Power returns after lightening hits lines

| 15/10/2012

lightning_28148.jpg(CNS): Updated 11:40am — Impressive electrical storms across Grand Cayman may provide a great free light show but they caused trouble for the local power company. Customers in parts of George Town, Prospect, Frank Sound, Rum Point, East End, Bodden Town and Savannah were without power from about 4am today following suspected multiple lightning strikes that affected the CUC transmission system. Customers served by the Rum Point, Frank Sound, Bodden Town and Prospect substations were affected. Power was restored to all customers by 6:10am. CUC sincerely apologizes for the inconvenience these outages may have caused.

Thunderstorms have been behind a number of power failures recently that has also affected the TV station as well as CUC.

However, the firm has also had cause to cut power on a rolling basis recently as a result of maintenance issues which have since been addressed. According to the local weather services further thunderstorms are forecast for the next three days.


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  1. Anonymous says:

    Don't get me started on CUC….!!!  Do you ever hear them speaking about compensation for the inconvenience caused, a reduction in our charge?  No….  4am, I was stood in the shower when the lights went out, so there I was standing in pitch blackness….!!!  To say I was not happy, would be a gross understatement!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Keep in mind if they do insure the cost of that insurance will be reflected in our bills. Like they say " there is no free ride!"

    • Anonymous says:

      lol. There is a slight reduction – you don't pay for consuming electricity while the power is out.

    • Anonymous says:

      FYI – if you notice the "inconvenience" was actually caused by lightening not by CUC.  Maybe you should direct your frustration and unhappiness about standing in a pitch black shower at God instead and ask Him for a refund or compensation. It makes just as much sense as blaming the power company for an act of nature….. Just saying! 

  2. Bill Payer says:

    CUC provides us with an excellent service in difficult circumstances.  Those who want cheaper other services better be careful what you wish for because with those services might come a third world power supply.

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh dear 08.19, clearly you had no coffee this morning.

      But on one point you are absolutely correct, compared to other Caribbean islands the service here is much better, so yes we should be thankful. But the cost?????

      And why has it taken so long for the alternate energy systems to come in, such as sun power,  which there is still no where near enough of..why are we importing so much gas at such a high price?


      It is improving, but will it result in cost reduction?? Doubt it..interests within interests. Once again, little or no transparency…


      • Anonymous says:

        Anon 1219 they waited until the country had negotiated a grant with the EU for a weather radar then pretended to want wind energy which they knew would not work well with the radar.

    • Local says:

      I hope CUC has its stuff insured – cause the people can't afford another $13 million dollar bailout like what the PPM gave them after hurricane IVAN.

      • Anonymous says:

        I wish people would learn the facts instead of repeating this nonsense. CUC was not "bailed out". CUC were entitled to a 9.5% increase which would have been PERMANENTLY embedded in rates and instead the govt. negotiated a 4.7% TEMPORARY surcharge.

        There are certain parts of CUC's infrastructure which are not insurable or if they are it will be at prohibitive rates which obviously the consumer ultimately pays for. Would you prefer to pay for insurance that you may never need? There is no free lunch.  

        • Local says:

          Ok – so CUC gave up a permanent 9.5% increase and accepted a temporary 4.7%

          Ok, now we understand the hogwash your selling.