Gripping volleyball action at this year’s Spikefest

| 11/11/2011

1 spikefest.JPG(CIVF): Moving through four other teams UWI Mona (women), led by Captain Renae Temple, spiked and six packed their way past a formidable Sunsets to take Sunday evening Gold in the 5th annual Cayman Airways Spike Fest. Caribbean All Stars (men), a multinational tour de force, survived the brilliant swipe and wipe, high velocity down spikes and paint brush game strategy of the Bahamas based Defenders to climb top of podium in the late finish game on Sunday. Five women teams UWI, Mosa, Venus (Jamaica) took on Cayman’s Upsetters, and Sunsets, soldiering through 26 games, over three days of riveting display of raw power, feline game craft and wicked come backs.

Clearing the battlefield of Mosa, Venus and Upsetters, Sunsets gave their all in final horizon glow, only to be overwhelmed by the punishment of Kamile Dwyer, Cheryl Daley and Cherie Thompson of UWI.

After 30 hours of hand to ball-over net ferocity are, Kamile Dwyer (UWI), Tshai Williams (Venus), Jessica Wolfenden (Sunsets), Tracey Ann Finley (Venus), Cheryl Daley (UWI), and Cherie Thompson (UWI), with Stefania Giandolfi-Libero (Sunsetts) are the All Star Women of the match.

In the Male Room … in spite of early loss to Cayman All Stars, a ruthless Caribbean All Stars pummeled a brilliant early riser, UWI, back to third place. Caribbean All Stars took on a power packed Defenders for the final end run. Administering spike and kill, stuff blocking, a bit of redwood defense Renaldo Knowles (Defenders ) and Dellon Brown (Caribbean All Stars) made grand show down the stuff caffeine alert, exciting final play. Caribbean All Stars Captain Dellon B led his team, unleashing Navy Seals, Saleem, Bonnor and the indefatigable Stiffla Campbell for the grand smack down for Gold.

When the dust cleared the All Star Men’s team are Donovon Richards (UWI), Delford Morgan (UWI) Dellan Brown (Caribbean All Stars), Saleem Ali (Caribbean All Stars) Troy Simon (Defenders) Olney Thompson (Cayman All Stars) with Jon Pendleberg –Libero (Defenders) bring up the rear.

Jessica Wolfenden (Sunsets) received the award of female Most Valuable Player (MVP) and Dellon Brown (Caribbean All Stars) is the male MVP. 

Awards were presented by Executive VP of Cayman Airways Paul Tibbetts and  Director of Sports Colin Anglin, with CIVF President Noel Williams, CIVF VP Kennedy McGowan, Fareed Hosein CIVF International Tournament Director, Keith Higgins CIVF Technical Director. Barry Miller and Azzad Hosein of FIVB Canada were Referee Directors.

Cayman Airways is the premier Gold sponsor of the annual SpikeFest.

Category: Sports

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