Drop rollover, says Alden

| 16/06/2011

(CNS): The opposition leader has revealed that the People’s Progressive Movement now believes, eight years after its introduction, that it is time to drop the controversial seven year term limit on work permit holders (aka rollover), which he says is causing too many problems for the business community. Alden McLaughlin called on the government to introduce a more equitable, business friendly system during his budget debate on Wednesday in the Legislative Assembly. In his contribution he raised a number of issues that he said were undermining the country’s potential economic recovery including immigration. (Photo by Dennie Warren Jr)

The PPM’s new leader said that the premier often spoke about immigration reform but had only been tinkering around the edges and it was now time to confront the rollover issue.

“We in the opposition believe the time has come to abandon the rollover policy in favour of a more business friendly approach,” he said. Although the law was passed by the previous United Democratic Party administration and the opposition, McLaughlin said he had also supported the policy but it was now clear that it was creating problems for the business community and the country as a whole. He said it discouraged people from settling into the community and created real difficulties for businesses, who were forced to lose trusted staff, often at a critical juncture.

The PPM leader said government should change the policy and introduce new legislation that will allow all work permit holders who have reached the eight year mark to make an application for permanent residency. He said that everyone should be required to do so within two years but not every application should be granted. People wouldneed to show real commitment to society and a means of supporting themselves, the opposition leader noted. McLaughlin said that the bar should not be set so high that only property owning professionals would be awarded residency, nor should the bar be so low as to allow everyone to receive PR.

The opposition leader said abandoning the seven year limit would assist businesses and address the wide dissatisfaction in the community about the policy, which he said discouraged people from putting down roots and integrating.

McLaughlin noted that the UDP had successfully convinced the voting public that the “PPM was anti-foreigner” and that it was it the previous government, of which he was a part, that had driven away business because of it. McLaughlin said it was simply not true and that in reality business was now being driven away as a result of the current government’s economic policies, which had pushed up the cost of doing business to unprecedented levels.

McLaughlin accused the premier of being “hell bent” on assisting a select few major international investors with concessions and waivers and permits but was doing nothing at all to assist local business or those in the financial sector that had been here for many years and were the backbone of the economy.

He said the premier appeared to be obsessed with big business to the detriment of smaller businesses that were crippled by UDP policies from the increase in fuel duty to the cost of work permits and other business fees.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Political postering, plain and simple.  Drop the rollover and I hope you also allow people to get PR and Status after 7 years and give them the ability to stand for political office after 10 years, to wear, Berkas, and the traditional Muslim clothes en mass and to hold other forms of worship to build other places of worship other than Christian Churches.

    Thank God for human rights and the Cayman Islands will have it soon. Oh I am ready for the challenges in the human rights courts of justice and I hope the first one is about the many children that are being born here of non Caymanian parents.  I just hope as a lawyer Alden is willing to see all this happen.


  2. Anonymous says:

    Mac, I think we need to put a stop to this madness, and the only way is for you parlimentarians to get in the assembly and ammend the Immigration laws, and the constituation.

    Ammend the constituation where it defines  Caymanian status. No one who needs a paper to become Caymanian should have the same privialage as the born Caymanian, this was the biggist mistake we ever made.

    Give them all PR with the rights to live and work only.

    I see three fares in the Caymanian people: one is losing their businesses to the influx of expats to the transition to having Caymanian status.

    I see the fare of Caymanians, in regards to  status holders being able to vote, this will difinatly wipe out the Indigenous Caymanians, they predict  the voting public being unbalanced  within the year 2025.

    I see the fare in Caymanians, of not being incontrol of their destany anymore,  and just hating foreigenres

    Mac, it is the lack of propper Immigration laws and regulations that was not put in place, that is causing our people to hate foreigners, these people  need to know what to expect, whenever they come to this country.

    How come Bermuda has no problem with the human rights? are they on another planet? 

    • Anonymous says:

      I agree with you, but you need to use FEAR instead of FARE in your presentation.

      This is important use of grammar if you are to be taken seriously.

  3. Anonymous says:

    RIP PPM !!!

    • Anonymous says:

      RIP PPM and UDP!  If any MLAs or young Caymanians wanted to branch off and start their own party, NOW would be the time!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Why not simply ask people after a certain # of years (maybe 10) if they want to be Cayman citizen. If so, they can apply but have to denounce any other citizenships at the same time. Obviously this would not apply to the British as this is a British dependant territory.

    This would make it very clear who really wants to be in Cayman and who doesn't. Lots of other countries do not allow dual citizenships…….

  5. Anonymous says:

    said it before….

    the only people who should be rolled over are caymanians! …maybe after ayear overseas they will come back with a slightly broader view of the world!

    • Ebanks says:

      OH Let me reassure you that it only take MANY of us ONE WEEK to personally experience and recognise the lesser qualities that many other countries possess. 

      OH and let me reassure you that we KMOW that the Cayman Islands possesses what every foreign person that reach our shores are looking for otherwise they would leave after ONE WEEK thus eliminating the need for work permits, PR many other any immiigration matters!!

      We have a great "view" of this world, that's whywe are constantly addessing matters and issues that many bring to our shores, wanting to make chnages to our country as if where they have come from is any better.  If it was, they would have not arrived here in the first instance OR would quickly return once it has been proven that their country is better/superior than ours.

      At present, have you heard of or noticed any massive lines of persons queuing up at the airline counters trying to leave Cayman?

      I thought not!!

      Just wait tho, til a Cat 4 hurricane is approaching.  You want to see line-up and airline departures!!!!  Hang around for a while, you'll have a "view" of what it truly means to be Caymanian.




      • Anonymous says:

        I REALLY do not appreciate your comment about "hanging around for a hurricane".

        I was here for Ivan,i stayed for the whole thing and the aftermath,i can say that i helped get some normality back to the island like so many others.


        As for the line at the airport a lot of those people were also from the Cayman Islands,one of them who was my boss at the time and is from the Island, ran to Miami without even a phone call to me,and then returned TEN WEEKS later,and then decided to call me.

        You can't put people into a box when it comes to things like this.





    • Anonymous says:

      What make you assume that Caymanians do not have a broad view?

      We are some of the most travelled persons in the world from time immemorial from our seafaring heritage. After all it was Caymanians who built Cayman.

      Now we have persons like you coming here to ride on what was built by us, imposing your values and culture and to top it off attempting to kick us out.

      We are tired of such insults and our children will not have the tolerance we have had.

      If you don't like it here and our system, then why are you here and what is preventing you from returning to your homeland, or are you indeed homeless? Or have a reason not to return? We have 5 flights a day to Miami alone.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Won't need to drop the rollover after the lastest news of the oil refinery – mass exodus!

  7. Anonymous says:

    First of all I am a born and raised Caymanian and I am sick and tired of reading degrading racial comments from Caymanians and Ex-pats alike bickering about who is better off living in Cayman and who suppose to get the jobs. If there were no Expats coming to Cayman…Cayman would not be the place it is today. I am 25 years old and I have met great ex-pats who I beleive are waaaayyy better than some of my own Caymainian people. Dont get me wrong there are great Caymanian people as well. Just as how we all lived together as oen back in the day…so we should be able to do so now. Yes…there are few that want to come in to take advantage of the Caymanian people…but not everybody come with that same concept. Just how we have a process in immigration when it comes to work permit holders, so should the process be at all times. If immigration does not see it fit for someone to stay then they will not renew their permit. Why have the rollover policy? There are good people who have to uproot and leave a place where they call home of seven years…only because of ignorant government policies. I suggest we all wake up make a stand and come together as one.

  8. Anonymous says:

    A frequent comment is in regards to the poor education system in Cayman which turns out graduates who seemingly are not able to enter a job market for various reasons. I believe in the past it has been said this applies to public and private schools alike.

    If this is the case, then surely this applies to ALL children, expat children and local children alike and therefore the worry should not just be that Caymanians are not qualified enough to find jobs in the future, but also expat children would be struggling to find jobs here or anywhere else.

  9. Anonymous says:

    I am baffled to no end by the hateful posts on this blog from expats and locals alike. Is that where politricks has gotten us to?

    No wonder children grow up to have no respect for anything or anybody.

  10. :)) PPM says:

    Alden spoke on News 27 about his change of mind on the Rollover policy. He stated that his "thinking ought to evolve."

    So I must wonder. Is that a strength or a weakness?

    • Anonymous says:

      It is a strength.


      • Anonymous says:

        Sorry people, a party leader should have a solid platform. They should know what they stand for and stick to it. Not flip-flop, still in the valley of decision!

  11. Anonymous says:

    It's about time..Now lets see if McKeeva will follow through with it or just let it remain as a political campaign tool for the next election..

    It's time to put country first and get rid of this stupid policy that has lead to the demise of many businesses and caused unwelcomed problems particularly for those with children and special needs family members.

    McKeeva, now is the time to seize the day…Go for it!! You cant go back and say that Alden or the PPM would have tried to stop you. Do what is right for the country and get rid of this albatross that has been strangling us for years.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, it's time to finish wipe out the Caymanian businesses. All you fighting for the dismantling of the roll over policy, must not have business that were taking over by most of these people that were given status and PR.

      It is a known fact and clear evidence that most of the Caymanian businesses have been wiped out by status holders and PR persons.

      I will speak in regards to the construction industry, before this atroscity happened, we had a little over 200 business licenses to carry on construction work, now at this present time, we have over 700 business license,  not counting the other line of medium and small businesses.

      Most of us have  been in construction all our lives, only to be wiped out, by these status holders, and fly by night cowboys.

      What the Government should have done,was to give  PR only, with the entitlement to live and work only, by giving them status they have all entitlement under the immigration laws, which were established for them only.The only laws that were made for Caymanians, is to f—d them up.

      We are not saying you can't own a business, but not by the way of the lunacy law that exist, where else  in the world can you walk up to the business of commerce board, and be granted a trade and business lincense, with the only qualification and criteria, that you are now a status holder, and the law says you must give me a license, this is pure madness.

      Try going  to the U.S and shack up with an American citezen, then use her or him to acquire a trades license , and you carry on the roofing business, while he or she works in some other business, the  chance of that American getting that license, with  the only criteria, being an American, is very slim.

      But in Cayman, that is not so, the evidence is all over the place, the authorities are fu—ng the small and medium businesses here everyday, by selling these license for a mere CI$1,000.00

      They refuse to change the law. they have no intension of either.

      Ipersonally know of roll overs, that worked in the construction industry, went as far to apply to the police force for a job, so they could stay on Island, and continue to illegally, conduct his construction business.


      and not by way of saying only Caymanians should hold a business license, for certain businesses, that is what has f—d the small and medium businesses all this time, you are turning expats, daily into being Caymanians.

      Ammend the law,and let a panel decide who should own  a trades license, just like the way they do it in countries, these people are from.

      Can you buy a drivers license, without some sort of knowledge, stop the madness. 


      • Forelock says:

        I have a different view of the phenomena you discuss here.

        The 700 or so business licences you speak of were caused by Hurricane Ivan when many Caymanians saw an opportunity to open a sideline business and hire many expats who were temporarily displaced from their regular jobs by the storm.

        Many of those companies were “fly by night” and so damaged the overall reputation of Cayman’s Construction industry so that now the perception is that construction companies run by Caymanians are second rate. It’s not true but it is the perceived truth.

        Also, Hurricane Ivan caused everybody who was thinking of commencing a residential development to accelerate it to meet a short term artificial demand for housing to replace those badly damaged by the Storm.

        This sudden increase in construction projects compounded the demand for contractors who hired more expats to fulfill it.

        The Government quickly became accustomed to the new and expanded revenue stream provided by this short term construction boom. It had to end at some point.

        The construction boom ended just as the worldwide financial crises began

  12. noname says:

    Leader of the Opposition Alden Mclaughlin like our Grand Premier Bush seem to think Cayman has a limitless land mass that can be sold off to the detriment of the Caymanian people,which if you look at this very serious situation which is jeopardizing the future of Cayman and its people. If the truth be told alot of the property is already in the hands of foreign nationals encouraged by like minded and greedy selfserving Caymanians and their foreign realestate agents. What Mr Alden should be proposing as a Caymanian looking out for his own people who voted for him,is not allowing everybody who same to believe they have a right after arriving on these shores looking jobs and economic prosperity to disenfranchise Caymanians and the future of their children.
    But alas he too like many of our selfish and predjudice leaders has succumb to the economic power and influence of the foreign hoard and the governing power who encourages this behaviour to control Caymanians. Look around Mr Mclaughlin see who is suffering look at who is jobless and while our children head off to prison and youth detention centers blamed on bad parenting, theirs head off to better and higher education. Look out for yourself Caymanians they have now imported their entire foreign infastructure into our government and private sector and our elected government simply doesn’t care for us their solution is to sell more land to them and build bigger prisons for us.Its time to stop selling your land Cayman because you are infact giving up your power and influence to them.

  13. Ebanks says:

    Very Interesting… Ezzard Miller appears to be shifted more towards PPM side. I wonder what he is thinking now about Alden Mclaughlin's change of stance on the Rollover Policy. Alden has demonstrated to his party that he still does not have a political platform just like UDP. Swayed about by circumstances. They all have no political platform…. so when you vote for them, you don't know for certain what issues you are voting for. A political party should have well establish tenets.

    I guess people will wise-up and learn to vote more Independents in next election.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Chuckie's departure from the PPM was timed right……Arden you late Bo Bo. The englishman is running the show and Alden is his puppet……its been that way from day one !!!

  15. Anonymous says:

    "The PPM leader said government should change the policy and introduce new legislation that will allow all work permit holders who have reached the eight year mark to make an application for permanent residency. He said that everyone should be required to do so within two years but not every application should be granted".

    What this does not say is what happens if your application is not granted. That is the crux of the issue. Are you then rolled over? What about appeals against refusals?

    Mr. McLaughlin's intentions may be good but it is clear that he has not considered the sheer volume of application of applications that would ensue if every single permit holder who has resided in the Islands for the requisite period is entitled to apply for permanent residency. The CSPR Board and the Appeals Tribunal are already overwhelmed. The additional burden would mean that the whole system would cease to function altogether. It seems to me that this would require a fundamental overhaul of the entire process.    

    • Anonymous says:

      "It seems to me that this would require a fundamental overhaul of the entire process".

      Exactley. The sheer volume of the applications will necessitate an increase in the size of the bureaucacy. In other words, MORE JOBS FOR CAYMANIANS!



      • Anonymous says:

        Did it completely escape you that the main reason why are in such a financial crisis is because our civil service is already too large? Do you think employing MORE civil servants will be agood thing for the country, or will satisfy the UK's demands?

  16. Anonymous says:

    Yes Mr. Alden please drop the rollover and I hope that the human rights convention will also give people who have lived here all their lives or for  30 or more years the right to hold elected office in these islands, and people who live here for 7 or more years must be given the right to vote in the general election, now this is true democracy.

    Well done away with the rollover policy, also people should not be tied to one employer they should be free to be able to work in any field that they are qualified to work in once they get a work permit.


  17. Whodatis says:

    Interesting how everyone came to the same conclusion of to who my earlier post was describing even though no there was no actual mention of the group.

    That alone speaks volumes folks.

    Albeit discomforting, I have spoken nothing but truth. I did not create the situation, I simply observe it.

    The bottom line is that if more people were sincere with their efforts to integrate into Caymanian society (meaning not just the weather, fine dining, beaches and stray animals) then many perceived grievances in regards to immigration would not even exist.


  18. Anonymous says:

    Is that it, Alden? That's the sum of your stimulus package ideas? My goodness, such vision, such imagination. Tell you what, when you can cobble together something even vaguely constructive, get back to me for my vote. I'll await your call. Yawn.

    • Anonymous says:

      It is not the role of the Opposition, but that of the Govt., to produce a stimulus package. The last "stimulus package" Alden delivered, namely the construction of the schools, he has been roundly criticised for.

      • Anonymous says:

        And how many Caymanian contractors did he stimulate?

        So far the count on Building contractors, that the UDP has stimulated is numbered at  20 +, thank God for the UDP.

      • Anonymous says:

        poor peoples mistake aka ppm do not have a clue as to how stimulate the economy all Alden thrives on is bbmng. Lol

  19. Anonymous says:

    I for one am a UK resident about to move to Cayman because I love the place and the few Caymanians I met when I worked over there for 6 months in 2008 were lovely people and I want to integrate and become a permanent resident.  Hopefully I will get past the rollover policy if its still in place; and I for one will be buying a property after a couple of years (assuming I can save enough for a deposit and get a mortgage).  I'm not coming for the money, just the place and the people.  I would rather integrate with local people and feel part of something real than integrate with only ex-pats most of whom are hell-bent on taking asmuch as they can out of the economy back home (wherever that is) and getting drunk whenever they can.

    • Anonymous says:

      So in the 6 months you lived here your experience was that most expats are hellbent on getting drunk?

      Well lickle pickney – Let me tell you that the only way for you to know that, is that you were in the middle of it. I can name of the top of my head, hundreds of expats that do not even party more than once a week, and thats being generous that they do it once a week! So please stop making stupid comments based on your experience drinking on this island. Remember, when, or if, but would rather you didn't now, come back here, you will be one of those statistics. Do you want to be one of those? No, didn't think so. Its people like you that give expats more of a bad name.

      So do us all a favor and stay in England with all your fellow countrymen and all the shootings and stabbings. Now, its not nice when you put someone else down now is it?

      Alright then

      • Anonymous says:

        Hey Mon. 'im do da integrating but 'im head stuck in da sand mon,


  20. Anonymous says:

    Bravo Mr. Alden.

    Brains and Guts all in one package. It is about time we abandon the protectionist policies of the past which have led us to the mess we're in today. Caymanians need to integrate into the global workforce with everyone else. Favoritism and job hand-outs do not work.

    Your biggest challenge ahead will be to show Caymanians, (many who have commented below) that it is to Cayman's economic advantage to grow its' financial industry by welcoming and giving permanence to the leaders and business owners who operate the global corporations. Doing this will help Cayman move upward in world rank as a financial powerhouse. Companies that relocate here will make this their home base of operation if the conditions set by government are favourable. The jobs and economic growth will follow. We will not become a world leader in the financial sector by treating those in charge like guests instead of the permanent residents that they should be.

    Thank you!


    • Anonymous says:


      You speak for one industry only, what about the Construction Industry, should we step aside and let these same financiers, show us Caymanians how our economy can grow, by them seeking out their own country men or some one  different, from a Caymanian to build their homes, do you really think this is fare? can you say who built your home here? growth for whom?

      We have a construction Association here and I don't see any request  for these builders, yes, I see alot of strange names on vans, parked on these same financiers building sites.


      Thank you!

  21. Anon says:

    It could work. We would just have to make the requirements for RERC stricter.

    On a side note. The argument that rollover forces businesses to lose trusted staff…isn't that what key employee is for. If you can't prove that someone in your employment is a key employee then they weren't really a key part of your business. 

    • Anonymous says:

      I know of many key employees who did not get key employee status and none that did.  It did not make any difference if they were needed or not.  The Key employee deal was just another failed promise in a long line of many.

    • Forelock says:

      A few months ago there was a headline from GIS “fifty percent of key employee applications granted” implying the process was working.

      As a Caymanian businessman I thought it represented a spectacular failure because it shows that the immigration board thinks it knows better than the entrepreneur half the time.

      That’s what’s wrong!

      Get out of the way Government. We’ll do the rest.

  22. Anonymous says:

    I like many others came to this Island just after Ivan to help out and rebuild.  I could not believe the devastation and at times me and my wife wanted to turn back, but stayed knowing the island needed help. I am an experienced and very knowledgeable tradsemen.  I have trained many young Caymanians in my trade and I get pleasure teaching my skills and knowledge to the youth, and one big oversight I see in Cayman is the lack of a Technical Institute and training facility in order to fill a multitude of jobs that are need to keep a society running smoothly. It is time this country realizes that not everyone is so academically inclined and that there are many other talents young people have to offer and perhaps would be a lot happier in persuing.

     Together we have made a decent living here in Cayman and have contributed our earnings back into the Cayman economy not sending it overseas and also volunteered our time in the community helping out  those in need.

    We came with the idea it was for a short time, but have grown to love it here. But like others have had to live with the uncertainty and reminders that you will have to go, even though we would love to stay as we have made a life here "home is where the heart is".

    Now for the sad news or maybe the good news for some, we are getting rolled over are seven years are up like the many others that came after Ivan. I hope that the island does not get hit with another devastating storm because I will not be able to help.  I just won't have the energy to come back and do this all over again. So good bye my friends and thank you Cayman for all the great memories.

  23. Slowpoke says:

    Oh Great, another “amendment” to a totally antiquated and increasingly irrelevant law. 

    There have been so many amendments, that “interpretation” of this law has taken over.  It has become a question of not what the law says, but who you get to interpret it, at any one particular point in time (I just had this experience today, between a senior Caymanian Immigration Officer and a Caymanian Lawyer).

    I have said it before, it will be very painful for all, but we need to repeal the whole thing and start afresh.

  24. Anonymous says:

    In case you all didn't know, PPM have been suffering from political illness for sometime now(since early June 2009). The PPM was diagnosed by the island's chief psychiatrist Dr Bush in late 2009,the medical report showed PPM to be suffering from political depression,political anxiety and political bi-polar.Dr. Bush then prescibed the powerful anti depressant 'polizac' and recommended PPM spend sometime in a political institution,PPM only spent two and a half months there and then stopped taking their medication a short time after .Of course as expected things went rapidly downhill from there,finally on the 16th of June @6:56 am PPM committed political suicide………So,So sad,May the PPM rest in peace.

    • Anonymous says:

      Too bad not even Dr. Bush can diagnose YOUR sickness. BTW we sincerely hope he is a better doctor than he is leader.

    • Anonymous says:

      The PPM may be suffering from political bi-polar but how the UDP leader acts maybe the UDP is suffering from bi-polar as well

  25. Anonymous says:

    But look at Baby Shambles now like the rest turning your back on your own people we always knew you were a sellout. Looking votes 2013 and taking advice from UK's boy in the PPM

    • Anymous says:

      I know it must be a different Alden saying this.  Boy people can change.

  26. Anonymous says:

    You must be joking Cayman better think up a fairer way to alleviate this problem,  We are not the USA, Canada, or The UK we cannot accomodate & control what expats we have here now, especially the low class labourers, milking Cayman through Money Gram, Western Union, Quick Cash  & the other Transfer companies.

    Cayman needs to put in place more strict policies/measures on the lower income workers,they are the ones that should not be allowed here more than a year at a time, they get too comfortable living here & when it is time to go they don't want to leave, they are the ones destroying the fabric of our country & when the @^*(()) hits the fan they just jump on a plane & return to their home land,

    They are driving/keeping away the people with money from chosing Cayman as their choice destination to live & visit.

    These polititians are a bunch of jokers the outside world must be looking at Cayman & laughing their heads off at the way Cayman poltitians have let foreigners out number them in their own country nowhere else in the world has that ever happenned & now they want to relax their policies to allow more low class workers here, who are not contributing to the economy just Quick Cash & the other Transfer companies sucking Cayman dry & financing their own Countries

    Cayman needs toput a stop to this Immediately 


  27. 5G Caymanian says:


    I hope you know that the ONLY difference between an expat with PR and ourselves is that they don't have the right to vote

    I hope you can now appreciate that the right to vote is more detrimental to our existence than it is of any good to our preservation or protection.

    I hope you know that they are given the same rights to apply and get ANY job, thru the same process as Caymanians.

    I hope you know that they do not have to apply for a work permit on they get PR.

    I hope you know that PR is ONLY a camouflage for Caymanian status.

    We already know that we are the MINORITY of the Caymanian population,

    We already know that the ONLY UNEMPLOYED persons in Cayman are Caymanians.

    We already know that many of those unemployed Caymanians possess professional qualifications, some are at managerial level and possess vast knowledge and experience of our banking and financial industries and many are those who are trying to improve their knowledge while making some sore of scrafice of working and continuing their college education at night

    We already know that if those persons that are currently unemployed were lazy, they would not contunually apply for jobs, or list themselves we the recruitment agencies, or continually search news papaers or research Ecay Trade website or pick up the telephone an make calls in hope of finding a job.

    Therefore I'm asking you thses QUESTIONS:  

    (1)HOW can we progress in our own Country when our very own Govt, our leaders, our laws and many of our own people are against us???

    (2) HOW can we progress in our own Country when words such as "Unemployable" are used by our Education minister to describe us Caymanians in such a way that its discriminating and condescending???

    (3) HOW LONG will we sit back and allow our very own people to treat us this way???

    Please le us not waiit til 2013 elections for many of us would be HOMELESS loooooong before this time.

    Lets give our country the best but also expect and demand the best from our country!!

    Cayman – I care!!

  28. The lone haranguer says:

    While McKeeva is signing up 250 million dollars in work that is going to turn Cayman around the do nothing no ideas big spending crowd is rehashing old news, well done lads keep up the good work.

  29. Right ya so says:

    The rollover policy didn't & doesn't work! Never has, never will. Look what we got when it was implemented. A new group who have no reason to put down roots in Cayman.

    The status giveaway didn't work either! Many people that shouldn't have received status got it & many, many more that should have, didn't.

    Everyone should be allowed the right to apply to stay in Cayman but they must meet certain criteria which must be fully adhered to. Period.


    Caymanians need to improve the quality of education provided.  Do NOT expect to get a job just because you are Caymanian! I will NOT hire you if you can't read or write basic English, aren't interested in furthering your education and aren't willing to put in the little extra that is sometimes needed on the job. I'm ashamed to be Caymanian when I see the cv's that come across my desk – I cannot believe that these people were allowed to leave school unable to read or write properly. Parents need to step up & parent their children.

    Expats have, particularly in the  last 10 years or so, stuck to themselves and are making no attempt to integrate. In many instances I cannot blame them – I wouldn't want to be friends with someone that doesn't want me here.

    Caymanians don't want to mix with the expats either – we're stick ofbeing criticised, told that we're stupid, that "we're only here for the money" etc. etc. and after hearing this many times for many years the doors slam shut – beat a dog with a stick and one day he'll bite back..

    And then you have the haves and the have nots, whether Caymanian or otherwise, and there's a whole other can of worms.

    And this is the same issue thatplagues every country that has foreign workers – Canada has it, England, the US, the EU – everyone. And if you think they don't, you're walking around with your eyes shut.

    • Anonymous says:

      Right ya so ,

      what is your solution? you don't want the exudos of status, you dont want the roll over policy, well  tell us what to do with 22,000 workers that will qualify for status within this present time, and the next 9 years, and the next 9 years.that adds to 66,000

      and that goes for all you expats, that wants Cayman to give all 22,000  of you status, what will you do when you become one of us and the next 22,000 that will get status after you, which will slim your chances of a job, or wipe your business out.

      You might be right, that Caymanians don't want to mix, but can you say why? do you really think, it is plesant for a Caymanian, that depended all his life on working in the construction field to now watch,  all these strange names on vans, parked off on expats building sites, and the only thing they are guilty of, is wanting  to continue with what they know best…construction…but instead, being wiped out by these expats builders.


  30. Anonymous says:

    Don't forget, most of you putting thumbs down to people getting on Alden can't vote. You don't want to have any requirements laid out in front of you so you can stay. Buy a home, do community service, pay that Work Permit fee for 7 years (and then for another 6 years until you apply for status) . Pay your dues. Most of us long time expats did. There are no free rides. Cayman is small. This is not Arizona or New Mexico. Earn your right to stay or go home.

  31. Big Whopper says:

    Bye Bye Alden….was a good run

  32. Scott McLaughlin Ebanks says:

    I think its time to implement the same immigration policies that Bahamas did!!!


  33. Anonymous says:

    Cayman needs to decide what it wants, pass some laws that it wants, follow those laws, live within its means and get on with it.

  34. Anonymous says:

    We need to keep the roll-over system in place. Just wait until the economy starts to rebound and it will be a moot point.

    The rollover was in place from the 1970's but never properly policed. Now it is suddenly an issue.

    We have to stop this type of short-term thinking and policy change every four years as it is harming the Caymanian people. No wonder we are falling behind with this type of yoyo thinking.

  35. Anonymous says:

    Alden  you need go sit your self down. You was the same one who said that roll over was here to stay . Look ya bobo it we the people that vote una in and we the same people going vote una out that goes for all two sides PPM & UDP una all alike looking votes when election  come around it na going work this time the people FED UP.

    • Anonymous says:

      Look ya confused anonymous. You need go sit yourself down. At least until you decide which side you are on, OK?

  36. Anonymous says:

    I think that people need to realize that the expat vs local issues has been and is still fed by both sides, and that both sides have equally contributed to the downfall in previous good relations. To think otherwise is just plain childish.

    One thing I would like to add though. Please spare the "I would have bought a house but I don't have any security bla bla". What if your employer decides not to renew your work permit for whatever reason? There is always a risk, especially if you buy property abroad.

  37. anonymous says:

    HAhahaha,alden looking fa Jamaican and Honduran votes,nice try McChavezlin,YOU CANNOT TEST THE UDP!!!

  38. Anonymous says:

    Its all about the cash you have or who you know. There are a lot of people here with status who dont deserve it and a lot of people without status who should have it. The old system was better. Put in your years. I remember people who did 20 years on permits before they applied for anything. Whether its rollovers or mass handouts it does not work.

    • Anonymous says:

      Finallysomeone brought up the rollover again.  I believethe real estate has been greatly effected by the rollover also.  Who wants to invest into any real estate if they have to go home…..this would have boosted the economy a bit, but no we sold Cayman out to a foreigner..yes a foreigner just because he has status, he is nevertheless a foreigner!!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      The "old system" as you may recall was believed to be in violation of human rights. Permit holders complained bitterly about the anxiety of not knowing whether their permit would be renewed. How memories fade.   

      • Anonymous says:

        A work permit holder in any country has anxieties.  They didn't come to live forever.

        It's logical that there would be more objections to the rolllover because there are more expats than there are Caymanians.  The expats are looking out for their best interests and please don't underestimate their sense of entitlement.  They are entitled to step on every Caymanian. The thumbs down will be from "who the cap fits"…………..

    • A Guilty Pleasure says:

      The headline is misleading & irresponsible. Alden did not say to "drop rollover" as CNS claims. He said that he plans to review it & make it better NOT get rid of it all together!
      PPM can't win for losing! The UDP passed the rollover policy in early 2004 when they were the government, & it came into effect under the PPM government. Shockingly the UDP criticized the rollover policy under the PPM, & because of the UDP's constant propaganda about the rollover policy (despite the fact that it was their policy) & the PPM's support of the policy the public started to criticize the PPM government. The PPM took licks for supporting the rollover policy even though it was UDP's policy, & now that Alden has suggested that the PPM would like to take another look at it to see how it can be improved WITHOUT doing away with it they are getting criticized for it! Ummmmm, very strange! From what I understood Alden to say, he only suggested to review it to see how it can be improved & made better, but not to cancel it all together. I support reviewing it to make it better but not to get rid of it totally because I totally support a rollover policy. Therefore I support what Alden suggests (as long as there is a rollover policy in place)  

      • Anonymous says:

        A Guilty Pleasure,   A Guilty Idiot as your name would be more appropriate…………please go take a sabbatical from CNS and ease your misinformed mind."Alden did not say to drop roll over as CNS claims"  How can you say that Alden did not say to drop roll over,can you please tell me what in the hell this issue is all about? are you suggesting that Alden will offer some permit holders p.r. while others will be rolled over after eight years of work in the Cayman islands.,if thats the case then Cayman would be in a bigger mess than it is in right now."the UDP passed the roll over policy in early 2004 when they were the government,& it came into effect under the PPM government" What a pile of bull s***, the UDP brought the roll over to the table,PPM didn't have to bring r.o. into action,it went into effect under the PPM not because of the UDP like you are suggesting but because of PPM's stupidity,the PPM took up the r.o. policy and ran with it like a bunch of starving chickens,UDP govt was smart enough not to put r.o. iinto effect."the PPM can't win for losing"………you are 100% correct on that one,come 2013 that is also gonna apply. Please take a break from CNS, thank you….

        • Anonymous says:

          "…the UDP brought the roll over to the table,PPM didn't have to bring r.o. into action,it went into effect under the PPM not because of the UDP like youare suggesting but because of PPM's stupidity,the PPM took up the r.o. policy and ran with it like a bunch of starving chickens,UDP govt was smart enough not to put r.o. iinto effect."

          That is pure political propaganda. The UDP did not merely bring rollover "to the table". The law was designed by the current Chairman of the UDP. It was enacted by the UDP Govt. and it was brought into force on 1 January, 2004 by the UDP Govt. The first regulations under the Law were passed in 2004 by the UDP Govt. There was never any question of the UDP Govt. not implementing rollover. The PPM were elected in May 2005. It merely happened that by the time permit holders started to reach their term limits under the Law the PPM was in power. Those are the facts – pure and unadulterated.   

  39. money money money says:

    Maybe think about scrapping that requirement that if I want to start a business in Cayman I need to gift 60% of the company and majority control to a Caymanian for the privilege.  You want business and the money it brings?  Get that hurdle out of the way!!!

    Yeah, and it wouldn't hurt to provide stability to people who come to invest here so they feel they just might be able to enjoy the fruits of their labours – and scrap the rollover.

    Anyone going to solve the crime problem this century? That would sure help too.  Scaring off the investors and the money people, that is/

    • Anonymous says:

      We all can agree the rollover is a failed policy. 

      To your other suggestions: Why not just put all the Caymanians (defined by accent) on a reservation like the North American Indians. Would that solve itfor you? After all,the Island was always going to be yours. 

      • Married to a Caymanian says:

        Dat wud be the Brac!

      • Anonymous says:

        seen as they hate development they should move to the quite 'island paradise' of cayman brac

      • money money money says:

        I'm talking about ways to increase the inflow of money, business and jobs on the islands for everyone's benefit, go read that again – EVERYONE'S benefit, and you're spouting divisive stupidity suggesting that expats can't work side by side with Caymanians on a level platform (again, a LEVEL platform) without trying to effectively exterminate them.  What hateful and harmful rubbish!

        I think everyone sees who the real problem here is.  I'm just glad that the vast majority don't think like you, that they appreciate that our futures are tied together (unless we fail, in which case most of us will have to leave no matter which kind we are), and that we will succeed standing together but not apart.

        • Anonymous says:

          Did you not notice any requirements of investments from foreign entities to do business in the Cayman Isands has obviously not been a fail policy? To help you out here…..It has worked just fine!

           How do I know this? I was here since 1980, I have seen the develpment evolved to present. Have you?

           The only promotion of devision between Caymanians, and expats you are detecting here is coming from the " quiet deceit of your mind".





          • money money money says:

            Can't argue with you, because it's clear you don't know what you are talking about, and that you either didn't read or didn't understand the first post.  Hint:  I was talking about ownership and control, not investment levels.  Clearly anyone who sets up a business in Cayman is by that very act investing in Cayman.  I was on about attracting more of that.

            Oh, what's the use?

      • Rolf says:

        You are an idiot.

  40. Expat says:

    Any chance you make the change before Saturday June 18th? It would save us a lot of uncertainty. We'll forgive you for the last 6 years of the ever changing policies.Thanks.

  41. Whodatis says:

    I would be in support of an end to the rollover policy if;

    a.) the attached implications were embraced and supported by the majority of any other western nation within their domestic discussions and domain or

    b.) the vast majority of expats have proven themselves to be caring and concerned individuals in regards to actual Caymanians and demonstrate this by evidenced integration with our people to this effect.

    Obviously, we have been inviting and hosting a large number of individuals for decades, I myself am a product of an Expat + Caymanian union, however we are seeing (and have always seen) a parallel phenomenon within our expat circles.

    The simple truth is that there are certain categories of expats that tend to avoid true and open integration with Caymanian people.

    Let me put it this way – I am a born and bred Caymanian whose extended family is made up of wide selection of nationalities. However, of all of my aunts, uncles, 4th and 7th cousins, in-laws and such – there is a glaringly obvious absence of the inclusion of the aforementioned category(ies) of expat – even though they make up the majority percentage of the overall expat community.

    Something is clearly amiss here and I for one do not take this "amiss-ment" lightly.

    This mystery reeks of the spirit that contributed to some of the greatest uprisings, atrocities and conflicts of the 20th century. Of course it is easy to point fingers at leaders and call them "evil", however, life is not always that simple.

    If a society is disjointed whereto a significant percentage fails to consider themselves as one with its "fellow" people then the door to immeasurable societal conflict, distrust, economic imbalance and unbridled classism is kicked open.

    Of course I expect many to disagree with my sentiments as many like to pretend as if the founding and ongoing preudices of this western society do not exist within the hearts and minds of Cayman residents today – but I am not so cowardly.

    Others will excuse away the phenomenon as a simple "culture clash", but to them I pose the question – "Why then did you opt to leave your country (culture) to relocate halfway around the world?"

    In addition to the societal friction that will ultimately result from open and free immigration into this tiny island nation, we will also experience a tremendous imbalance in regards to economic empowerment – the good old steadfast Western type to boot. Again, a tasty recipe for disaster – the world has shown us countless examples to date.

    Lastly, some are certain to refer to accepted international guidelines in regards to immigration etc., but to them I will say what I have said on many issues facing Cayman today. "We are NOT the typical country". Size, history and rate of development should always be considered on a case by case basis when addressing such matters. There is no "one size fits all" magic solution.

    If the current rollover policy is truly hurting our economy then I agree some changes must be made. However, at the end of the day we must ensure that it is never an "easy" task for any and every individual to permanently relocate to one of the most sought after jurisdictions in the world – that would be nothing short of absolute madness.

    • Anonymous says:

      Is the lack of expat inclusion in your extended family due to the attitudes of the expats or of your family?

    • Anonymous says:

      What a load of mumbo jumbo….. and do you really honestly believe this is true anymore: "one of the most sought after jurisdictionsin the world"???? Perhaps ten years ago but not now.

    • O'Really says:

      I see you supersized that chip at lunch today. An unrelenting diet of prejudice is not good for your health or the quality of your thinking.

      Let's have a look at some of your nonsense.

      Apparently in your extended family, extended out to 7th cousins no less, you have no representatives from " … the majority percentage of the overall expat community." The latest immigration data available ( 2009 the latest I could find ) shows the largest nationality by far on work permits to be Jamaicans ( 9598 permits ). Are you telling me there are no Jamaican relatives at all in your extended family?

      How about relatives from the Philippines, the second largest group with 2664 work permits issued?

      We both know that these are not the groups you are writing about and we both know you are very wrong to describe the group you have in mind as the " majority percentage." They just appear that way to you because of your obsession with them.

      How about this one " "We are NOT the typical country." Setting aside the fact that Cayman is a BOT, you are right, it is not a typical country. It is one of the very few where the expat/locals ratio is virtually  50/50. What's more, Cayman's prosperity is totally dependent upon it at least staying that way. Why? Because in 2009, again the latest data I can find, there were 33,920 jobs in Cayman, of which 17,545 were filled by expats. There is no way then, that all the jobs available can ever be filled by Caymanians, unless you wish for Cayman's economy to shrink to the point where once again men are forced overseas to look for work. ( As an aside, there is no greater indicator that something is seriously amiss with the employability of Caymanians than the fact that in a territory with 2 jobs for every local employee, the unemployment rate among Caymanians hovers around 12-15%. You love to bang on about the UK unemployment rate, but it is currently at 7.7% and that is due in large part to the overall absence of jobs)

      You and Caymanians like you simply refuse to accept the reality of modern Cayman. Somewhere in the back of your mind is the idea that all these expats are temporary and that they'll be gone soon, leaving vast riches for the locals. You need to update your understanding. If  Cayman is lucky, they are here to stay and on that basis, Cayman above most other countries should be more welcoming to expats, not less. What cayman needs is committed people, not transients saving for 7 years and then going.

      As for this statement " Of course I expect many to disagree with my sentiments as many like to pretend as if the founding and ongoing preudices ( sic) of this western society do not exist within the hearts and minds of Cayman residents today – but I am not so cowardly." Who, on reading your consistently prejudiced and racially charged posts, could ever disagree with the idea that prejudice exists and is alive and well in Cayman today?

      • Whodatis says:

        You have said quite a mouthful there.

        Unfortunately you seemed to have missed the fact that I myself am a product of expat integration into the Cayman Islands.

        My family is peppered with all sorts of nationalities, come Christmas time our family gathering looks like a UN Convention – however, there is one group that is disproportionately lacking.

        Interestingly, that group is coincidentally one of the loudest in regards to calling for immigration reform and criticizing the rollover policy. Funny how that works isn't it?

        Anyway, I expected the responses I have received thus far – folks will stay true to their typical colors to the very end I suppose.

        I have done nothing but spoken the frank and honest truth regarding a particular situation in the Cayman Islands. No one can deny this.

        Therefore whatever immaterial gibberish one decides to respond with is absolutely irrelevant to me or the argument.

        It is what it is my friend.

        Perhaps you ought to take that passion of yours and encourage your folks to improve their efforts and integration into our community … you know – like how your native folks love to rant and rave about (in regards to immigrants there) back in your own country?

        • O'Really says:

          It was a mouthful, but one based on the facts I use to support my position. Your mouthfuls are almost entirely supported only by your deep prejudices. They taste very different. Feel free to challenge the facts in my post with facts to support your position; that would make a pleasant change.


    • Patricia X says:

      We come here for your money, your culture not so much.

      • Anonymous says:

        We understand that completely. We're not exactly crazy about your lack of culture either, and since you don't have any money to offer us we really would prefer if you went back home, on the next flight if at all possible.

      • Expat Eric says:

        You know Patricia X, I get offended by every one of your posts, regardless of the content, because you are the poster-child of what is wrong with a few, but by no means all, expats.  You are in fact the worst example of it.  I like the culture here, and so do most of the expats I know.  It sure isn't the same as back home, but it's not supposed to be and if that's what I wanted I could have stayed there, like I wish you had.

        As to the money, I work in the FS sector, and the money I get isn't from Cayman as you imply, it's from New York and London.  It comes here because I'm here ( along with everyone else in the FS sector) and it creates jobs here, mine and Caymanians' alike.  In the big picture, I help Cayman by helping to bring money here to spread around, and that's a good thing which helps everybody.  You on the other hand make the place slightly less pleasant by your presence.  I don't know if you make any positive contributions to offset your negative ones, but even if you do, the sooner you make your money and fxxx off the better we'll all be.

  42. on life support says:

    just yesterday the PPM was doing so well and looking to make a return to the helm of the political stage in Cayman,now all of a sudden the UDP is back on top…………..i just can't believe this brain injury move by Alden,i am lost for words,this shocking move is up there with the distruction caused by hurricane ivan,what a shocker!

    • Anonymous says:

      You're an idiot. Isn't master McKeeva himself talking about increasing the population base? The rollover policy has always been a farce. It was the laziest, easiest, unfairest, worst 'solution' for immigration control ever puked up by the UDP. We have lost very many loyal, hardworking, honest, caring expatriates to this ridiculous hairbrained crap and in their place we have a bunch of lunatics running around robbing everything that has a door or a handbag. It is obvious that you are indeed lost for words so it's better to just keep your trap shut.   

  43. Anonymous says:

    Aldenwill ruin Cayman – the PPM should have never put him as leader.

    What a mess!!

    A real mess!!

    Bout roll-over.

    He vote against jobs for caymanians and support allowing more foreigners in.


  44. Anonymous says:

    brilliant timing if you're chinese!! it'll probably take them 8 years to build a few ports…..bring in 3 or 4,000 workers, and then give them all PR!! wahoo……next we'll probably announce plans for an oil-refinery in a world that's trying to go Green……doh!  or maybe someone will introduce some Business licence fee increases during an economic crisis when nobody has any cash……doh!    all these great ideas, prefectly timed, introduced by hugely educated, well-meaning, clean as a whistle straight-shooters……oh man………next someone will probably pretend to open a sea port that may take 50 yrs of 'excavation' before its built………doh!

  45. Anonymous says:

    12.42 I am taken aback by your unintelligent statement about children being placed into slow learning classes when they go abroad.  I can speak for my child.  She was an honour student, received and overseas scholarship, studied on her own for and completed her APs through Princeton in the US.  I would say she fell into that category.  This is one of the reasons some of you expats is really a pain in where it hurts most.  You paint everyboby with that same old brush.  Do you have a chip on your shoulder?  Drop it.

    • 12.42 says:

      Sorry to offend. I do not mean to paint everyone with the same brush. We do have some very bright kids on this island and some great teachers as well. I can tell from your post that you are a parent who cares, as am I, and you are one of the big reasons your child has done so well. I see children who are supported at home do great things in school and with their lives. Parents and children need more support with standardized education. No chip here … just a deep concern for the quality of applicants I am seeing out there trying to get in the job market!

    • Anonymous says:

      For heaven's sake, Alden, get your nose out your ###. Caymanians can hardly find jobs now with all the permit holders in senior positions keeping them out of the work force.  It is a constant daily battle, Caymanian v. permit holder.   The law firms, the trust companies, the accounting firms, all deny us our  basic right to work and provide for our families.  They are busy coming up with lies as to  why Caymanians can't get a job. The last thing we need is for everyone one of them who actually count ( that is, those in hiring positions or the decision makers)  to get PR. That would make them even more obnoxious and unbeatable and allow them to further discriminate against us without any recourse or fear of immigration policies. Too bad that we need some of the permit holders because some of them make our lives so bloody difficult. Keep the rollover policy, that's the only thing we have working in our favour!

  46. Anonymous says:

    I came here 10 years ago. I bought a property which is the number 1 step towards residency. Many people say they would buy a property if they had residency which doesn't make any sense. The PR board wants to see that the applicant has made an investment in the islands. Large or small but a major chunk of you earnings put into a property. I Know of no one who has been denied residency when they have purchased a property. There is a clear Guidline to PR and if you follow it you will get PR. The fact is it is not easy to get PR the way the rules are set now. It ensures that no one is going to end up on the government tit and that people are earning over a certain wage. Also the business they are engaged in plays a big part. I can see why many people would like too see rollover go away…so they don't have to meet the criteria for PR. The island isn't that big so not everyone who wants to throw down roots can. Cayman would run out of space and services would be stretched muchthinner than they are now. Aside from us Expats there are people born and raised here ..aka Caymanians. We can go back to our homes. Where are they going to go ?

    • ex non caymanian resident says:

      Self satisfied rubbish.

      'Owning a property' being the biggest gate opener to the privilege of PR is just dumb – it adds precisley nothing to integration which has to be a yes / no issue. But it suited you .. so.

      Without comfort that your work permit will be renewed (as long as the employer thinks you warrant it) removing the 7 year limit won't work either because you are still at the annual whim of others irrespective of your continued performance.

      I left Cayman a few years ago (heavy heartedly) after four years on Island. My soel reason for leaving was the uncertainty of even getting a crack at PR. If I had not (afetter the requisite additional time) I would have been at an age that would put me in an awkward position if I held out and then did not even get a crack at PR leaving me trying to get back into a workforce elsewhere after several years 'out'.

      Yes I owned property on Cayman – not to get PR but because Cayman was my home. I moved lock stock and barrel to Cayman with no promises of PR (not one of those employers who concoct justification for 'Exempt' status to buck the system) just commitment to making my permanent life there if I could but with eyes open that it might not be. To me I was not an Expat (expats work somewhere other than their home) but a non Caymanian.

      Bottom line for me.

      1) Make initial work permits even harder to get.

      2) Having got one make keeping it conditional only on being law abiding and doing a good job for your employer for eight years.

      3) No renewal after eight years but right to apply for PR against strict, objective criteria showingintegration and participation (not just property owning)

  47. Chris says:

    If Alden is the leader of the PPM, trust me he is leading a lot fewer people this morning than he was 24 hours ago after making such a nonsensical statement.

    Mr. Kurt Tibbetts will HAVE to run in the next election for Alden to have any chance of recovering from this major departure from common sense.

    We can all agree that the roll over policy was created to limit the number of residents who become Caymanians. The roll over policy has been quite effective in doing just that.

    It was not to implemented as an economic stimulus, to create jobs, reduce crime or to make sure Caymanians get specific jobs so lets not repeal the policy for those reasons. The reality is we need other policies to manage those issues, not the roll over.


    • Absurdistani says:

      Thank you. Someone with sense.

      The roll-over is one of the policies that people are most ill informed about. Simply put, it's about population growth control..

      Not creating jobs for Caymanians. Not economic stimulus. Not crime. Not expats vs. Caymanians nor any of the other misconceptions that people spount off about.

      Many other countries have similar policies; including the US. Without managing population growth infrastructure, budgets, etc all become strained.

    • Anonymous says:

      Please refer to 20:00 above

  48. Anonymous says:

    Jump ship Arden…….we need you, Ezzard, Moses and Chuckie to put together a new group for 2013.

  49. Anonymous says:

    The PPM clearly made a hugh error in electing Alden as its Leader. 60% of the PPM base is devastated by this statement. Alden has just cleared the path for Mac's second term….OMG !!!

    • fur real? says:

      Did you actually go out and survey the entire "PPM Base" and calculate that the number devastated by this statement was exactly 60%?

      Or are you talking out your butt?

  50. Anonymous says:

    The roll over is ridiculous. I am an expat and would like to stay but I don't want to apply for permanent residency and displace the local people.

    If I had some stability I would have bought a property by now – instead with little of my term limit remaining I save as much cash as I can in readiness to take back home.

    The current system works against the Caymanians & expats. Go back to to the old system. Use the expat community to show the UK/EU that their rollover has worked against the human rights of all the people of these islands.

    • Anonymous says:

      Finally…an expat of sound frame of mind with clear, concise thinking. How refreshing! Make that money, save that money and seven years later….bye bye.

    • Anonymous says:

      " but I don't want to apply for permanent residency and displace the local people".  So let me get this clear.  You don't think that by remaining an "expat" indefinitely and working in a job indefinitely that presumably could at some point be filled by a Caymanian you are displacing local people?  One of the side effects of the rollover (not the intended reason for it) is that it does actually make employers think twice about hiring expats in the first place and it certainly makes them think about the future when the expat has to leave after seven years.  

  51. Anonymous says:

    You know what?  I know many won't like this but I think that integration with the community rather than ability to walk dogs and raise money for various charities should be a huge deciding factor.  We have many so-called 'residents' and naturalized persons who live in gated ex-pat communities and rarely mingle with anyone else.  Many of the naturalized ones stop much of their 'community' activity once they get status.

    I also feel we should offer English the same privileges we would be offered if we chose to move to England rather than rolling them over same as everyone else.

    • Anonymous says:

      I know what.  You have many rich Caymanians who live in gated (expat and Caymanian) communities who rarely mingle with anyone else.  I don't know where all these gated expat communities you are speaking of unless they are in expat land.  I agree with you that Cayman should offer the same privileges to expats that are offered to Caymanians in expat land.  But that would be the fair thing to do.

  52. SMH says:

    Let's face it, the rollover only came in to clean up the mess that the Immigration department (and that includes the work permit boards etc) did.  If they had paid attention to the quality of workers we had on this island and did their jobs properly, we wouldn't be having this discussion today.   So what has the rollover policy fixed?? Absolutely nothing, all it did was hurt the small Caymanian businesses.  The large corporation just sent their staff on a paid vacation, paid for them to go back to school or just moved them to another overseases branch during that year.  I do believe in some sort of regulations to keep things in place though.  To be honest, if you believe that quality individuals will uproot their family and come and invest in Cayman for 7 years then you are clearly mistaken.   Let's learn from our mistake Cayman, this clearly has failed us and our people and our children's future. There must be another way we can take Cayman to the next level…. our children and grandchildren are counting on us!!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      If your children and grand children are counting on you perhaps you should do more toward getting themthe education they will need to compete in this world?  They will need it to succeed.

  53. Uncle Daniel's Prophecy says:

    Since June of 2009 i have been stating here on CNS that the PPM is gonna get another a** whipping come election 2013,have i changed my mind ?  no way. Alden with his desperate political survival move have now futher divided the red machine, PPM's nationalist right wing supporters no doubt is fuming and blowing some serious hot steam at this very moment, what a BAM-BAM,the explosion is gonna be so loud people on the north coast of South America is gonna wonder what the hell is going on.There are numerous issues that have divided the PPM over the past two years but this latest stunt by Alden is probably the final nail in PPM's coffin,the partys hardliners will now move support towards nationalist minded politicians such as Ezzard and others whom haven't come forward as yet.The battle for election 2013 will be between the UDP, independents, and  possibly a third party.The moderate and soft hearted PPM supporters will continue to rally around Alden,but that won't get this dwindling movement no where come election 2013. The PPM is trying to tone down it's anti-expat stance but that won't help either,our current government the UDP is years ahead and will continue to get majority of the support from Cayman's expat population.Getting rid of the roll over is the right thing to do but Alden's motive for doing so is transparent for all to see.The UDP brought about the roll over but the PPM buried themselves by putting this failed policy into action.The UDP  has always been accused of giving away p.r. and status to thousands ,now Alden  is suggesting government should do away with the roll over and introduce p.r. for permit holders after eight years,what does the red clad supporters have to say about that? all along our Premier have been saying that we need to grow our population it now seems that Mr Mclaughlin and crew have finally seen the light.This latest move by Alden is obviously  for political points,the fireworks explosion is about to begin within the PPM,i have my earplugs, i advise people in Cayman to get theirs as well.

  54. Anonymous says:

    you may not all love desmond seals but he told the PPM  this 5 years ago.people build a country we are all gods children . we cant take in every one but use what you need and reward them with PR. opertunity for forigin investment no better time rich americans and others will pay to live here and invest.they are ready to leave there homeland due over taxation

    • John Evans says:

      Love him or loath him my former boss saw rollover for what it was – a cheap political stunt to win votes from people who were unable to appreciate the dangers involved.

      He correctly predicted that, when threatened with rollover, mostex-pats would become short-term residents with no real interest in the future of the islands and certainly no interest in investing in them.

      What interests me is that the PPM about face comes from the architect of rollover, the person who is quoted on http://www.gov.ky as saying – "Government cannot and will not abandon the term-limit policy."

      It is at times like this that Desmond Seales' no nonsense editorial style (of which I was the victim on several occassions) is sorely missed.

      The harsh reality is that the whole work permit system needs overhauling, particularly in respect of UK and EU citizens who should have the same rights to freely work and reside in the Cayman Islands as Caymanians holding UK passports have over here.  

      • Anonymous says:

        "What interests me is that the PPM about face comes from the architect of rollover, the person who is quoted on http://www.gov.ky as saying – "Government cannot and will not abandon the term-limit policy".

        John, Alden was not the architect of rollover. Rollover was designed and enacted by the previous UDP Govt. The chief architect of the law was the present Chairman of the UDP. The lawcame into force on 1 January, 2004. The PPM came to power in May 2005.

        "…UK and EU citizens who should have the same rights to freely work and reside in the Cayman Islands as Caymanians holding UK passports have over here".

        Obviously it would be ridiculous to grant literally hundreds of millions of people the right to work and reside in Cayman. That is a complete non-starter. It is absurd to argue reciprocity when there are only about 150,000 OT citizens which have a corresponding right in the UK and the EU. If you read the address to the UK Parliament by Robin Cook the then Foreign Secretary the numbers involved was a critical part of Britain's calculation. Britain deliberately delayed grant of British Citizenship until after Hong Kong returned to China so as to keep the numbers low. I am sure you are aware that many Britons are upset at the influx of EU citizens from Eastern Europe and what it means for employment opportunities notwithstanding that they still represent a small percentage of the British population.  

        Further, as I am sure you recall, we did not ask for British Citizenship but were granted it by statute expressly on the basis of non-reciprocity. 

        You conveniently forget that Dependent Territories Citizens were denied the right of abode in the UK for decades. In fact the UK in the British Nationality Act deliberately created a separate citizenship to faciliate that purpose.

        Finally, we are not entitled to right of abode in the UK by virtue of our OT citizenship. Similarly, Britons should not be entitled to right of abode in an OT by virtue of their british British Citizenship.  

        In light of all that you should be ashamed to put forward such an argument. While I understand that it suits you and your countrymen it is an affront to commonsense and reflects a complete lack of regard for our interests.  

        Sir, I am the holder of a UK passport. If the UK is minded to renege on its commitment and insist that there must be reciprocity then I and the rest of my family will gladly surrender that passport and renounce British Citizenship. I hope you've got the picture.      

      • Anonymous says:

        I am not a fan of your regrettable activities, Mr Evans, but I give you great credit in recognising the talents and foresight (albeit warped at times, alas) of Desmond. Good on you, mate. But you will get hammered with thumbs down for your last paragraph. Too many Caymanians want rights and privileges but do not wish to extend these corresponding rights to others.

    • Anonymous says:

      As a regular contributor to CNN, I'm one who has written a number of letters, published and supported by Mr. Seales, a good friend (RIP) saying exactly the same thing.

      Cayman's politicians have a dispicable tendency to metaphorically 'shoot the messenger' then steal their ideas as if they were their own and proves how brilliant they are…quite the opposite.

      Desmond must be smiling at all this to do.

  55. Anonymous says:

    Qualified Caymanian … where are you?

    I am an “ex-pat boss” who is required (just like everyone else) to hire qualified Caymanians to replace seasoned ex-pats when contracts expire or new positions are created. I have spent hours going though applications and setting most of them aside because the person could not spell and was not even wise enough to use spell check.

    Stay in school! Government, require schools to meet basic education guidelines! Have you ever seen a child move from the Cayman education system (public or private) into a UK, US or Canadian school system? They struggle to meet the minimum requirements and are often placed into classes with the ‘slow kids’ until they catch up.

    Personally, I would be happy to see every last ex-pat up and leave Cayman … all in one day … including myself … just to see what would happen to this country.

    I know many qualified and capable Caymanians but are have met far more of the opposite. Stand up and better yourself. Demand a decent education.

    Work for it, earn it and take those jobs!

    • umek mesick says:

      Since you Qualified Caymanian can spell so good why don't you learn how to use good english?

    • Whodatis says:

      The fact that such a ridiculous, ignorant and self-righteous post has received such a high level of support only reinforces the need for tight immigration controls (against individuals like yourself – in case you're confused) in the Cayman Islands.

      Thank you for your clear demonstration.

      Sometimes a "post" says a thousand words.

      • 12.42 says:

        I work shoulder to shoulder with hard working, well educated people from all over the world; Cayman, Jamaica, Honduras, Cuba, Philippines, Guyana, South Africa, England, Scotland, Canada –  just to name a few. We all have one major thing in common, we worked hard for a long time to get where we are in life. No one handed us a job because of the colour of our passport but because of the skills, education and experience we brought to the table. Trust me, getting a job as an expat is one of the hardest things I ever done. The colour of my passport did not get me onto this island but it sure will be the thing send me ‘home’. Funny, since this is my home – even if I am unwelcome.

      • Anonymous says:

        and thank you for ignoring all of the points in the post….truth hurts?

    • Anonymous says:

      What a prejudiced, discrimminatory post !

      As if one could paint any nationality collectively, with one brush.

      Let me give you a comparable example from the United Kingdom, where I moved to, in part because of Ivan and in part, because I was simply fed up of being considered a 'second class' citizen in my own country because…I am an educated, degreed Caymanian.

      What I've found in Britain's general population is a standard of education so low that in reality, Cayman's is no worse.

      It is such an idiot's education system in Britain that school-leavers and other job seekers have to re-train in basic numeracy and literacy and occupational competency in short-term, limited programs called National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs), which compare to not even good high school equivalents of the subject matter. this is because Britain's employers cannot trust that job candidates' school education is in any way adequate for the workplace.

      Does this sound familiar to you ?

    • Anonymous says:

      Well, unfortunately things are not quite as simple as you make them out to be. For every non-qualified Caymanian who can't spell properly, there has been one a suitably qualified Caymanian who has not been able to get his/her foot in the door because global companies like to move their staff around internally for a variety of reasons.

      For every expat who has made an effort to integrate into the local community, there is an expat who has been here for several years and only associates with Caymanians at work perhaps hasn't bothered to socialize with them outside work.

      To assume that ALL children who have gone to school here can not hack it in schools anywhere else or can't get a job- well, I guess that means that this applies to expat and local children then equally as they all move through the same school system while living on the Island, so I guess according to you no child would be able to get any jobs here in the future, no matter if "local" or "expat"

    • Anonymous says:

      Love the rhetoric but mouth can say anything Mr. Ex-Pat. Tell me which company you represent and I will be able to tell you how much you are trying, or otherwise, to help Caymanians.  Educated or not some of you simply don't want us in your company. You need to try that in the Bahamas, bet you'll be on the next plane out!

    • Anonymous says:

      So why don't you go?  Please go tomorrow and take every disgruntled/miserable expat with you. More will come the next day to replace you and gladly doing so.  If I wanted to see miserable faces I would board a bus in London.  Leave my island for me

      • Gorr Blighty says:

        As a Brit, it is my island.

        • Anon says:

          Until you been here 7 years and get kicked out that is!

        • Anonymous says:

          Not so unless you are the Queen. 

          Incidentally, it is precisely that 19th century colonialist mentality that put many people off Brits.   

      • 12.42 says:

        We are not miserable. We are not disgruntled. We are hard working people who came to a beautiful island that we love. We did not come here seeking a job, the job came seeking us. We said yes and moved our lives to the land of sunshine, clear waters and white sands. We smiled as we handed over our money and paid the fees. The stamp duty, the school fees, the overpriced fuel, food, housing, etc … Still we smiled, happy to be in this beautiful place with these beautiful people.
        Then, we read the news paper.

  56. Anonymous says:

    In my opinion it doesn't really matter what the immigration law reads unless it is consistently applied without exception to all. No favors asking and giving, no influencing of the boards by any politicians, no convenient disappearing of controversial files etc etc.


  57. Anonymous says:

    I am so glad I have managed to sell my house here.  I wanted to stay and be part of the community and make this my home but then I realised that actually Cayman doesn't want expats to live here they just want us to pay stamp duty, work permit fees, import duty etc ie they want our dough – but they don't want us here. This is the only place in the world I have ever been racially abused and called a "white xxxxx'.   This has happened several times.  I await all those thumbs down and good riddance comments but since I arrived I have been really saddened at how much hatred has been conjured up with under 20,000 people.  Remember Caymanians are descendants from Spaniards, British and other races who settled on these uninhabited islands all those years ago.   The anti-expat rhetoric will always be met with the well Caymanians are lazy and have a disproportionate sense of entitlement arguments.  Why doesn't this stop.   For those who are unemployed in  Cayman I ask the following quesition.  Have you done what everyone else in the world in the midst of the worst recession since the 1920s has also had to do?  Have they considered doing any job?  No they are generally trying to get only the jobs that they consider are up to them.  I read a witness statement made by a Caymanian a short time ago which read – "I stopped working for X because they weren't paying me what I thought I deserved.  I then worked for Y but stopped working for them because they weren't paying me what I deserved.  Now I don't work.  Everyonestop blaming other and just get on with it.

    • Thankful Again says:

      what we want is a fair job for a fair wage without you believe we owe you our soul on-top of that.

      I won't begin to tell you the racist and plain disrespectful things I have had called directly and indirectly to me as a caymanian (even on here) by our empowered transient workers.

  58. Anonymous says:

    It's easy to find a scapegoat policy when the economy is bad.

    In reality, the roll-over has not been in place long enough to accurately measure the long-term impact. 

    This policy would have to evaluated over at least several business cycles to measure its impact.

  59. Anonymous says:

    This is a very wise position and the roll over should be stopped. If you want to improve the Cayman Islands and create a better environment for Caymanians this policy does not do that. The government can control immigration of expats by thenumber of work permits the CIG issues. This also has a direct effect on the number of Caymanians employeed. The roll over has had a negative outcome, since it was introduced Caymanian unemployeement has increased. It is very simple to see the policy has not worked at all. If the government feels too many expats are on island, stop issuing permits. Enough is enough, you can not have your cake and eat it too, no matter who you are. The CIG approved the permits for these people to work here, it is not the expats fault the government doesn't look out for its' citizens.  

  60. Anonymous says:

    I'm afraid Alden has the wrong end of the stick on this issue.  Rollover is a relatively minor issue for financial services companies in Cayman, in spite of being the most controversial and therefore newsworthy.  Doing away with it will not see companies flocking here.

    Some middle-management level staff have been rolled over but companies generally had no problem finding willing replacements.  This was a cost and inconvenience (not least to the expelled employee) but not a deal-breaker.

    That is not to say that rollover should not be tempered but the easiest way would be for the Cabinet to exempt certain categories of worker (as the Immigration law already allows for) such as accountants and lawyers (though under existing rules they are generally exempted if truly indispensible and quite easily replaced if not).

    The real issues are the excessive uncertainty, delay, cost and inconsistency in the day to day immigration process.  It is indeed remarkable that no progress has been made on any of these issues in the last five years and that is an indictment of the UDP and PPM governments in equal measure.

  61. Anonymous says:

    Here is the clearest indication to date that Antony Duckworth is leading the PPM and not Alden. I hope the PPM supporters now understand that Alden has just handed McKeeva his second term with this statement !!! There should be no surprise here. Policial acumen was never Alden's strength and so the PPM must now suffer another election defeat in 2013……….where is the third party Cayman ???????

    • Anonymous says:

      An obvious UDP propaganda post. A third party would suit the UDP just fine. It would guarantee a victory for the UDP even as splitting the votes between Independents and the PPM did in 2009.    

    • Anonymous says:

      crikey, 2 is too many, and you want another one?  I think it's quality you're looking for

  62. Anonymous says:

    I can't believe what I'm reading. Does a politician finally get it? For those in favor of the rollover, please explain how it has benefited Cayman since 2004?Are there more jobs? No. Are our rental units occupied? No. Is crime up? Yes. Is there a global recession that we can blame? Not any more. Any benefits derived from the rollover are myths fueled by unfounded fears. There is an overall depression in this country and its simply because no one feels comfortable with existing conditions and there is very little hope for the future. Indeed, businesses and jobs are leaving.  Caymanians need to learn having 100% of nothing is NOTHING.

  63. peter says:

     WOW!! now everybody is starting to smell the coffee!!!!


  64. Anonymous says:

    Its about time the rollover OVER!!!!!!!

  65. Anonymous says:

    As long as the government and immigration does it right you don't need a Rollover Policy. Meaning real background checks, no labor job workers flooding the country….meaning people who will really stimulate the economy with MONEY. The problem is the UPD has already displayed the mockery it made of status grants…favors etc. The truth is these politicians can't be trusted to do the right thing at all. They have displayed this time and time again both UPD and PPM. They have no integrity as a whole as far as I'm concerned. As bad as the UPD is the PPM is just as bad. I liked the legislative assembly meeting the other day…Mac reading see spot run and the PPM laying flat out in their chairs spinning around looking at the Ceiling. This is it Cayman, this is what we get and this is all we going to get.

  66. nauticalone says:

    This is welcome news!

    I spoke with many of our Politicians about this over the years with the very same argument that Mr. Mclaughlin is now stating.

    Objective research regionally and globally will clearly show that education and balanced immigration will "help" us all (caymanians and expats alike). Hopefully the powers that be will also re-evaluate some of the recent fee increases that has hampered business.

    Congrats on becoming willing to "re-evaluate" this policy and calling for it's repeal. We should be "encouraging" many of our "good" immigrants who want to settle here. This will only broaden our revenue base if done in a sensible and balanced way.



    • permit holder says:

      The rollover did not work, we now know this.  However, I'm very much with the Caymanians on implementing overdue vocational training as well as making the bloated and ineffective Edcuation Administration finally accountable for their appalling turn-out.  We need a better homegrown product, period.  Our system has failed us on many levels.  

      I'm also in agreement that the civil service is too bloated and sadly my Caymanian friends with college degrees have no hope of breaking into this closed shop.  

      There ARE expats holding well paying jobs in civil service that locals could do..(IT, Hazard Management, Medical, Education, Legal to name a few) I meet expats every day who work in Govt and also KNOW of a Caymanian qualified to do that job, or in very little time be trained for it)..but once youare in Civil Service, it is a job for life!  Where is the succession planning for young Caymanians to break into these jobs?

      The rollover did not work, but willy-nilly status grants are not the answer either.  We need a way to train our youth to take the jobs of the furture and welcome the talent from overseas too.

      • nauticalone says:

        I agree with your points also.

        I've said as much to our Politicians and other powers that be also. The whole idea of Govt. introducing a 'roll-over' policy that govt. is exempt from adhering to is completely wrong!

        And you're absolutely correct that the Civil Service has many expats in jobs that caymanians either can hold or should have been trained up to succeed.


  67. Anonymous says:

    Watching this couldn't get any more hillarious!!

  68. Ken P says:

    Good move Alden as the Rollover only did damage to the local economy and truth be told had it been removed 4 years ago Cayman today would be in a much better econmic state. It was meant with good itentions yet unfortunately proved to be disaster as we lost good honest residents and with it came a rise in crime and unemployment.

    The construction sector in the last 3 years since the global meltdown has lost about $200 million of potential investment to the local economy and closing of businesses has made things difficult for many. Hopefully with the new Dart plans and Enterprise City Cayman will be looking at sustainable longterm growth. So I trust that the UDP & PPM will please put politics aside and look at making a positive start in improving Cayman for the better.


    Blessings to all

  69. Anonymous says:

    Wow, Caymanians look at all the thumb downs! We are outnumbered in our own motherland; future does not look good for our kids coming up in this country.


  70. Anonymous says:

    Why do we have expats coming in anyway for jobs when we have so many unemployed Caymanians. Rollover has allowed some of the unemployed Caymanians to grab some ofthe vacant jobs before employers can bring in another expat.

    It's sad that I have tourists asking if I am from Cayman because it is so hard to find one. Diversity is not a bad thing, don't get me wrong but this more like a takeover. It's not fair that Caymanians lose out on job opportunities and land or homes because these expats come in, decided to stay and send for the whole clan to come over.

    There should be a limit on the number of expats allowed to work at a business. Look at XXXX, pure Philipinos work there. You would swear you getting your car washed in the Philipines.

    Another issue is expats come into OUR country to disrespect us. I went to XXXX and the jamaican ladies working in there started asking me some very personal questions. At XXXX, there is not a hint of customer service. I've actually heard a employee mutter ' Let me shutup before I punch somebody'.

    You can count on your hand the number of Caymanians in the CAYMAN ISLANDS police force. It's absolutely riducluous.

    It's time we put our feet down and say 'Not today bo bo'. This is our country and its being stolen from right under our noses. They talking about how they want a bigger population and we going crazy with what we have no.

    – From a: crazy mad caymanian

    • See the trees, not just the forest says:

      Here's a couple of suggestions for you to have less expats and more Caymanians…..

      Graduate from high school so that you can at least fill in a job application when you go out into the workforce.

      Don't be a grandmother before the age of 40…in other words stop having children that you can neither support nor monitor.

      Apply for jobs that match your knowlege, training, and experience instead of the ones you have no way of qualifying for. If you didn't graduate high school, apply for those carwash jobs, etc….You'll be hired in a hearbeat as a Caymanian.

      Stop blaming others for your own shortcomings.

      Be accountable and responsible for yourself.

      That's the best way to get rid of all the foreigners who are here taking the jobs you shoud have.



      • Anonymous says:

        At my job I am being allocated less and less hours. I am not the only one who has this problem as two other co-workers of mine have not been put on schedule for 3 weeks (both Caymanian). One of them confronted the boss and was told that it is been very slow. However there has been 4+ non-Caymanian hired within those 3 weeks. My 2 co-workers and myself are Caymanian and we have been getting told it is slow and there is no need to be concerned. There is 5 Caymanian in total and 15+ expats at the place I work. Also, they told another co-worker that they cannot afford for her to come in 30 mins before her shift but they have being hiring new people left, right and center.

        • Anonymous says:

          Remember u are a worker, not the boss, u have no idea what’s going on

        • Anonymous says:

          Typical action of some employers in order to get rid of Caymanians!  I've seen this over and over again and this type of behaviour is sometimes out of spite.  When someone working in a bar can get a work permit to be trained to do office work over a qualified and experienced Caymanian then something is very wrong with that situation.

          There are lazy and dumb workers in EVERY country!!  It's really hypocritical of some foreign workers to come here and describe Caymanians as lazy when they themselves would not hire their own where they come from!  Want proof – give some person on work permit status today and see how fast his/her attitude changes towards the employer, especially if he/she is in a shitty job!

          But the ultimate downfall of Cayman and Caymananians is CAYMANIANS!  Who sits on the work permit board?  CAYMANIANS!  Who's in charge of running this country?  CAYMANIANS!  I have had a Caymanian tell me that she will not train another who was her very own Caymanian but then turns around and train a foreign person on work permit.

          I've seen one Caymanian fight against her own Caymanian on the job and got that person fired just because she had a personal problem with that particular individual.

          So don't blame the foreigner when he/she comes here for opportunity (nothing wrong with that).  He takes it because you CAYMANIAN have given him/her control!  And it may be too late now for redemption.

          Treat your own country man with respect and hold eachother's back because no one else will do it unless he/she has something to gain!! 

    • JTB says:

      I suggest if you want to do something about Caymanian unemployment, you stop chasing imaginary shadows and ask your Government to explain why 6 out of 10 Caymanians leave school unable to read or write.

      • Anonymous says:

        I am curious – where did you glean the statistic that  6 out of 10 Caymanians leave school unable to read or write? If it's true that would be alarming. I doubt that it is but I am open to correction. Please show me the basis for your statement.   

      • Anonymous says:

        It doesn't help when there are teachers who can barely speak English.

    • Anonymous says:

      Too answer your first question:  It is because just being a Caymanian is not enough in todays world.  People (yourself included) go to any business to have a job done and done well with NO problems and good value for the money spent.  Most people (yourself included) don't care who washes the car as long as it gets done and done right.  If its more important to you to have your car washed by a Caymanian than a Filipino stop taking your car to XXXs and do it yourself.

      • Anonymous says:

        Don't worry I do wash my car myself. And I was not trying to highlight the point as to who is washing the car but the jobs that unemployed Caymanians could have. My concern is the amount of employeed expats compared to the amount of unemployed Caymanians.

        • Anonymous says:

          Then you need to start at the beginning and worry about the amount of unemployable caymanians compared to the amount of employable everybody else.  Cry all you want about unemployed Caymanians but no one anywhere will hire an unemployable anything over an employable from anywhere.  The way your government goes about doing anything I would not count on them for help.  good luck.

        • Anonymous says:

          Show me a Caymanian who is happy to wash cars for a living? I am sure they are not beating the door down at Auto Spa!

        • Anonymous says:

          Obviously the employed expats are willing to do what the unemployed Caymanians are not

        • Anonymous says:

          I'm quite sure that if the owner of XXXX's could find Caymanians willing to wash cars for CI$3/hour or whatever the going rate is for the job then they would much rather do that  than spend the time, money and hassle of obtaining a work permit for Filipinos to do it.  The simple truth is that most unemployed Caymanians do not want to do work such as this because they have been raised to believe it is beneath them and that their aspirations should be higher.  There is a mis-match often times between peoples' ambitions and their abilities and that needs to be addressed before anything else….

        • Anonymous says:

          I think you may have a valid point.  I don't know what car wash you're talking about, but the big fancy one(s) are run by a pretty well known Caymanian.  Why not talk to him?  He may have a good reason for his hiring policies, or maybe he doesn't.

    • Anonymous says:

      If you just take a brief moment to read what you just wrote and count how any spelling mistakes you've made in that short statement you will realise that this is the reason so many Caymanians are without a job.

      • Anonymous says:

        please don't be rude.  He got his point across.  Better to debate on the facts, not the punctuation marks.

    • Anonymous says:

      To "Crazy Mad Caymanian" at least you got that bit right ……

      It's not all the Caymanians fault that they don't get the jobs,they don't get the education ,this needs looking at for your future Caymanians generations or they too will find great difficulty ,the only Caymanians that have done anything with their lives are the fortunate ones that come from a wealthy background ,they can go be educated.

      One the other hand we have a lot of Lazy ,Rude ones who seem to have a huge chip on their shoulder.

      In the Contruction business the Caymanians are heard to say ,i don't want to work all week Boss as long as i get enough for my beer ,they only want to do a few days then don't appear for the rest of the week ,they are the ones that are no good to companies ,businesses need to be able to depend on a loyal dependable workforce ,especially in these current hard times,stop trying to blame "The Expats" you seen to forget that it was mostly the skills and dedication of Expats that helped big time on your road to recovery after Ivan .

    • Caymanian says:

      you're not crazy, what you've stated is factual.

  71. Thankful Again says:

    Big pile of rubbish.  Why did you do this PPM?  Am sorry but the fixing of roll over is not to abandon it entirely.

    We have just empowered the ungrateful transient "life-giving" (not) worker once more in this country.

    This is wrong.  And I don't care how many thumbs down I get.

  72. My 1 cents worth says:

    Maybe if the rollover applied to the government it would be fair. One has to wonder just how many positions are being held by expats in the civil service that cant be filled by Caymanians or better yet- has to be filled at all.

    The rollover would have not been a bad idea IF it applied to all imported labour in this country. Not applying it to the civil service was discriminatory and out of line.

    • Unemployed UK degreed Caymanian says:

      I have a very good degree from the UK, came back to work in the private sector for four years to gain corporate experience and have glowing references in my field.

      Sadly, there is no way I can break into the civil service and it is infuriating to see I am as qualified as all of the expats for the postions I could have.   Where is the succession planning?  

      A LOT of the "Caymanians" in civil service have their status, but HOW many were born here and how many just got to keep that job long enough to qualify?

      Hellloooooo Human Resources Department in Civil Services?  Explain how it got this way.

  73. Anonymous says:

    Alden are you nuts. You want to undue the little progress we as Caymanians have made by minimising the amount of work permit holders eligible for residency and status. Removing the mechanism (rollover) that ensures this is ludicrous. This goes to show that you are unsuitable to lead this country, and the solutions that you have are not beneficial to Caymanians.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes!  Get rid of ALL expats and only let Caymanains have the jobs.

      Would that be suitable to you?  Is that your solution to all of Caymans many problems?  So far it does not look like its working.  But I like to watch you try.  I look forward to a day when Cayman goes back to the day of no money and no cares.  Just continue the push to get rid of all off island intelligence and work experiance and you will be there soon.

    • Anonymous says:

      You are nuts and can't see the forest for the trees!  The country is so deep in debt it's almost impossible to get out of the rut both the parties have put it in.

      Besides numbo, if there was no rollover policy the expats would be more inclined to invest in the country and put all their earnings back into the economy – which is what we need.

      He who doesn't think ahead, needs a head!

      I for one am a Caymanian and I've been working for 30 years now and have never had a problem with expats as long as they knew not to cross the line.  I've also been to the Middle and High Schools here and I'm thinking the boys brains have sunk to meet the waist of their pants which barely hangs on to their butt.  Not to mention the girls – goodness do you really want a man who can't pull up his own pants??????????

      Success comes from perseverance not how many kids you can have before age 20!

      Please bring back the strap and let me tell you something if one of my kids raises his/her hand to me I'm gonna put one of those good old fashioned assin's on them!  Beware – there's no greater wrath than that of a woman's scorn!

      How great God is and Honor thy Mother and thy Father were what I was proudly raised with and it made me what I am today.  Hardworking, respectful and responsible with unconditional love for my children.

      My ruler is GOD ALMIGHTY and his word is righteous above all false gods!

  74. Florence Goring-Nozza says:

    Alden sees nothing right!  He sees what suits and fits his own selfish agenda!

    It is a political stunt!

    • Anonymous says:

      Florence, I have agreed with many of your posts but on this one I must disagree. Like you I have my reservations about the wholesale repeal of term limits without any apparent plan to replace it with anything that might meet the original concerns which remain valid. I hold no brief for Alden. However, there is nothing for Alden to gain politically from this statement and potentially much to lose. There is a significant part of the PPM that will disagree with him and it may be a deal-breaker as far as supporting the PPM under his leadership is concerned. No doubt he has taken that into account which must mean that he is convinced that this is the right thing to do.   

  75. Anonymous says:

    Every now and then someone does something that renews my faith that Cayman's future is bright. Alden this is a great move, notwithstanding that it is long overdue. More business friendly regulations or removing anti-growth policies is the surest way to ensure increased employement opportunities and a propsperous future for our youth. As businesses flourish so does their capacity to hire and train Caymanians.

    The roll over policy simply put displayed a cold attitude towards immigrants, it does not take a behavioural expert to explain that a cold attitude is usually reciprocated. Giving deserving individuals a clear path to citizenship will only serve to secure Cayman's position as one of the world's top offshore financial centers.

    Well done Alden, one happy Caymanian.

    • Anon says:

      But hold on a minute… we have to see Alden "ACT" first… words mean nothing to us!

      • Forelock says:

        It's up to McKeeva to act.

        He now has an opportunity to agree with the opposition on something.

        Let's see if he has the same courage to grasp the nettle that Alden has displayed.

        If they can walk together on this, much damage to Caymanian owned businesses can be recovered.

        Kudos for telling it like it is Alden.

  76. Anonymous says:

    Where is Ezzard's rant on the rollover issue?

    It has been days since Ezzard got his picture in CNS.

    Thank goodness for the posters on CNS of Ezzard as Cary Grant in Hitchcock's North by Northwest with Cary Grant's body.

    • Florence Goring-Nozza says:

      Ezzard is too smart to get into this trap. He knows Alden is only politically grandstanding. Alden is just as bad for Cayman as is the UDP, only Independents should be considered for 2013 or we are doomed!

  77. Anonymous says:

    finally!….. how can anybody advocate an immigration policy that kicks out educated, hardworking individuals that has obviously shown commitment to the island over 7 years…..

    getting rid of the rollover is the key to caymans economic recovery

    • Anonymous says:

      It is quite simple….with the qualifications you speak of it should be relatively easy to find work in other countries especially your own. So do your times, save the money, send it home and when your time expires then just leave and quit sulking about it? What real chance do the people of this country have if it’s continuously overwhelmed by expats? I have a friend….yes she is Caymanian, who has been living in Tampa for several years and has completed her Masters Degree but is very reluctant about coming home because despite her qualifications she is still being over looked in favor of foreigners who are basically guaranteed the jobs. How much motivation can there be for Caymanians to get an education when “ish” like this is always happening?? I’m truly not anti-expat though I may come off that way but be realistic people imagine if everybody was allowed to come here to work and reside permanently….THE ISLAND IS TOO DAMN SMALL FOR EVERYBODY!! Expanding our population is not the answer!

      • Anonymous says:

        ah yes….its time for cayman's favourite fairy tale…the one about a caymanian with multiple degrees but still can;t get a job in her own country…..

        if this person ever was discrimanted against (in favour of a permit holder????) then there are multiple government agencies whereby this can reported too and rectified……..

      • Anonymous says:

        That's why there are around 2,000 empty properties out there – right now – with no-one to fill them.

  78. Stick a pin! says:

    Before we go changing rollover and worrying about how immigration impacts businesses why don’t we fix that glaring issue that still exists where Caymanians are still being passed up in favor of Expats for jobs we (Caymanians) are qualified for ? There are numerous out of work Caymanians who have been pushed out of their jobs by Expat bosses who continue to bend the rules and often times break them and then replaced by some friend of a friend of an Expat. Job adverts are still deliberately being written to describe an individual that was hand picked for the job rather than to describe the role they are trying to fill. I was told to my face the other day that I should not bother applying for a specific job because it was being advertised to renew a work permit. Despite the fact that I am more than qualified. Or the other example, another firm is trying to renew a work permit, so they tried to sweet talk me out of applying! Told me the pay was too low for me (Lie), Told me I was basically over qualified (I saw the job description and I am not), then when that didn’t work they turned the tables and focused on one requirement out of maybe 15 that I didn’t have and used that to say I would not be offered the job. To Alden and company! I say fix the above issues before bringing foolishness like dropping the rollover to the table and we can talk, otherwise stick to the course you set and stop playing politics with the people of this country, you supported rollover so why the abrupt change? It is simply political strategy trying to make the UDP look bad! You are really not helping us by doing this.

    • Stick a pin! says:

      Wow are all those thumbs down from Caymanians ? We really have lost control of this island if they are! 


      • noname says:

        The thumbs down are from intelligent Caymanians.  Don't worry though as long as current leadership stays the same your still in control.

        • Stick a pin! says:

          If the current administration was doing favors for me I would not be posting here. Yes Caymanian owned businesses are hiring expats over Caymanians, and a lot of the time it is because the Caymanian owners are not even aware of the crap that happens in their own organization or they are so busy making money they turn a blind eye. Also, consider the large Accounting and Law firms! are they really majority Caymanian owned? I dont think so! I'd give numerous examples of Caymanians (very qualified and experienced) who have been pushed out for expats who have no clue! there are some expats who genuinely want to live and work here with us, but there are some who look for every opportunity to bring in one of their own regardless of the laws they break. 

        • Anonymous says:

          Mr Intelligent

          You should say ….you're in control NOT your…..

    • Anonymous says:

      Sorry to hear your story, may i ask what qualifications you do haveand which industry you were applying for? In the finance industry i do not know of a single company on the island that would pass up a qualified Caymanian accountant with suitable experience for an expat.

      Locals are cheaper to employ (no fees) and you do not have the relocation risk associated with moving someone away from their home. This is why there are no qualified Caymanian accountants out of work / unemployed here.  If you know otherwise than please do say as i know of a number of companies that would happily take them on.

    • Anonymous says:

      You are so correct! Fix the bigger problem first….though one VERY MUCH SO has to do with the other.

    • JTB says:

      Stick a pin, you are displaying classic signs of paranoia.


      The law requires any business operating in Cayman to be majority Caymanian-owned, so who are these "expat" bosses turning Caymanians away.

      Any business in Cayman will bend over backwards to get Caymanians on their books because it makes their life immeasurably easier with the immigration board and their business staffing plan. Not to mention, hiring a Caymanian is generally a lot cheaper because you don't ave to pay an exorbitant work permit fee for them on top of their wage.

      The sad truth is that Caymanian unemployment is largely the product of an appalling educational system and a very poor work ethos among Caymanians.

      • Anonymous says:

        JTB, you are either being disingenuous or you really do not understand how the system works.

        First, the law does not require "any business operating in Cayman to be majority Caymanian owned". The largest employers are not governed by the LCCL at all but are licensed under a regulatory law, e.g. Banks & Trust Companies Law. Cable & Wireless, CUC, law firms, accounting firms, Banks, Fund Administrators etc are not majority Caymanian-owned. Even among those that are subject to the LCCL many of them have obtained a licence which means that are not required to have 60% Caymanian ownership and control.

        This erroneous 'employers are Caymanians' argument is conveniently deployed except when we are told that we are dependent upon expats for jobs or the claim is being made that expats pay more tax because of work permit fees. Suddenly employers then become expats.

        I think you said it right – "getting Caymanians on their books". The truth of the matter is that many employers only go through the motions of employing Caymanians, which they cynically view as the cost of doing business in Cayman, so that they can employ those whom they really wish to employ. He or she is a token. A necessary evil. A pre-judgement is made that the Caymanian is not a valuable addition to the staff and he is treated accordingly. Unlike his expat counterparts he is not being groomed for anything. There is no intention that he should rise through the ranks. There is no career path. Ultimately this affects the morale of the Caymanian employee and this in turn is reflected in his work and, lo and behold, we have a self-fulfilling prophecy.

        So please, none of that guff about "paranoia" and how employers are just dying to employ Caymanians. I have been around long enough and seen this system from the inside out to know better.        

        • Stick A Pin says:

          Couldn't have said it better. Wow at least someone else out there took off the blinders!

      • Anonymous says:

        "The sad truth is that Caymanian unemployment is largely the product of an appalling educational system and a very poor work ethos among Caymanians".

        i.e. You are saying that Caymanians are poorly educated and lazy and therefore unemployable. First, while our educational system is not first rate it is certainly not appalling. I am a product of it and it served me very well in my further studies in the UK. Second, it is sheer prejudice to suggest that Caymanians generally are lazy. Like anywhere else you will have those who are and those who are not. No doubt it is that prejudiced attitude that is a major contributor to Caymanian unemployment.  

        The good thing about about the anonymity on CNS is that encourages people to spill their guts and enables us to see the negative mindsets that underlie many of our problems, and it is not only among Caymanians.  

    • Anonymous says:

      I understand why you would keep to your tired scenario of Expat Bosses keeping the poor (qualified?) Caymanians from having a job.  Its all the expats fault and the poor caymanians are the poor victims.  Poor you and all like you that can't seem to grasp the idea that ALL businesses in Grand Cayman are owned and for the most part operated by Caymanians.  These Caymanians are smart enough to understand the concept of having quantifiable( not just word but deed) qualified and experianced workers to make the business work!  All of your poor me examples pale in comparison to all those of Qualified caymanians being hired and not doing the job, or even not showing up for the job.  You are only interested in Caymanians working period.  Successfull business owners are interested in keeping their business successfull.  Let them.  Government has made it so that it is much more profitable to hire a Caymanian over a much more expensive expat.  Now it is up to the Caymanian worker to make it work for them.  Until that happens honest to god good,experianced workers who will show up all the time are needed to keep business going.

      Governments attempt to get rid of expat workers by roll over and over payed for permits have not gotten more caymanians working but have gotten rid of more businesses.  Your not helping Cayman as a country by backing failed policies of a poor excuse for a leader.  But I still understand why youwould.

  79. Libertarian says:

    Finally, Alden is seeing the light! 

    This is a policy that in 2003, was composed by the UDP government, and later enforced by the PPM government. Both parties supported this anti-business policy. I am convinced that the rollover policy was not implemented to prevent an increase in population only, but it was implemented because of "fear," fear of the large volume of expatriate workers coming here, outnumbering Caymanians. The rollover policy is a protectionist policy that could segregate us from positive outside influence. The policy has caused the employment sector to lose skilled workers. The Law firms have had recruitment difficulties because of the policy, and dive instructors and realtors have also expressed concerns about safety and losing experienced staff. This is not good for an OFC.

    I recommend enforcing the labor laws we have now and providing unemployed people with more business/job opportunities.

    • Anonymous says:

      What an about face.And i thought by listening to the opposiion in former years that the foreign workforce was the main problem in this country. I think for the most part most of the ordinary and unlightened persons who take the ques from the politicians,commentators, and the talk shows amongst other media, instead of reading and studying the issues for themselves. i thought the foreigners were our main obstruction to employment and growth of Caymanians. To hear this coming from our majesty loyal opposition is a contradiction of no mean order

      • Libertarian says:

        Rather, Cayman's big problem is a lack of small business eutreprenuers in the field; a lack of jobs; and, a lack of educational opportunities. We have too much government beaurocracy and regulations / legislation against the free market.

  80. Anonymous says:

    Wow! Campaigning for 2013 on the way! Big Mac get ready for your 2nd term!

  81. Anonymous says:

    Nope….we need the roll over. Everybody, the mama, papa, granny, children can't just be allowed to live here for unlimited periods. People forget this is a small little island with terrible traffic. More people, more problems which we have enough of both already. I'm looking forward to all the thumbs down!

    • Anonymous says:

      Yeah??? Also no job opportunities for locals.

      • Anonymous says:

        Maybe if the locals would get off their behinds and get themselves a decent education expats wouldn't need to come live in Cayman and take " Your " jobs. I'm so tired of this small minded ignorance. Do you Caymanians honestly think you are the only country in the world that accept workers from other countries? If anything this should motivate you to be outstanding in your field so you can steal the job we took back, especially since you deserve it. Stop complaining. If it wasn't for expats your country would still be living in the darkness. You can give me all the thumbs down you want but I think it's finally time someone tells it like it is.

        • Stick a pin! says:


          WOW! I am so glad you posted this, now we can all see the attitudes Caymanians have to deal with. So none of us are educated? We are all illiterate? We should have to fight to get "back" the jobs that were given to Expats right here at home ? What country are you from ? Is that the ignorant outlook your wonderful education has given to you? You all really think we are here to be stepped on and walked over and abused, but I have news for the whole lot of you! 

          "not Today Bo Bo "

        • Anonymous says:

          Please go elsewhere then since you have so many options.

        • Anonymous says:

          Some of these people are so dam stupid, I have been in business for 20 years, in those 20 years I have employed Caymanian after Caymanian, first week they work amazing, second week they worked for 3 days and by the third week they were gone, how does one run a company with that type of modern labour, it becomes merely impossible, so therefore once again we are in search of the foreign worker who is grateful and contented with the job, I have had my staff the same ones for the entire 7 years, and now they are getting rolled over, 2 of my main guys are going to be rolling over, you know what I am doing, closing shop and streamlining for the year, to train anyone to do what they do, will take me another 2 years, absolutely pointless, so I say to my fellow caymanians, money doesn’t grow on trees, and you must realize this and stand firm and be contented with what you have, not what u don’t have.

  82. Anonymous says:

    Get ready for xenophobic rants with lots of poor grammer.

    • Anonymous says:

      How funny that you should write about poor grammar but misspell the word.

      • Anonymous says:

        Muphry's Law – if you write anything criticizing editing or proofreading, there will be a fault of some kind in what you have written

    • Anonymous says:

      ooh, i geddit you're being all "ironic" and British right? Lawdy you limeys are cool.

    • Thankful Again says:

      up yours…is that xenophobic and poor enough grammer for you.

      • Anonymous says:

        "up yours…is that xenophobic and poor enough grammer for you".

        Way to go, I think you just proved his point!


        • Thankful Again says:

          and i wonder if you figured that out by yourself?!  I wonder if you're expat and assume I did not know that….

          • Anonymous says:

            I just wonder is heavy walking around with that giant chip on your shoulder?

    • Anonymous says:

      I think you mean "grammar".


    • Anonymous says:

      "Get ready for xenophobic rants with lots of poor grammer"

      See, it's started already!

  83. NJ2Cay says:

    Obsessed with big business to the detriment of smaller business that were crippled by UDP policies from the increase in fuel duty to the cost of work permits and other business fees.
    Correct me if I’m wrong, but I that all these fee increase were put in place so the Government could recover from all the previous governments excessive spending..

    I am however surprised to hear him say that the rollover was a bad Idea, when from what I understand was put in place to help insure employment for more Caymanians, who were expected to get the Jobs that the rolled over folks left.

    • Anonymous says:

      Clearly it's 90% expats commenting on here and giving thumbs down to people who agree with the roll over. Majority of you come from much bigger countries that you all brag about being so much better than Cayman so why bombard this small little island as much as you want for as long as you want? No…there has to be a time limit! We can't go to your countries and do the same…I personally wouldn't want to. Don't understand why you folks are bothered so much by our opinions on this matter.

      • Anonymous says:

        Sorry but don't all Caymanians automatically qualifyfor a British passport so yes you could come to at least one bigger country if you wish and no body could stop you !

        • Anonymous says:

          Take it one step further.  Once you have a British passport then you have full access to all EU countries,

          • Anonymous says:

            Why would we want to go where you left?  I prefer here and you know why you don't want to leave.

    • Anonymous says:

      "….was put in place to help insure employment for more Caymanians, who were expected to get the Jobs that the rolled over folks left"

      But that's not happening, is it? The Rollover is not doing what it was intended to do. What should we do with laws that are serving their intended purpose?

    • O'Really says:

      It's true that Government increased fees to meet expenses, but it is not true that this was their only option. They could have addressed the overspending by trimming the fat, thus negating the need for increases in revenue. Cayman does not have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem and lacks politicians with the backbone to address it.

      As for rollover, it was never about creating jobs for Caymanians. It was about restricting who could become Caymanian by operation of law over time. It was always going to be a problem for businesses here, who had to get rid of long serving expats with 7 years of Cayman experience and replace them, for the most part, with other expats with no Cayman experience. 

      The surprise here is not that rollover has been recognised as an inappropriate way to deal with the whole status issue, but that a Caymanian politician is prepared to come out and acknowledge a mistake. 

  84. Anonymous says:

    This has to be by far the most sensible thing I have heard government speak about, since this rubbish was created, all rollover has caused is exactly that, the country has rolled over and died. Let’s all stand together in unity to see this through to fruition, we will all be better off in the long run, as all countries havevgood and bad people and policies, an infusion of residents and workers is long overdue, how long do we really expect to keep the population at 50 or so thousand people, we are stagnating as a nation, look around the Caribbean people, foreign investment is flourishing in the other Caribbean islands that have less stringent policies…. Kindly keep this in perspective, we will always have crime and issues, that is the natural evolution of the human race…..

  85. Anonymous says:

    PPM loyalists, if this doesn't convince you that you have chosen the wrong person to lead you, well than I don't suppose anything will. Incompetence personified.

  86. PaperCaymanian says:

    It is all smoke and mirrors designed to hide the true problem.- Incredibly bloated govt-.Just like the magician waving the hankerchef to distract your eye from the other hand.