UK naval ship docks to prepare foremergencies

| 19/07/2011

(CNS): RFA Wave Ruler which is providing cover for the Caribbean OTs and Bermuda during this year’s hurricane season will be visiting the Cayman Islands later this month to allow the support ship’s crew to familiarise themselves with local infrastructure, in case there is a need to respond to any regional emergency. The ship will arrive in Grand Cayman on 22 July and then head to Cayman Brac for a day on 27 July. Patrolling the North Atlantic and Caribbean, RFA Wave Ruler comprises a significant part of the navy’s presence in this hemisphere. Its primary roles are to provide support to UK Overseas Territories and to strengthen the UK's regional commitment.

That includes providing area support in the event of natural disasters such as hurricanes. With its extensive range of disaster relief stores, Wave Ruler is capable of providing food, water and shelter as required. Grand Cayman is also the storage site for the UK Government's Department for International Development (DFID) emergency response items for the region. Local DFID storage is the responsibility of the Cayman Islands Red Cross.

Local officials said that this will be the ships fourth visit since 2008. Over the weekend, Commanding Officer Captain Norris (RFA) will host a reception for local dignitaries and winners of the Governor’s Five Star Award for Customer [Service] Excellence (F.A.C.E.). 

Naval officers will also meet with officials from the Health Services Authority and the Cayman Islands Red Cross to discuss responses in the event of a major disaster. In addition, the ship’s company will participate in a search and rescue exercise, call on the Cayman’s Marine Unit, and participate in a football match. 

Calls will also be made on Donovan Ebanks, acting governor and acting premier Rolston Anglin as well as Hazard Management Cayman Islands (HMCI) Director McCleary Frederick.

On Wednesday, 27 July, the vessel will call at Cayman Brac, to discuss disaster relief with Sister Islands’ District Commissioner Ernie Scott and other officials, and tour the island.


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