reporting this terrible crime. This will help toward making Cayman a better place again with the likes of these off of our streets.

    God Bless.

  15. Anonymous says:

    How bad/terrible it’s getting that even school kids are now getting robbed next to their school !!

    Boy ooooooooooooooo boy, somebody needs to renew what was done by Mr.B not long ago. SOB’n worthless and good for nothing basta@$& that are causing so much havoc in our communities today.

    Let them come and try to commit robbery or attempt to burglarize my home when me and my family are there. I’m cleaned, oiled, loaded and ready for them.

  16. Anonymous says:

    I just hope these "men" (I use the term loosely) will be named and shamed.  Too many gangster type idiots are driving around in their tinted Hondas.  People getting robbed, cars being jacked up and wheels taken, low-lifes hanging around everywhere.  The Police really need to clean this place up.  Stop and search anyone – if you’ve nothing to hide you won’t complain.  Anyway if they’re reading this I hope you’re proud of yourselves.  Just another nail in the coffin of this once beautiful place.  Some of us don’t have the choice other than to live here and these scumbags are making it a more miserable place every day.  The Police and the Government should work together.  Stop worrying about constitutions, laws for this and that and start worrying about the real issues affecting the everyday man or woman.  So I can’t even let my child walk to school now?? Absolutely disgraceful, shameful and without excuse.  This has made me so angry.  Put their faces on the TV and on here at once – I would love to go and see them.


  17. Anonymous says:

    So they starting on our kids???? big mistake !!! Come on Cayman let"s make a move get rid of this trash on our beloved Cayman Islands.

  18. Anonymous says:

    I know these teenagers and they are good teenagers. They were going to their football match to try to stay out of trouble. Not end up like these (Robbers) ********. It is pittiful that this should happen to them especially knowing that this was the only money they had to buy an after school snack. What is Cayman coming to? What a disgrace! Those robbers should be hung up in the sun and skinned, shot and castrated!

  19. Anonymous says:

    This is truly unbelievable! They are turning to kids now?  WTF!!!! 


  20. Anonymous says:

    I used to think that it could not get any worse the day i heard they murdered young Jerimiah, but it seems like they criminals are trying to out do each other robbing and beating old people, robbing and beating Tourist, Braking in to the same place 2, robbing banks, Robbing a business place thats in the same building as the Police… i am sure i am forgetting alot more…..sigggghhhh…. you know what i give up i dont know what the solution is or who has it, its just depressing!

  21. JEB says:

    Just want to sayto the boys job well done.

    This is a crying SHAME these two men should be tied up in the center of TOWN and beaten by anyone that want to. It’s a DISGRACE…… people like these two need to go get a job even if it’s collecting garbage it is an HONEST DOLLAR.

  22. Anonymous says:


    This is absolutely dreadful news. What is happening in Cayman? This is the main reason persons relocate from other areas in the world, so their children can be safe and walk the streets without us having to worry about them. Suppose things have changed. The news is really going to affect our economy and now more than ever the Governor and others are going to have to step up to the plate to try and fix this, unfortunately is it too late?
    Having discussions with friends the one thing that really disappoints me is that no one seems to be charged and or convicted for all these crimes, yes in the last couple of cases they the police have been arresting people but what about the other serious Robberies that have happened. For the last 2-3 years there has been a young man on the loose evading the authorities, we have not seen any want posters or had information on him for a while now.
    What the H….. Is going on?
    In previous posts I have said supported the Commissioner but now I am not so sure on what he and his senior officers are really doing about this (I will not blame junior officers as I am sure they are overworked). Again as mentioned in previous posts by others, bring back older experienced officers who know the streets, persons and will get on with dealing with it, not sitting behind paperwork all day, debating on what to do.
     Mr. Haines, Mr. Brady. Mr Brown and others can really make a difference to our islands and I believe it is time to speak to them and or put them on the national security board, not the current persons, they have no experience in crime prevention at all, I was extremely shocked to see who was on the board, what a JOKE if you want to stop crime.
  23. Anonymous says:

    This got to be the ultimate low of what is going on!

    Public beating at the town center needs to be brought back.

    Society now will have to pay for such useless individuals to get legal representation and to be kept at the prison at a cost of CI$ 50-60K per annum.

    Worse, some of those children will be traumatized and the family will have to deal accordingly.

    I hope someone beats the crap out of those ()$*%$()*%.

  24. Anonymous says:

    This is absolutely dreadful news. What is happening in Cayman? This is the main reason persons relocate from other areas in the world, so their children can be safe and walk the streets without us having to worry about them. Suppose things have changed. The news is really going to affect our economy and now more than ever the Governor and others are going to have to step up to the plate to try and fix this, unfortunately is it too late?
    Having discussions with friends the one thing that really disappoints me is that no one seems to be charged and or convicted for all these crimes, yes in the last couple of cases they the police have been arresting people but what about the other serious Robberies that have happened. For the last 2-3 years there has been a young man on the loose evading the authorities, we have not seen any want posters or had information on him for a while now.
    What the H….. Is going on?
    In previous posts I have said supported the Commissioner but now I am not so sure on what he and his senior officers are really doing about this (I will not blame junior officers as I am sure they are overworked). Again as mentioned in previous posts by others, bring back older experienced officers who know the streets, persons and will get on with dealing with it, not sitting behind paperwork all day, debating on what to do.
    Mr. Haines, Mr. Brady. Mr Brown and others can really make a difference to our islands and I believe it is time to speak to them and or put them on the national security board, not the current persons, they have no experience in crime prevention at all, I was extremely shocked to see who was on the board, what a JOKE if you want to stop crime.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why is it the sole responsibility of the Governor to "step up to the plate and try and fix this"?  – IT IS EVERYONES RESPONSIBILITY. Yours too.

    • Rock Bottom says:

      We have officially hit Rock Bottom!
      There is no other way to explain this, cus if grown men, sorry animals, will stoop so low as to rob school children, well its now Rock Bottom.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Good on you kids for calling the police! Maybe there’s some hope for the younger generation.

    • Anon Y. Mous says:

       raise them properly and you won’t need to rely on hope. 

    • Anonymous says:

      I do hope the ‘older’ generation learn a lesson from these youngsters and have the courage to speak up when they see a crime, I hope I do when, or if, the time comes.

      I already police my neighbourhood, in that I challenge everyone I don’t know, text my PC with anything odd and generally be ‘awkward’, something that is not in my nature.

      Everyone wringing their collective hands as to what to do only have to care, challenge and make a difference,  it’s not that difficult really.

      My dad taught my right and wrong a long time ago, you can make a million excuses not to do something but none of them pass thetest of ‘is it right’. If everyone put aside ‘me first’ for a second and did what was right, maybe we could win this battle.  That ‘do what’s right’ doesn’t stop at big crime, it starts with taking the keys from your friends and family who’ve drunk too much, who don’t pay their staff pensions, medical, anything that fails the moral compass.

      Sorry gone a bit off topic, and congrats to those pupils man enough to be bigger than a lot of so called adults on this island.

  26. Anonymous says:

    OH MY GOD those poor boys when is someone going to do something about these robbers, those boys could of been hurt or killed. How low can people get.

    • Too Obvious says:

      How low? Just keep watching the news in Cayman and you will see. There is nothing of substance being done to stop or even slow down crime in Grand Cayman Yesterday, today,or tomorrow. The facts are there for all to see but for just a few to understand. The leadership on Cayman islands do not have the education, skill, or moral fiber to get the job done period. And they are all too proud to let anyone else do the job for them or tell them what to do. How low? How much lower? Whats next?

  27. Anonymous says:

     Absolutely disgusting! I hope they get locked up for a long time.

  28. Anonymous says:

    If I wasn’t disgusted enough with the theft from the tourists at Barefoot Beach….this makes me sick…..Robbing children, what an all time low…..glad the police caught them.

  29. MER says:

    This is a classic, Cayman has officially gone to the dogs, sorry, I would hate to bring shame to dogs, it’s just gone. First elderlies, preschools and banks, then tourists and now school kids too!!! Yep, we are most definately a “one and only caribbean destination”! We are sinking faster than the Titanic!

  30. anonymous says:

    THIS IS SICK….flog them with a ‘cat-o-nine’ at the court house steps then lock them up and throw away the keys!

  31. big whopper says:

    Utter scum of the earth!…die

  32. Fed up and broke!!!! says:

    A crying shame! Now for all the people to rob…school kids. Where is this counrty coming too? And I really hope they lock them up for a long time and that it was worth the $12.00 they stole.

  33. Scottish,Irish,Jamacian born CAYMANIAN says:

    These two men (ROBBERS) should be made an example of…… NOT just to say what can happen to them, but!….. what WILL happen when they or any one else break the laws of the Cayman Islands and infringe on the safety our society has enjoyed for so many years……..

  34. Anonymous says:

    Seriously? GROWN ***** MEN ROBBING SCHOOL BOYS!!!

    When can we start to tar and feather these thiefing LOOOOOOOSERS?! Or perhaps public gets to beat them down.

    This just ticks me off. If you are that much of a loser who needs $12 from some school kids – here’s an idea – sell ya car since you can’t afford to put gas in it! GO LOOK A JOB and stop blaming society for your pathetic choices in life. There are jobs out there too, so let’s NOT use that lame excuse. CHA!

    P.S. Soon you guys are going to make the mistake of robbing the wrong child/person’s child/adult/elderly couple/random set of people. They will be packing more heat than you, and then and only then, will you realise you should have just gotten a job and made an honest living. We all have to do it? So why can’t you?! Do it now before you are the ones with a gun in your face.

  35. Anonymous says:

    I guess again the police are going to be shocked and appalled on what has happened.  Is this another isolated incident??????

  36. Anonymous says:

    What is Cayman coming to that teenagers can not safely walk to a soccer match without gettong mugged?

    • Anon Y. Mous says:

       gettong!?.. really??? 

      • Anonanus says:

        The semi-intelligent amongst us can recognise the difference between a typographical error and a spelling mistake.