Members of US House Science Committee mocked

| 10/10/2012

RachelMaddow2011_p.jpg(Huffington Post): Rachel Maddow ripped Republican members of the House Science Committee on her Tuesday MSNBC show, contrasting their science-related comments to the scientists who won the Nobel Peace Prize. Maddow's producers played a clip of Rep. Paul Broun telling supporters that evolution and the big bang theory "are lies straight from the pit of hell." Broun is a member of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology. "This is a person who is actively involved in shaping science policy in America," Maddow said. She pointed out that Rep. Todd Akin also serves as a Republican member of the House Committee on Science. Akin caused a firestorm for saying that in cases of "legitimate rape, the female body has ways to shut the whole thing down."

Representative Dana Rohrabacher is also on the committee. According to Maddow, Rohrabacher once suggested that temperature fluctuations on earth million's of years ago were due to dinosaurs flatulence.

"Today, the Nobel Prize committee awarded scientists for discoveries in physics, tomorrow they'll award scientists in chemistry. Meanwhile our American elected federal officials on the Republican side of the House Committee on Science will keep our nation on the cutting edge on scientific and technological breakthroughs through the magic of farting and the pits of hell," Maddow said.

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