Leaders and speakers now forever ‘honourable’
(CNS): As the budget crisis in Cayman raged on, the premier and a number of other local dignitaries secured their honorary status in perpetuity. Following last month's announcement that former speakers and leaders of the country will hold their "Honourable" moniker forever, which received considerable derision from the wider community, the premier hosted an official ceremony recently where past and present political leaders and speakers of the Legislative Assembly were presented with their certificates affirming their honorific title for life and beyond the grave.
Premier McKeeva Bush handed over the documents proclaiming the endless honour to former Speaker and National Hero Sybil McLaughlin, former Speakers Edna Moyle and Linford Pierson, as well as the present Speaker Mary Lawrence, and former Leader of Government Business Truman Bodden.
Meanwhile, the premier received his eternal award from Cabinet Secretary Orrett Connor, who served as Master of Ceremonies for the occasion.
Although Deputy Premier Juliana O’Connor-Connolly, a former speaker of the House, and former leader of government business Kurt Tibbetts are also entitled to the perpetual distinction, they were unable to attend. The late Captain Mabry Kirkconnell, a former speaker, and Thomas Jefferson, a former LOGB, also received their posthumous honour, which was marked by a moment of silence
Connor said the eternal honour is one of a number of initiatives introduced by McKeeva Bush to recognise those who have given notable service. Others include the new local gongs, the Order of the Cayman Islands awards that are given out during the National Heroes Day, which were described as “significant steps in the Premier’s nation-building efforts.”
Connor also praised the premier for expanding government’s summer internship programme, which enables young Caymanians to gain work experience and learn about how government functions.
Expressing his appreciation for the dedication to country shown by the recipients of his new lifetime and beyond honour, Bush said it was an acknowledgment of hard work and diligent attention to the onerous tasks of high office.
“I am elated that today we are continuing on this path of bolstering our collective self-worth,” he said, adding that he hoped that various strategies of nation building would impact the younger generations positively, inspiring them to emulate the honourees’ achievements.
He said the nation building initiative, which has run into a considerable degree of controversy because of the money given away under the scheme without proper scrutiny, was about identifying national symbols and recognising outstanding people as national heroes.
He also pointed to the re-naming national institutions after stalwart Caymanians who have contributed to the country’s success.
Despite the premier’s claims there were more than 140 comments made by CNS bloggers last month when the announcement was mostly deriding the decision.
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Category: Politics
I would also like to add "His Excellency, Premier for Life, Conqueror of the British Empire, and uncrowned King of Scotland." It worked for Idi Amin…
Does this still count if they go to prison?
Or is it, like awards made by the Queen, forfeit if the recipient gets locked up for too long?
You can polish a turd as much as you like, but it's still a turd.
Unfortunately in our brief history very few of our leaders have earned or been able to live up to the title of honourable. Does this mean Captain Morgan and Blackbeard will also be remembered and revered as once honourable. I think NOT!
Four and a half centuries ago Montaigne, (who influenced Shakespeare greatly) liked to remind Kings and Queens that however elevated their thrones might be, yet they all sat on their backsides, like the rest of us. He also recommended that Kings employ a servant to whisper in their ear from time to time, reminding them of their common humanity and ordinariness. Now there's a job for a Caymanian, Whisperer to 'The Eternally Honourable McDinejad.'
I either can't or don't want to comment on all the "Honourables" but one that I know for sure deserves it – Miss Sybil. Her whole life has been a shining example of what a true Caymanian is. Her knowledge, intellect, faith and deep love for all things good have all been directed towards the betterment of Cayman and it's people.
God bless her and may Caymanians respect her and those like her for ever.
Benjy I completely agree with you as regards Miss Sybil. She has been a shining light in the community and worthy recipient of National Hero status. The population needs study the history of Cayman to understand the hardships that were encountered by Caymanians until the seventies when tourism and the financial sector took off thereby generating the by product of construction. This alleviated Caymanians from going to sea for their livelihood. Cayman came a long way in a short period of time until paid politicians came to the fore.
There are many Caymanians, too many to mention who dedicated their life to the wellbeing of the islands who sort no reward and certainly no title. Mr bush and his entourage need get back to basics and steer the ship away from the rocks.
Their attempt to introduce tax to Cayman was an abject failure and clearly the people were against it. Mr bush, take note of what the people want. As an aside they would like to voice their opinions at your biased meetings but you refuse to hear their defining roar. You shouldtake note what became of Julius Caesar before venturing further forward. I will lend you the book if you are not familiar with it’s content.
I love that youse are Honourable forever – signed Donkey Face forever
This is a joke, right?
"the eternal honour is one of a number of initiatives introduced by McKeeva Bush to recognise those who have given notable service"….so he introduces this title and then bestows it on himself. Hmmmm. Well at least one thing is right. His service to Cayman is quite notable…..for all the wrong reasons!
I think that some of these people with their viscious and consistent crurel attack on theNow premire of this country are worst than hitler and sadam put togather .
I feel that these people (stupid) who are power thirsty IF THEY would just come togather for the future of their children and their generation to come and fight FOR THE GOOD OF this country WE would be IN a better place IF Cayamanians GET BACK TO start to lovING theIR people again, there is way too much grudge and hate in this country God help the Premire every positive thing this government tries to establish here goes some dumb person whether Caymanian or not to fight it down.
Just saying if your are a Cayamanian and doing that you aught to be a shame of yourself you are a total DISGARCE TO YOUR COUNTRY AND SHOULD BE EXPELED FROM HUMAN SOCIETY!!!!!
Suggest you use SpellCheck before you post your commentaries.
I nah ashamed. Yah be idiot.
It’ll take more than a piece of legislation to make McKeeva honorable, even for a second, let alone in perpetuity!
You will always be remembered as a coward and a bully by this Caymanian, never honorable but uneducated, incompetent and XXXXX to the core
We’ve all heard the term “paper Caymanian”. Now we have “paper Honourables”.
There is nothing honorable about our leaders.
What about our deficit? Implementation of this crap should be reserved for good times. If this (printing the awards, invites, the dinner, etc) cost as little as $1,000 that was a waste at this time. Every dollar counts know. When will mckeevas realize that???
Unnuh rebels?
As the budget crisis in Cayman raged on, the premier and a number of other local dignitaries secured their honorary status in perpetuity.
Call yourself what you want, it doesn't matter. How people remember you does.
There is nothing HONORABLE about that man!
What a disgraceful piece of political chicanery.
He should pass 2 more laws
1) Make his birthday a public holiday
2) Each house must have his picture in the living room
3) You must greet him with a special wave / handshake / kiss his hand while kneeling
Kiss his what???
His "clean" hands, remember? Oh, and his heart is "pure" too.
4) There will be a statute of him in Heroes Square with his back to the Court AND the LA Building with a smile on each of his two faces.
As a loyal Bodden Towner, I say congratulations to Mary Lawrence. She was rejected at the polls for 40 years and has not had gainful employment since Desmond Seales and Jim Graves left the scene. Now McKeeva has recognised her true worth.
Oh but she has had very gainful employment (speaker of the house) she just has not performed her duties!!!
Here's what I say. First this is not the time or place to be dealing with these sorts of things BUT if I had to do this I would say this.
I believe that it should be done much the way the UK knights people. The LA should vote on it and it should have to pass with at least 13 out of 15 members voting for it. You could do it twice annually or once annually.
With the high margin to achieve this it would be it is a UNANIMOUS DECISION. This way the current government could not abuse it and just give it to all their people.
Thsi is how it should be done. There is no way I can Big Mac Honourable. Not in this lifetime or the next.
CNS would not print the title I would bestow upon him!
That Jordanian fellow is going to be REALLY upset after he reads all of THESE comments!
Be sure to tune in to Radio Cayman's talk show early tomorrow afternoon, as he is normally the first or second caller to get through.
Listen to his highly emotional pleadings and castigations of those who show little respect, and no shared admiration, for our illustrious (in his opinion) current government.
Enjoy the free, comedic entertainment!
The man behaves like and is a total honourable-hole.
And yet again more money spent on aload of sh#t. He has definately a hounarable company credit card. Spend, spend, spend.
I hope it is repealed by the next government and anyone who wants to keep it wil have to add the words "Not So" before it.
All I can say is "OMG"
Careful, or bush will convert that to KCOMG – KNIGHT COMMANDER OF OH MY GOD – and insist on people addressing him as SIR MCKEEWA
It will look good stencilled on the back of his Northward Orange Jumpsuit!!
This honors thing reminds me of the famous Barbados dispatch to London supporting England in the declaration of World War Two "We are behind You". One can only laugh at Bush and his "Honorees", as a child growing up I often heard the expression "small Island people" it was a term used to ridicule those who were small minded and suffered from self delusion. I can now look forward to the day when Hon. Bush will dressed in the uniform of Major General of the Cayman Islands or that of Lord of the Admiralty, for Cayman, Cayman Brac, and Little Cayman. I suggest he adds to the order OIC (Only in Cayman)
Pronounced "Oik".
Why pick "Honourable" as a title? The Chinese can't pronounce it.
Very bad form to insult the back hand that feeds you.
From the movie The Princess Bride: "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
Top Tyrants & Their Titles. Idi Amin wanted to be called the Uncrowned King of Scotland, Kim Jong-il was the Dear Leader and Robert Mugabe wanted to be UN Leader of tourism. I am not comparing our dear leader to the likes of Mugabe, but both bad mouth the UK, free press, distroy their economies and intimidate voters…
I don't understand how these self-serving, self-indulgent asshats (clowns, buffoons, etc) can sit in there and make up laws to bolster themselves and their bank accounts, (think double dipping into OUR pensions) and that is okay??????
How do you give ANYONE that much power????
The constitution gave them all these perks and now they give themselves even more.
I am genuinely begging to know this.
And if the WBayers think it's okay, then it must be because it gives MB extra spondoolies to spread around for those 'gifts' and parties he's so famous for. So at the end of the day, WE are ALL paying for it.
I’ll just leave this here (again):
– It is better to deserve honors and not have them than to have them and not deserve them. – Mark Twain.
There should be a clause in there where they are stripped of their "honorable" title if they are dishonorably stripped of their position and forced to step down. Honor don't just need to be earned, but also maintained.
CNS can we have anothe comment button for "shake you head", each time I open your website and read some of the stories, it is all I feel able to do anymore. Over the last few weeks this place has become a depressing place to live, there is such potential to regain the good times and those "in charge" just don't get it.
Some are certainly worthy but for for some of the others what a waste of good paper.Farsical comes to mind.
Why just honourable, why not Supreme Leader, Dear Leader, Eternal Premiere of the Cayman Islands? I'm sure one of those would be more suitable.
I don't refer to, nor address these egotistical morons as honorable while in office why would I address them as such after they are out of office. They screwed us while there, now they have the balls to want us to refer to them as "HONORABLE". I have two words that I love to use when addressing people of their ilk! "GREEDY BAST..DS"
Dear happy days,
I don't either!
Regards, R.U.K.
P.S. I think it is O.K. to use "GREEDY BASTARDS" in this instance
Perhaps putting things in terms to which the Premier may relate may help, "For I know not to give flattering titles; In so doing my maker would soon take me way." Job 32:22 for God (Christian)
Repeal this sh!t
Maybe he won a gold medal for Cayman and broke world records at the Olympics and deserves to be called Honorable like Usain Bolt? XXXX this could be another of his secrets we know nothing about.
Kurt did the honourable thing by not attending Mac's self-serving ceremony.
Its the only way mac can get to be called honorable after the next election as he is finished in politics as are his cronies.
For eternity
Personally, I don't think this new honour goes far enough. I think that, in order properly to demonstrate our respect and reverence for our esteemed Premier, and to convey our gratitude at our good fortune to be ruled by one so wise and sagacious, we should adopt a new form of protocol. I humbly and respectfully offer the following suggestions.
When approaching the Premier, one must kowtow (kneel and place your head to the floor) before him three times.
No person may sit in the Premier's presence.
It will henceforth be a crime to refer to the Premier by his given name. He should be referred to by his full title "The Sublime and Honourable Premier, the Son of Heaven, the Lord of Ten Thousand Years, the Divine Highness"
It shall not be necessary, save at formal state functions, to refer to the Premier's other titles, such as Lord High Admiral of the Caymanian Fleet, Field Marshal of the Caymanian Defence Force, Duke of Grand Cayman, and Hereditary Giver of the Fridge.
The Premier's arrival at any function shall be marked by the firing of a 31-gun salute, and the playing of the national anthem
A pair of comely maidens shall walk before the Premier at all times and strew the ground with rose petals for him to walk on. (Entrants for each year's Miss Teen Cayman could fulfil this role)
I think taken together these measures would go a long way to bolstering the Honourable and Esteemed Premier's sense of self-worth from its present woeful state.
My God, JTB! Don't give him any more ideas!!!
I think the British system of referring to persons as Her/His Majesty and Lord this and that helps to engender this sort of behavior by self-serving politicians.
To the author/writer of the post tilte copied below- I say to you, that your an individual of integrity, of sound mind and thinking and a realist. I agree that there are a few other names that can be added, but I concur with you that you have made your well thought out and eloquently put point. May I add though, that TRUE nation building is defined by the works that these gentlemen (and ladies- Miss Annie) did to make the Cayman Islands what it is today. May I suggest to DART that as part of his For Cayman Alliance- he show true affection for Cayman and begin by naming some of his projects/developments after these worthy people who will not gain no financial reward but will gain the notiriety they so truly deserve. that is my definition of TRUE NATION BUILDING
How about bestowing this
This just puts the cherry on top of the egotistical show of ignorance that this Premier has put on.
"Screw non-Caymanians"
"Burn the Island Down"
"Call me Honourable forever, even after I die"
The SOB probably can't even spell honourable without spell check!!!!!
Absolutely disgusting! Can't produce a budget, but happily pat themselves on the back with worthless award, that only a few will even care about. Well MB this is one Caymanian who will NEVER address you as honourable. It has to be earned and you have not done that.
Is this Cayman's 'Age of Endarkenment, to borrow words from Stephen Colbert? You can call a donkey a horse, but it remains a donkey.
Or you can call a bribe a consultancy fee, but it is still a bribe.
Or a bribe a "real estate bill"… yet it still remains a bribe.
why stop at Honorable? Why not "Awesome" or "Legendary"? or for that matter "Handsome", "Brave" or "Well Dressed"?
Just as long as they remember that forcing people to say it won't make it so.
Add "Skinny" as well, so that they don't have to risk surgery to maintain their figure. Maybe even borrow a law for Zimbabwe that would make insulting the premier a crime.
What a load of crap!
They can call themselves what they want, but personally I'd rather continue to call them (and particularly the Premier) something else…. which is slightly unsavoury (but nevertheless true) and would be censored should I post it here on CNS.
The word "Honourable" is now a meaningless adjective for people in Cayman.
It is now a waste of ink on correspondence and government brochures.
We will all now be required to bow and chant to the Honourable Honourables
We're not worthy…
We're not worthy…
We're not worthy…
Meaningless, self-aggrandising banana-republic nonsense. But more significantly, it shows what the Premier’s priorities really are. In the midst of financial chaos, he still has time to promote this foolishness because he thinks he deserves it. Such delusion is just another sign of a loosening grip on reality.
Spelled and pronounced "HONOURWOBBLE"!
Based on reading the news over the past year, Cayman has lurched from on self-inflicted crisis to the next, occasionally interrupted with moments of delusion ? Has the whole place gone nuts? Are they putting something in the water?
How about bestowing this honour on the TRUE political leaders of years ago. Politicians who got nothing for serving their country. Persons who worked through mosquitos, no electricity, no a/c. These are the people that need to be honoured. Our elected leaders of years ago who truly SERVED the country and not themselves. They were paid a pittance but did the work with honour, dignity, humility, honesty, morals and ethics. And should the powers that be now are left scratching their head wondering to whom I am referring, let me just name but a few politicians that should be so honoured: Jim Bodden, Haig Bodden, Willie Farrington, Ormond Panton, Benson Ebanks, Vassel Johnson, Claude Hill, Ira Walton, Eldon Kirkconnell, Warren Connolly, Craddock Ebanks, Keith Tibbetts and the list goes on. I accept that the list could include a few more, but I know that I have gotten my point across. I put it forward that NO and I repeat NO politician in the last 20 years- should get this "holy" award over persons such as those listed above. For far too long now, we have forgotten the TRUE nation builders and it is time to change this NOW!!!!!!!!
I think that a special Stan Thomas long serving award is also due.
That would probably only involve a cash prize.
That award costs 20k.
Come on folks, the man has set some astonishing records. No other leader of our country has ever in our history had three police investigations hanging over his head for years. The man is an absolute genius. Or something.
Fiddling while Cayman burns.
The Good Lord saw Mr. Bush to the helm of our country and what an amazing job he is doing! Lead us into the bright future my Dear Premiere! This man can do no worng!
Is that short for Yes to two million and a new fridge?
According to the Bible drugs are bad, you should stop using them.
Too bad you don't even know how to spell Premier
You have just earned yourself another new fridge
One can no more legislate against dishonorableness than one can legislate against stupidity.
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,, heh, heh…thanks for the entertainment….
This is NOT funny.
Great! Now "Honorable" is a cuss word when used in Grand Cayman.
What a load of self-serving crap! I think Mr. Bush realize that he more than likely will not be getting back into Government come next election and this "honour" was mostly to stroke his own ego but he thought that to not make that so obvious he would confer it on all these other people. The Caymanian people are not as stupid as you look Mr. Bush and I certainly will not be referring to you as honourable anything. I can barely get the words "Premier" out when referring to you.
My mama always told me that you can't buy respect, you can't steal it and you certainly can't con people into giving it to you, you have to EARN it! Mr. Bush has not earned my respect.
I also believe we are the only island/country in the world that has a living national "hero"!
There is a reason that national heros are recognized posthumously.
Similarly in this situation and particular with all these investigations in Mr. Bush I would be hesitant to bestow "Honourable" on him.
Why don't you bet your house and car on it, the Hon. Premier will be elected to the LA as long as he is willing to run. Absolutely no! The majority of West Bayers will continue to vote for him so don't go hating on the man if you want him out so bad then run against him. Run hater Run!
West Bay and Mac will be the only rteason for this country's downfall. A Republic full of morons lead by a super moron.
Is that you "Your Honourwobble, Your Excellency, President for Life, MacKeeva Bush, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas and Conqueror of the British Empire in the West Indies in General and the Cayman Islands in Particular"?
This is what is what is known as being stunningly and embarrassingly full of shit!
I had to laugh at some of the comments….utterly delusional.
1. "Connor said the eternal honour is one of a number of initiatives introduced by McKeeva Bush to recognise those who have given notable service."
Hahaha! That's s good one…."notable service". What "notable service"? More like notable disservice and notable screw ups.
2. "Connor also praised the premier for expanding government’s summer internship programme, which enables young Caymanians to gain work experience and learn about how government functions."
It just keeps on getting better! The CIG is a prime example of how a Government should NOT function.
3. "Expressing his appreciation for the dedication to country shown by the recipients of his new lifetime and beyond honour, Bush said it was an acknowledgment of hard work and diligent attention to the onerous tasks of high office."
This is a freaking good one! (a) Hard work? No risk of that in CIG. (b) Diligent attention: Yeah, like the Budget, right? (c) Acknowledgment of high office etc: I beleive that is what your fat cat salary is for, Mr Premier.
Gosh, I could go on forever…..thanks for the comic relief, CNS.
Shame they they will have to remove the glass or perspex from the frame before certain "honorable" members are transferred to cellblock b next year…
OMG… Commissioner Baines – lock this man up please!
He's delusional!!
This self-serving crap will be undone as soon as the new government takes over in 2013!!!
Who gives a s**t, Run the country like a dumbazz and you get to be called honorable forever… stupes they would always be a bunch of clowns to me
Why don’t they award themselves Victoria Crosses while they’re at ! Why do so many Caymanians have to have their egos stroked constantly? It is immature and pathetic in the extreme.
Please don't attribute this behaviour to Caymanians in general. I don't see how MB's silliness gets to be "so many Caymanians".
Wasn't Mac born in Jamaica? Can we deport him?
He doesn't have enough criminal investigations for that yet.
Why do people like you insist on calling McKeeva Bush so many Caymanians? If he could be considered one decent Caymanian we'd all have a lot to be thankful for..
Sorry, what?
Damn right you are.
It's not a Caymanian thing, it's a pathological thing.
We can't get a BUDGET passed but this embarrassment to us all has time to do this.
And it will be our fault that the international press catches on to the fact that a leader in the financial industry (the islands, not Mac) cannot produce a budget, is broke, has nothing in place to cut expenditure, yet finds the time and priority to make sure that all leaders (Moron Posse) are called Honourable for the all eternity.
UNBELIEVABLE! What a bunch of selfish, egotistical & greedy punks. At a time like this all they can think about is themselves!
How in the future can we possibly refer to an inmate at Northward prison, no matter who it is, as Honorable? What a self-praising Dictator we have!
A truly shocking and revolting display of humanity at it's worst.
You really couldn't make it up …
Mary Lawrence, whose idea of "honourably" fulfilling her office is to exclude the press from scrutingising democracy.
McKeeva Bush, who is so honourable he is the subject of numerous corruption investigations.
An honour that you award to yourself is worthless, and merely demans the holder.
This in itself is absolutely bloody crazy. When they start acting Honourable then they'll be treated as such.
“I am elated that today we are continuing on this path of bolstering our collective self-worth,”
But that is all you do – bolster your own self-worth. We the people, and moreso our budget could do with a little bit of bolstering if you don't mind.
more like bolstering his bank account
More waste of money and time