Local Lions build ramp for elderly West Bayer

| 04/04/2011

(CNS): Lions from the Grand Cayman club were getting down to some hard work recently in order to help out an elderly West Bay resident. The club was mixing cement in order to make Hebe Groves-McCartney a much needed wheel chair ramp to help her get in and out of her own home. “The Club’s Social Services Committee received a request seeking assistance to construct a wheel chair ramp for an elderly resident and felt that it was a worthy cause” said Lion President Lion Donnel O’Sullivan.” It is projects such as these that the Club seeks the support from the community each year to assist with and we are continually grateful.

Members who were not mixing concrete also helped by provided refreshments and the materials used to make the ramp. The NRA supplied the all important cement mixer used by the Lions to complete the project.

Lions International is the world’s largest service club organization, with nearly 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in 193 countries. Since 1917 Lions Clubs have aided the blind and visually impaired and made a strong commitment to community service and serving youth throughout the world. For more information about Lions Clubs International logon to www.lionsclubs.org.

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