People urged to report lone dolphin sightings

| 02/10/2012

dolphin.JPGCNS): As three dolphin experts landed on Grand Cayman Tuesday from the United States the Department of Environment urged people to call in any sightings of the lone male bottlenose dolphin, now known as 'Stinky'. The three marine experts — a vet from Seaworld and two marine mammal biologists from NOAA — are visiting the Cayman Islands to help the DoE in its goal to find a long term solution for the dolphin, which is becoming increasingly aggressive and problematic as it attempts to mate with anything that moves. The public can call 949-8469 and boaters can use VHF Channel 16 to let the DoE know where the dolphin was spotted.

As the experts are only here until Friday, theDoE wants to ensure that the visitors make the most of their short time here and study the behaviour of Stinky as much as possible.

For more details on the visit see related article:

Dolphin experts heading for CI

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