Crime figures come down

| 05/05/2011

(CNS):The latest statistics released by police reveal that the number of serious crimes has fallen by 113 in the first four months of the year when compared to 2010. The RCIPS said the figure translates to almost a 36percent reduction in serious offences although robberies have still increased by 125 percent. The increase in police operations where weapons have been seized also contributed to a 33 percent rise in cases of possession of unlicensed firearms. However, with no murders so far in 2011, a 90 percent reduction in attempted murder and significant falls in aggravated burglary and burglary, the country’s top cop said Cayman remained one of safest places in the region to live and work.

Overall crime, which includes volume crimes as well as serious crime fell just over 27 pecent resulting in 334 fewer crimes in the first four months of 2011, compared to the same period last year.

“In this four month period there have been hundreds fewer victims of crime than in the same period last year,” Police Commissioner David Baines. “A number of firearms have been seized in targeted operations during the past four months – that’s good news for our communities as it quite simply means that there are fewer guns available for criminal use.”

The commissioner also revealed that the reduction by more than half in drugs arrests since the start of the year was a direct result of a change in tactics for the local police service which has switched from targeting users to targeting dealers. He explained that in an age where every government organisation has to work smarter and make best use of resources, the focus of the RCIPS had moved to those who ply their drugs on the streets instead of those who are consuming drugs, a change which the senior officer said had already shown results.

“Only yesterday and man and woman were arrested in the Bodden Town area as part of a targeted operation, “confirmed Baines. “ Officers seized a large quantity of cash, over 5lbs of Ganja and several items of drugs paraphernalia from their home.”

Baines acknowledged however, that while crime was falling in general, robberies were still on the rise and he raised concerns that victims were not always forthcoming as police believe some of the recent street robberies are connected to illegal gambling.

“In a handful of the street robberies reported the victims are being less than helpful, refusing to provide information or descriptions. We suspect that some of the crimes may be linked to ‘numbers’ and that’s why those involved may not want to assist us. When we have no witnesses and uncooperative victims it makes investigating and solving the crime extremely difficult,” Baines explained.

“However, in some cases witnesses are more than helpful; their bravery and tenacity is remarkable. The most recent example is that of the men who disarmed and detained two suspects following an attempted robbery at Grand Harbour earlier this week. Despite being threatened with a shotgun and pepper sprayed they were absolutely determined that they would hold onto the suspects for those few vital minutes until the police arrived.”

He added that the men were outstanding and he intended to formally recognise their actions.
With robberies still increasing the police continue to carry out targeted robbery patrols and operations and several arrests have been made since the beginning of the year with suspects already in court.
Baines also said that officers continue to work with business owners to make sure that they have the best crime prevention advice possible and that their security measures and cash handling procedures are sound.

Category: Crime

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Meaningless Statistics Again!!!!

    The RCIP is taking credit despite not having achieved anything.Perhaps Mr. Baines can present the statistics on the number of crimes solved – He should be able to count them using the fingers on 1 hand!!!!!

    Enough with this foolishness.

  2. Whodatis says:


    So … when the news is BAD some of us rely on the official statistics to support our criticism of the RCIPS and overall community. However, when the news is GOOD some of us reject the findings and regard the official statistics as false and unreliable.

    Ok – I think I understand.

  3. Anonymous says:

    No murders? What do they think happened to the poor woman who has disappeared from Mt. Trashmore?

  4. Anonymous says:

    Sadly massaging the figures in this way is almost part of senior officer training in the UK.

    The important thing to remember is that these figures represent ‘reported’ crimes. When crime levels are high and clear up rates are low – as they currently are in the Cayman Islands – people don’t bother to report what are regarded as minor crimes because they feel it isn’t worth the effort.

    Perversely, if public confidence in the RCIPSincreased reported crime rates would probably rise as well. 

  5. Anonymous says:

    So… no credit from most of you, just more negativity and criticism. The RCIPS officers, from top to bottom are making in roads, and this release gives some evidence. If they didn’t release anything, you would accuse them over covering up. When they do, they are not the true picture. Crime is down, despite the blip in robberies. No one has died at the hands of a gunman this year so far, so perhaps it is not the crime ridden place some of you would have believe.

    Give the RCIPS and the Commissioner, and all the officers some credit for once. And CNS, I would also respectfully suggest the Commissioner of Police should have the respect of a title such as ‘Mr Baines’ Just using a surname is just plain disrespectful.

  6. Anonymous says:

    I believe this is due to a fall in “reported” crime since people are getting so fed up with the useless police, they aren’t bothering to report the crimes….. I stll hear about crimes that have occurred almost daily

    • Anonymous says:


      You are suggesting that people are reporting GBH, because that has gone up from 4 to 6, but are not reporting Rape because it has dropped from 5 to 1. They are reporting robberies which have increased from 12 to 27, but do not bother to report Attempted murders which are down from 10 to 1, nor do they report murders, of which there were 5 in the first four months of last year, and not one this year?

      You do realise how ridiculous that makes you sound? Sometimes it’s just easier to curse the dark than to light a candle, and all we get is cursing round here. The police are making a difference and continue to make a difference, so unless you can give hard evidence of crimes going un-reported, rather than ‘a guy who was filling his car with gas next to me said that his cousin’s friend says there’s a lot of crime’ sort of comments, we don’t need your criticism round here, because it is not helping these beautiful islands.

  7. Whodatis says:

    Great news!

    Hey Luigi (of "1 Tree Four Five") – to honour and recognize the heroic efforts of Charles and Edward – we need some "Nah today, Bo-Bo!!" t-shirts printed and distributed PRONTO!

    If that isn’t a core element of Caymanian-ness’ then I don’t know what is!

    Captures the moment and the ongoing mood perfectly.


    • Anonymous says:

       I saw on Luigi’s facebook that the designs have been done.

      • Whodatis says:

        Good stuff!

        Thanks for the alert.

        I’ll definitely be sporting mine soon. I hope the little wannabe bad boys get the shaming message.


  8. Anonymous says:

    Oh yes, that makes me feel much better. The RCIPS is devoting time for statistial analysis instead of fighting crime.

    RCIPS have you heard the saying about statistics and lies?

  9. Rafael says:

    It is said that our ability to delude ourselves may be an important survival tool.RCIPS unfortunately has now become the real problem that needs serious and drastic changes which by the way were promised, but like everything else in Cayman too lazy or too hard to get done, so crime is like a bicycle wheel coming and going in cycles.

  10. Anonymous says:

    27% = 334 means 100% = 1237. Over four months that is an average of 10 crimes per day!!!

  11. Anonymous says:

    Wonderful news to our hardworking RCIP. THANK YOU.

  12. Anonymous says:

    If corruption was included in the crime statistics I am not sure that the numbers would be down.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Thanks to the Charles-inator and the Edward-inator we might have a few less armed robberies in the coming months…

  14. Anonymous says:

    334 crimes less in the first FOUR months? This is 6 crimes per 1,000 in 4 months.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Armed robbery is not a serious crime?

  16. Anonymous says:

    Let’s not rest Cayman!  Charles and Edward did their part earlier this week and we all need to stand up and let criminals know thatwe will not accept them and their behavior in our society.

    But it goes further than that: volunteer at a school, church, scouts, or any youth organization.  I’ve met numerous wonderful children in Cayman and, no matter what their home life, they’re all looking for guidance and support.  I’m asking everyone who reads this to give some time to the youth in our community, even if its only one hour per week.

    The police catch criminals, but its our job as citizens to prevent criminals!


    • Common Sense says:


      National Council of Voluntary Organisations

      P.O.Box 1140  

        Ph: 1-345-949-2124
      Grand Cayman, KY1-1102   Fax: 1-345-945-8180
      Cayman Islands   E-mail:
  17. Anonymous says:

    Whilst the RCIPS will no doubt get criticism here, one must acknowledge that they are making the required effort & are calling for the public’s continued help. This includes assistance from those that harbor & ‘enable’ criminals to act. Without the publics help they ( RCIP) face an uphill battle. As a community, give them the help they need & the respect they deserve.

  18. Wondering... says:

    “…the number of serious crimes has fallen by 113 in the first four months of the year when compared to 2010…”

    I hope they fix the crime problem, but just reading that there were MORE THAN 113 SERIOUS CRIMES in the first 4 months of 2010 so as to have DROPPED BY THAT MUCH in the first 4 months of 2011… I mean holy crap, what happend to Cayman? No wonder people are leaving and the tourist product is shot to hell.