Annual clean-up attracts 1500 volunteers

| 06/04/2011

(CNS): Grand Cayman was looking considerably cleaner this week thanks to the efforts of more than 1500 people who took part in the Chamber of Commerce 14th Annual Earth Day Roadside Clean-Up last Saturday. Hundreds of people made it out even before the sun was up to begin cleaning-up Cayman’s roadsides and beaches and they were joinedby hundreds more throughout the morning from schools, businesses, churches and other community organisations. “It was a spectacular day,” said Wil Pineau CCE, Chamber CEO. “The community spirit generated by this clean-up event is always extraordinary”

He said everyone came together with the common goal of improving the environment and making it a safer and cleaner place. Sometimes we forget that it is the beauty of the Cayman Islands that is our greatest asset. If we don’t preserve this and take a pride in where we live then we run the risk of losing valuable tourism dollars and investment,” Pineau added.

KPMG’s Kendell Pierre one of the early risers said, “The crack of dawn start on a Saturday morning had me thinking twice about signing up but I’m extremely glad that I did and was able to share in this wonderful experience. I was especially proud to see my little one and so many other young kids doing their bit for our environment.”

Lauren Christie protecting the environment for future generations is arguably one of the biggest challenge we face. “Our firm’s environment policy is geared towards reducing, reusing and recycling with the aim of helping to reduce our local carbon footprint it was great to see so many colleagues ….making a positive impact.”

This year’s sponsors included British Caymanian Insurance Co. Ltd.; The Caledonian Group; Dart Enterprises Ltd.; Island Heritage Insurance; Water Authority-Cayman; Kensington Management Group Ltd.; KPMG; Transocean Inc.; G.E.L. Wholesale & Distributors; FirstCaribbean International Bank; CUC Ltd.; Flowers Bottled Water; The Phoenix Group; Conyers Dill & Pearman; Cayman Islands Yellow Pages; Cayman National; Grant Thornton; Foster’s Food Fair IGA; Department of Environmental Health; Power Flower Ltd.; Mourant Ozannes; Royal Bank of Canada; LIME; CIBC Bank & Trust Company (Cayman) Ltd.; Deutche Bank and staff from the Recreations, Parks & Cemetery Unit of the Ministry of District Administration, Works, Lands and Agriculture and who collected all the trash bags on Monday April 4.

After the clean-up everyone was invited to a FREE brunch at Tiki Beach courtesy of LIME.

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