Elections office releases final result in OMOV poll

| 23/07/2012

count2 (275x300).jpg(CNS): The elections office has released the official results for last Wednesday’s referendum which ended with a majority of people voting ‘Yes’ in five out of six districts, but which failed to provide a binding result under the criteria set by government. The office has confirmed that on polling day the register of electors stood at 15,161 people and 8676 of them came out to vote 57.23% of the entire electorate. Of those people who came to vote 5631 or 64.9% voted ‘Yes’ while 3001 of 34.5% people voted ‘No’ and 44 votes were rejected as spoilt ballots. The ‘yes’ vote converted to 37.14 per cent of the entire electorate and the ‘no; 19.79 per cent.

This mean nether the yes or the no votes carried the day., However the premier has clearly stated that he perceives the result to be a binding ‘no’.

Across Grand Cayman the “Yes” vote came in at more than two to one in favour in George Town, Bodden Town and East End, at five to one in North Side an even split slightly favouring ‘Yes;’ in the sister Islands but a marginal ‘No’ in West Bay.

In Bodden Town of the 3,467 total registered voters 2,021 were polled while 8 spoiled papers there were 1,396 yes votes against 617 no. In West Bay of the 3,685 registered voters, 2,093 voted 1,027 voted yes 1,053 no and 14 voters spoiled their ballot paper.
George Town 3,367 voters from an electorate of 5, were polled, 13 papers were spoiled while 2,360 people voted yes and 993 no. In Cayman Brac and Little Cayman there are 956 registered voters but only 461 were polled in the lowest turnout of all districts. Two papers were spoiled but 256 voted yes against 203 who voted No

Meanwhile, in North Side 397 people from the 551 registered voters went to the polls representing the largest turnout. 335 people said yes while only 56 said No with six votes rejected. In East End of the 588 registered voters 337 were polled with 257 voting yes and 79 voting no and just one rejected ballot.

The results are now available here or on line at the elections Office Website

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Lucky thing Mac realized he would lose so he rigged up this ridiculously high voting requirement!


  2. Anonymous says:

    ALL these figures and percentages are incorrect because there are 100's maybe 1000 people on the electoral register who are either dead or are no longer living on the island with some names on the register who departed over twenty years ago. The elections office needs to do their job and keep an up to date register at all times. The register needs to be corrected before any numbers or percentages are released. How can any organisation as important as the elections office be so incompetent. When the register is PROPERLY amended to reflest the true position then you will find that the YES voters of OMOV were over 2/3rds (67%) of those who voted which is a clear majority because complacent non voter are abstaining voters who don't count and have no say in their country due to their laziness and non participation in the issues and matters of their country.

    • Colford Scott says:

      Thank you for your comment and observations. On behalf of the Elections Office and the six registering officers for the electoral districts I invite you to submit objections to the persons' names that appear incorrectly on the Revised List of Electors published on July 21, 2012.

      Section 15(2) of the Elections Law (2009 Revision) states:

      "Every person whose name appears in any such list may object to any other person whose name also appears therein as not being entitled to have his name therein, and shall within twenty-one days after the publication of such list give notice of objection and the grounds of such objection in Form 9 to the registering officer of the electoral district in which he is ordinarily resident on the specified day".

      If you are objecting to a person's name being included in the Revised List but have not been registered as an elector yourself you may send the relevant objection to the Elections Office and I will arrange to pass it to the appropiate registering officer.

      Colford Scott

      Deputy Supervisor of Elections

      Email: electionsoffice@candw.ky

      Web: http://www.electionsoffice.ky