CJ finds Anglin guilty

| 20/01/2012

devon.JPG(CNS): Full story — Devon Anglin has been sentenced to life in prison following his conviction for the murder of Carlos Webster in the Next Level night club in September 2009. As the chief justice delivered his guilty verdict against the 25-year-old West Bay man he described it as a “senseless and unspeakable killing”. Webster was shot in the head at point blank range in the busy crowded nightclub but the crown relied heavily on the evidence of only two anonymous witnesses. This is the first time where the identity of the key prosecution witnesses was completely concealed and the case has depended heavily on their evidence.

In his ruling, which took more than two and half hours to deliver, Chief Justice Anthony Smellie said that the two anonymous witnesses, labelled throughout the trial as B and E, had no motive to lie about the defendant and ultimately what they saw. The judge said he was impressed with their evidence, despite some inconsistencies which he did not think undermined the key elements. He said that while witness B had made errors in recollection after the shooting, it was understandable given the traumatic incident and he believed his account before was truthful.

Witness B had testified to seeing the actual shooting and identified Anglin as the gunman, while the second witness identified Anglin as the man they saw leaving the club seconds after the three shots were fired tucking a hand gun into the waistband of his trousers. The judge stated that it was “fanciful” of the defence to suggest that even if the man he saw had been the defendant, the witness did not see him shoot anyone so therefore the shooter could have been someone else. Smellie stated that the witness had seen Anglin walked past merely seconds after the final shot was fired with the firearm in his hand.

In both instances the judge said he also found corroborating evidence from the CCTV, other witnesses and the forensics submitted in the case for elements of each of the independent witnesses’ testimonies.

He also rejected the defence criticism of the CCTV expert’s evidence, who gave detailed testimony to help with the identification of people in the club that night, including Anglin, Webster and the witnesses themselves.

“I am satisfied that the defendant is guilty of murder,” the judge stated, adding that he was therefore satisfied that Anglin had also attempted to murder Christopher Solomon, who was hit in the stomach that night, and that the defendant also had in his possession an unlicensed firearm.

Anglin remained silent and made no comment as the judge passed the mandatory life sentence but moved to leave the court room before the proceedings were complete.

Anglin’s defence attorney Lucy Organ noted that with the implementation of the bill of rights in November, the question of a tariff on the life sentence would arise later in the year, which would also impact the future sentence that the judge would impose for the conviction of her client on the attempted murder charge as wellas that of the possession of an unlicensed firearm.

In the aftermath of the verdict, Katina Anglin, the mother of the convicted man, said she and her son’s friends and family were all emotional in the wake of the decision and she would be issuing a statement shortly. However, she did state that her son, with the assistance of the legal team, would definitely be seeking an appeal as the inconsistencies which the judge referred to in the evidence of the anonymous witnesses were, she believed, serious and material to the whole case.

The lead investigator on the case, former chief inspector Peter Kennet, who has since retired from the RCIPS, said Anglin had been “rightly convicted” of the “brutal assassination” of Carlos Webster.

“I hope this verdict can bring some closure for Carlo’s mother, Ms Leonides Williams,” Kennet said. He pointed to the use of the anonymous witnesses for the first time and said the system had clearly worked well. “It is an excellent tool in the fight against the prosecution of mindless, violent thugs. I would place on record my sincere thanks to those brave witnesses for supporting justice in Cayman and also to the other people that came forward to assist.”

There was a heavy police presence around Anglin’s friends who had come to the court to hear the verdict and they were at one point held in a car park close to the court by some five police cars, but it was not clear why.

A spokesperson from the RCIPS said that in the wake of the verdict, which came on the heels of the acquittal of Justin Manderson for the attempted murder of Andy Barnes on Thursday, the police were aware of the “heightened community tensions”.

“We have adjusted our patrol plans accordingly to maintain a high visibility presence and to provide some reassurance to the public,” the RCIPS stated.

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  1. Just Wondering says:

    How many people have been convicted of murder have received life sentence? Can anyone remember their names?  

    • Anonymous says:

      Er, all of them.

    • Anonymous says:

      People have received a life sentence for murder, there are people at Norrthward now, serving for having committed murder.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, there's William Powell Who was ordered to be hung back in 1986 ,but the Queen of England stated he will face life for the Killing of MY MOTHER THE LATE GAYNELL EBANKS.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Well done Kennett you’re the best!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    This entire nightclub killing was horrible. The actual murder in front of an entire crowd at a local nightclub and then the lack of caring that lead people to take photos of the dead victim and send them out to others. The total lack of compassion by those involved in the  photographing is shocking. Then the lack of willingness of most to come forward. Thank God there were a few with the courage and humanity to do the right thing. As to the rest of the people there that night, I feel sorry for you.

    • Anonymous says:

      To be fair, I think it was fear more than apathy that kept people from coming forward.

  4. Anonymous says:

    When the article refers to Devon's friends do they mean gang?

  5. It is Time says:

    It is time the people of this country stand up to these wannabe gangsters, stop being afraid to go to the police when you know something and stop being afraid to testify. When you give way to fear and allow yourself to be intimidated, no one wins but them. Jamaica has this in-built attitude towards "informers" and many popular musicians and entertainers actually promote voilence against people who talk. We seem to be adopting the same attitude, which was promoted by the criminals here, in order to keep their scummy behinds out of jail. Ask yourself this question, if someone killed your son, father, brother, cousin, friend, husband or boyfriend, would you not want justice for them? Would you not feel helpless if those that could help remained silent? This is what is happening here on a daily basis, the criminals with their guns and mafia wannabe attitudes are taking over and using fear and intimidation to have their way with us. It is time for us to stand up together, and show these punks who really runs things in Cayman. We work tirelessly to raise our kids and give them what we didnt have, and these pieces of dog stool and destroying all we have built. We need stronger laws and we need to encourage the Police to go after, not only the ones comitting the crimes, but those that assist them to hide their evil deeds as well. It is amazing to see how many so called decent people are mixed up in this wave of violence that is taking over our communities. My wife and I are raising our kids here, and I simply refuse to live in fear in my own home. The way I see it you fight fire with fire, you just need to make sure that your fire burns hotter. I blame their parents! A lot of these punks were raised by people who offered excuses for their childrens violent behavior when it first surfaced, and in some cases, the parents where useless pieces of garbage as well who should have never been allowed to reproduce. 

    • Anonymous says:

      I knew Carlo well enough, from the days when he played football…being the son of Lorainne 'Fire' Webster…one of Cayman's greatest ever footballers, along with Johnie Man, his uncle et al…and Carlo was no saint……yes, Devon Anglin pulled the trigger….and the nightclub security was crap…no excuses there either.

      How that particular company got that contract is a tale for another day….but the other people responsible for Carlo's death need to take a long look at themselves as well…

      As well as the ghouls who would take photos on their phones and pass them around, gleefully.

      Its a sad, sorry, vicious world in which we live now,I'm afraid.

    • Anonymous says:


      You are so RIGHT . Many of the parents need a good FLOGGING  in the middle of town

      out of  embarrassement  and shame  they are allowing their  Gang Children to look like the INNOCENT one.


       They are so many of those parents in DENIAL .And that is why   so many of these 

      young men are so COLD and CALOUS . Their PATHETIC, IGNORANT , Parents make Excusses for them.


       Awful words like " It wasnt my son " .  "No he was  my son was home"

      Those sad , pathetic parents need to understand: " what goes around .  comes around"

      Do they realise at some point the luck wll run out?

  6. Chobani Wenisio says:

    Finally justice is served … kudos to you Mr.Smillie job well done.

    Finally closure can begin with Mr.Websters family members as well as close friends.


  7. Whodatis says:

    Excellent verdict Sir – fitting sentence as well!

    Looking forward to justice being served in all cases before our courts at the moment.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Just two anonymous witnesses in a ceowded nightclub! Of course all the other customers present that night were in the restrooms at the time and saw nothing.

    • Anonymous says:

      Can we get a list of everyone that was there. I would like to be sure I never give a job to any of them. Their moral compass is so skewed I could never trust any of them with produce or cash.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Bill of Rights – It says that everyone has a right to life.  There should be no tariff for anyone who takes another's life.  A tariff in my opinion amounts to criminal rights and no victim rights.  If you deliberately take someone else's life, which is murder, then until you can restore life to that person, you aught to spend the rest of yours in prison.  Otherwise it's a licence to kill.  I strongly suggest that legislators plug any such gap before that law comes into power to make it absolutely clear that if you take a life, you spend the rest of your life in prison, fullstop.  No parole, no leniency.  One law applied equally to all.  And I ask attorneys to seek justice not fame.  It is not helping society when criminals are aided in beating the system.  We all suffer then.

    • anonymous says:

      We basically just adopted the UK's human rights in the new constitution which I still maintain was the greatest injustice the UK ever levelled on this country. Bringing a constitution that less than HALF of the registered voters supported will go down as one of the greatest corruption of the UKs so call "oversight and transparency". Ridiculous that they allowed Alden to do this.

      So a life is really now only worth 10 years at Her Royal Condos Northward. If you kill someone in future, you can be out by your 30th birthday, free to enjoy your children and grandchildren. disgraceful.




      • Anonymous says:

        What nonsense. Referenda are typically passed by a majority of those voting anywhere in the world.

    • Anonymous says:

      So you'd give the same sentence to a serial murderer and child rapist as you would to a man who uses too much force defending his family from an armed burglar?  Both are murder in law. 

      Sentencing is a difficult excercise and one that needs fine, informed, judgement not knee-jerk responses.

  10. Anonymous says:

    I have the greatest respect for Ch. Justice Smellie; a man of wisdom, integrity and impeccable character.  I have known many Chief Justices over the years, but he is by far the best. 

    • Anonymous says:

      Having also known Mr. Smellie for many years I would like to wholeheartedly second that motion. Mr. Smellie has stood like a man and done his part to serve justice to this country  and it's people. Know that you live under God Almighty's grace, sir.

      • Anonymous says:

        I too would like to second that Mr Smellie is a very learned man. I have the highest regard for him, not only because he is married to one of our Brac decent ladys who compliment him in a very special way, but because he is a decent and honest man. He is one that Caymanians feel that is really part of us. Keep up your good works, we will be praying for you as you continue to do your very hard duties.

  11. Justice has been served says:

    Now the big question to the Premier and Ministers of this Island.  Give the public a good reason whay these Criminals convisted should remain here to do their time, and be a continued threat to the prison service, and fear to the commumnity.   If there is one thing that has to happen, England has to take these prisoners, even if we have to maintain them there,  That is ok, because the public prefer to see them leave, besides, when you become a prisoner of this sort, you are property of the State, Government or what ever word we may use.  They was bought and paid for during the sentencing.

    A very smart and learned Judge is Judge Smellie.  He has been on the Bench long enough to recognize when good material is being put before him.  Congradulations to the Officers who did the compiling, and to the Legal Department for a professional job done.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes Caymanian prisoners should be sent to other countries to look after, as it is too much effort to keep them here, let some other country have them

      I mean, they may have been born here and lived here all their lives, but why should they be our problem?

  12. Mushroom1 says:

    I am shocked! Finally a coviction, yeah!

  13. Anonymous says:

     hours after  Carlos Webster was killed, i arrived at work to find the picture of his body sent to me by email. my brother, and two of my colleagues told me throughout the day that Devon Anglin had pulled the trigger. over the next few days, i heard the same thing from so many people.



    Devon should have been taken off of the street at the same time i knew he commited this murder; he shouldn't have been given the opportunity to do any harm to anyone else. to the RCIPS and anyone else who feels satisfied that justice is done – you should take a good look in the mirror and ask yourself  "what could have done to put this fella behind bars a lot sooner."

    • Anonymous says:

      I assume that you, your brother, your colleagues and everyone else who ‘knew’ that Anglin pulled the trigger passed the information onto the RCIPS ???

      • Anonymous says:

        I received the same pictures, bbm's and text messages and yes, I did pass them ALL on to the RCIP and was told they couldn't "do anything" with that information as there was no credible proof that it was true. Fair enough, they're 100% right there. You know what WOULD have gotten him off the street sooner? If the 100+ people in the damn club had stopped following the hype and protecting criminals and gone straight to the station. I guess they would much rather live with seeing a murderer out on the street and at Fosters in line with their children than to be responsible…

  14. Anonymous says:

    Only so much lives a cat has.

  15. Anonymous says:


  16. Anonymous says:

    Exellent finally a guilty verdict. One less cold hearted criminal off the streets of Cayman, Thanks to some very brave  people. Thank you!


  17. Anonymous says:

    To Carlo mother, father, children and other family members , may you find some comfort now that justice is finally served!

    God Bless!

  18. Anonymous says:

    Justice is served! As said before there are no winners here but at least his family can go visit him, Carlo family will never have that opportunity again. You can not go unpunished for these cruel heartless acts. Use this time wisely young man, a lifetime is not very long when you need to seek forgiveness from the good lord.

  19. anonymous says:


  20. Anonymous says:


  21. Anonymous says:

    The people who took photos of the deceased's body after the shooting and circulated them via BlackBerry Messenger and Facebook, but chose to remain silent about what they saw should be prosecuted too.


    • blah says:

      Really???  And leave it to the incompetent and unprofessional RCIPS to leak your name out to the criminals?  No thanks.  Are you going to rely on the RCIPS to protect you once your name is out? 

      • Anonymous says:

        would you have kept quiet if it was your brother that was killed?? hmmmm….. I wonder!

    • Anonymous says:

      They shsould trace the pictures back to the senders and prosecute everyone of them.  Criminal minds encourage criminality.

      • Anonymous says:

        Criminal minds also solve crimes, any good investigator  able to think like the criminal will have a better chance of solving the crime. But any crime that happens in Grand Cayman is a matter of fifteen minutes away and affect us all in someway or the other. I often hear comments like that aint got nothing to do with me let em all kill eachother. Well before they finish all killing eachother I can assure you if you are Caymanian you will lose someone dear to you, so wake up and smell the shit. It takes a community to raise a child not just a mom and dad. Caymanians were like that at one time, so I dont know where or when this dumb ass mentality developed, about it na ga nuttin do wid me.

    • anonymous says:

      that's right…you're so brave hiding behind that computer.  let someone else do your dirty work.