Auditor warns off politicians

| 11/07/2011

(CNS): The auditor general has found that political interference and a lack of leadership is undermining the procurement process and leaving the purchase of government services open to corruption. Speaking about his latest special report, which takes a general overview of the process, Alastair Swarbrick said on Monday that he had significant concerns about the undue influence by elected politicians. The country's public auditor said that procurement was an administrative process and politicians had no role in it because it was not about policy. He pointed out that when politicians were involved there were risks of abuse and mismanagement.

In a comprehensive overview of the procurement process, the 44 page report reveals that Swarbrick and his team found several instances where politicians have been involved in the day-to-day operations of the procurement function. “There are significant risks and negative consequences when this happens,” the report reveals.

The auditor's office stated that, without a clear definition of responsibility and accountability for the actions taken by politicians in an administrative process, there were significant risks to the equity, transparency and effective operation of the procurement function.

“Good governance in the public sector procurement requires that there is a clear division of responsibilities between elected members and administrative officials," the AG said. “We found evidence that some politicians are not complying with the procurement rules that have been established by the administration and, in some cases, contravening the laws and regulations.”

With limited checks and balances on transactions that are conducted “outside” the administrative process, this increased the risk of corruption the AG noted. “Without some form of oversight of the individuals conducting the transactions, there is no assurance that the risk of fraud and corruption is being effectively managed,” he warned..

He also spoke about politicians overriding the decisions of administrative staff, which impacted morale.

“During our interviews, we were told of a number of recent situations when political interference had created uncertainty and angst among government employees. For example, in one case, politicians met with middle management officials to question their decision with regard to procurement. In another case, we found that politicians directed the appointment of individuals, who were not government officials to a Departmental Tendering Committee. The government employees participating on the committee were informed that they could not participate in the evaluation of the bids.”

The auditor further revealed that Cabinet reviewed the results of a tendering process and held up the announcement of the winning bidder. Politicians questioned entity officials repeatedly regarding the decision rather than simply asking the chief officer to provide assurance, in his opinion, whether he could assert to the rigour and fairness of the process.

“We found a senior public servant who submitted his resignation to the government as a last resort to demonstrate his unease with the level of political override that was occurring and the impacts it was having on his ability to do his job effectively, and members of committees stepping down and not wanting to participate in the current procurement process because of the impacts of political interference,” the report said.
The AG stated that there was evidence that public servants no longer wanted to be involved with procurement because of the political interference and the possibility for abuse of the process that might be associated with such activities.

Swarbrick pointed to a list of other problems as he criticised the current process and noted onceagain the absence of any real leadership in the adminstrative arm of government. He said there was a lack of expertise as well as proper policies and procedure and no one was monitoring compliance or will to take responsibility. There was, he said, little communication or coordination across government departments leading to a real danger that significant sums of public money were being wasted. Government, he warned, is likely to be paying millions of dollars more for supplies and services than needed.

Making some thirty recommendations about how government could improve the functions and create greater fairness, equity and transparency, Swarbrick recommended that officials appoint a senior officer to take charge of the entire process.

“The government should appoint someone as a Chief Procurement Officer who would be accountable for the overall development, management and reporting on the Government’s procurement activities,” he said.

Speaking at press briefing to make the report public, the AG explained that a second report which will lookspecifically at individual case studies would be released shortly  He said that report examines the actual procurement process for the Jazz Festival 2009 , the recent CCTV award and the controvertial  government financing tender when the premier publicly overrode a decision of the CTC.

He noted that this first report was to give a general overview of where the process was going wrong and what could be done to address it. He said, however, that given the very real concerns his office has about the process, which accounts for close to half of the core government spending – some $220million – he said that it would not stop there. The office will be following what happens with all major procurements closely and, Swarbrick said, resources permitting, his office would want to look at the issues surrounding waste- management and the proposed cruise berthing facilities in George Town

Swarbrick said government's administrative officials had cleared this first report for factual accuracy but he said they had stated that they would take some time to come back with a strategic response to the report.

The report was circulated to members of the Legislative Assembly last week but as no vote has yet taken place in the parliament to formalize the appointment of Moses Kirkconnell as chair and elect Kurt Tibbetts to it, the Public Accounts Committee is still without a chairman and full complement of members since the resignation of Ezzard Miller. The PAC is the body which should conduct further enquiries into the report, interview witnesses and produce its own report and recommendations for parliament.

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  1. Jack Irvine says:

    Be careful what you wish for. In the UK, procurement departments have become the largest growth industry we have. They are staffed by low and middle rank civil servants who spend more time querying a bidder's diversty and health and safety  policies than actually worrying whether they can deliver the project.Instead of government playing favourites, it is now the procurement people playing favourites. Trouble is they have no expertise whatsover in the skills that are being tendered fro. One day they are sitting in judgment for a road builder, the next they are looking at advertising services or someone to provide medical equipment. They employ "one size fits all" criteria and end up settling for the wrong candidates in many occasions.  

    This is all driven by the mind numbingly inefficient EC  and is in fact causing untold delays in contracts being awarded and with no apparent cost savings. We should remind ourselves that during the Second World War, Winston Churchill tasked Lord Beaverbrook to deliver over 1500 fighter planes a month to beat the enemy. He was told to kick ass and cut every corner necessary. Bureaucrats were not to be tolerated. If Beaverbrook was faced with today's procurement issues he wouldn't have built 1000 planes in a year and everybody in Cayman would be speaking German. A dynamic economy and procurement people do not make good bedfellows. 

  2. Dred says:

    The problem is the wolves are being left to mind the sheep!!

    Let me be clear in all of this. This problem is NOT a UDP problem as such. They are merely using what has been in place for 30 years or more.

    We have a serious issue and its more serious than most realise. Our problem is not at ground levelits at the top. The most senior officials within our government has been doing this for so many years it's become the status quo. They were trained by their predecessor and the one before that this is the way you get things done. And the people under them have now also been brain washed to this also.

    The line to department leader is hand picked years in advance as friend help friend who helps friend.

    As for precurement its the same. Services/products are secured from either friends or relatives or friends of relatives.

    This has been used and abused by every team who has taken office going back a millenium. PPM, UDP and all other parties.

    People we are asking the people who are part of the problem to fix the problem. You tell me how in the world is that going to work?

    I will say this UDP seems to have taken things to a whole new level though. Never before have I seen so much blatant stuff going on like boards being removed or just walked around. Maybe it has happened but in todays media age its reaching the public for what seems to be the first time.

    We can make all of the policies and laws in the world if they are not adhered to this will never be fixed and no politician really wants it changed. They all SAY they do but they often rely on it once they are in office. It makes for good political mileage to speak about it.

    The problem is the policitians are now generally good friends with the people in the leadership roles and who truly comes down hard on their friends?

    We are scarily close to a TCI situation here people. If this problem is not rectified quickly the UK will have no other choice but to come in a clean house. And honestly I don't see any change coming anytime soon.

    • Dred says:

      The best way I believe to resolve this issue is to create a special department for CIG procurement and remove all others within the sectors.

      All other departments make request of the procurement department for items they need and then procurement moves to acquire.

      This does several things:

      1) Isolates the procurement process to a single location

      2) Limites the amounts of influences that can be done

      3) Allows CIG to act as one body when ordering products therefore allowing them to gain better pricing based on volume.

      4) It should allow for easier monitoring of procedures and policies

      Procurement would determine who is to provide the product/service based on set guidelines. Procurement would have a committee much the way the departments have committees and all request that must come from a new vendor must be approved by committee. Procurement would determine what vendors are available to provide the product or service and make necessary request for quotations. The requesting department would only be consulted should further details be needed or confirmation that the product the winning vendor is providing meets the needs of the department.

      Every year or two years the vendors are reviewed to see if they still present the best value for dollaroffer.

      This is what is being done mostly in private sector.

      • Anonymous says:

        Just one problem, certain sectors know what is best for their department. A specialized procurement entity, may be too beaurocratic and such sections like the Police may want their items/articles of sensitive nature, procured from their own accountant. There may be issues of confidentiality raised with certain members. 

        • Dred says:

          Thats all a bunch of hosh posh really to be honest. Just excuses not to have it.

          Procurement can consult with the department requesting for some guidance in terms of needs ofthe equipment but decisions on which vendor to use ultimately stays with Procurement.

          Equipment or Services wise I see no real on need for police or anyone to have issues. If its physical equipment theres nothing to hide. If its services where it may involve say requiring professional services for a specific case that can be worked out on a case by case basis but still the department making the decision will still lie with Procurement.

          The details from the Police will just not be featured as to what case it is for only what needs are required.

          It would be important that this department is staffed with people with various expertise. People with backgrounds suitable for the foreseen needs of the department.

          Let me say this. This whole problem is built around crap like that. Thsi is what has gotten us to this stage because of "can't do this because…". There is no REAL reason in there just an excuse so the status quo of abuse can continue. Once people with brain power sit down around the base of this idea a workable plan could be put in place to deal with the variables that could present themselves.

          Let's be clear probably about 60% of the request for items or services will probably only be from sources already attained by CIG. In other words a vendor is already in place and nothing special is needed of procurement only to facility to movement of products from one location to another.

          The real meat of the work comes from things that are outside the norm such as the CCTV items or Construction jobs that require bids.

      • Knot S Smart says:

        Dred I wish I could disagree with you, but I cant because you are hitting the nail on the head!

    • chad says:

      Cronyism may not be a major factor.

  3. a naw no mouse says:

    Very good job Auditor General!

    Now Deputy Governor and CSPL; time for REAL action….including involving the Attorney General and NEW Director of Prosecutions.

    So, so many very highly paid positions….and yet practically no effective "Accoutability"!

    • Dred says:

      Before you go thinking this will make any heads roll I ask you to reflect back a moment at the gas concern raised by Mr Duquay during his time. It was noted at that time that the police were a major player in the abuse of the gas.

      Now tell me something. Has any heads rolled? You don't think they know who was doingit? Was anyone made to pay for their abuse of it? Was anyone sent to prison for theft because this is basically what it was?

      The answer to all of this is a big fat NO.

      I wouldn't be holding my breath on this either.

      • a naw no mouse says:

        Agreed that the holding of breath is not effective….however it's also way past time to stop burying head in sand!

        Ethical Principles need to become the norm….rather than the exception.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Just confirms what we all know.

    Weak civil service looking after their own jobs …No kind of opposition polititians…no controls…power corrupts if no checks and balances.


    Cayman needs a radical approach. Lets get better people running the country lets have accountability and not vested interest including maybe having some non caymanians if they are honest, able and independent

  5. mmcLaughlin says:

    Mr. Alastair Swarbrick should be our Governor, he has balls of steel!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Mr. AG you are a day late & a dollar short. We caymanian folk already know these things.

  7. Anonymous says:

    ok.. I'm calling the Premier's Press Secretary to see what he will do about this!

    • Anonymous says:

      The tail must not wag the dog.  You must do as I say or you will be replaced.  I think the premier got it mixed up. The dog is the voters the tail is the politicians and not the other way around.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Does AG stand for Auditor Gone?

  9. Anonymous says:

    Mr. A.G. is about to find out "Cayman is for Caymanians". 

  10. B.B.L. Brown says:

    Alastair Swarbrick for Presidente!

  11. Anonymous says:

    I thought that I was going to be busy the rest of the year planting bananas in my back yard, but Swashbuckling Swarbrick (SS) is teeing up to hit a home run!

    The Premier has a few delaying tactics, but the LA will eventually have to meet, and I can't wait to see everyone's face when SS delivers the Cohen loan report.


  12. Anonymous says:

    The AG is quoted as saying:

    "We found evidence that some politicians are not complying with the procurement rules that have been established by the administration and, in some cases, contravening the laws and regulations."

    Really? Contravening laws and regulations? Has the Public Presecutor and the Attorney General been notified of this?

    Nobody is above the law I am told.

  13. tim ridley says:

    Writing reports is the easy part. Implementing the conclusions and recommendations is the challenge. The desks of the senior officials (including the Governor) in the Cayman Government are full of (expensive) reports that cause a stir and then nothing happens. The obstructionism and inertia of the status quo and vested interests can defeat even the best of intentions.

    I served on the Boards of two statutory authorities and saw first hand both political interference and senior management obstructionism (often a combination of both!) that impaired the independence of the authorities and the ability of able and dedicated Directors to carry out their legal duties and functions in a proper manner. What is concerning is that neither of the offending parties saw anything wrong in their actions, in the pursuit of their own narrow self interest. 

    • Anonymous says:

      I disliked this post because it offered no constructive criticism to solve the problem. You have obviously given up. Does this mean that we should all have no hope? 

      Jesus shall be crucified!


  14. Dred says:

    Mr Swarbrick your days are now numbered. I applaud you. I thought you were to be a pansy but I stand corrected and I am big enough a man to say I was wrong and I apologise for that.

    You have my full respect now.

    Mr. Taylor I hope you are watching all of this.

    So far we have….

    – Ongoing investigations into potentially serious charges.

    – Dismantling of boards in willi nilli fashion because they stand by proper processes and refuse to be dictated to.

    – Politicians going around standard procedures and signing agreements without board approval and knowledge

    – Politicians influencing CS staff during procurement processes

    – Soon to come lawsuits

    – Members of community marching due to projects that could have grevious consequences which are FAVOURED by the Premier

    I'm sure I have missed a few more.

    I believe it is time you step in. I believe it is time you request that the Premier answer for all that has gone on and that is ongoing. There is a no confidence matter that needs to be dealt with.

  15. Anonymous says:


  16. Anonymous says:

    What will be done regarding any civil servants and in particular any chief officers who are shown to have been complicit? "I was hand picked by [politician] cause I would "wuk wit" him/her and was just doing what I was told"  can not be accepted. Heads should roll Mr. Governor.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Thank you for your efforts, Mr Swarbrick. Here's a little light at the end of the long, dark tunnel for all of us. This is an excerpt from a wonderful book called HOME (Heaven on Mother Earth) by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles:

    As the Light of god increases on Earth and the negativity that conflicts with that Light is pushed to the surface to be transmuted and healed, we are seeing the global economy reel on the shifting sands of corruption and greed. From outer appearance, it looks like the economy is headed for total collapse but, in fact, this is only the darkness before the dawn.

    The purging that is taking place in the economic world is a necessary part of the healing process. The old-age archtypes of greed, selfishness, corruption, and moral depravity are being exposed and shattered in order to clear the way for the new archtypes of limitless abundance. Those who are willing to attain their wealth by harming another part of life are doomed to failure. Whether they are hurting people or polluting the Earth, their nefarious efforts are being exposed in the radiant Light of Divine Truth.

    The dog-eat-dog, looking-out-for-number-one selfishness that has been so prevalent over the years cannot be sustained once the new archtypes of limitless abundance are in place. This is the time that has been prophesied when "All that has been hidden must now be revealed"  The clandestine schemes of deception and dishonesty that have trapped the multitudes in a web of poverty will no longer be concealed in a cloak of darkness. The elite few who hoard the wealth of the world while millions live in hunger, disease and squalor will no longer succeed in their self obsessed ventures.

    • Anonymous says:

      Thanks for the thumbs down, you hole in the head UDP supporters. You're certainly not known for listening to anything with sense, even in the very face of the plain and obvious truth. KNOW that there is very simply not enough of you in this world to prevent the truth from coming to light any longer. It will come. It must come. Leave your idiot ways behind you and start contributing to the good of our country and ALL its people, including yourselves, rather than a chosen, depraved few. Justice is coming, for the betterment of us all, with or without your help. It must come.

    • anonymous says:

      Word of advice about lights at the end of tunnels…sometimes its an ONCOMING TRAIN…

      • Anonymous says:

        Sometimes. Our immediate concern is the one that is running us over.

  18. Pit Bull says:

    It is time that the British stepped in and took control of its territory for a while.  It is clear that the current experiment in localised non-democratic governance is going very wrong.

    • Libertarian says:

      "The way to hell is paved with good intentions."  If the international community learns that the British took over Cayman because of corruption or financial mismanagement, you can kiss the reputation of our offshore financial center good bye, and the Cayman Islands becoming a welfare state like TCI, having to rely and depend on Mother to get her out of the rut. Sorry, but I don't think you know what you're asking for.

    • Anonymous says:

      I gave you a thumbs up for your last sentence. But in the first sentence, I later realized that the British are having financial difficulties themselves in terms of financial management. Just what will make their administration better than the one we have now?

    • Anonymous says:

      Clearly you do not wish us well. The British takeover of the TCI is a failed experiment in UK authoritarian rule. I hope that none of the thumbs up to your comment were from Caymanians.

      • Anonymous says:

        Can you provide us with some stats, facts, figures? I would sincerely appreciate it.

        • Anonymous says:

          How about an article which gives an insider's account of what is happening?

          • Anonymous says:

            With all due respect, that article is filled with opinion and emotion. There is support for and against the Brits. Not to mention it is over a year old. So my question still stands, any stats, facts figures? 

            • Anonymous says:

              The article is filled with the accounts the experiences of real people who actually live in TCI but you callously choose to dismiss that as "opinion" and "emotion". The fact is that the country is in serious economic decline as there are virtually no new inward investments due to the uncertainty of their status, and unemployment is estimated at 40%. The request to have the 2011 Carifta Games hosted in TCI went unanswered by the British direct rule Govt.  This would have given a boost to the economy and lifted the spirits of the people. Development projects are stalled still waitin on the 'Interim Govt'. approval.The so-called Interim Govt. has had the power for every govt department (including schools) cut off for non-payment of its bills under the British dictatorship for heavens sake!. Sounds pretty incompetent to me.

              There is very little support for the Brits outside of the expats who Britain intends to give the right to vote under a new Constitution that was drafted earlier this year.   

              One of the problems with a dictatorship is that it won't make actual statistics readily available as they know they will look poorly. It also threatens people who dare to speak out.    

      • Anonymous says:

        When Britain took over TCI its national debt stood at $135m. It is now twice that. All investor confidence has been eroded. Economic activity since the takeover has been almost non-existent. Unemployment is near 40%.  Ask the TCI Islanders whether they think this is an improvement from Misick.  

        Obviously that would be the end of our financial services industry.

    • Anonymous says:

      The days of empire are gone, give it up.

    • Anonymous says:

      The reason some Brits are gung ho about UK direct rule is because they know that in TCI the UK used corruption as excuse to extend the franchise to non-Belongers and they hope the same thing will happen here. I am willing to bet that 90% of the thumbs up to this post are expat. The other 10% are misguided Caymanians who have been suckered. Fellow Caymanians ask the TCI Islanders whether they are better off now with British direct rule.     

  19. PaperCaymanian says:

    Politicians cannot be jailed for stealing millions but smoke some ganja and away you go to Northward.The  Laws against corruption are written as loopholes(the few that are actually in place).I quit working with the govt. a long time ago.There is too much honest work for a small mechanical contractor like me.

  20. Anonymous says:

    So lets see how many people vote for this government again.
    (in retrospect probably all the same ones because they have been given fridges and not computers to read what is happening)

  21. Anonymous says:

    Some light..I was really worried that we hadn't heard from the AG in a long time but looks like he was busy.  Hope the Govenor will read this and do something….the Premier needs to resign!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      resign to be replaced by whom???  and please don't tell me alden or ezzard!

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes you are correct, either Alden or Ezzard. They both have honesty and integrity. Hell they even have an education. We do understand, of course, that these are not important attributes for someone who calls himself the Premier of a country.

        • Anonymous says:

          I am the original poster…I don't agree with Ezzard replacement as in my opinion his xenophobic platform will have us wrecking cruise ships that pass our islands….but Alden has a bit more integrity than our current Premier XXX

          • Anonymous says:

            Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Mine is that there is not much Ezzard can possibly do to make things worse than they are at present, yet there is a whole lot that he WILL do to make things better. It is also my opinion that Alden deserves a lot more credit than you give him by your comparison with our current Premier.

          • Anonymous says:

            Ezzard stands up for Caymanians. That does not make him xenophobic. That is a very stupid comment about wrecking cruise ships.   

      • Anonymous says:

        Just about anyone else would be better. The Governor should dissolve the LA and call new elections and let the people decide. It may well be Alden or Ezzard.

      • Anonymous says:

        I'm original poster…supported big Mac in last election…didn't really anticipate this….we have lost the entire democratic process with this manchild…..I appologize to all for my support of this complete XXXXX.

        • Anonymous says:

          We forgive you. And we most sincerely applaud you. Now, where in Hell in West Bay, Grand Cayman, are the rest of those UDP supporters?

  22. Anonymous says:

    No surprise….zzz….zzz ..tell me something new

  23. Anonymous says:

    Julianna's Ministry identified in the report as the ministries an authorities that the information surfaced from!  This is from the report:

    "Interviews of individuals in two ministries and portfolios – Internal and External Affairs and District Administration, Works, Lands & Agriculture (DAWL&A) and two statutory authorities -National Roads Authority and Ports Authority"
    • Anonymous says:

      We are still awaiting a report on the Paloma funds…….Some homes are repaired but what about those that did not belong to the udp supporters. I suggest that in the future these hand outs be given to honest and also local individuals who know the Brac people.

      • Anonymous says:

        maybe some homes are stilled screwed but if you were at the right barbeques…you got a nice driveway.

  24. Anonymous says:

    While the text of your article is clear, may I suggest that you find another acronym other than AG when referrring to the Auditor General in your headlines. AG is usually the abbreviation used for Attorney General (unless you're referring to the incorporated status of a German company)  

  25. Anonymous says:

    I am a former civil servant. I support Swarbick 100%. What he is saying applies to ALL former governments not just Bush's. That doesn't make it right but it has been going on from long time. Northward Prison is built on land sold to Jim Bodden's government by one of its major supporters. The price was not market value at the time.

    • A Centrist says:

      Generalisations are usually almost always wrong, I am sure that there was at atleast one honest policitian, or should I say stateperson in our history. 

      Also, if you define "honest" as being perfect then no human being will match your expectations, not even yourself, or the person you respect the most.  Nevertheless what is going in the Cayman Islands and several other countries today is barefaced abuse of power and position attained through public office.  There is no longer any conscience, or even slight embarrassment on being caught red handed. Instead they have learnt to "double down", insist they have done nothing wrong without justifying it and divert people's attention.  We as voters, too often let them get away with such strategies and if some individuals try to do the right thing we accuse them of being dishonest anyway.  We are responsible and one place to start is to insist on accountability.

    • Anonymous says:

      I doubt that in the history of Cayman we have ever had anything approaching the degree and prevalence of impropriety that we are currently experiencing.

      • Anonymous says:

        The Unity Team Government of our National Hero was as bad or worse Tue 12:58. Caymanians had the sense to see that eventually and we threw them out. It remains to be seen what will happen at our next Election. The Opposition at present is plain uninspiring.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Now we understand why the constant call for less beuracracy, what little there was was still getting in the way of the Politicians and the way they wanted to run tings!!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      "Now we understand"

      lol… understand what?  We do have a bloated size government with too much beauracracy.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Where are all the posters who said previously that this auditor general was just appointed as a yes man to Mac and his crew, and that Duguay was gotten rid off because he wouldn't stand up to Government. Saint Dan was gotten rid off for other reasons largely to do with his "management" style but, Jesus, the posters who knew nothing about that went berserk just to hammer Bush.

    • Anonymous says:

      Dan was gotten rid of because he WOULD stand up to government.  My money says Swarbrick is soon to follow.


      • Anonymous says:

        Agreed with regarding Mr. Dan but hopefully Mr. Swarbrick will stay and continue to do the right thing.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well you have to admit he has been silent for a while and it appeared he had been silenced after the last statement on ministry reporting.  Have we heard from him on the Premier's removal of requirement for reliable?  This will devestate the perception of Cayman in the eyes of the foreign investors/customers, as well as our own people.

      What does it take to get rid of this government?

  28. Anonymous says:

    Mr. Strarbrick's remit is directly under the Governor.  Big Mac will not be able to tear the ladder down and he will not be able to cut his pay, that is provided by law.

    • Anonymous says:

      Mr. dugay was also directly under the Governor. His "Work Permit" renewal was refused by ??????? The current elected government

      • Anonymous says:

        Civil servants don't need work permits. His contract was not renewed by the current government. Not saying it was at all the right thing to do but it wasn't a permit.

    • Anonymous says:

      except this governor has done nothing of note in 2 years…..

    • Anonymous says:

      Not only is his job now in jeopardy, but we can be assured there won't be any funds available to provide the additional staff he alludes to in his report to carry out any in-depth investigation.  A full-blown investigation overseen by the Governor's office and involving the Attorney General is called for —- and soon!!

  29. Anonymous says:

    Wow, when someone is willing to resign due to the political influence, it says a lot about how rampant this thing really is and how powerless people must feel.

    • Anonymous says:

      Anyone know who resigned, sadly, this is exactly the type of civil servant we need to keep.

  30. Anonymous says:

    I have stated for years that Cayman is "better" than where she has been lead. This is just the tip of the iceberg and I sincerely believe that positive political change is finally on the horizon. There are far to many interesting balls up in the air that are about to all land at the same time.

  31. Anonymous says:

    Based on what we found, we concluded that the Government of the Cayman Islands is mismanaging the procurement of supplies, services and assets resulting in a lack of efficiency, transparency and fairness as well as costing the Government millions of dollars more than necessary. If not addressed immediately, the procurement activities will continue to be at significant risk of waste, abuse, and potentially fraud and corruption.

    This is the last paragraph and says it all.  We all know it, now he has said it.

  32. Sick An Tired. says:

    I think his language is oh so diplomatic, that those doing the misdeeds will not stop until you name names, or lock up one or two, then it will stop. 

  33. Anonymous says:

    At Last, an Auditor General with balls. Congratulations, Sir, and we sincerely pray you don't get them squished.


    • Anonymous says:

      Fear not, my fellow Scotsman will have balls of steel, like Irn Bru, made in Scotland from girders :). Keep it up laddie, you have started as you mean to go on.

  34. Anonymous says:

    still miss dan dugay….

  35. TJ says:

    “Good governance in the public sector procurement requires that there is a clear division of responsibilities between elected members and administrative officials," the AG said

    Ummmm speaking about "Good governance," and whilst everybody is pointing the finger at Mac, where is the UK's good governance agenda in all of these interferences?

    I mean not to sound silly, but aren't we under the UK!!!  What the hell are they ruling over us if they can't enforce good governance when it needs to be enforced?!!!

  36. nauticalone says:

    Good job Auditor General! The past AG (Mr. Duguay) had many of the same concerns.

    The "strategic response" needed is: To Arrest and Charge those responsible for their refusal to follow Laws and Due Processes!

    Only then will "Good Governance" be seen as more than some Politically Expedient Soundbite!

    We cannot afford to continue along the current path.

    • Anonymous says:

      True but can't see it happening, this place is so currupt there are just to many to catch, then again I really don't think the UK gives a dam, as long as Cayman does not cost them anything and they have a place to put money then they don't care, and I'm a Brit just telling it how it is.

      • Anonymous says:

        Cayman too corrupt and UK is too corrupt!

        Now we are 1 happy family. But the poor islanders are caught between both UK and Cayman well-offs. God Help Us.

  37. Anonymous says:

    I'm shocked

  38. Subway Cookie says:

    “We found evidence that some politicians are not complying with the procurement rules that have been established by the administration and, in some cases, contravening the laws and regulations.”

    He said that report examines the actual procurement process for the Jazz Festival 2009 , the recent CCTV award and the controvertial  government financing tender when the premier publicly overrode a decision of the CTC.

    Bye Mr. Swarbrick, I never met you but now that you have made the above statements I know its only a matter of time before you will be removed and replaced.  Thanks for speaking the truth though.

    • Anonymous says:

      Now then, if this guy disappears, we'll have something else to protest about!