Bush leaves for Trinidad for regional bank meeting

| 23/05/2011

(CNS):With no budget to deliver to his legislative colleagues yet, the premier left the country Monday afternoon for a meeting in Trinidad & Tobago. The Premier's Office said that McKeeva Bush set off for the 41st Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) in Port-of-Spain. The meeting takes place on Wednesday and Thursday of this week (May 25 and 26). Bush is currently the chairman-elect of the CDB Board of Governors and Cayman will be hosting next year's meeting. At this year's meeting the Cayman premier will be delivering the closing remarks at the end of the two day meeting.

The British Overseas Territories of Cayman Islands, Anguilla, British Virgin Islands, Montserrat and Turks and Caicos Islands are collectively regarded as one member of the Board of Governors.

The CDB was established in the late sixties and opened in 1970 to assist member countries with socio-economic development programmes and to reduce poverty in the region.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Ok so now I am worried about the entire caribbean.

  2. Anonymous says:


  3. Anonymous says:

    This clearly states what is more important to our premier. Going off to a board meeting or presenting a budget for the country? Enough said.

  4. Just Sayin' says:

    McKeeva and banks don't have the greatest record of working out that well together.

  5. Anonymous says:

    LMAO this is like a comedy show first the Govenor talks crap then McKeeva sing song  England does want to sign off on the budget and then picks up and leaves on one of his many trips. What England need to do is step in and cut down on the civil service starting with McKeeva and the rest of these high money making not doing nothen for the counrty MLAS beside digging a bigger hole for us the people of the country.

  6. 3RD CLASS CITIZEN says:

    There was a television show way back called the "Flying Nun". Now we have a politician with no education, no budget, no hope and no future for his country. So what should we call him? The flying fool.

    Cut up our government credit cards. Now.

  7. Anonymous says:

    More foolishness

  8. Whodatis says:

    Skype anyone?

    Hopefully with Microsoft's recent purchase of Skype our Premier will soon realize that all of this troublesome traveling can be a thing of the past.

    Hmmm, maybe not though – after all, one would require the skills relating to the turning on of a computer.

  9. Lachlan MacTavish says:

    As I said on another thread it is easy to travel that face the problems and make decisions.

  10. Anonymous says:

    He should have gone for the job of Treasurer instead of Chairman.

  11. Poly Ticks says:

    The gall of this guy… He failed to prepare a functioning budget for the Island, and now he's off on another trip to chat about things that will not help Caymanians in the slightest.  What gall!

  12. Anonymous says:

    You mean to say he is still travelling with a rinky-dinky budget looming over the Cayman Islands???  Merciful Father, this man never stops!!!!   And every time he comes back he brings back more bad new!!  People,  brace back, he is returning with a special delivery again.  Just watch and see.

  13. Anonymous says:

    "The CDB was established in the late sixties and opened in 1970 to assist member countries with socio-economic development programmes and to reduce poverty in the region."

    – to which none of its efforts have appeared have worked.

    • Anonymous says:

      Has'nt the CDB funded projects for Cayman such as the Airport? Let us get some real facts before we open our mouths.

    • Anonymous says:

      We cannot afford to host this meeting next year. Anyone stopped to consider what that will cost us? Things like Civil Servants to staff the meeting need to be included.

  14. It is what it is says:

    This means that Mckeeva has gone in his capacity as Chairman Elect  NOT as Premier so I assume this trip would not be funded by the public purse.  *wakes up and smells the manure*  Never mind.

    • Anonymous says:

      Do you really believe that CDB can afford the Premier's expensive taste?