Bush lauds Jamaicans for benefit to Cayman

| 08/08/2012

denbigh-day-1-8.jpg(CNS): Cayman has “benefitted greatly” from the contributions Jamaicans have made in its development, the premier said this weekend while visiting the country for the 50th anniversary of its independence. According to the Jamaican government’s information service, McKeeva Bush said Jamaicans have influenced “many areas of life” in the Cayman Islands. Speaking at last weekend’s 60th staging of Jamaica's agricultural show, he said there was a long association spanning some 350 years between the two countries, which is expected to continue into the future.

“You have contributed to our growth, as a nation and as a people. I am thankful … that Jamaican teachers, Jamaican tradesmen, Jamaican educators of all kinds, legal brains of all kinds, right down to those who take care of our children, have done Cayman well. For this, I will always be thankful,” he said.

“Our (association) is an enduring legacy for both our nations. Our relationship, as neighbours, has not been circumscribed by the individual political paths that we chose. Our bonds are deep and robust. Our shared past experiences have allowed us to remain close, despite diverging paths, and as such, it is on an important  occasion, such as this (Jubilee anniversary), that we acknowledge the contribution of Jamaica, and the Jamaican people to our Cayman Islands,” the premier said.

He lauded the accomplishments of many Jamaicans in sports, music, culture and education and said the country was blessed with some of the nicest people in the world.

“Jamaica is truly a jewel of the Caribbean,” he said.

JIS said that Bushhad headed a government and agricultural sector delegation from Cayman while in Jamaica but the size of the group was not stated. Bush faced significant criticism at home about the trip against the backdrop of a major financial crisis at home over the budget and the contentious proposal to introduce direct taxation to Cayman.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    How ironic that this articleappears on the same page as the one with the Jamaican murderers.  To be honest two Jamaican murderers in my books grossly overshadow any good that can be said they have done for us even since time began if we must generalize.  If we must celebrate lets not forget the other great contributors to the good we have here and share in their national celebrations…….I find it hard to believe that with the state Jamaica is in that ANYONE in their right mind would celebrate their independence.  That was the beginning of their demise even with far more resources than many other islands in the Caribbean and we should take note of that.  Shame on you Bush.  You do not represent me here or there and I do not celebrate Jamaica's independence because I know the many sufferings of my Jamaican friends because of it.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Bush is a hypocritic fool.  Considering Independence?????  Look no further than what that did for Jamaica and Jamaicans.  Is that really something to celebrate????  The country is a crime riddled shambles because of ignorant politicians and their ignorant supporters that followed them no matter what into the pits of hell.  Look what they got.  Cayman and Caymanians, don't let this ignorant self appointed god fool you into drinking his Foolaid.  And to all Jamaicans, try to rise higher than to the level of Bush in your country and here in Cayman.  It is you all who can make a positive change there and here if you follow what is right and what is just, instead of ignorance and greed.  The relations between Jamaica and Cayman are clearly NOT what they used to be because of it.

  3. Anonymous says:

    To I am a born Caymanian.  How can you say that only Jamaiacans can be found shopping or buying in the local bars etc etc etc???  I am from the UK & bought my house here years ago, I decorated my house with items bought HERE IN CAYMAN!! Not shipped in from far a field. I spend every week at the supermarket & see a very well mxied bag of shoppers from all over the world. I buy at the liquor stores & the home centres & more.  Please wake up & get real!!

    • Anonymous says:

      How can you be a born Caymanian and yet  "from the UK"?  

      • Anonymous says:

        Try re-reading what the poster said.  "TO" and then the name of an earlier poster called "I'm a born Caymanian".

        Perhaps a : and some " and a time stamp would have helped…

        To:  "I'm a born Caymanian" who posted on date and time…

  4. Anonymous says:

    I wish he would move there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Well finally something positive that includes our Premier, what a lovely sentiment.Thankfully he didnt chose their 50th Jubilee to pick a fight with their Prime Minister!!

    Now back to the budget mess please.

  6. Anonymous says:


  7. Anonymous says:

    Mr. Bush, while you were in Jamaica what more did you find out on how to set up your "Garrison" Constituencies of which you speak so often?

  8. Anonymous says:

    This in a nutshell is how little Mac feels for our country. Instead of being here to deal with the biggest crisis we have ever had, he is in Jamaica.

    Resign now.

  9. Mrs. B says:

    But hang on a second, were you not wanting to implement a discriminatory tax on expats such as Jamaicans a few days ago Mr Bush? Such a hypocrite! If you can acknowledge the good that people from other countries can do for the growth and support of this community by choosing to live here then how can you suggest they bear the brunt of pulling Cayman out of this financial mess alone. You are so inconsistent with your thoughts and beliefs.  How can anyone rely on what you say when you flip flop all over the place?!!!

  10. I am a Born Caymanian says:

    I am a born Caymanian, I do not have a Jamaican lover, I do not have Jamaican children, neither is my wife or husband a Jamaican..  But I want  to speak truth, Jamaicans have contributed greatly to this country.  If you go to the supermarkets any week end or week day.  95% of the people shopping there are Jamaicans and Caymanians.  If you go to a Local club week day or week end 95% of the people supporting are Caymanians and Jamaicans.  If you go to a bar its Jamaicans and Caymans head to head drinking.  If you go to church the people singing and praying are Caymanians and Jamaicans.  If you go to Court, the people paying fines for speeding is Caymanians and Jamaicans.  Go to the Banks, Credit Union etc and the line is filled with Caymanians and Jamaicans.  Get a flat tyre, or your car breaks down in the middle of the night, see who will stop to help you.  Caymanians or Jamaicans.  Your roof leaks, see who fixes it, Caymanians and Jamaicans.  Your toilet cannot flush see who fix it, Caymanians and Jamaicans.   Go and buy the numbers week nights or Sunday morning, and see who is buying the numbers,  Caymanians and Jamaicans.  Now after hearing all of this please tell me which other country is supporting Cayman more.  There is none other.  All the other countries have their private pubs, restaurants and everything else including their private house lottery.

    Yes Jamaicans have contributed to some bad here too, but the good overrides the bad.  I hope we can all get along.  It is left for me and you to encourage that.

    • Anonymous says:

      Would you therefore then agree that they are cluttering up our system?

    • Anonymous says:

      Is this why Caymanians are always saying how much they dislike the Jamaicans…..?

      See plenty other nationalities in the supermarkets, bars and everywhere else….including supporting the Humane Society, Cancer Society and on and on….

      Which and where are the 'private' pubs and restaurants….must have missed all them?

    • Anonymous says:

      "neither is my wife or husband a Jamaican" – what are you, a transvestite?

      • 08:59 says:

        08:59, that comment was made especially for you.  Because I know you would have wanted to find that out and ask that same question.  It was a catch 22. and just like I thought it would have been picked up.   Why only that you want to know, when there a over 20 comments you could have responded to.  Gotcha.

      • Anonymous says:

        Or a transvestite polygamist? Lol

    • SSM345 says:

      And thats we were on the brink of taxing them 10% right?

  11. Anonymous says:

    Thank you.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Whew….glad to see he was doing something important over the weekend….