More unemployed youngsters pass through training

| 05/05/2011

(CNS): Another group of young people have passed through the government’s employment programme Passport2Success. Twenty one students recently graduated from the third session which government hopes will make young people more employable. The programme is not a job creation scheme but a course designed to teach high school leavers how to get and then keep a job by teaching resume writing, interview skills, conflict avoidance, as well as how to dress and act in a work environment. Education Minister, Rolston Anglin, said the key objective of the programme is to provide a “seamless bridgesto success,” as he delivered an address at the commencement ceremony.

“Young people need to be prepared not only to take advantage of opportunities when they arise, but also to make positive contributions to any organisation they join,” he added. Reminded participants that skills had to be accompanied by the right approach, he added:. “You have greater potential for long-term success if you mix the skills you’ve just gained with the right attitude. The one thing you have 100 percent control over is yourself… your outlook, your attitude, and the way youinteract with others. This will have the greatest impact on whether or not you succeed.”

Participant Cindy Hydes said that the programme was a great experience. “Some folks don’t know how to write a résumé, speak in public or work in groups and this programme teaches you all of that,” she explained. “When I started I was really shy and reserved and had no idea what I was doing. But the programme gave me confidence and made me step out of my comfort zone. I also learned patience and how to keep my cool. It taught me how to improve myself in lots of ways.”
Andy Vernon, who believes he’s now better equipped to present himself to others, said he definitely encourages his peers to try the programme. He said young Caymanians needed to step up make use of the opportunity provided by government and stop complaining. “We’re now on a global platform, competing against persons from near and far and we need to be ready for that.”

Eight participants were specially recognised for their growth and dedication throughout the 12-week programme. Denry Howell was judged the most outstanding participant, while Cindy Hydes and Darin Conolly took Leader in the Making awards.

Alejandro Calidonio and Geanna Bodden received Commitment to Growth awards, while Kizzie Codlyn was deemed the Most Improved Participant, and Alexander Smiley and Tatiana Hodgson earned Rising Star awards.

A free public-private-funded initiative, Passport2Success targets young Caymanians aged 17 – 20 years, who are recent high school graduates and who have not yet found suitable employment. It is co-sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Training & Employment; the Butterfield Group; CML Offshore Recruitment and LIME.

The fourth programme in the series started on 2 May. For more details, visit, email The Wellness Centre on or call Shannon Seymour on 949-9355.


Category: Local News

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