Customers get to keep numbers in New Year
CNS): Local telecoms operator LIME (formerly Cable & Wireless) says that it will be introducing number portability in the New Year. Having signed an agreement with PortingXS to provide the Local Number Portability (LNP) database services, the firm says these means local telephone numbers can move from one network to another. LNP allows customers to change their mobile or fixed line provider whilst retaining their existing number saving them the costly problem of notifying friends, family and business contacts of new numbers or reprinting promotional and contact material.
Tony Ritch General Manager, Cayman Islands said LIME had taken the lead of the initiative and the goal is to make the 31st of January 2012 the date that LNP will roll out across the Cayman Islands allowing peopleto choose their telephone provider without losing their number.
“Of course, LNP will only work if all other providers are also ready with us,” Ritch said. “This is a first in the English speaking Caribbean, many countries across the globe already enjoy the benefits that LNP brings and we are looking forward to launching this exciting initiative here.”
Category: Local Business
Welcome to the year 2000 everyone.
I hope the networks implement one flat rate for local calls now because with LNP you will not know which network you are really calling. That will make for a stink surprise with your monthly bills or when your credit suddenly runs out.
Good, now I take my phone number and switch from those crooks in red to those crooks in green.
Then I sell my phone and buy a carrier pigeon.
Good news. That you ICTA for ensuring that this came about.
strange that LIME are pushing this – it's like a turkey wishing for Christmas….
Why don't you see that LIME has just as much to gain from people wanting to jump of of the obsolete network that Digicel offers to take advantage of the newer,better and stronger network? 4G, Wow!
Local Number Portability is not free, it has to be paid for by existing customers. Since LIME has the most customers, they stand to make the most from us. As for losing their customers, the other providers have been here long enough to prove that they can be as incompetent as LIME when it comes to getting anything done right or on time.
LIME 'taking the lead' sounds ominous given this is the 3rd deadline set by the ICTA, the last two being summer of ’10 and July 1st ’11 both widely missed by Lime pushing for it, why would we believe them this time.
Wow, Cayman stutters into number portability a decade after the real world. This is not something to shout proudly about. It is a disgrace it was still an issue.
Do LIME still charge us to read those mindless text messages they send us?