Kerran’s parents issue plea

| 04/08/2011

(CNS): Sandra and Wilmot Anthony made a heart-felt plea today to the Caymanian people to help find their daughter, who has been missing for more than five days. Kerran Baker’s parents begged people to come forward with information and assist in trying to find out what has happened to their 25-year-old daughter, who was last seen on Saturday evening at Foster’s Supermarket near the airport. Wilmot Anthony (left) said many people in Cayman know him as he lived here for more than a decade and if they are scared to call the police they could contact him privately with whatever they know. The Anthonys arrived in the Cayman Islands yesterday afternoon and intend to stay until they learn what has happened to their daughter. 

Sandra Anthony, Kerran’s mother, said she spoke with her daughter at around 5pm on Saturday and she said she was happy and normal.

“I am her mother and I am pleading, I am begging to the citizens of Cayman and all the other nationalities on the island if they have seen, heard or know anything please come forward,” she said tearfully at a special police press briefing at noon on Thursday. “She is my first child, please come forward. Someone tell me something.”

Her father asked people to put themselves in the position of himself and Kerran’s mother. 

“We need to find her. She has been missing for five days. Almost everyone on the island knows me. I was here for eleven years. If you are scared to go to the police call me privately on 321 4271,” he said. “I am hoping for the best but bracing for the worst but please come to me,” he said to the people he hoped may know something about what has happened to Kerran.

The police said that they had confirmed that the keys found in bushes around 50 yards from where her car was found in Pedro St James on Monday were the keys for the car. DS Marlon Bodden said, however, that the DNA results of the traces of blood found nearby had not yet been received by the RCIPS, though they had asked the forensic evidence to be prioritised. The police also stated that the phone companies had not yet traced the phone or supplied any further information.

The senior officer, who was joined by Chief Superintendent John Jones, also revealed that police divers had been searching the waters around Pedro again. He noted the dangerous current and depth of the water but said there was a need to search and follow the drift pattern in case things were missed on previous searches.

The police reiterated the mystery surrounding Kerran’s disappearance and said that there was no more new information coming into the police that could help them put together what happened to her when she left Fosters and headed home.

They said the public was being really helpful giving in information regarding her movements before 7pm on Saturday but as yet no one had been able to offer anything concrete after that point. CS Jones stated that he believed there were some people who knew more than they were letting on and he hoped someone would come forward with the crucial information that might help police find her.

The officers said again that they have been unable to confirm that Kerran was in any kind of dispute with anyone in particular or that she had told either her friends or family about. They stated that so far they had not arrested anyone during the course of the investigation and there was no one thread of the investigation that was standing out to officers. The officers said the RCIPS was holding nothing back from the public about what they knew and encouraged the community to come talk with them about anything that may assist the investigation, no matter how trivial people may think it is.

Anyone who thinks they may be able to help in the investigation to find Kerran Baker is asked to call the police on 949 7777 or Wilmot Anthony on 321 4271.

Category: Local News

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Mr & Mrs Anthony and all the parents of missing children you are in our prayers and thoughts. 

  2. Anonymous says:

    I think this is any parents worst nightmare, not knowing where your child is, and fearing for the worst. I hope she is found and reunited with her parents.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Read today's edition of the Jamaica Gleaner; they know more than we do.

    Kerran is not water, she did vapoourised, someone knows what happened to her.  I am not pointing fingers, but maybe the police need to drill her friends a little bit more.  XXXXX

    How can these people sleep at nights? I am a woman; although not scared living in the Cayman Islands, as I of convinced that all similar harm that has been done to women in these islands, were not random and these were target individuals, so i go about my business as usual.  However I am also a mother and would not want to be in shoe of these parents or the parents and children of Anna Evans.  At least closure were brought to the families of Estella and Sabrina; these people have no clue.

    Like her sister said on TVJ give them Kerran "dead or alive", it will be good for all of us.

    May God give them the strength and courage to continue pressing on.

    • Anonymous says:

      Here is the link:

      They seem to be much more informed in Jamaica than we are here. How is it that her sister speaks of some Jamaican business man in Cayman being obsessed with Kerry and she made several reports to the RCIP yet the police say they have no record of such??

      • Anonymous says:

        Read all the reports in the newspapers again; the police have said that reports of a 'domestic' nature were made but no violence was involved and no stalking took place…this Daily Gleaner report indicates a classic case of stalking, although this allegation was made by her sister but when the two reports are put together, a clear case of stalking emerges.

        What does the RCIPS consider stalking ?

        Her sister's opinion that she has been kidnapped to 'teach her a lesson' is also revealing; it indicates that this sister knows more than she is saying.

        Kidnapped by who to be taught what kind of lesson ?  A lesson for what ?

        This statement indicates some kind of punishment; punishment for what ?

        This all sounds like there are people very close to this woman who knows more about her lifestyle and why she is missing than they are letting on but are still hoping that her kidnappers have been merciful and that she is still alive.

        These people need to come clean if they want the fate of their friend and family to be discovered and stop playing games with the police.



  4. Anonymous says:

    Our prayers are with the parents of Kerry and Anna at this time and we all hope and pray that these young women will be found.

  5. Michel says:

    As a parent and grandparent I cannot imagine the pain I would feel. So please someone who even notices a change of behavior, nervous more exited then before or plain paranoid p;ease contact whomever you wish to trust please do so. Prayers are all I can afford you but they will be coming from my family and myself. I pray specially you remain strong Mr. and Mrs. Anthony and ALL her good friends ( Please think back). Michel Lemay

  6. Anonymous says:

    Kerry was a member of the GHL. A group of ladies. They were close and shared secrets. Instead of saying things to the press to create a good impression they need to tell the police what they know. Come on women step up to the plate. It could help your friend.


    GHL ?  Could you enlighten us on exactly what this means, please.  What do the letters stand for and what do they represent ?  And what secrets do they share ?

    There are those of us who've already figured out that there's a whole lot more here than meets the eye. 

    • Anonymous says:

      Agreed, this GHL insinuation is not useful at all, why don't you call the police or Kerry's father and tell them/him what you mean and which "friends" you are referring to? REAL friends would do everything to help all of us find this young lady who could be our daughter, sister, friend, cousin. Anyone who saw Kerry's mothers heartbreaking pleas on TV and does not come forward with any information they have, you do not have a SOUL! If you need to be anonymous, call Crime Stoppers or her father from a pay phone on 321-4271

      Stay strong Kerry's family, everyone in Cayman wants to help you get your daughter back, with one possible exception (the person or persons responsible for her disappearance).

      • Anonymous says:

        At this time, ALL conjecture is useful since it is more than the police have to go on. Yes, we want to know, what is GHL?

        Is it a secret society? What are its secrets? What if your child is involved and somehow indanger?

        Surely, in a such an investigation nothing can be off limits until answers are found.

  7. A Guy says:

    Funny how quickly your mood can change. I was just reading about the home coming of the fisherman who were lost at sea. Truly a heart warming story.

    And then i come to this. Truly a heart breaking story. 

    If you know anything about her where abouts please speak out, otherwise you are a coward, and deserve the **** kicked out of you.


  8. W@rLorD says:

    What does GHL mean?

  9. Libertarian says:

    I really feel it for her parents. XXX You can see the bags under their eyes. They have not gotten any sleep nor closure to this case.

  10. Anonymous says:

    I don't believe there's a single person in Cayman whose heart isn't with Kerran's parents and family. It's any parents' worst fear to face the loss of a son or daughter. 

  11. Anonymous says:

    What's taken the phone co so long to trace the phone, cmon now it's not rocket science!

    • Anonymous says:

      They had Estella's phone traced in no time but then again she was a C&W employee who knows?? Maybe Kerry is a Digi customer….that company is slow as snails!

  12. Anonymous says:

    Kerry was a member of the GHL. A group of ladies. They were close and shared secrets. Instead of saying things to the press to create a good impression they need to tell the police what they know. Come on women step up to the plate. It could help your friend.

  13. JTB says:

    I find it very worrying that we have had two cases of women vanishing in relatively quick succession, first Anna Evans and now Kerran Anthony. I hope these cases are not connected in any way.

    • Anonymous says:

      Everybody thinks about Anna Evans case as well. There is definitely a crazy person out there that the police need to find ASAP. All Police resource should focus on these 2 cases right now.  This should not be taken lightly. It s very serious matter! Cayman  has a small community and anyone could be the next victim.

      I'm hoping that they find Kerran  soon. I'm hoping there won't be any more victims. 

      This is  REALLY SCARY!

      My thoughts go to the families ( Anna & Kerran)


      • Anonymous says:

        You infer that these area random events done by a crazy person. I doubt it. These were not at all random.

  14. Anonymous says:

    When is the next public search, does anyone know?

  15. Anonymous says:

    I am a woman and I know that she had to confide in someone, her friends, maybe a co-worker.  Something ws going on in her life and somebody knows something!  If you know something -please do not stay silent!  XXXX the next time it could be you.  Please come forward and know within yourself that you will not live the rest of your life knowing that you could have assisted the Police and did absolutely nothing by staying silent.

    Break the silence Cayman!



  16. Anonymous says:


    I feel for her family….as a mother I'd be going crazy if it were me! Anyone who knows something please come forward. I'm preparing for the worst but still hopeful and I don't know this young woman. And ppl need to stop with the rumors about her lifestyle….now is not the appropriate time and further more her personal life was her own business but I hope that had nothing to do with her disappearance.

    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe knowing a bit more about her personal life would help us to find her..

  17. Anonymous says:

    I realy feel for Kerran parents.  I been in a similar case, and believe me it was the must horrible thing could ever happen to my child and the whole  family.  thanks god my child returned home safe, but there are scars that we just cant forget , also hope that you child come home soon with the help of god.


    • Anonymous says:

      Men? Men? While a reasonable assumption, how can you be so sure? If you are so cocky maybe you should share what you know with the po po.